Next.js: undefined props in URLs set in the rewrites of next.config.js - next.js

Hello very good morning,
I'm building an App with Next.js and I'm facing the following problem.
I want to get the data rendered from the client on a page and I have the following:
// pages/news.jsx
export default function News ({ title }) {
console.log('title: ', title)
return <div>{title}</div>
export async function getServerSideProps () {
return {
props: {
title: 'hello!'
On the other hand, in the next.config.js, I have a 'rewrites', so that when using the URL 'es/noticias' it goes to '/news':
i18n: {
defaultLocale: 'en',
localeDetection: false
async rewrites () {
return [{"source":"/noticias", "destination":"/news"}]
NOTE: only he put the most important of the code.
The problem I find is that using the URL '/news' the 'title' props is always printed by console, both on the server and client side, but from the URL 'es/noticias' on the client side it always outputs 'undefined'.
This happens when I use the Link component, if I use an 'a' (anchor) it works, but I want to use the Link component.
Any ideas? Thank you!


How to use the same slug for different routes in Next.js? [duplicate]

I have quite a lot of routes defined and one of the routes is dedicated to user profiles.
Each user has a public profile accessible from HTTP://
I have tried creating file pages/#[username].js but it doesn't seem to work.
Is there a way to have this behavior without passing # sign with the username because this would greatly complicate index.js handling homepage and I would like to have that code separated.
You can now do this like so in next.config.js
module.exports = {
async rewrites() {
return [
source: '/#:username',
destination: '/users/:username'
This will make any link to /#username go to the /users/[username] file, even though the address bar will show /#username.
Then, in your /pages/[username].tsx file:
import { useRouter } from 'next/router'
export default function UserPage() {
const { query = {} } = useRouter()
return <div>User name is {query.username || 'missing'}</div>
Next.js does not support this yet.
You should watch this issue.

NextJS case insensitive route for SSG pages

I am using NextJS to translate a CSV of data into static pages. Each page is pages/[slug].jsx. I'm calling toLowerCase() on the slug value inside [slug].jsx getStaticPaths() and getStaticProps() functions. The generated pages are lowercase. e.g. /ab101, /ab102, /cc500 all resolve to the pages/[slug].jsx page.
Unfortunately, people might hand type the url and may use caps or mixed case for the slug value, currently resulting in a 404.
QUESTION: How can I make routing case insensitive with respect to the slug value?
When I return fallback: true from getStaticPaths(), my [slug].jsx file is hit even when there is not an exact path match. I can then check isFallback as illustrated by Anish Antony below.
Additionally, the items param that is passed to my page will be undefined when the page wasn't found. The router's pathname value is "/[slug]" and not the value of "slug". However, there is an asPath value which contains useful data, e.g. /mixedCaseSlug?param=value&foo=bar.
When the page renders, I check if it's a fallback. If it is, show a LOADING... message. Next will display that and call getStaticProps() to generate the "missing" page. You'll then re-render with the page data. In the event that getStaticProps couldn't get page data, I push a path that will lead to the built-in 404 page.
export default function Page({ item }) {
const { isFallback, push } = useRouter()
const hasPageData = item && Object.keys(item).length > 0
useEffect(() => {
if (!isFallback && !hasPageData) {
}, [isFallback, hasPageData])
const loadingMsg = <div>Loading...</div>
const notFoundMsg = <div>Page not found</div>
return isFallback ? loadingMsg : hasPageData ? <Item item={item} /> : notFoundMsg
I needed to update getStaticProps() to lowercase the slug param, as it may now be mixed case, but we want to find our page data. And I needed to allow for the case when there really is no data for the slug.
export async function getStaticProps({ params }) {
const { slug } = params
const item = data.find(o => o.Practice_Code.trim().toLowerCase() === slug.toLowerCase())
return {
props: {
item: item ? item : {}
This all seems very kludgy, so I'm still wondering if there is a better way.
NextJS routes are case sensitive.You can use fallback property in getStaticPaths to catch the routes which aren't in the same case as the one provided by default in getStaticPaths.
Edit: I have updated the answer based on the discussion with Dave.
We can give fallback:true or fallback:"blocking" , if we give fallback:true we we can show a custom component which will be displayed till the time page is loaded.For fallback:"blocking" new paths not returned by getStaticPaths will wait for the HTML to be generated,
When we give fallback:true or "blocking" static page will be generated when the user first access the site and the generated page will be served for further visits.
Sample code
export async function getStaticPaths() {
const idList = await fetchAllIds();
const paths = [
idList.forEach((id) => {paths.push(`/posts/${id}`)})
return { paths, fallback: true };
What we have note is our code in getStaticProps should be case insensitive to get the data irrespective of the one provided in url.
export async function getStaticProps({ params }) {
const { slug } = params;
try {
/// This fetch api should be able to fetch the data irrespective of the case of the slug
or we should convert it to the required case before passing it as a parameter to API
const data= await fetchSlugDetails(slug);
//Same logic should be performed if you are getting data filtered based on slug from an existing array.
return data? { props: { data} } : { notFound: true };
} catch (error) {
return { notFound: true };
Note: You have to handle the notfound case and fallback case if you are using fallback:true. For fallback you can get the value isFallback from next/router while the page is being static generated

getStaticPath and the need for filetype in the URL

In /pages I have [page].js and index.js.
[page].js generate needed Pages by the Value of "CustomPage". It's content comes from an Data-JSON-File.
It work like expected, as long as I start on the Homepage and use links inside of my Webpage.
For example I have 2 Pages for now: /impressum and /datenschutz.
So clicking the link "Impressum" open (and it work, BUT notice, there is no .html at the end).
BUT, if I refresh the page, or type directly in the addressbar of the browser, I got an not found error (from nginx-server, not from next!).
Second try
As I need a fully static page and I've added getStaticPath and getStaticProps in the file for testing purposes, so that "real" html-files will be created:
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
import Index from './index';
import config from '../content/config.yml';
import CustomPage from '../src/components/CustomPage';
const RoutingPage = () => {
const { customPages } = config;
const router = useRouter();
const { page } = router.query;
const findMatches = (requestedPage) =>
customPages.find((customPage) => === requestedPage) ||
const customPageData = findMatches(page);
if (customPageData !== false) {
return <CustomPage pageContext={customPageData} />;
return page === 'index' ? (
<Index page={page} />
) : (
<p style={{ marginTop: '250px' }}>whats up {page}</p>
export async function getStaticPaths() {
return {
paths: [
{ params: { page: 'impressum' } },
{ params: { page: 'datenschutz' } },
fallback: false, // See the "fallback" section below
export async function getStaticProps({ params }) {
return { props: { page: } };
export default RoutingPage;
This generates the single pages as real html-files:
But this lead me to the next issue:
I've implemented internal Links in the Webpage like this:
which still lead a user to, now additionally there is available. From SEO perspective, this are two different paths.
How do I get them unified, so that I have only one path - regardles of whether if I open it from within my Webpage, or enter it directly.
Workaround Idea (??)
Sure, I could everywhere use something like:
<Link href={`/${}.html`}>
But this only work if the Page is exported and copied to the Server. For next dev and next start this won't work, because the .html-File don't exist.... and so I'll lost the "page preview" while working at the page.
So only Idea I have is to set an ENV-Variable for .env.development & .env.production and encapsulate the -Component from NEXT in a HOC.
In that HOC I could check if I'm currently in dev or prod and don't use .html for those links... otherwise add the .html to the link.
What YOU say about this. Do you have any other solution?
I don't know if it's state of the art, but as little workaround I did this:
I place the next/link-Component in a HOC and check if it's run on development or production (process.env.NODE_ENV):
import React from 'react';
import Link from 'next/link';
const LinkHoc = (props) => {
const { as, href, children } = props;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
return (
as={as ? `${as}.html` : ''}
href={href ? `${href}.html` : ''}
return <Link {...props}>{children}</Link>;
export default LinkHoc;
With this workaround you get links in DEV and in production.
Only thing what to do at least is to rename the JSON-Files for the generated pages.
They are in /out/_next/data/XYZranadomString/.
They are named like impressum.json and you need to rename it to impressum.html.json to fix the 404 error on clientside for this files.
Would love to see a better Solution, so if you have any suggestions, please let me know!

Adding prefix to Nextjs dynamic route

I have quite a lot of routes defined and one of the routes is dedicated to user profiles.
Each user has a public profile accessible from HTTP://
I have tried creating file pages/#[username].js but it doesn't seem to work.
Is there a way to have this behavior without passing # sign with the username because this would greatly complicate index.js handling homepage and I would like to have that code separated.
You can now do this like so in next.config.js
module.exports = {
async rewrites() {
return [
source: '/#:username',
destination: '/users/:username'
This will make any link to /#username go to the /users/[username] file, even though the address bar will show /#username.
Then, in your /pages/[username].tsx file:
import { useRouter } from 'next/router'
export default function UserPage() {
const { query = {} } = useRouter()
return <div>User name is {query.username || 'missing'}</div>
Next.js does not support this yet.
You should watch this issue.

Can anyone help implementing Nuxt.js Google Tag Manager with function based id

I installed and add this code to my nuxt.config.js and it works perfectly fine. (Link to package)
modules: [
['#nuxtjs/google-tag-manager', { id: 'GTM-XXXXXXX' }],
Now I am trying to implement instead of a static ID a function which will return an ID.
I tried to add this lines into my nuxt.config. js but it is not working. Obviously I have to put it somewhere else or so...
This is what I tried
const code = '1234567'
id: () => {
return 'GTM-' + code
export default {
modules: [
['#nuxtjs/google-tag-manager', { id: id }],
What would be the correct way implementing this?
I would like to do something like that at the end.
modules: [
['#nuxtjs/google-tag-manager', {
id: ({ req }) => {
if (req.headers.referer == "")
return 'GTM-156'
if (req.headers.referer == "")
return 'GTM-24424'
if (req.headers.referer == "")
return 'GTM-2424'
I solved my problem by rewriting the whole module. It is not possible to use this Module because it is loaded only on build time. I rewrote the module and moved the code into nuxtServerInit.
nuxtServerInit is called on each request (modules only onetime). In the request I asked from which domain the request is coming. Depending on the domain I add different google-tag-manager id's to the head and the plugin.
From package docs:
modules: [
['#nuxtjs/google-tag-manager', {
id: () => {
return axios.get('')
.then(({ data }) => {
return data.gtm_id
You can use process.env.NODE_ENV inside function which will return an ID
Edit 1
To put the gtm id, depending on req.headers.referer you need to provide context to the function returning the id. This can be done in middleware
See how it works here
Edit 2
As far as I understand your question, it will not work to have a query context in the config.
Look at i18n middleware: request.locale - > store - > update modules (router, vuetify, moment, etc.)
export default function ({ app, store }) {
// app.$gtm contains id, you can set another from store
don't forget to add middleware to the page
export default {
middleware: ['gtm']
