Google Analitics API error: Request is missing required authentication credential - google-analytics

I'm trying to get info from google analitics from api but always get this error:
I've made OAuth2 and got token, but I don't know where to put it.
Can someone explain what have I done wrong?

The issue you are having is that the call has not bee authorized. To access private user data you need permission which means you need to send a properly authorized access token along with your request
This is sent as an Authorization header, something like this.
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: bearer xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ""


With Basic authentication deprecated, how to create a JIRA ticket using REST API in R (or using POSTMAN REST client)?

There are different methods of authentication listed here, and here. However, when I tried each of them, I get that method has been deprecated. For example, when I try the basic method of authentication to access a project in Jira work management like as given in the help documentation,
curl -u username:password -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8080/rest/api/2/issue/createmeta
I get the following error message. Can someone direct me to a working example?
Basic authentication with passwords is deprecated. For more information, see:
Regular basic authentication with password is deprecated. You need to replace the password with a token instead and it should work.
you need to create a token by following this instruction
After the token is generated, you need to copy it. You can test it at Postman using Basic Auth with username as your email and password as the token.

access_token for Google Analytics API

I want to get a access_token to get information from Google Analytics API by passing it in the browser . I am not able to find the correct documentation anywhere. I have tried multiple ways but nothing seems to work. As of now, I got tokens via Google Analytics Query Explorer and it works for 60 minutes. I am looking for a permanent token or a token which is valid for a more period of time.
In order to access private Google analytics data you need to be authorized. In order to be authorized you use something called Oauth2
The initial request will look something like this. It will allow the user to consent to your applications access to their data
Once the user has consented to your accessing their data, you will be given an authorization code.
Once you have the authorization code you can exchange it for an access token. This is a http post request.
The response should then look something like this.
"access_token" : "ya29.1.AADtN_VSBMC2Ga2lhxsTKjVQ_ROco8VbD6h01aj4PcKHLm6qvHbNtn-_BIzXMw",
"token_type" : "Bearer",
"expires_in" : 3600,
"refresh_token" : "1/J-3zPA8XR1o_cXebV9sDKn_f5MTqaFhKFxH-3PUPiJ4"
The access token will work for one hour.
I recommend looking for a sample and a client library in your chosen programming language so that you dont have to do all this manually most of the libraries are designed to handle authentication and authorization for you.

Firebase bearer token from OAuth2 playground

I'm trying to test my application that uses Firebase for push notifications using postman.
I'm specifically testing the Http v1 Api, and looking how to authorize the request.
What I need to get right is getting the OAuth2 token to use in Postman, which I should be able to do on the OAuth 2.0 playground although I'm not sure how.
I have my privatkey.json file that I've downloaded from the firebase console, I just need to know how to use it to get the token that I would add as a bearer authorization header for my POST requests
I was able to send a message through the FCM v1 HTTP API by requesting the following scopes in the OAuth2 playground:
After authorizing this, I exchanged the authorization code for refresh and access tokens.
I then passed the resulting access token into the call with FCM:
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer MY_ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"message":{
"notification": {
"title": "FCM Message",
"body": "This is an FCM Message",
"token": "MY_DEVICE_TOKEN"
In the above CURL request replace the following placeholders with the relevant values for you:
MY_PROJECT_ID is the Firebase project ID, which you can get from the project settings page in the Firebase console
MY_DEVICE_TOKEN is the registration token of the device that you want to send the message to. For a web client, see how to get the current registration token.
MY_ACCESS_TOKEN is the OAuth2 access token that you got from the OAuth2 playground using the steps outlined above.
The FCM documentation on authenticating FCM v1 requests may be confusing since it only calls out the OAuth2 token. It actually first generates a self-signed JWT (JSON Web Token) by calling new google.auth.JWT(...). This involves downloading a private key, and generating the JWT locally through a JWT library.
The self-signed JWT is then passed to jwtClient.authorize(...), which gives back tokens including an access_token. The latter is an OAuth2 access token, similar to the one we got above.
I created a small project on hithub that includes both a postman collection and environment and nodejs project that uses the downloaded service-key.json to generate an access token which solves my problem above. It's not as elagent as using only postman (which to me seems impossible), but it works well enough since the access tokens live for about an hour.

import VAPID registrations into firebase asks for OAuth2

I'm following the steps described in google doc: import_push_subscriptions and I'm getting the 401 error message when trying to import one VAPID registration via curl:
"Request is missing required authentication credential. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See"
My request looks like this:
curl -X POST -H "Authorization:key=hidden-authorization-key"
-H "Content-Type:application/json"
-d #data.json
And here is the data.json content
{"endpoint": "",
"keys": {
"auth": "hidden-auth",
"p256dh": "hidden-p256dh"}
Note: we used the same hidden-authorization-key when we were importing ios tokens via the batchImport endpoint described here: create_registration_tokens_for_apns_tokens which worked as expected but the webpush import asks for OAuth2 which is strange since we are sending the Authorization:key.
It seems that firebase team fixed it. I've just tried to send to firebase newly created VAPID registration and got the long token as a response.

unable to get push notifications, unauthorized webhook call back error 401

Not able to establish watch channel. getting unauthorized push notification error 401. Done all required settings for web_hook to work.added domain in domain verification tab. Stuck here for weeks. plz help me out. thanks.
first of all you should have a ssl certificate as push notification only work on https:// you can read all about the requirement here
but the thing missing in the above link is you shoul have the authentication token set on the callback url ( similar to that when you set before calling a google API.. ) and dont forget to take access token from database (assuming that you had it stored at the time of authentication) as system will not read it from session on callback url.
You need to add this value to the headers of your request:
"Authorization: Bearer user_token"
You can get user token with a GET Google_Http_Request to
PHP example to get Google token:
Use Google APIs PHP Client library.
$TokenRequest = new Google_Http_Request(
$Token = $Client->getAuth()->authenticatedRequest($TokenRequest);
