How to add kbd tags inside the Algolia Autocomplete search box - vuejs3

I would like to add kbd tags like below inside my autocomplete search input
<kbd class="DocSearch-Button-Key">⌘</kbd>


Get text of clicked button in Google Analytics

I want to be able to know exactly which element from a class has been clicked. I enabled the text option in Tag Manager:
But it's still not visible in the click object. But it wouldn't pick it up, since the tag containing the text is nested in the clickable element. Can I add a custom HTML attribute to be able to identify which element has been clicked?
<div class="card-content"> //<---- clickable element
<i aria-hidden="true" class="card-icon material-icons">business</i>
<h3 class="card-title">Company details</h3> //<--- clicked text
The best way to figure it out is to use the "Preview & Debug":
Activate it
Go to the page where you want to test (you should see now a new box at the bottom)
Click on the element
Check the variables in the debug box. Especially check the click.element data.
My guess is that since there is no "real" text in the div box, just children tags, no text can be discovered.
There are different options to solve it:
add the text as data-attribute to the div and use the click.element data
use a data-layer push event
if you know JS you can use the click.element data in a JS variable and traverse down to the h3
If you are going to keep your code as it is, you could create a custom variable, using Custom JavaScript.
In order to do so you need to first create the custom variable, choosing the Custom JavaScript type:
This code should do the job (I tested id)
function() {
return {{Click Element}}.closest('.card-content').getElementsByClassName('card-title')[0].innerText;
The custom variable will return the text inside .card-title.
To test the custom variable, you may create a dumb HTML tag with a console.log script, replacing Inside TXT with the name you gave to your custom variable:
<script>console.log( {{Inside TXT}} )</script>
The trigger should be a Click All Elements.
When previewing this tag, the captured text should appear in your console, as well as in the debugger panel.
Reading again your question, I wonder if you are going to have several .card-title items inside the .card-content. In that case, this custom variable will not work. Let me know what is the case.
Also, the code could be simpler, but I am not really sure on how is it really going to work in your site, so this one seems more reliable, since it works clicking anywhere in the element.
In order to test it, after you click an element, a new "Click" will appear in the left pane (Summary). There, in the Variables tab, you will see the variables captured by the click. The data will be stored under the variable name you gave to the variable.

Google Tag Manager not tracking links clicks on images and icons

In Google Tag Manager, I set it up to track some data from clicks on elements that contain a certain class and record an event in Google Analytics. It seems to work just fine for text links, but I run into problems if there is another tag inside the link for an image, icon, etc. For example, the following would work fine:
Click here
But this won't work:
<a href="link.html" class="track_this" data-tracking-info="my info">
<span class="icon click-here"></span>
And something like this will work if you click on the text, but not if you click on the icon:
<a href="link.html" class="track_this" data-tracking-info="my info">
<span class="icon click-here"></span> Click Here
I know that I could add the "track_this" class into the span for the icon, but it gets REALLY messy in more complicated scenarios. Like imagine having a thumbnail image with an icon and some text below it all wrapped into one a tag. I'd have to put that class and the tracking info on the image tag, the span for the icon, the div for the text, etc.
Is there a better way to do this? Thanks!
I could speak more definitively on this if I could see how your GTM was setup, but my guess is that you are using an "All Elements" trigger to capture these link clicks, and filtering on "Click Classes" or "Click Element". The issue with this is that, when the link tag (<a></a>) contains another element, such as a <span>, even though that triggers your link to open, the element that GTM records as receiving the click is the span, not the link.
If you want to fix this, there are two options, either of which should work.
The first is to switch to using a "Click - Just Links" trigger type, and filter on the class "track_this". For this trigger, GTM lets click events "bubble" up until they hit a link element, and then it tests your trigger against that link, instead of the element that was clicked on. Simply using this trigger type should work for all three of your samples.
The other option is to use a more advanced filter with the "Click - All Elements" trigger. If you modify the trigger so it fires on "Some Clicks", and then make the condition that "Click Element matches CSS selector:"
.track_this, .track_this *
then it will register a click on any element that has the track_this class, as well as a click on any element inside those elements.
This problem can also be solved using a little bit of javascript and a 'User-Defined Variable' in Tag Manger. This solution is for handling more complex UI components.
Google Analytics + Tag Manger record the very specific Element or Node that is clicked by the user. That element is stored in GA as a "Click Element" variable. So in more complex UI situations it is possible the user could click on multiple elements for a single action to occur. For example. Here is a button with an icon and text.
onClick = () => ...
<span id="CHILD_ONE">
<span id="CHILD_TWO">
In this scenario it is possible for the user to click on any of the three id's above. All three will activate the onClick action. However, Google Analytics doesn't care about the onClick. It only cares about what specific element was clicked. IE: PARENT_ID, CHILD_ONE or CHILD_TWO.
The "User-Defined Variable" Solution.
In Tag Manager go to the 'Variables'. (Left column menu.)
Add a new 'User-Defined Variable'.
Select the variable type as 'Custom JavaScript'.
function() {
if ({{Click Element}}.id != "") {
return {{Click Element}}.id;
if ({{Click Element}} != "") {
return {{Click Element}};
if ({{Click Element}} != "") {
return {{Click Element}};
return {{Click Element}};
This script will search the DOM up three levels up from any child Element (Node) and look for a matching Tag id.
NOTE: Click Element is the variable name used by Google Analytics. It's the gtm.element the user clicked.
Setup Tag Manager Configuration to use your new 'Custom Variable'.
Now use the parent id for setting up your Triggers. In my example PARENT_ID will be the returned id even if a user clicks on CHILD_ONE or CHILD_TWO. So select 'contains' PARENT_ID.
------ Further Considerations -----
This solution only works within three parent levels. Also while unlikely it is possible to capture an element out of scope of what is intended.
In more complex UI components it might be preferable to add the Tag id's to every Element. If you are using a front end framework like React I would suggest making the Tag Id a dynamic prop and add it to all child components.
NOTE: Google Analytics changes often. This is a GA4 + Tag Manager solution.
style use pointer-events:none can't tracking by inside.
<svg id="gtm-track">
<rect style="pointer-events:none"> .... <rect/>
<path style="pointer-events:none"> .... <path/>

Add External Function In Html Editor JavaFX

I Am Creating Application To Html Builder I Want To Add More Function in HTML Editor.
Can We Add External Function in HTML Editor. Means in There Default Function is "Text indent", "Text alignment" etc... Are also Available...
Can we add More Function(Controls) Like as Input box, Button, Checkbox ?

wordpress wpautop function adds empry paragraph tags

I created an "About Me" widget which contains title, image and description fields.
I want to replace new lines with html tags <p>text</p>.
When I try to use "wpautop" function it adds empty tags "<p></p>" in the beginning and end of the text.
Please use javascript for this-

Tab Rich Control: Underline functionality is not working

Tab Rich control page is displaying the underline when the user selects and click on 'U' button. But it is not saving the HTML tag for the underline and hence it is not showing the underline when it come back from database..
We need to apply some HTMLExportSettings of HTML Format Provider, so it can generate HTML tag for underline. In order to achieve best compatibility of the generated HTML with Telerik Reporting, you should apply the following settings:
DocumentExportLevel - Fragment;
StylesExportMode - Inline;
StyleRepositoryExportMode - DontExportStyles;
ExportFontStylesAsTags - true.
You can also read complete options of HTML export settings of HTML format provider for generating right HTML..follow the following link ::
