retrofit 2 post - getting internal server error (500) - retrofit

I'm trying to use retrofit2 with Koltin in Android Studio as part of jetpack compose application. I'm sending a POST and keep getting error 500. I don't have access to the server code so I'm trying to figure out what am I doing wrong.
This is the interface I have declared for building the retrofit object:
I tried three different ways of declaring the POST endpoint.
interface IsrPayService {
#Headers ("Content-Type: application/json")
suspend fun signUp(#Body user: UserDriver): Call\<WsError?\>
#Headers (
"Content-Type: application/json",
"Accept: application/json")
suspend fun signup2(#Body user: UserDriver): retrofit2.Response<WsError>
suspend fun signupUrlEncoded(
#Field("firstName") firstName: String,
#Field("lastName") lastName: String): retrofit2.Response<WsError>
The data I am trying to send is UserDriver and I declared all the internal data classes below:
data class UserDriver(
#SerializedName("firstName") val firstName: String = "default",
#SerializedName("lastName") val lastName: String = "default",
#SerializedName("civilId") val civilId: String = "default",
#SerializedName("vehicleLicensingNumber") val vehicleLicensingNumber: String = "default",
#SerializedName("vehicleManufacturer") val vehicleManufacturer: String = "default",
#SerializedName("vehicleModel") val vehicleModel: String = "default",
#SerializedName("vehicleManufactureYear") val vehicleManufactureYear: String = "1973",
#SerializedName("counterModel") val counterModel: String = "default",
#SerializedName("authorizedEmployerNumber") val authorizedEmployerNumber: String = "default",
#SerializedName("bankAccountId") val bankAccountId: String = "default",
#SerializedName("bankAccountBranch") val bankAccountBranch: Int = 0,
#SerializedName("bankId") val bankId:Int = 123456,
#SerializedName("email") val email: String = "default",
#SerializedName("dob") val dob: DateIndicator = DateIndicator(date = 3, month = 4, year = 2023),
#SerializedName("address") val address: Address = Address (Coordinates(0,0),"מודיעין","טשרניחובסקי","12"),
#SerializedName("phoneNumber") val phoneNumber: String = "default",
#SerializedName("driverLicenseId") val driverLicenseId: Int = 0,
#SerializedName("civilIdPhoto") val civilIdPhoto: String = "default",
#SerializedName("driverLicensePhoto") val driverLicensePhoto: String = "default",
#SerializedName("signaturePhoto") val signaturePhoto: String = "default"
data class DateIndicator(
val date: Int,
val month: Int,
val year: Int
I think #Expose is not required but tried it just in case..
data class Address (
val coordinates: Coordinates,
val city: String,
val street: String,
val number: String
data class Coordinates (
val latitude: Int,
val longitude: Int
I tried to methods of getting the response:
suspend fun driverSignUp(user: UserDriver, onResult: (WsError?) -> Unit) {
try {
ws.signUp(user = user). enqueue (
object: Callback<WsError?> {
override fun onResponse(call: Call<WsError?>, response: Response<WsError?>) {
"onResponse: response.isSuccessful = ${response.isSuccessful}")
var wsError: WsError? = null
wsError = if(!response.isSuccessful){
body = "",
isError = true,
error = yz.learning.isrpaytest.model.Error(
errorCode = response.code(),
errorMessage = ErrorMessage(
enUs = response.message(),
heIl = response.message())))
} else {
override fun onFailure(call: Call<WsError?>, t: Throwable) {
Log.d("driverSignUp", "onFailure: ")
} catch (exception: Exception) {
Log.d("driverSignUp", "driverSignUp exception: ${exception.message}")
body = "",
isError = true,
error = yz.learning.isrpaytest.model.Error(
errorCode = 0,
errorMessage = ErrorMessage(
enUs = exception.message!!,
heIl = exception.message!!)))
suspend fun driverSignUp2(user: UserDriver): retrofit2.Response<WsError>{
return ws.signup2(user)
I don't understand why I keep getting Internal server error. I have a feeling I have to send the data as a JSON string and not as an Object but as far as I understand this is supposed to be automatically using the gson converter, no?
I can try a simpler endpoint, but I think I will end up with the same problem.
I will appreciate any help since I'm stuck with this issue for a couple of days.


I found error in kotlin java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid data. Unsupported type: com.scrollupstudio.projemanag.models.Task

I found an error in kotlin when I update data on Cloud Firestore:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid data. Unsupported type: com.scrollupstudio.projemanag.models.Task
at com.scrollupstudio.projemanag.firebase.FirestoreClass.addUpdateTaskList(FirestoreClass.kt:155)
at com.scrollupstudio.projemanag.activities.TaskListActivity.createTaskList(TaskListActivity.kt:63)
at com.scrollupstudio.projemanag.adapters.TaskListItemAdapter$onBindViewHolder$3.onClick(TaskListItemAdapter.kt:63)
This is the code error on update(taskListHashMap)
fun addUpdateTaskList(activity: TaskListActivity, board: Board){
val taskListHashMap = HashMap<String, Any>()
taskListHashMap[Constants.TASK_LIST] = board.taskList
Log.d("FirestoreClass", "id : ${board.documentId} dengan ini : ${taskListHashMap.toString()}")
.addOnSuccessListener {
Log.e(activity.javaClass.simpleName, "TaskList update successfully")
.addOnFailureListener {
exception ->
Log.e(activity.javaClass.simpleName, "Error", exception)
This is my Board model:
data class Board(
val name: String = "",
val image: String = "",
val crearedBy: String = "",
val assignedTo: ArrayList<String> = ArrayList(),
var documentId: String = "",
var taskList: ArrayList<Task> = ArrayList()
): Parcelable
This is my Task model:
data class Task(
var title: String = "",
val createdBy: String = ""
): Parcelable

Corda - VaultQuery with aggregate SUM (field Double in MappedSchema)

I need to summarize a column of a state. I created a mappedSchema and defined the field as Double.
If I list the states, the values for that field are correct. But if I use builder::sum(), the value returns with rounding problems and more decimal places than it should.
Here are excerpts from the code:
data class ConsumerMeteringState(val metering : ConsumerMetering,
val meteringParticipants : List<AbstractParty> = listOf(),
override val linearId: UniqueIdentifier = UniqueIdentifier()) :
LinearState, QueryableState {
override val participants: List<AbstractParty> = meteringParticipants
override fun generateMappedObject(schema: MappedSchema): PersistentState {
return when (schema) {
is ConsumerMeteringSchemaV1 -> ConsumerMeteringSchemaV1.PersistentConsumerMetering(
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognised schema $schema")
override fun supportedSchemas(): Iterable<MappedSchema> = listOf(ConsumerMeteringSchemaV1)
object ConsumerMeteringSchemaV1 : MappedSchema(
schemaFamily = ConsumerMeteringSchema.javaClass,
version = 1,
mappedTypes = listOf( {
#Table(name = "consumer_metering_states")
class PersistentConsumerMetering(
#Column(name = "date_time_ini")
var dateTimeIni: Instant,
#Column(name = "date_time_end")
var dateTimeEnd: Instant,
#Column(name = "quantity_kwh")
var quantityKwh: Double,
#Column(name = "linear_id")
var linearId: UUID
) : PersistentState() {
// Default constructor required by hibernate.
constructor(): this(,, 0.0, UUID.randomUUID())
val criteriaAccount = QueryCriteria.VaultQueryCriteria(externalIds = listOf(accountId))
val sumQuantityKwh = builder { ConsumerMeteringSchemaV1
.PersistentConsumerMetering::quantityKwh.sum() }
val sumQuantityKwhCriteria = QueryCriteria.VaultCustomQueryCriteria(sumQuantityKwh)
serviceHub.vaultService.queryBy(contractStateType =,
criteria = criteriaAccount.and(sumQuantityKwhCriteria)).otherResults.singleOrNull()
States only (the values are OK):
[ConsumerMeteringState(metering=ConsumerMetering(dateTimeIni=2020-06-03T09:46:00Z, dateTimeEnd=2020-06-03T09:59:00Z, quantityKwh=10.55), meteringParticipants=[Anonymous(DL624i3ieTdLkPRBUvUgZnzn5jeG3Md2cvANt6sZNJiXwy), O=Distributor, L=Curitiba, C=BR], linearId=2e5009ad-56c3-4fed-ba36-deb0d48e668c), ConsumerMeteringState(metering=ConsumerMetering(dateTimeIni=2020-06-03T09:46:00Z, dateTimeEnd=2020-06-03T09:59:00Z, quantityKwh=50.18), meteringParticipants=[Anonymous(DLBep6kdDduaMKVrszQWa7N8i6YNnJLtA4WXsp4QmZiEjC), O=Distributor, L=Curitiba, C=BR], linearId=3b012984-676d-4e62-9b9f-1bb8158aaf4b)]
With builder sum:
I get the value 60.730000000000004
Why sum doesn't return 60.73 ?
It worked by changing the column type from Double to BigDecimal. It seems to be some question of precision of the Double type.
I did a test just by retrieving the states and making a simple sum of the quantityKwh (Double) field and the precision was already strange.
I didn't understand the reason for this behavior, but with BigDecimal it worked ok.

VaultCustomQueryCriteria for State in Corda

I am trying to query a state from vault without using the linear Id of the state and instead an Int(unique) variable present in Schema
val sNumber = AState.ASchemaV1.AEntity::SNumber
val QueryCriteria = QueryCriteria.VaultCustomQueryCriteria(sNumber.equal(SalesNumber))
val StateAndRef = serviceHub.vaultService.queryBy<AState>(QueryCriteria).states.single()
val outState =
The Query criteria is not throwing any error but I am also not getting any output but on debugging I got an error response
javax.persistence.PersistenceException: org.hibernate.InstantiationException: No default constructor for entity: AState.ASchemaV1.AEntity
but I have defined all the columns in the function. What am I missing?
Here is code for Schema
override fun supportedSchemas() = listOf(ASchemaV1)
override fun generateMappedObject(schema: MappedSchema) = ASchemaV1.AEntity(this)
object ASchemaV1 : MappedSchema(, 1, listOf( {
#Table(name = "Table")
class AEntity(A: AState) : PersistentState() {
var CONumber: String =
var SalesNumber: Int = A.SalesNumber
var ProductID: Int = A.ProductID
var Quantity: Int = A.Quantity
var Rate: Double = A.Rate
var DeliveryDate: Date = A.DeliveryDate
var DeliveryLocation: String = A.DeliveryLocation
var Status: String = A.Status.toString()
AState.ASchemaV1 is missing the constructor.
object ASchemaV1 : MappedSchema(, 1, listOf( {
#Table(name = "Table")
class AEntity(
var CONumber: String,
var SalesNumber: Int,
var ProductID: Int,
var Quantity: Int,
var Rate: Double,
var DeliveryDate: Date,
var DeliveryLocation: String,
var Status: String
): PersistentState() {
constructor(A: AState): this(, A.SalesNumber, A.ProductID, A.Quantity, A.Rate, A.DeliveryDate, A.DeliveryLocation, A.Status.toString())

Firestore update array field in a Document

I have a document like below, in my document, have a Array . in array have Objects. How can i update new object to an Array.
As you see below i can add document in a colletion wit an array, but when i tried to update it gives error
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid data. Unsupported type:
What i tried;
var pid = ""
btnAdd.setOnClickListener {
val list = ArrayList<Product>()
list.add(Product("u1", "1", 1))
list.add(Product("u2", "2", 1))
list.add(Product("u3", "3", 1))
val testObject = TestObject("Talha", "Kosen", list)
.addOnCompleteListener { task ->
pid =
btnUpdate.setOnClickListener {
val list = ArrayList<Product>()
list.add(Product("u1", "1", 1))
list.add(Product("u2", "2", 1))
list.add(Product("u3", "3", 1))
list.add(Product("u4", "4", 4))
.update("product", list)
class TestObject {
var name: String = ""
var surname: String = ""
lateinit var productList: List<Product>
constructor(name: String, surname: String, productList: List<Product>) { = name
this.surname = surname
this.productList = productList
class Product {
var imagePath: String = ""
var productUrl: String = ""
var brand: Int = 0
constructor(imagePath: String, productUrl: String, brand: Int) {
this.imagePath = imagePath
this.productUrl = productUrl
this.brand = brand
I have probably not the answer but this could help :
You try to update with an ArrayList but you store a List (in your TestObject)
Refer to the documentation to update fields in nested objects
It could be a good idea to store a collection in your TestObject document instead of a list ? You'll able to update easily your fields

Firebase #Exclude with kotlin data class

I have this data class in Kotlin (example):
data class User(val name: String = "", #Exclude val age: Int = 0)
And I don't want to save the age property in firebase. #Exclude should do this but it does not work, age is still saved.
Are there any workarounds?
Placing #Exclude on a property targets its generated field and not its generated get accesor method. To do the latter you'll need to prefix "Exclude" with "get:". e.g.:
data class User(val name: String = "", #get:Exclude val age: Int = 0)
See Annotation Use-site Targets for more details.
Actually you don't need to add only #get:Exclude but you need all 3 Exclude,
#Exclude #set:Exclude #get:Exclude.
I did it for imageUrl and providerId
data class FirebaseChatModel(
var message: String = "",
var type: Int = 1,
var senderId: Int = 0,
var receiverId: Int = 0,
#Exclude #set:Exclude #get:Exclude var imageUrl: String? = "",
#Exclude #set:Exclude #get:Exclude var providerId: Int = 0
