Why Isn't app.initailzation() working in my Teams Add-in OAuth flow? - adobe

I am trying to get simple auth in my Teams app working with Adobe ID (a third party Oauth provider that I use on my site).
I am following the sample here. Everything is working to authorize with the Adobe ID, but when it gets to my end authentication page like this, I get an exception thrown with the message "SDK initialization timed out." when I call await app.initialize();. The sample shown does not have the await term before app.initialize(). Is that incorrect? If I remove the await, my code later on to notify authentication of success, fails with the exception "The library has not yet been initialized".
What do I need to do to allow app.initialize() to work?
How can the sample work if there is no await before it?
Here is the TypeScript code for my OAuth End page that is loaded after the Adobe Authentication succeeds.
import $ from "jquery";
import {app, authentication} from "#microsoft/teams-js";
async function startup(){
await app.initialize();
console.log("notifying of success");
handleError(error, "initializing");
function handleError(error:Error, context: string){
console.error(`💥 Error ${context}: ${error.message}`);

What version of the js library are you using?
There have been some changes to how app.initialize is handled depending on the version of the SDK you are using- see details here
You should be able to see this in package.json for typescript, although I think there may be other areas where you may need to update this.
Try this with the version referenced in the sample- 2.0.0 does that resolve the issue?
re: await- that just tells the application to wait until a response is returned (a success or failure) before moving on to the next line. In your case, you need the await as your next line is dependent on the value of status, but your function is async, so it won't block the execution of other async functions. You want to use await where you have other requests that must have a response on that call- like getauthtoken.


Custom logging from firebase function

I'm trying to follow this guide to put some custom logging into a firebase function. The function itself is running, and I can see the data being passed in (it's an https 'callable' function). But as soon as it hits the line where it tries to actually write that log entry, I get "Error: 7 PERMISSION_DENIED"
Since the console.log() calls write to the cloud logs, I'd assumed the firebase function has access to Cloud Logging. But perhaps it needs additional permission? I can't find any reference to where this should be set on that page though.
// Logging, logName, region, functions are provided by the surrounding app
const logging = new Logging()
const log = logging.log(logName)
const METADATA = {
resource: {
type: 'cloud_function',
labels: {
function_name: 'CustomLog',
exports = module.exports = functions.https.onCall(async data => {
const exVersion = 6
const exId = data.exId
console.log('***** exVersion:', exVersion, 'exId:', exId) // exId from caller
const entry = log.entry(METADATA, data.error) // data.error from caller
console.log('METADATA:', METADATA) // Shows in Logs Explorer
console.log('entry:', entry) // Shows in Logs Explorer
log.write(entry) // Results in Error: 7 PERMISSION_DENIED
return {
If I run it from the CLI using firebase function:shell, the log entry is created correctly, so I'm pretty confident the code is correct.
OK, I finally tracked it down. According to this answer, the service account used by firebase functions is {project-id}#appspot.gserviceaccount.com, and in my project, that account did not have the 'Logs Writer' role. Adding that role solves the problem.
I find it odd that the firebase functions don't need that role to log messages using console.log(), but perhaps that call is intercepted by the functions environment, and the logs are written as a different service account. It also explains why the functions running locally were able to write the logs, as they run using the 'owner' service account, which has full access.
According to the Firebase documentation page you have linked:
The recommended solution for logging from a function is to use the
logger SDK. You can instead use standard JavaScript logging calls such
as console.log and console.error, but you first need to require a
special module to patch the standard methods to work correctly:
Once you have required the logger compatibility module, you can use console.log() methods as normal in your code.
Thus you might to require this library, however I am not sure this is producing your "Error: 7 PERMISSION_DENIED error, but you might also try some solutions that have worked for some members of the community.
Perhaps the logging API is not enabled in your project. You'll get a permission denied error when attempting to use it in that case.
It's a couple levels in, but the guide you linked points to
https://github.com/googleapis/nodejs-logging#before-you-begin, which includes a step to "Enable the Cloud Logging API"

Flutter: info: 'await' applied to 'RemoteConfig', which is not a 'Future'

I am getting an info message after upgrading my Firebase packages. The documentation wasn't helpful. The line below is triggering the info compiler alert.
RemoteConfig remoteConfig = await RemoteConfig.instance;
The info message is:
info: 'await' applied to 'RemoteConfig', which is not a 'Future'. (await_only_futures at lib/splash.dart:72)
While this is just an 'info' message and doesn't prevent compilation, I want to make sure that I am not doing anything wrong. Please help.
As the FlutterFire documentation on using Remote Config shows, the call to RemoteConfig.instance is not asynchronous and is:
RemoteConfig remoteConfig = RemoteConfig.instance;
Where you will need to deal with asynchronous behavior is when fetching the remote config, which can be done with:
bool updated = await remoteConfig.fetchAndActivate();
if (updated) {
// the config has been updated, new parameter values are available.
} else {
// the config values were previously updated.
both snippets are from the linked documentation, so I recommend keeping that page handy.

Nuxt Middleware with Firebase and FirebaseUI: Error: Redirected when going from "/anything" to "/login" via a navigation guard

Nuxt SSR app using FirebaseUI to handle auth flows. Logging in and out works perfectly. When I add Middleware to check auth state and redirect if not logged in I get this error:
Error: Redirected when going from "/list-cheatsheets" to "/login" via a navigation guard.
export default function ({ store, redirect }) {
// If the user is not authenticated
if (!store.state.user) {
return redirect('/login')
There is absolutely no other redirecting that I can find in the app....
I have been digging and trying things for hours. Others who get this error that I have found aren't using Nuxt and none of those solutions work.
As there is a bounty one cannot mark it duplicate thus following up is a copy of my answer at Redirecting twice in a single Vue navigation
tldr: vm.$router.push(route) is a promise and needs to .catch(e=>gotCaught(e)) errors.
This will be changed in the next major#4
Currently#3 errors are not distinguished whether they are NavigationFailures or regular Errors.
The naive expected route after vm.$router.push(to) should be to. Thus one can expect some failure message once there was a redirect. Before patching router.push to be a promise the error was ignored silently.
The current solution is to antipattern a .catch(...) onto every push, or to anticipate the change in design and wrap it to expose the failure as result.
Future plans have it to put those informations into the result:
let failure = await this.$router.push(to);
if(failure.type == NavigationFailureType[type]){}
Imo this error is just by design and should be handled:
hook(route, current, (to: any) => { ... abort(createNavigationRedirectedError(current, route)) ...}
So basically if to contains a redirect it is an error, which kinda is equal to using vm.$router.push into a guard.
To ignore the unhandled error behaviour one can pass an empty onComplete (breaks in future releases):
vm.$router.push(Route, ()=>{})
or wrap it in try .. catch
try {
await this.$router.push("/")
} catch {
which prevents the promise to throw uncaught.
to support this without redirecting twice means you put the guard to your exit:
let path = "/"
navguard({path}, undefined, (to)=>this.$router.push(to||path))
which will polute every component redirecting to home
btw the router-link component uses an empty onComplete
Assumption that redirecting twice is not allowed is wrong.

Firebase Callable Function: Response for preflight in invalid

I have created a Firebase callable function, with a simple text return, but am receiving an error when I call the function, both on local and on my deployed app.
The callable function is a simple function to return some text for now:
exports.getSomeInfo = functions.https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
return 'some info';
In my app I load the function with:
const getSomeInfo = firebase.functions().httpsCallable('getSomeInfo');
And call it in the app with:
This produces an error of:
Failed to load https://us-central1-[project-ID].cloudfunctions.net/getSomeInfo: Response for preflight is invalid (redirect)
This error occurs when calling the function on local using firebase serve and on the deployed app.
Viewing the logs in the Firebase Console shows no logs or errors.
Other issues mention this could be a CORS issue, or an incorrect Firebase config. I've ensured the Firebase config is correct. And tried a few of the CORS solutions, but continue to get the error above.
Using Firebase#5.5.2.
What else could be causing this error?
As indicated in the documentation, for an HTTPS Callable function you need to "return data that can be JSON encoded".
So if you do something like the following, it should work.
exports.getSomeInfo = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => {
return {result: 'some info'};
Update: removed the async
April 2020, I just learned the hard way that callable functions have their module name prepended...
In index.js:
const functions = require('firebase-functions')
// ...
exports.callable = require('./callable')
In callable.js:
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
// ... other stuff
exports.myCloudFunction = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => {
// ...
The way to call this "myCloudFunction" from a JS client is to use its name, prepended with its module name, like this
const fn = firebase.functions().httpsCallable("callable-myCloudFunction")
fn().then(result => { //...
This is documented nowhere, as far as I have found, and, as others have mentioned, almost any error that occurs prior to actually executing the cloud function ends up mislabeled as a CORS error.
After trying across 2 days a variety of refreshes/clean-ups and stuff with CORS, finally found it working after first deleting the function via Firebase console and then deploying the function.
In my case it seems the deployed version got corrupted somehow. It started yesterday when deploy for functions was getting stuck - it would hang and never exit - even though Firebase Status page said all is well. It lasted all day, and I finally let it go to see if it will work today. I thought it was my code, but the deploy is back to working today.
This happened to me a couple days ago. The problem was that when i ran firebase deploythe functions in my src directory were not being compiled. There were typescript errors which stopped it from compiling. You can see if it compiled by checking your lib folder and index.ts inside there I believe.

Nodejs: firebase.auth().signInWithCustomToken(token) generate "Object has no method 'signInWithCustomToken'" error

With new firebase version, y need to access by node.js at my firebase application.
var firebase = require("firebase");
var parms={.......}
var token = firebase.auth().createCustomToken('123'); //Token generated successfully
//Line below throws error
firebase.auth().signInWithCustomToken(token).catch(function(error) {
//do something
If I use signInWithCustomToken from javascript in the browser, it works fine. But if I use it from command line: node file.js, it throws the error: firebase.auth().signInWithCustomToken(token) generate "Object has no method 'signInWithCustomToken'" error
On this part the web and node apis are different.
As stated in the Upgrade Guide (https://firebase.google.com/support/guides/firebase-web#update_your_authentication_code_numbered)
you need to use a service account for node.js apps. A good point to start is this page: https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/server/start#section-account
I would have loved to paste you the links to the auth api pages, but I'm only allowed to post 2 links. :)
