setting up a web page background using tailwindcss - tailwind-css

I would like to set up my page background something similar to # How can i achieve this using tailwindcss.


Docusaurus make full page background gradient

I've just started to create a new project by using Docusaurus and have tried to change background of home page to linear gradient. However, couldn't make it. I can change the navbar and the footer colors seperately, but how to make the background of the page like shown in this picture?
In case of anyone wondering the result, I could solve the problem. By using the swizzling as stated in docusaurus documentation;
run npm run swizzle, and choose the Layout component in order to eject or wrap. The Layout folder will be visible to you under src/theme/ directory. You can edit the html,body style in styles.modules.css file to change the all background of the pages.

Ant Desgin Slider Styles Customization

I am using Antd (Ant Design) library to build this Reactjs website and It has the below slider inside it. It is showing its value using a tooltip.
I want to show its value inside the slider like below instead.
Is there a way to customize it's default style?

Angular material md-select open direction

I'm trying to use angular-material and specifically the md-select directive. In their example the selection container opens up so it hides the selector and stretches both up and down as seen in these images
Before opening the selector:
After opening the selector:
I use it in the top of my screen and I would like the selection container to open down (like old-school drop-down lists). So I'm trying to achieve something that looks like this: (just for clarification - I made this image using paint. It's not that I was able to make it happen)
Here is a code pen with the real example:

Button image with Bootstrap 3 buttons

In a page with Bootstrap 3, I'm using standard buttons with different colors/shading (generated in a Bootstrap Button Generator). I'm trying to use an image so that it will be the background of the button, and still scale horizontally inside the containers.
The problem with using the standard methods that I was able to find is that the button appears as an image inside the bootstrap button. Maybe this is doable without bootstrap buttons, and if it works, no problem with me.
After a while of tinkering, I was able to use it with the background-size (100% as #Aibrean mentioned) and background-repeat set as no-repeat.

How to set IFRAME's background color to the BG-color of it's parent document?

I am working on a Joomla 1.5 website and a little self-contained php application, which I want to show within an IFRAME inserted in an article. The template I am using for the website has a dark grey background and the IFRAME shows grey background when loaded in Firefox (I don't quite know why this is so, but I like it like this). However, when the page is loaded in IE, the IFRAME has white background (understandably).
How can I make the IFRAME copy the background color of its parent document also in IE?
Also, I have another unanswered question related to IFRAME usage and Joomla 1.5, which I would like to point your attention to.
If the self-contained application is on the same domain as the article page, you could access the top frame (with the article) through javascript - like this: = getComputedStyle(;
Computed style can be get as described in this article.
Your other option is to add a query string parameter for the iframe, like bgcolor= - this is a more widget-like approach, and will make the stand-alone application more configurable. I personally recommend this approach - it will not rely on javascript and it will not flicker if the execution gets slow.
