I am using a gradle build with Intellij IDEA to port a java-8 application into the 2020s.
It requires the javafx.web module. I can't activate it!
My build.gradle contains the dependency:
// https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.openjfx/javafx-web
implementation group: 'org.openjfx', name: 'javafx-web', version: '20-ea+11'e here
and the javafx spec:
modules = ['javafx.controls', 'javafx.fxml', 'javafx.media', 'javafx.web']type here
My main javafx version is 17.02, but for javafx.web I have been trying through all listed versions. But for none of them does the module-info auto-complete for javafx.. allow me to specify 'web'.When I type it in, it become red (error). But javafx.webempty is available every time. Only that doesn't help me.
The Jelastic Marketplace is full of interesting software. However, sometimes, they do not comply to my security needs. In those cases, I would like to write my own manifest that would install the manifest from the marketplace and add up the components that I need for my use-case. Let's take an example: I would like to wrap the kubernetes installation with the addition of a load-balancer. I would like to do something like this:
type: install
name: My Example Manifest
- install:
jps: https://github.com/jelastic-jps/kubernetes/blob/1.23.6/manifest.jps
envName: env-${fn.random}
deploy: cmd
cmd: echo "do nothing"
topo: 0-dev
dashboard: general
ingress-controller: Nginx
storage: true
api: true
monitoring: true
version: 1.23.6
jaeger: false
- addNodes:
- nodeType: nginx-dockerized
nodeGroup: bl
count: 1
fixedCloudlets: 1
flexibleCloudlets: 4
The issue I am having here is that the manifest cannot add the nodes, because of the following error:
user [xyz] doesn't have any access rights to app [dashboard]
What am I doing wrong? How can I make this manifest work? I tried to set user: root in the addNodes function but it doesn't help.
Of course, I am interested in suggestions involving one single install manifest. I know I could make it happen by first installing the kubernetes manifest and then running an update manifest that would add my load-balancer nodes. I would like, however, to package the whole thing within one single step, as described by my manifest above.
I want to make a 2D game for a project that belongs to my university. So I decided to use JavaFX and FXGL library. I got a test basic project from FXGL Git repository and tried to run it. When I run this project FXGL warns that it could not load texture bucket.png. Here is the complete log message:19:54:36.901 [FXGL Background Thread 1 ] WARN FXGLAssetLoaderServi - Failed to load texture bucket.png Error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Asset "/assets/textures/bucket.png" was not found!Here is my project structure: I use Oracle JDK 14, OpenJFX 15, Gradle as build tool and IntelliJ IDEA And module-info.java class:
module hellofx {
requires com.almasb.fxgl.all;
exports org.openjfx;
After spending several hours for finding the problem, as #Slaw mentioned in the comments section, I found that module descriptor file (module-info.java) should be changed to the following format:
open module hellofx {
requires com.almasb.fxgl.all;
I was trying getting hands on Cloudify deployments and learnt of cloudify agents lately which are required to do vm configurations.
I was reviewing the following plugin :
and am particularly trying understand the agent installation method here.
From what I understand so far, any plugin to be used in the blueprint or .yaml files being imported, should be imported or defined.
The above plugin.yaml file includes the below node :
derived_from: cloudify.cloudstack.nodes.VirtualMachine
implementation: agent.windows_agent_installer.tasks.install
inputs: {}
implementation: agent.windows_agent_installer.tasks.start
implementation: agent.windows_agent_installer.tasks.stop
inputs: {}
implementation: agent.windows_agent_installer.tasks.uninstall
inputs: {}
implementation: agent.windows_agent_installer.tasks.restart
inputs: {}
implementation: agent.windows_plugin_installer.tasks.install
inputs: {}
I want to understand how the agent plugin is being used here as
implementation: agent.windows_agent_installer.tasks.start
if no traces of importing that plugin are there in the yaml file.
Any thoughts are welcome.
I think you are confusing the terms.
A plugin — an extension of Cloudify Orchestrator.
An agent — a service running on a VM created by Cloudify to run tasks on it.
If you want to use the CloudStack plugin, you should import it at the beginning of your blueprint, as in:
- https://github.com/cloudify-cosmo/cloudify-cloudstack-plugin/blob/master/plugin.yaml
You didn't mention the Cloudify version you are using, but if you are using the latest version (4.6) or any version > 4.2, you should upload the plugin to the manager before using it, and then import it via:
- plugin:cloudify-cloudstack-plugin
The agent installation process could be done in several ways, you can follow the documentation here and choose the best method for you.
The default method is remote and it would be done via SSH or WinRM.
You can look at this example for agent installation on Windows.
So I have a Q_OBJECT tagged class, which requires pregenerated .moc to be usable.
In my .qbs file, I have a CppApplication item; this seems to be the wrong type of project, as qbs does not call moc ClassName.cpp to generate moc's for me. What should be used instead/tweaked?
So I knew about Qt.core dependency, but it wasn't working on my crippled install of Qt; while I was trying to fix it, these facts came up:
It was required to detect Qt toolchain (qbs-setup-qt) and call qbs-config-ui
Qbs indeed stores the build rules in core.qbs, linked in via Qt/core dependency.
it's possible to copy/paste the build rules into my own .qbs file and avoid external dependencies; I'm considering this as a dirty hack for deploying the code on really crippled build systems (now I have a word for Qt support on Gentoo).
I think you might be missing the dependency of the application on the Qt-modules.
The rule for generation of the moc files is part of the Qt.core module.
You might add this dependency with:
CppApplication {
name: "MyApp"
files: "path_to_source/**"
Depends { name: "Qt.core" } // Optional
Depends { name: "Qt.widgets" }
As all other Qt modules have an implicit dependency on Qt.core the explicit dependency could on Qt.core could be skipped if there is a dependency on a different Qt-module (Qt.widgets in this example).
More details could be found at http://doc.qt.io/qbs/qt-modules.html
I created a gradle build file for a Flex swc project, which compiles successfully in intellij IDEA.
My project contains dependency
internal group: 'org.as3commons', name: 'as3commons-logging', version: '2.7', ext: 'swc'
Compilation fails, with errors like
Error: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: [com.furusystems.logging.slf4as.bindings]::ILogBinding.
I see that logging library indeed contains references to interfaces from other libraries, but in the IDE somehow it passes compilation and even works.
Which gradlefx option should I set?
Solved!I changed dependency configuration from 'internal' to "merged"!
cool :)
Also, we have a support forum for GradleFx which you can find here: http://support.gradlefx.org/home