How to get the postmeta field values in the posts wpgraphql query? - wordpress

I am using wpgraphql to communicate with wordpress database. I have got one posts table in which I can see all the attributes of the post filled. There is a field for custom field too, I can see the value filled for custom field in the postMeta table ,but cannot get the meta field attribute in the subfield of the posts in the graphql query.


How to add a custom field to wpgraphql existing query

I have a problem in posts query, I want to add a new key likes to the existing posts query to count total number likes to the particular post.
Is there any hooks to do it??
I have tried with another custom query to get post like by post id but need to add that key to that existing posts query.
enter image description here

Synchronize Post metafields

In the Woocommerce product Backend, I got under the general tab an “EAN” Field (coming from my theme) and I got a “GTIN” Field (coming from Germanized pro) which automatically gets filled threw the JTL connector.
But just the “EAN” field gets displayed on the product page.
So I want to synch both post meta fields. So the “EAN” field should automatically get filled with the value of the “GTIN” field.
How do I get this done?

How to combine query by author and a custom field in pre_get_posts

I have added a custom field for co-author and want the author page to show all the items where the user is either author OR co-author. How can I modify the query in pre_get_posts to achieve that?

Wordpress: Creating a custom table for custom post type

I have a custom post type defined in my Wordpress application, the data of which is stored inside wp_postmeta table in MySQL by default. However, since my custom post type has 16 form fields, it's not feasible to store each entry into wp_postmeta. I'm using the ACF plugin in Wordpress to create my custom post type.
So, is there a way to create a custom table in PHPMyAdmin for MySQL to store data coming from my custom post type?
The ACF plugin is great, but the PODS Framework for Wordpress allows you to register custom post types and store the data in a custom table, all via the Wordpress Admin UI.

Wordpress delete cache postmeta

I'm using Profi Search form and Advanced Custom field.
Profi Search Form allows me to filter my posts through my custom fields.
The problem is that it's allows me to me to filter with fields I deleted through the interface ACF dashboard.
How can I permanently delete these custom fields ?
Ok, the two solutions I've found :
Delete these posts meta in the database, with MySQL.
Use a plugin like "WP-Cleanup" and delete revisions
