Default value is not passed to prop - vuejs3

The code below should display my prop default value ("test") since it received no other value. Yet it displays nothing. Why not?
{{ propValue }}
<script setup lang="ts">
import { defineProps } from "vue"
const props = defineProps<{
myProp: {
type: string
default: "test"
const propValue = props.myProp

There are two reasons why.
When you use props with TypeScript you lose the ability to set default values, but it can be fixed using the withDefaults macro (you also need to separately declare a Props interface). Side note: I would not use the alternative experimental "Reactivity Transform" solution noted in the docs (it's being removed soon)
export interface Props {
myProp?: string;
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<Props>(), {
myProp: 'test'
This one isn't actually strictly necessary, but props is a reactive object, and when you assign a single property of props to a new variable, the reactivity breaks. In order to maintain reactivity and stay synced with any future changes to props, use the toRef function
const propValue = toRef(props, 'myProp');
and be sure to import it: import { defineProps, toRef } from 'vue';


Vue - using props on custom elements fails using createApp and mount?

We would like to pass props to custom elements that uses createApp
// index.html
<div id="my-root">
<my-element prop1="abc"></my-element>
// my-element.vue
<script lang="ts" setup>
const props = defineProps<{ prop1: number }>();
This works fine, but as our custome element get bigger we would like to register components and use e.g pinia and other tools. Do use those we need to add createApp and mount it. But then prop1 is always undefined
// main.ts
import ...<lots of imports>
import AppCe from "./AppWebComponent.ce.vue";
import { createPinia } from "pinia";
// Adding code below is causing prop1 to be undefined - if we skip this part, prop1 works fine
const pinia = createPinia();
const app = createApp(App);
app.component(...<lots of components>);
const ceApp = defineCustomElement(AppCe);
customElements.define("my-element", ceApp);
Here's a sample without:
And here's a sample with the createApp:
Any idea on how we could solve this?
We have a fallback, that is to do a getElementById and read the attribute value in the mounted callback - but that is not an optimal solution.
Thanks for any ideas!
Here's an attempt using #duannex suggestion. We're getting closer, the app is availible, components registered, but still no sigar. :
Based on update2 with the wrapped defineCustomElement; Just pass the props to the render function:
render() {
return h(component, this.$props)

Font Awesome 6 (beta) and dynamic icon name in Next JS

I am developing a website with Next JS. This is the first time I use this language and I still have a lot to learn.
Now, I have a Pro subscription to Font Awesome and I am looking to use their component directly in my project, as described in their guides.
Basically, just using a component like this:
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={brands("google")} />
It works.
The problem, which I can't solve, is how to set the "google" value dynamically, in a previously initialized variable. I need that because this values are coming dynamically from a database.
If I try:
var example = "google";
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={brands(example)} />
Then I receive this error: "Only string literals are supported when referencing icons (use a string here instead)".
Anyone have any ideas?
The way you import your icons uses a babel macro. It means that the referenced icon must be known at build time. It just won't work, because Babel can't figure out what icon should be imported, it can only be done during runtime. That's why it tells you that only string literals are supported.
So you need to use the second method, explained in the docs. You have to have some kind of mapping between icon and the value from DB and then grab the relevant icon. Something like this:
// not sure about exact import
import { faGoogle } from '#fortawesome/free-brand-svg-icons';
// you'd put all valid values that can come from the backend here
const myIcons = {
google: faGoogle
// ...
const example = 'google';
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={myIcons[example]} />
The other option is to use library.add, explained here and then do the same as above but instead of imported icon use a string, e.g. google: 'fa-brands fa-google' (again, not sure about exact value here).
Would the following work?
var example = ['fab', 'google'];
<FontAwesomeIcon icon={example} />
P.S. It is recommended to use the let or const keywords with ES6.
// Utils
const UpperFirst = (sentence) => {
if (!sentence || (typeof sentence !== 'string')) return null
return `${sentence.charAt(0).toUpperCase()}${sentence.slice(1)}`
// React Generic Component
import React from 'react'
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '#fortawesome/react-fontawesome'
import * as solid from '#fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'
import * as regular from '#fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons'
import { UpperFirst } from '#utils'
const GenFontAwe = ({ isReg, customClass, nameIco }) => {
if (!nameIco) return null
const finalName = nameIco.split('-').map((cv, ind) => ind === 0 ? cv : UpperFirst(cv)).join('')
const finalIcon = isReg ? regular[finalName] : solid[finalName]
if(!finalIcon) return null
return <FontAwesomeIcon icon={finalIcon} className={customClass || ''} />
export default GenFontAwe
// Consume that way:
<GenFontAwe nameIco='fa-folder-open' isReg customClass="h1 p-5" />

Meteor and withTracker: why is a component rendered twice?

I have created a bare-bones Meteor app, using React. It uses the three files shown below (and no others) in a folder called client. In the Console, the App prints out:
props {} {}
state null null
In other words, the App component is rendered twice. The last two lines of output indicate that neither this.props nor this.state changed between renders.
<div id="react-target"></div>
import React from 'react'
import { render } from 'react-dom'
import App from './App.jsx'
Meteor.startup(() => {
render(<App/>, document.getElementById('react-target'));
import React from 'react'
import { withTracker } from 'meteor/react-meteor-data'
class App extends React.Component {
render() {
return "Rendered"
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
console.log("props", prevProps, this.props)
console.log("state", prevState, this.state)
export default withTracker(() => {
If I change App.jsx to the following (removing the withTracker wrapper), then the App prints only rendering to the Console, and it only does this once.
import React from 'react'
import { withTracker } from 'meteor/react-meteor-data'
export default class App extends React.Component {
render() {
return "Rendered"
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
console.log(prevProps, this.props)
console.log(prevState, this.state)
What is withTracker doing that triggers this second render? Since I cannot prevent it from occurring, can I be sure that any component that uses withTracker will always render twice?
Context: In my real project, I use withTracker to read data from a MongoDB collection, but I want my component to reveal that data only after a props change triggers the component to rerender. I thought that it would be enough to set a flag after the first render, but it seems that I need to do something more complex.
This a "feature", and it's not restricted to Meteor. It's a feature of asynchronous javascript. Data coming from the database arrives after a delay, no matter how quick your server is.
Your page will render immediately, and then again when the data arrives. Your code needs to allow for that.
One way to achieve this is to use an intermediate component (which can display "Loading" until the data arrives). Let's say that you have a component called List, which is going to display your data from a mongo collection called MyThings
const Loading = (props) => {
if (props.loading) return <div>Loading...</div>
return <List {...props}></List>
export default withTracker((props) => {
const subsHandle = Meteor.subscribe('all.myThings')
return {
items: MyThings.find({}).fetch(),
loading: !subsHandle.ready(),
It also means that your List component will only ever be rendered with data, so it can use the props for the initial state, and you can set the PropTypes to be isRequired
I hope that helps
Unsure if you're running into the same error I discovered, or if this is just standard React behavior that you're coming into here as suggested by other answers, but:
When running an older (0.2.x) version of react-meteor-data on the 2.0 Meteor, I was seeing two sets of distinct renders, one of which was missing crucial props and causing issues with server publications due to the missing data. Consider the following:
// ./main.js
const withSomethingCount = (C) => (props) => <C { ...props } count={ ... } />
const withPagination = (C) => (props) => <C { ...props } pagination={ ... } />
const withSomething = withTracker((props) => {
console.log('withSomething:', props);
// Assume we're rending a "Hello, World" component here.
export const SomeComponent = withSomethingCount(withPagination(withSomething(...)));
// Console
withSomething: { count: 0 }
withSomething: { count: 0, pagination: { ... } }
withSomething: { count: 0 }
withSomething: { count: 0, pagination: { ... } }
For whatever reason, I was seeing not only N render calls but I was seeing N render calls that were missing properties in a duplicate manner. For those reading this and wonder, there was one and only one use of the component, one and only one use of the withTracker HoC, the parent HoCs had no logic that would cause conditional passing of props.
Unfortunately, I have not discovered a root-cause of the bug. However, creating a fresh Meteor application and moving the code over was the only solution which removed the bug. An in-place update of the Meteor application (2.0 to 2.1) and dependencies DID NOT solve the issue... however a fresh installation and running a git mv client imports server did solve my problems.
I've regrettably had to chalk this up to some form of drift due to subsequent Meteor updates over the two years of development.

Add a class to react-day-picker?

How can I add a class to react-day-picker's today button?
It seems to be possible from the documentation:
const dayPickerClassNames = { todayButton: 'newClass' };
However Im getting an error:
Warning: Failed prop type: The prop `` is marked as required in `DayPicker`, but its value is `undefined`.
According to the API, it expects the following keys (ie, it needs the container, wrapper, .. months.. month.. day.. etc. keys), but you are only providing the todayButton key/value, apparently you need to provide each key/value pair.
You should be able to import the default classNames object, and then just update the todayButton value like so:
import classNames from '../classNames' // this path is probably not correct
const dayPickerClassNames = { ...classNames, todayButton: 'newClass' };
const defaultClassNames = DayPicker.defaultProps.classNames,
newClassNames = { ...datePickerClassNames,
container: `${defaultClassNames.container} MY_CONTAINER`
<DayPicker classNames={dayPickerClassNames}/>
I'd recommend appending the default class with your own as in the example above the default container class appended with MY_CONTAINER class.
I believe it may just be parsing the word day and looking for a className for that parsed day******* I think I would just try defining the key:value relationship as they have in their documentation.
// const dayPickerClassNames = { todayButton: 'newClass' };
classNames={ todayButton: 'newClass' }

What is the best way to declare global variables in Vue.js?

I need access to my hostname variable in every component.
Is it a good idea to put it inside data?
Am I right in understanding that if I do so, I will able to call it everywhere with this.hostname?
As you need access to your hostname variable in every component, and to change it to localhost while in development mode, or to production hostname when in production mode, you can define this variable in the prototype.
Like this:
Vue.prototype.$hostname = 'http://localhost:3000'
And $hostname will be available in all Vue instances:
new Vue({
beforeCreate: function () {
In my case, to automatically change from development to production, I've defined the $hostname prototype according to a Vue production tip variable in the file where I instantiated the Vue.
Like this:
Vue.config.productionTip = false
Vue.prototype.$hostname = (Vue.config.productionTip) ? 'https://hostname' : 'http://localhost:3000'
An example can be found in the docs:
Documentation on Adding Instance Properties
More about production tip config can be found here:
Vue documentation for production tip
a vue3 replacement of this answer:
// Vue3
const app = Vue.createApp({})
app.config.globalProperties.$hostname = 'http://localhost:3000'
app.component('a-child-component', {
mounted() {
console.log(this.$hostname) // 'http://localhost:3000'
Warning: The following answer is using Vue 1.x. The twoWay data mutation is removed from Vue 2.x (fortunately!).
In case of "global" variables—that are attached to the global object, which is the window object in web browsers—the most reliable way to declare the variable is to set it on the global object explicitly:
window.hostname = 'foo';
However form Vue's hierarchy perspective (the root view Model and nested components) the data can be passed downwards (and can be mutated upwards if twoWay binding is specified).
For instance if the root viewModel has a hostname data, the value can be bound to a nested component with v-bind directive as v-bind:hostname="hostname" or in short :hostname="hostname".
And within the component the bound value can be accessed through component's props property.
Eventually the data will be proxied to this.hostname and can be used inside the current Vue instance if needed.
var theGrandChild = Vue.extend({
template: '<h3>The nested component has also a "{{foo}}" and a "{{bar}}"</h3>',
props: ['foo', 'bar']
var theChild = Vue.extend({
template: '<h2>My awesome component has a "{{foo}}"</h2> \
<the-grandchild :foo="foo" :bar="bar"></the-grandchild>',
props: ['foo'],
data: function() {
return {
bar: 'bar'
components: {
'the-grandchild': theGrandChild
// the root view model
new Vue({
el: 'body',
data: {
foo: 'foo'
components: {
'the-child': theChild
<script src=""></script>
<h1>The root view model has a "{{foo}}"</h1>
<the-child :foo="foo"></the-child>
In cases that we need to mutate the parent's data upwards, we can add a .sync modifier to our binding declaration like :foo.sync="foo" and specify that the given 'props' is supposed to be a twoWay bound data.
Hence by mutating the data in a component, the parent's data would be changed respectively.
For instance:
var theGrandChild = Vue.extend({
template: '<h3>The nested component has also a "{{foo}}" and a "{{bar}}"</h3> \
<input v-model="foo" type="text">',
props: {
'foo': {
twoWay: true
'bar': {}
var theChild = Vue.extend({
template: '<h2>My awesome component has a "{{foo}}"</h2> \
<the-grandchild :foo.sync="foo" :bar="bar"></the-grandchild>',
props: {
'foo': {
twoWay: true
data: function() {
return { bar: 'bar' };
components: {
'the-grandchild': theGrandChild
// the root view model
new Vue({
el: 'body',
data: {
foo: 'foo'
components: {
'the-child': theChild
<script src=""></script>
<h1>The root view model has a "{{foo}}"</h1>
<the-child :foo.sync="foo"></the-child>
I strongly recommend taking a look at Vuex, it is made for globally accessible data in Vue.
If you only need a few base variables that will never be modified, I would use ES6 imports:
// config.js
export default {
hostname: 'myhostname'
// .vue file
import config from 'config.js'
You could also import a json file in the same way, which can be edited by people without code knowledge or imported into SASS.
For any Single File Component users, here is how I set up global variable(s)
Assuming you are using Vue-Cli's webpack template
Declare your variable(s) in somewhere variable.js
const shallWeUseVuex = false;
Export it in variable.js
module.exports = { shallWeUseVuex : shallWeUseVuex };
Require and assign it in your vue file
export default {
data() {
return {
shallWeUseVuex: require('../../variable.js')
In vue cli-3 You can define the variable in main.js like
And you can also access this variable in any component by using
the the
A possibility is to declare the variable at the index.html because it is really global. It can be done adding a javascript method to return the value of the variable, and it will be READ ONLY.
An example of this solution can be found at this answer:
