when I run the program def update_graphs will no populate. Can anyone see anything small that prevents that function from running? - jupyter-notebook

from jupyter_plotly_dash import JupyterDash
import dash
import dash_leaflet as dl
import dash_core_components as dcc
import dash_html_components as html
import plotly.express as px
import dash_table
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output
import base64
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pymongo import MongoClient
from Module import AnimalShelter
username = "username"
password = "password"
animal = AnimalShelter(username, password)
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(animal.readAll({}))
# Dashboard Layout / View
app = JupyterDash('Dash DataTable Only')
image_filename = 'Grazioso Salvare Logo.png' # customer image
encoded_image = base64.b64encode(open(image_filename, 'rb').read())
app.layout = html.Div([
html.Center(html.B(html.H1('Kristopher Collis'))),
#Radio Items to select the rescue filter options
{"name": i, "id": i, "deletable": False, "selectable": True} for i in df.columns
page_current= 0,
page_size= 10,
style={'display' : 'flex'},
children =[
className='col s12 m6'
id = 'map-id',
className='col s12 m6'
# Interaction Between Components / Controller
# #callback for Piechart
Output('graph-id', "children"),
[Input('datatable-id', "derived_viewport_data")])
#fucntion for update_graph
def update_graphs(viewData):
dff = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(viewData)
names = dff['breed'].value_counts().keys().tolist()
values = dff['breed'].value_counts().tolist()
id = 'graph-id',
fig = px.pie(data_frame = dff,values = values,names = names,
color_discrete_sequence = px.colors.sequential.RdBu,width = 800,height = 500
#callback for update_map
Output('map-id', "children"),
[Input('datatable-id', "derived_viewport_data"),
Input('datatable-id', 'selected_rows'),
Input('datatable-id', 'selected_columns')])
#update_function with variables
def update_map(viewData, selected_rows, selected_columns):
dff = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(viewData)
#width, height of map, center of map, and how much zoom do you want for map
return [dl.Map(style = {'width': '1000px', 'height': '500px'}, center = [30.75,-97.48], zoom = 7,
children = [dl.TileLayer(id = "base-layer-id"),
#marker with tool tip and popup
dl.Marker(position=[(dff.iloc[selected_rows[0],13]), (dff.iloc[selected_rows[0],14])], children=[
html.H4("Animal Name"),
When I run the program, the geoloction map populates but not the graph. I was able to populate the graph a couple of times finding information on plotly, and other documentation. I have spent a while trying to figure out why the graph will not display again. I did attempt to use fig.show() at the bottom of the update_graphs function. I am not sure if that was what made it work, but I am stumped. I am respectfully requesting help finding the error in the def update_graphs function.


How can I use Google Cloud Functions to run a web scraper?

Thanks in advance for your help.
I'm currently running a webscraper - this is the first time I've ever done something like this - It pulls addresses from the URL and then will match the address to the users input. This will be going into a chat bot, I wondering how I can make this run on Google Functions. Whats the process to do this, is there a tutorial anywhere?
This is my code so far. There is a small items file too
from scrapy.spiders import CrawlSpider, Rule
from scrapy.linkextractors import LinkExtractor
from ..items import DataItem
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
from urllib.parse import urljoin
import scrapy
class AddressesSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'Addresses'
allowed_domains = ['find-energy-certificate.service.gov.uk']
postcode = "bh10+4ah"
start_urls = ['https://find-energy-certificate.service.gov.uk/find-a-certificate/search-by-postcode?postcode=' + postcode]
## def start_requests(self):
## self.first = input("Please enter the address you would like to match: ")
## yield scrapy.Request(url=self.start_urls[0], callback=self.parse)
def parse(self, response):
first = input("Please enter the address you would like to match: ")
highest_ratios = []
highest_item = None
for row in response.xpath('//table[#class="govuk-table"]//tr'):
address = row.xpath("normalize-space(.//a[#class='govuk-link']/text())").extract()[0].lower()
address = address.rsplit(',', 2)[0]
link = row.xpath('.//a[#class="govuk-link"]/#href').extract()
details = row.xpath("normalize-space(.//td/following-sibling::td)").extract()
ratio = fuzz.token_set_ratio(address, first)
item = DataItem()
item['link'] = link
item['details'] = details
item['address'] = address
item['ratioresult'] = ratio
if len(highest_ratios) < 3:
elif ratio > min(highest_ratios, key=lambda x: x['ratioresult'])['ratioresult']:
highest_ratios.remove(min(highest_ratios, key=lambda x: x['ratioresult']))
highest_ratios_100 = [item for item in highest_ratios if item['ratioresult'] == 100]
if highest_ratios_100:
for item in highest_ratios_100:
yield item
yield max(highest_ratios, key=lambda x: x['ratioresult'])
if len(highest_ratios_100) > 1:
for i, item in enumerate(highest_ratios_100):
print(f"{i+1}: {item['address']}")
selected = int(input("Please select the correct address by entering the number corresponding to the address: ")) - 1
selected_item = highest_ratios_100[selected]
selected_item = highest_ratios_100[0] if highest_ratios_100 else max(highest_ratios, key=lambda x: x['ratioresult'])
new_url = selected_item['link'][0]
new_url = str(new_url)
if new_url:
base_url = 'https://find-energy-certificate.service.gov.uk'
print(f'Base URL: {base_url}')
print(f'New URL: {new_url}')
new_url = urljoin(base_url, new_url)
print(f'Combined URL: {new_url}')
yield scrapy.Request(new_url, callback=self.parse_new_page)
def parse_new_page(self, response):
Postcode = response.xpath('normalize-space((//p[#class="epc-address govuk-body"]/text())[last()])').extract()
Town = response.xpath('normalize-space((//p[#class="epc-address govuk-body"]/text())[last()-1])').extract()
First = response.xpath(".//p[#class='epc-address govuk-body']").extract()
Type = response.xpath('normalize-space(//dd[1]/text())').extract_first()
Walls = response.xpath("//th[contains(text(), 'Wall')]/following-sibling::td[1]/text()").extract()
Roof = response.xpath("//th[contains(text(), 'Roof')]/following-sibling::td[1]/text()").extract()
Heating = response.xpath("//th[text()='Main heating']/following-sibling::td[1]/text()").extract_first()
CurrentScore = response.xpath('//body[1]/div[2]/main[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[3]/svg[1]/svg[1]/text[1]/text()').re_first("[0-9+]{1,2}")
Maxscore = response.xpath('//body[1]/div[2]/main[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[3]/svg[1]/svg[2]/text[1]/text()').re_first("[0-9+]{2}")
Expiry = response.xpath('normalize-space(//b)').extract_first()
FloorArea = response.xpath('//dt[contains(text(), "floor area")]/following-sibling::dd/text()').re_first("[0-9+]{2,3}")
Steps = response.xpath("//h3[contains(text(),'Step')]/text()").extract()
yield {
'Postcode': Postcode,
'Town': Town,
'First': First,
'Type': Type,
'Walls': Walls,
'Roof': Roof,
'Heating': Heating,
'CurrentScore': CurrentScore,
'Maxscore': Maxscore,
'Expiry': Expiry,
'FloorArea': FloorArea,
'Steps': Steps
I've tried googling and having a look around and can't get how to deploy this as a project to run on google functions or can I just copy the code into the console somewhere?
You can try running your spider from a script. However, a better solution would be to wrap scrapy in its own child process.
For example:
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
from ... import MySpider
from scrapy.crawler import CrawlerProcess
from scrapy.utils.project import get_project_settings
def my_cloud_function(event, context):
def script(queue):
settings = get_project_settings()
process = CrawlerProcess(settings)
except Exception as e:
queue = Queue()
# wrap the spider in a child process
main_process = Process(target=script, args=(queue,))
main_process.start() # start the process
main_process.join() # block until the spider finishes
result = queue.get() # check the process did not return an error
if result is not None:
raise result
return 'ok'
You can refer to this tutorial for more info.

my result only get 1 data, can you help me for get more data and save another file?

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd
URL = 'http://h1.nobbd.de/index.php?start='
for page in range(1,10):
req = requests.get(URL + str(page) + '=')
soup = BeautifulSoup(req.text, 'html.parser')
h1 = soup.find_all('div',attrs={'class','report-wrapper'})
for hack in h1:
h2 = hack.find_all("div",attrs={"class","report"})
for i in h2:
layanan = i.find_all('b')[0].text.strip()
report = i.find_all('a')[2].text.strip()
bug_hunter = i.find_all('a')[1].text.strip()
mirror = i.find("a", {"class": "title"})['href']
date = i.find_all("div", {"class": "date"})
for d in date:
waktu = d.text
data = {"Company": [layanan], "Title:": [report], "Submit:": [bug_hunter], "Link:": [mirror], "Date:": [waktu]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
my result only get 1 data, can you help me for get more data and save another file?
Application level DOS at Login Page ( Accepts Long Password )
03 Feb 2022
What happens?
Based on your questions code, you will overwrite your dataframe with every iteration, thats why you only get one result.
How to fix?
Create an empty list before your loops
Append all the extracted dicts to this list
Create your dataframe based on that list of dicts
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd
data = []
url = 'http://h1.nobbd.de/index.php?start='
for page in range(1,3):
req = requests.get(url + str(page))
soup = BeautifulSoup(req.text, 'html.parser')
h1 = soup.find_all('div',attrs={'class','report-wrapper'})
for hack in h1:
h2 = hack.find_all("div",attrs={"class","report"})
for i in h2:
layanan = i.find_all('b')[0].text.strip()
report = i.find_all('a')[2].text.strip()
bug_hunter = i.find_all('a')[1].text.strip()
mirror = i.find("a", {"class": "title"})['href']
date = i.find_all("div", {"class": "date"})
for d in date:
waktu = d.text
data.append({'Company':[layanan], 'Title':[report], 'Submit':[hunter], 'link':[mirror], 'Date':[waktu]})
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

Changing Bokeh table row count

Below is a working example of a Bokeh table that is populated with selections from a scatter plot.
Once the table is first initialized, it always shows that many rows (too many or too few).
Is there a way to make the number of rows dynamic to fit the number of records selected?
Thank you
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from bokeh.layouts import row
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource
from bokeh.plotting import figure, curdoc, show
from bokeh.models.widgets import DataTable, DateFormatter, TableColumn
#Plotting points on chart.
initial_df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,100,size=(500, 2)),
index=[str(i) for i in range(1,500+1)])
pointchart=figure(plot_width=800, plot_height=700,
title="Points for selection")
pointchart_source= ColumnDataSource(initial_df )
pointchart_glyph= pointchart.circle("X","Y",source=pointchart_source,size=3.5)
#Source for table
#Making initial table source from dataframe. The table will always have this number of rows.
initial_source_for_table = ColumnDataSource(source_df)
columns = [TableColumn(field='ID', title="Col1"),
TableColumn(field="X", title="Col2"),
TableColumn(field="Y", title="Col3")]
global data_table #lets you access it in the callback.
data_table = DataTable(source=initial_source_for_table, columns=columns, width=800, height=400)
def on_selection_change(attr, old, new):
newdataframe= pd.DataFrame(pointchart_source.data).loc[new]
!powershell -command {'bokeh serve --show Test_Table.ipynb'}
I don't have Jupyter Notebook but this example should help you on your way.
Just count the number of selected points and alter the number of table rows with table.height = number_points * 25. Run the code with: bokeh serve --show app.py
from bokeh.io import curdoc, show
from bokeh.layouts import widgetbox
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, Slider, DataTable, TableColumn
max_i = 200
init_i = 6
def get_square(n):
return dict(x = list(range(n)), y = [x ** 2 for x in range(n)])
source = ColumnDataSource(get_square(init_i))
columns = [
TableColumn(field = "x", title = "x"),
TableColumn(field = "y", title = "x**2"),
table = DataTable(source = source, columns = columns, width = 320)
slider = Slider(start = 1, end = max_i, value = init_i, step = 1, title = "i", width = 300)
def update_data(attrname, old, new):
i = slider.value
table.source.data = get_square(i)
table.height = i * 25 + 25
slider.on_change('value', update_data)
layout = widgetbox(slider, table)
BTW: you should not replace the entire ColumnDataSource in your callback but just assign a new data to it like in my example, that is use:
table.source.data = new_data
instead of:
table.source = new_source

Replacing figure and table in layout when using global ColumnDataSource

I am using bokeh 0.12.9. I have a table and a figure which I replace in the global layout on callback. I usually build the ColumnDataSource right before I build the new figure/table. Now I wanted to try and see if I can have a global ColumnDataSource so that I can adjust the data via a CDSView (no need to replace table/figure then).
Unfortunately even keeping a separate CDS and view for table and plot fails. When clicking the radio button a couple of times I receive the following javascript error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of undefined
from datetime import date
from random import randint
from bokeh.models import Line
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource
from bokeh.models.widgets import DataTable, DateFormatter, TableColumn
import bokeh.layouts as layouts
import bokeh.models.widgets as widgets
from bokeh.io import curdoc
from bokeh.models import CustomJS, Slider
from bokeh import palettes
from bokeh.layouts import layout
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, CDSView, IndexFilter
from bokeh.models import widgets
def gen_plot(source=None, view=None):
p = figure(title='test',
plot_width=600, plot_height=400)
colors = palettes.Category10[10]
cols = [str(col) for col in source.column_names]
for ix, col in enumerate(cols):
if col == 'index':
r = p.line(x='index', y=col, source=source, view=view,
legend='_' + col,
p.legend.location = "bottom_left"
return p
def gen_table(source=None, view=None):
columns = [TableColumn(field=ele, title=ele) for ele
in source.column_names]
tab = widgets.DataTable(source=source, view=view, columns=columns,
width=600, height=400)
return tab
def update(attr, old, new):
p = gen_plot(source=cdss[0], view=vs[0])
t = gen_table(source=cdss[1], view=vs[1])
print l.children
l.children[1] = p
l.children[2].children[0] = t
# set up data
cols = ['col1', 'col2', 'col3', 'col4']
df1 = pd.DataFrame(pd.util.testing.getTimeSeriesData())
df1.columns = cols
df2 = pd.DataFrame(pd.util.testing.getTimeSeriesData())
df2.columns = cols
dfs = [df1, df2]
cds1 = ColumnDataSource(df1)
cds2 = ColumnDataSource(df2)
cdss = [cds1, cds2]
filters = [IndexFilter([0, 1, 2, 4])]
filters = []
v1 = CDSView(source=cds1, filters=filters)
v2 = CDSView(source=cds2, filters=filters)
vs = [v1, v2]
# initialize items to replace
p = gen_plot(source=cdss[0], view=vs[0])
t = gen_table(source=cdss[1], view=vs[1])
# initialize controls
radio_wghting = widgets.RadioButtonGroup(labels=["Equal", "Exponential"],
radio_wghting.on_change('active', update)
# set up layout
sizing_mode = 'fixed'
l = layout([radio_wghting, p, t], sizing_mode=sizing_mode)
curdoc().title = 'blub'
# call callback initially
update('value', 0, 0)
Any hints are much appreciated!
Now I wanted to try and see if I can have a global ColumnDataSource so
that I can adjust the data via a CDSView (no need to replace
table/figure then).
The code you are showing is the one in which you are trying to replace the figure and table.
When you replace the child of a layout object in that way, you are not actually removing the previous figures from curdoc, and other elements in the document still have the old figures and tables in their references.
You could try something like that to update the sources directly.
for rend in p.renderers:
except AttributeError:
EDIT to answer the comment
from bokeh.io import curdoc
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, Button
from bokeh.layouts import gridplot, widgetbox
from random import random, choice
import numpy as np
my_data = {1:{'x':[],'y':[],'colo':[],'size':[]}}
kelly_colors = [ '#F3C300','#875692', '#F38400', '#A1CAF1','#BE0032', '#C2B280', '#848482','#008856', '#E68FAC', '#0067A5',
'#F99379', '#604E97', '#F6A600','#B3446C', '#DCD300', '#882D17','#8DB600', '#654522', '#E25822','#2B3D26', ]
x = np.arange(0,50,0.1)
def rand_dict():
rand_x = [choice(x) for i in range(7)]
return {'x':rand_x,'y':np.array([random()*100 for i in rand_x]),'colo':np.array([choice(kelly_colors) for i in rand_x]),'size':np.array([(5+int(random()*50)) for i in rand_x])}
def add_stuff():
global my_data
my_data[max(my_data.keys())+1] = rand_dict()
def change_stuff():
global my_data
myfig = curdoc().select_one({"name":"myfig"})
for i,rend in enumerate(myfig.renderers):
except AttributeError:
my_data[i+1] = rand_dict()
def clear_stuff():
global my_data
my_data = {1:{'x':[],'y':[],'colo':[],'size':[]}}
def make_doc():
myfig = figure(plot_width=1000,plot_height=800,outline_line_alpha=0,name='myfig')
myfig.x_range.start = -5
myfig.x_range.end = 55
myfig.y_range.start = -10
myfig.y_range.end = 110
myfig.renderers = []
add_button = Button(label='add stuff',width=100)
change_button = Button(label='change stuff',width=100)
clear_button = Button(label='clear stuff',width=100)
grid = gridplot([[myfig,widgetbox(add_button,change_button,clear_button)]],toolbar_location=None)
def update_doc():
myfig = curdoc().select_one({"name":"myfig"})
for key in my_data:
curdoc().title = 'mytitle'
what I like about doing this is that you can just save the my_data dictionary with numpy, load it later and keep changing your plots from there.
def load_data():
global my_data
my_data = np.load(path_to_saved_data).item()
You can probably do something similar using pandas dataframes, I am just more comfortable with plain dictionaries.

How to update holoviews Bars using an ipywidgets SelectionRangeSlider?

I want to select data from some pandas DataFrame in a Jupyter-notebook through a SelectionRangeSlider and plot the filtered data using holoviews bar chart.
Consider the following example:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import datetime
import holoviews as hv
import ipywidgets as widgets
start = int(datetime.datetime(2017,1,1).strftime("%s"))
end = int(datetime.datetime(2017,12,31).strftime("%s"))
size = 100
rints = np.random.randint(start, end + 1, size = size)
df = pd.DataFrame(rints, columns = ['zeit'])
df["bytes"] = np.random.randint(5,20,size=size)
df['who']= np.random.choice(['John', 'Paul', 'George', 'Ringo'], len(df))
df["zeit"] = pd.to_datetime(df["zeit"], unit='s')
df.zeit = df.zeit.dt.date
df.sort_values('zeit', inplace = True)
df = df.reset_index(drop=True)
This gives the test DataFrame df:
Let's group the data:
data = pd.DataFrame(df.groupby('who')['bytes'].sum())
data.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True)
data.sort_values(by="bytes", inplace=True)
Now, create the SelectionRangeSlider that is to be used to filter and update the barchart.
%%opts Bars [width=800 height=400 tools=['hover']]
def view2(v):
x = df[(df.zeit > r2.value[0].date()) & (df.zeit < r2.value[1].date())]
data = pd.DataFrame(x.groupby('who')['bytes'].sum())
data.sort_values(by="bytes", inplace=True)
display(hv.Bars(data, kdims=['who'], vdims=['bytes']))
r2 = widgets.SelectionRangeSlider(options = options, index = index, description = 'Test')
widgets.interactive(view2, v=r2)
(I have already created an issue on github for the slider not displaying the label correctly, https://github.com/jupyter-widgets/ipywidgets/issues/1759)
Problems that persist:
the image width and size collapse to default after first update (is there a way to give %%opts as argument to hv.Bars?)
the y-Scale should remain constant (i.e. from 0 to 150 for all updates)
is there any optimization possible concerning speed of updates?
Thanks for any help.
Figured out how to do it using bokeh: https://github.com/bokeh/bokeh/issues/7082
