How do I make my tor browser listen to a proxy - networking

I'm trying to connect tor to this proxy so it's listening, and I can't seem to do it. There are no clear tutorials, and I have no idea what to do. I'm a complete beginner.
[Image of me connected to a proxy] (
I set my tor proxy to the default and typed in the following command into gitcmd:
python --target
After typing in this command, the following error was given:
The result was "Can't connect to service! Make sure Tor socks proxy is listening on"
My tor was open and connected to this proxy.


Why does Nginx Proxy Manager Stream won't work?

I'm currently trying to setup a tunneling tool, specific for game servers.
So you can start the server locally and everyone can join without open your ports or getting unsecure.
Basicly I do a reverse ssh tunnel to one of my dedicated linux servers where the game port get mapped to a different port (for example 8888). So the server is now exposed to the internet and available for anyone and the user don't have to get unsecure and open his own ports. Everyone can connect to the following ip: SERVERADRESS:8888.
The command which gets executed looks like this:
ssh -N -R "*:8888:localhost:25565" root#SERVERADRESS
This works fine just as i want. But I also want to secure my "forwarding" server, so I'm relativ new to networking but I found reverse proxy's. I watched some tutorials and I installed the "Nginx Proxy Manager" tool which comes with a web interface and looks very good and easy. So there is an option to create an Stream (Picture below), there you can enter the incoming port and the forward Host + port, for example: REVERSEPROXY:7777 -> FORWARDINGSERVER:8888. So with this I want to hide the ip adress from the server where all the ssh tunnels. Sadly this Stream tool won't work, I already saw some other topics with that. They all said to enter the port into the docker-compose.yml which I already did + restart. But for now it won't work. Any other soloutions for this problem? Or completly different ideas to protect my server?
I try to do my own tunneling tool, but with a protection so that my server getting damaged.

Error when trying to connect to gRPC endpoint from a UI tool or proxy tool

I'm testing gRPC with .NetCore and looked up for a GUI tool or something that can help me to test my endpoint like testing REST API.
I found a proxy tool: grpc-json-proxy that can be used with Postman tool (also found another GUI tool: grpcox).
Using any tool gives an error like the following when trying to connect to the endpoint:
unable to do request err=[Post
http://localhost:5001/greet.Greeter/SayHello: dial tcp
connect: connection refused]
Any idea what could be the issue?
Most importantly, are you confident the gRPC server is listening on localhost:50051? You may confirm this (on Linux) using:
ss --tcp --listening --processes "sport = :${GRPC}"
NOTE you may need to sudo ss ... to get the process
Or more simply:
telnet localhost 50051
If you get Connected to... that's a good sign
Then, if you're using either of these tools through docker, you'll need to ensure the container can access the host's 50051 port. To do this, run the container use --net=host. This will make the host's port available to the container.
I use grpCurl

Connect to a remote Jupyter runtime over HTTPS with Google Colab

I'm trying to use Google's Colab feature to connect to a remote run-time that is configured with HTTPS. However, I only see an option to inform the port on the UI, not the protocol.
I've checked the Network panel and the website starts a WebSocket connection with http://localhost:8888/http_over_websocket?min_version=0.0.1a3, HTTP-style.
Full details of my setup:
I have a public Jupyter server at with self-signed certificate and password authentication
I've followed jupyter_http_over_ws' setup on the remote
I started the remote process with jupyter notebook --no-browser --keyfile key.pem --certfile crt.pem --ip --notebook-dir notebook --NotebookApp.allow_origin=''
I've created a local port forwarding with ssh -L 8888:localhost:8888 dev#
I've turned on network.websocket.allowInsecureFromHTTPS on Firefox
I've went to https://localhost:8888 and logged in
Naturally, when the UI calls http://localhost:8888/http_over_websocket?min_version=0.0.1a3 it fails. If I manually access https://localhost:8888/http_over_websocket?min_version=0.0.1a3 (note the extra s) it gets through.
I see three options to solve it:
Tell the UI to use secure WS connection
Run a proxy on my local machine to transform the HTTPS into plain HTTP
Turn off HTTPS on my remote
The last two I think will work, but I wouldn't like that way.
How to do #1?
Thanks a lot!
Your option 1 isn't possible in colab today.
Why do you want to use HTTPS over an SSH tunnel that already encrypts forwarded traffic?

Cannot trickle ICE server using external IP, Coturn server in Ubuntu

I have setup Coturn server from Url in Ubuntu.
Turnserver is working fine using local-ip, but when I try to trickle using exernal-ip I get error Not reachable?
If I access turnserver from browser url I can access it using external-ip. I get message.
TURN Server
https admin connection
To use the HTTPS admin connection, you have to set the database table _admin_user_ with the admin user accounts.
My turnserver.conf looks like:
I am starting turn server using command:
sudo turnserver -a
And I try to trickle using below format:
Please tell me where I am going wrong.
I got what was wrong, it turned out to be that UDP port 3478 was blocked. Also I was able to get trickle if I used TCP protocol (turn:?transport=tcp[username:password])

GitLab not working w/ Nginx

I am trying to get GitLab setup with my current installation of Nginx but I keep getting an Error 502. I have included my configuration files, and not sure what I am doing wrong. But I followed the "Using a non-bundled web-server" steps on
HTTP 502 means "The server was acting as a gateway or proxy and received an invalid response from the upstream server." So there are two possibilities here.
Your Gitlab server is not actually working or is returning an invalid response. After starting the Gitlab server, use sudo netstat -plnt and make sure it is running on a port and note the port. Then connect directly to this port in your browser (or from the CLI on the server if necessary) and confirm that Gitlab is working fine without a proxy in front of it. If Gitlab is running on a socket and not a port, there are also tools to test HTTP servers through socket connections that you can use.
Nginx is not configured correctly to connect to Gitlab. In this case, check your Nginx error log to see if there is any more detail besides the "502" error.
