Vue Pinia Store - how to get the initial state? - vuejs3

I have an object in my pinia store like
import { defineStore } from "pinia";
export const useSearchStore = defineStore("store", {
state: () => {
return {
myobj: {
foo: 0,
bar: 2000,
too: 1000,
getters: {
changed() {
// doesn't work
return Object.entries(this.myobj).filter(([key, value]) => value != initialvalue
How do I get the initial value to test if the object changed. Or how can I return a filtered object with only those entries different from initial state?
My current workaround:
in a created hook I make a hard copy of the store object I then can compare to. I guess there is a more elegant way...

I had done this (although I do not know if there a better way to avoid cloning without duplicating your initial state).
Define your initial state outside and assign it to a variable as follows;
const initialState = {
foo: 0,
bar: 2000,
too: 1000
Then you can use cloning to retain the original state;
export const useSearchStore = defineStore("store", {
state: () => {
return {
myobj: structuredClone(initialState),
getters: {
changed: (state) => deepEquals(initialState, state.myobj);
where deepEquals is a method which deep compares the two objects (which you would have to implement). I would use lodash (npm i lodash and npm i #types/lodash --save-dev if you're using TypeScript) for this.
Full code (with lodash);
import { defineStore } from "pinia";
import { cloneDeep, isEqual } from "lodash";
const initialState = {
foo: 0,
bar: 2000,
too: 1000
export const useSearchStore = defineStore("store", {
state: () => ({
myobj: cloneDeep(initialState)
getters: {
changed(state) {
return isEqual(initialState, state.myobj);
If you also want the differences between the two you can use the following function (the _ is lodash - import _ from "lodash");
function difference(object, base) {
function changes(object, base) {
return _.transform(object, function (result: object, value, key) {
if (!_.isEqual(value, base[key])) {
result[key] =
_.isObject(value) && _.isObject(base[key])
? changes(value, base[key])
: value;
return changes(object, base);
courtesy of
The other way you would do this is to use a watcher to subscribe to changes. The disadvantage to this is that you either have to be OK with your state marked as "changed" if you change back the data to the initial state. Otherwise, you would have to implement a system (perhaps using a stack data structure) to maintain a list of changes so that if two changes which cancel each other out occur then you would remark the state as "unchanged". You would have to keep another variable (boolean) in the state which holds whether the state has been changed/unchanged - but this would be more complicated to implement and (depending on your use case) not worth it.


Detect change to modelValue in Vue 3

Is there a way to detect change to modelValue in a custom component? I want to push the change to a wysiwyg editor.
I tried watching modelValue but emitting update for modelValue triggered that watch, which created circular data flow.
export default {
props: ['modelValue'],
watch: {
modelValue (val) {
mounted () {
(event) => this.$emit('update:modelValue',
<TextEditor v-model="someHtml"></TextEditor>
In VueJS v3, the event name for custom v-model handling changed to 'update:modelValue'.
You can listen to these events like this: v-on:update:modelValue="handler"
For a more complete example, lets assume you have a Toggle component with these properties/methods:
props: {
modelValue: Boolean,
data() {
return {
toggleState: false,
methods: {
toggle() {
this.toggleState = !this.toggleState;
this.$emit('update:modelValue', this.toggleState);
You can use that Toggle component:
<Toggle v-model="someProperty" v-on:update:modelValue="myMethodForTheEvent"/>
As a side note, you could also v-model on a computed property with a setter; allowing you to internalise your state changes without using the update:modelValue event. In this example, it assumes you v-model="customProperty" on your custom Toggle component.
computed: {
customProperty: {
get() {
return this.internalProperty;
set(v) {
this.internalProperty = v;
console.log("This runs when the custom component 'updates' the v-model value.");
I had the same problem and solved it using a slight tweak to the way you call the watch function:
setup(props) {
watch(() => props.modelValue, (newValue) => {
// do something
Hence, the important thing is to add () => props.modelValue instead of just putting props.modelValue as the first argument of the watch function.
try that:
watch: {
modelValue: function(val) {
console.log('!!! model value changed ', val);

How to use jest.fn() on an individually imported function

I'm having trouble mocking the call of an individually imported function to my tests. The test is a simple function that I put within my Redux actions to be able to set a variable based on a condition.
Here's the function in
export const getCurrentOrPrevSelection = isExecutedFromPagination => (dispatch, getState) => {
const {
editor: { selection },
body: { queryRequest },
} = getState();
if (isExecutedFromPagination && queryRequest.breadcrumb) {
const {
query: { branch, includeSplits, primaryFa, split, isInitial },
} = queryRequest.breadcrumb;
return {
return selection;
And here's the test file:
import reudcer, { ...other exported functions, getCurrentOrPrevSelection } from '../';
it ('should use selection in breadcrumb state when fetching new data from pagination action', () => {
let isExecutedFromPagination = false;
const bodyState = {
queryRequest: {
breadcrumb: {
query: {
name: 'Full Book Performance',
branch: null,
includeSplits: true,
primaryFa: 'AXFO',
split: null,
isInitial: true,
const selection = {
branch: null,
includeSplits: true,
primaryFa: 'AXFO',
split: null,
isInitial: true,
expect(getCurrentOrPrevSelection(isExecutedFromPagination)(jest.fn(), () => ({
body: { ...bodyState },
editor: { faidSelection },
branch: null,
includeSplits: true,
primaryFa: 'AXFO',
split: null,
isInitial: true,
If I don't include any sort of mock reference to getCurrentOrPrevSelection, I get this error below, but it returns the correct value as expected:
jest.fn() value must be a mock function or spy.
object: {"branch": null, "includeSplits": true, "isInitial": true, "primaryFa": "AXFO", "split": null}
If I do something like getCurrentOrPrevFaidSelection = jest.fn();, I get an error saying getCurrentOrPrevFaidSelection is read-only
What can I do differently here?
You want to test this function. So you don't need to mock that.
Just call function and verify result with expect().toEqual or expect().toMatchObject.
branch: null,
Also passing jest.fn() directly as argument does not really make sense: you cannot either verify it has been called or provide mock return.
const dispatchMock = jest.fn();
expect(getCurrentOrPrevSelection(isExecutedFromPagination)(dispatchMock, ....);
Once it's just not expected to be called as it is in your sample you better explicitly provide noop function () => {} instead of jest.fn(). This way you make it's explicit so nobody will be confused if it's expected there is no assertions against this function or not.
Offtop: actually this is not really good way to test redux action creators. See you actually test implementation details. What if you migrate from redux-thunk to redux-saga or redux-loop? Or split single action into 2 for better flexibility? By now it would mean you have to rewrite all your tests.
What if instead of testing action creator in isolation you connect action to real(not mocked) store? You could dispatch action(after mocking calls to external API) and validate store's state.

How to change immutablejs Record with methods from derived class?

I have 3 classes derived from Record. Definitions of first two classes are below.
// Base.js
import {Record} from 'immutable';
import * as uuid from 'uuid';
export const Base = defaultValues => {
return class extends Record({
key: null,
}) {
constructor(props) {
super(Object.assign({}, props, {key: (props && props.key) || uuid.v4()}));
// LOBase.js
import {Base} from './BaseModel';
export const LOBase = defaultValues => {
return class extends Base({
created_at: new Date(null),
updated_at: new Date(null),
deleted_at: new Date(null),
isActive: new Boolean(),
isDeleted: new Boolean(),
publishState: new String(),
}) {};
And this is my last class derived from LOBase and where my problem is.
// Question.js
import {List, Record, fromJS} from 'immutable';
import _ from 'lodash';
import {LOBase} from './base/LOBaseModel';
export class Question extends LOBase({
id: '',
name: 'test',
description: '',
questionType: 1,
title: 'title',
version: new String(),
customData: {},
}) {
insertOption() {
let index = this.customData.options.length;
this.updateIn(['customData', 'options'], options => {
return options.splice(index, 0, {
someGenericStuff: [],
// ...
return this;
static MultipleChoice() {
let defaultCustomData = {
options: [],
let question = new Question()
.set('customData', new Record(defaultCustomData)())
return question;
// ...
I use let question = Question.MultipleChoice() to create a new Question instance. And when i use question.insertOption() it works fine. But when I do this in the reducer on the state I get an error saying "A state mutation was detected inside a dispatch".
How can I achieve to change question object in the state? Should I clone original Record before doing that? What is the Immutablejs way to do that?
Thanks in advance.
insertOption uses this.updateIn but does not return or store the result.
When you return this at the end of the function you actually return the same immutable Record without the changes.
So, unless I'm missing something here, you should probably go with:
insertOption() {
let index = this.customData.options.length;
return this.updateIn(['customData', 'options'], options => {
return options.splice(index, 0, {
someGenericStuff: [],
// ...
The updateIn will return a new instance of the Record with the updated values.
You did not add your state structure and reducer (if you can please do), but you should be sure to return a new state object every time and not just changing the question field.
BTW, you are doing a sequence of mutation methods one after the other (set, set, updateIn). This is not suggestable from a performance perspective. I'd suggest replacing it with withMutations in the following manner:
static insertOption(record) {
let index = record.customData.options.length;
return record.updateIn(['customData', 'options'], options => {
return options.splice(index, 0, {
someGenericStuff: [],
// ...
static MultipleChoice() {
// ...
let question = new Question();
question.withMutations(record => {
customData: new Record(defaultCustomData)()
return question;

How to avoid action from within store update

As far as my understanding goes, it's an anti-pattern to dispatch actions from within a store update handler. Correct?
How can I handle the following workflow then?
I have some company switcher on my page header
Clicking on a company dispatches some SELECTEDCOMPANY_UPDATE action
The active view reacts on the according change in the state store by forcing a data reload. E.g. by calling companyDataService.fetchOrders(companyName).
I'd like to show some loading animation during the data is being fetched and therefore have an dedicated action like FETCHINGDATA_UPDATE which updates the fetchingData section in my app state store to which all interested views can react by showing/hiding the load mask
Where do I actually dispatch the FETCHINGDATA_UPDATE action? If I directly do this from within companyDataService.fetchOrders(companyName) it would be called from within a store update handler (see OrdersView.onStoreUpdate in exemplary code below)...
To clarify my last sentence I'm adding some exemplary code which shows how my implementation would have looked like:
// ...
export function setSelectedCompany(company) {
return { type: SELECTEDCOMPANY_UPDATE, company: company };
export function setFetchingData(isFetching) {
return { type: FETCHINGDATA_UPDATE, isFetching: isFetching };
// ...
// ...
export fetchOrders(companyName) {
.then((data) => {
// Apply the data...
.catch((err) => {
// ...
// ...
onCompanyClicked(company) {
// ...
// ...
constructor() {
this._curCompany = '';
// ...
onStoreUpdate() {
const stateCompany = this.stateStore.getState().company;
if (this._curCompany !== stateCompany) {
// We're inside a store update handler and `fetchOrders` dispatches another state change which is considered bad...
this._curCompany = stateComapny;
// ...
I agree with Davin, in the action creator is the place to do this, something like:
export function fetchOrders (company) {
return (dispatch) => {
dispatch ({ type: FETCHINGDATA_UPDATE });
return fetchOrderFunction ().then(
(result) => dispatch ({ type: FETCHING_COMPLETED, result }),
(error) => dispatch ({ type: FETCHING_FAILED, error })
Then in the reducer FETCHINGDATA_UPDATE can set your loading indicator to true and you can set it back to false I both SUCCESS and FAILED

Lazy loading references from normalized Redux store

Yo! I'm using Redux and Normalizr. The API I'm working with sends down objects that look like this:
name: 'Foo',
or like this
name: 'Foo2',
children: [
I want to be able to asynchronously fetch those related entities (type and children) when the above objects are accessed from the state (in mapStateToProps). Unfortunately, this does not seem to mesh with the Redux way as mapStateToProps is not the right place to call actions. Is there an obvious solution to this case that I'm overlooking (other than pre-fetching all of my data)?
Not sure that I have correctly understood your use-case, but if you want to fetch data, one simple common way is to trigger it from a React component:
var Component = React.createClass({
componentDidMount: function() {
if (!this.props.myObject) {
render: function() {
const heading = this.props.myObject ?
'My object name is ' +
: 'No object loaded';
return (
Given the "myObjectId" prop, the component triggers the "myObject" fetching after mounting.
Another common way would be to fetch the data, if it's not already here, from a Redux async action creator (see Redux's doc for more details about this pattern):
// sync action creator:
function fetchObjectSuccess(objectId, myObject) {
return {
// async action creator:
function fetchObject(objectId) {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
const currentAppState = getState();
if (!currentAppState.allObjects[objectId]) {
// fetches the object if not already present in app state:
return fetch('some_url_.../' + objectId)
.then(myObject => (
dispatch(fetchObjectSuccess(objectId, myObject))
} else {
return Promise.resolve(); // nothing to wait for
