Importing multiple excel files into R with different format variables - r

I use list apply to simultaneously import multiple (hundreds) of excel files ( using read_excel funtion to import specific cell range) into R followed by rbind.fill to build a single r dataframe and has always worked. However, this time one a (same name) variable (which is a date) has two different formats in different excel files. In some files is a double (POSIXct)and others is a character. I think I need to first get them to the same format before importing??? Don't know how to do it. Hope someone can help. Much appreciated.
I tried using multiple function (concatenate read_excel with as.character) and then rbind.fill and got the message that "ALL Inputs to r.bind must be data frames"


When I upload my excel file to R, the column titles are in the rows and the data seems all jumbled. How do I fix this?

hi literally day one new coder
On the excel sheet, my data looks organized, but when I upload my file to R, it's not able to read the excel properly and the column headers are in the rows and the data seems randomized.
So far I have tried:
dataset <-read_excel("pathname")
Also tried:
dataset <-read_excel("pathname", sheet=1, colNames=TRUE)
Also tried to use the package openxlsx
but nothing is giving me the correct, organized data set.
I tried formatting my Excel to a CSV file, and the CSV file looks exactly like the data that shows up on R (both are messed up).
How should I approach this problem?
I deal with importing .xlsx into R frequently. It can be challenging due to the flexibility of the excel platform. I generally use readxl::read_xlsx() to fetch data from .xlsx files. My suggestions:
First, specify exactly the data you want to import with the range argument.
A cell range to read from, as described in cell-specification. Includes typical Excel
ranges like "B3:D87", possibly including the sheet name like "Budget!B2:G14"
Second, if there are there merged cells or other formatting challenges in column headers, I resort to setting col_names = FALSE. And supplying clean names after import with names(df) <- c("first_col", "second_col")
Third, if there are merged cells elsewhere in the spreadsheet I generally I resort to "fixing" them in excel (not ideal but easier for my use case), however, others may have suggestions on a programmatic fix.
It may be helpful to provide a screenshot of your spreadsheet.

R misreading csv files after modifications on Excel

This is more of a curiosity.
Sometimes I modify csv files from Excel rather than R (suppose I manage to find a missing piece of info and I type it in the csv file), of course maintaining commas and quotes as they were.
Every time I do this, R becomes unable to read the csv file, i.e. it imports a single column as it appears on Excel, rather than separating the values (no options like sep= or quote= change this).
Does anyone know why this happens?
Thanks a lot
An example
This was readable:
After adding the missing info under "county", R fails to import it as a data frame, reading it instead as a single vector.
I'm just running the basic read.csv
df <- read.csv("C:/directory/df.csv")

Is there a way to read in a large document as a data.frame in R?

I'm trying to use ggplot2 on a large data set stored into a csv file. I used to read it with excel.
I don't know how to convert this data into a data.frame. In particular, I have a date column that has the following format: "2020/04/12:12:00". How can I get R to understand this format ?
If it's a csv, you can use:
fread function from data.table. This will be the fastest way to read your csv.
read_csv or read_csv2 (for ; delimited documents) in readr package
If it's .xls (or .xlsx) document, have a look at the readxl package.
All these functions import your data as data.frames (with additional classes like data.table for fread or tibble for read_csv).
Given your comment, it looks like your file is not an excel but a csv. If you want to convert a column type to date, assuming your dataframe is called df
df[, dates := as.POSIXct(get(colnames(df)[1]), format = "%Y/%m/%d:%H:%M")]
Note that you don't need to use cbind or even reassign the data.table because you use := operator
As the message is saying you, you don't need the extra-precision of POSIXlt
Going by the question alone, I would suggest the openxlsx package, it has helped me reduce the time significantly in reading large datasets. Three points you may find it to be helpful based on your question and the comments
The read command stays same as xlsx package, however would suggest you to use openxlsx::read.xslx(file_path)
the arguments are again same, but in the place of sheetIndex it is sheet and it takes only numbers
If the existing columns are converted to character, then a simple as.Date would work

Importing data from Excel to vector in R

I am a novice in R and I have been having some trouble trying to get R and Excel to cooperate.
I have written a code that makes it able to compare two vectors with each other and determine the differences between them:
data.x<-read.csv(file.choose(), header=T)
data.y<-read.csv(file.choose(), header=T)
The data I want to transfer from Excel to R is a long row of numbers placed as so:
“312334-2056”, “457689-0932”, “857384-9857”,….,
There are about 350 of these numbers placed in their own separate cell along a single row.
I used the command: = """" & A1 & """" To put double quotes around every number in order for R to read it properly.
At first I tried to simply copy/paste the data directly into a vector in R, but it's as if R won’t read it as a single row of data and therefore splits it up.
I also tried to save the excel file as a CSV file but that didn’t work either.
Lastly I tried to open it directly in to R using the command:
data.x<- read.csv(file.choose(), header=T)
But as I type in: data.x and press enter it simply says:
<0 rows> (or 0-lenghts row.names)
I simply can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It's hard to access without a reproducible example, but you should be able to transpose the Excel file into a single column. Then import using read_csv from the readr package. Take a look at the tidyverse package, which will contain some great tools to import and work with this type of data.
I use It makes it easy to maintain formatting from excel into type safe tibbles.
If you can share some sample data a working solution can be generated.

exporting R data.table in .txt or .csv format

In these days I have run into a problem of data export from R to a more “common” format as .csv or .txt.
My dataset is in data.table format and has 149000 rows * 124 columns. I adopt the following lines of code to try to export it:
The result, in both cases, is that the .txt or .csv files have a lower number of rows than they are supposed to do and this changes with the different trials I did (it ranges from 900 to 1800, more or less). Usually what I get are the first rows and then the very last one.
I have tried to transform the data.table in a matrix or data.frame but the result I get is more or less the same. I have also tried to adopt the write.xlsx function but I have some problems with Java (which is something common as I have noticed reading the SO forum and other web sources).
I have also read about a function called fwrite to export very large datasets but it looks like that my RStudio cannot find it, despite I installed the data.table package.
Can anyone give me an explanation/solution for this problem? I've been reading different sources to sort it out but with no success until now.
I use RStudio Version 0.99.473.
