Hermes bytecode profile file gen - react-native-hermes

To use the 'block' in hbcdump, need -profile-file options.
-profile-file=<string> - Log file in json format generated by basic block profiler
How to generate profile file in hermes project?


System Templates version 1.31.0 and higher implementation

I have upgraded my cloud Artifactory to "7.52.0".
Prior to the upgrade I was using System Templates to deploy my pipelines.
Although after the upgrade there is still backward compatibility, The new way to deploy and use System Templates for creating new pipelines is not working for me.
From the release notes I got to this link to configure System Templates in the new way.
So in my repository A I have 2 files 'pipelines.yml' and 'values.yml'
pipelines.yml is configured as follows:
valuesFilePath: ./values.yml
template: myTemplates/TestTemplate/1.0.0
My values file contains values for the TestTemplate.
Then I go to and I try to create a new pipeline from repository A.
Looking at I don't see any pipeline created from the template.
Is that the right way to implement the new System Template?
I have also made sure that the templates are in the Artifactory by checking:
and also in the Artifactory directory tree.
Currently I am using the REST API in order to CRUD my Template Sources( and also use the REST API to create a new pipelines sources from a system template (apparently this is the old way).
As after the upgrade creating a source pipeline doesn't sync the old/new templates nor does it create a new pipeline from a system template that is located in the Artifactory.
You need to use the syntax documented in the Global template link.
Using the "jfrog/PublishTemplate" global template documentation . I have noticed that in order to create and upload a system template you need to use the following syntax:
valuesFilePath: ./values.yml
template: jfrog/<global_template_name>/<template_version>
According to the system template documentation this is the syntax that got me confused:
valuesFilePath: ./values.yml
template: jfrog/PublishTemplate/1.0.0
So I have used capital "I" instead of small "i" and bad indentation in order to create a new pipeline from my system template, which failed.
You use the Global template "PublishTemplate" for uploading your system template into your artifactory.
And then use the uploaded templates in order to create your new pipelines.

generate xml manifest from media specifically audio

I am trying to implement DRM and EME in my my dashjs music streaming app but then I realized that to use dashjs I need to have a manifest xml file to handle segmentation ..etc so does any one know how to generate manifest automatically or even better generate it on the cliemt side when uploading audio
i solved it using shaka packager to encrypt and create the xml manifest for me automatically

How to modify Alfresco's out-of-the-box audit configuration

I am trying to modify the PathMappings of the "CMISChangeLog" audit application bundled out-of-the-box in Alfresco 5.
I have found these PathMappings in alfresco-audit-cmis.xml which can be found in Alfresco's source code, so I modified this XML file and put it into tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/audit/alfresco-audit-cmis.xml (thinking that would override the out-of-the-box application) before restarting Alfresco. Problem:
ERROR [audit.model.AuditModelRegistryImpl] Failed to load audit model: file:/home/nico/alfresco/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/audit/alfresco-audit-cmis.xml
org.alfresco.repo.audit.model.AuditModelException: 00120000 Audit application key 'CMISChangeLog' is used by: AuditApplication[ name=CMISChangeLog, id=3, disabledPathsId=381]
at org.alfresco.repo.audit.model.AuditModelRegistryImpl$AuditModelRegistryState.cacheAuditElements(
How to override this out-of-the-box audit application?
Grepping through my server I found out that the default audit application's XML file is stored at alf_data/contentstore/2017/12/22/18/23/82dfdccd-6ab9-4091-8b7c-d37d4bcf1627.bin but I haven't found it in the Node Browser:
Note: I don't want to create a new audit application. I must modify the existing one (because I want Alfresco's CMIS ChangeLog to take into account more events).
The XML file is actually in alfresco-repository-5.2.g.jar, which itself can be found in Alfresco's WAR file.
So, if you have an already running Alfresco server, here is the procedure:
Stop Alfresco
mkdir -p /tmp/unjar
cd /tmp/unjar
unzip $ALFRESCO/tomcat/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/lib/alfresco-repository-5.2.g.jar (adapt for another version number if necessary)
Do the modifications you want inside the extracted file alfresco/audit/alfresco-audit-cmis.xml
zip -r ../alfresco-repository-5.2.g-custom.jar *
cp ../alfresco-repository-5.2.g-custom.jar ALFRESCO/tomcat/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/lib/
Restart Alfresco

Setting custom local storage Path in QML

I m trying to put a custom path in QML file but can't get it done.
I'm trying to get de db in a shared folder where i'm willing to put the DB so any person who has the program can acces to data.
I'm using Sqlite and Qt Creator 5.7 but not a lot of info about this.
You can simply COPY the database from its default path. Typically that is located (In windows anyways) at
C:\Users\<username>AppData\Local\<program name>\QML\OfflineStorage\Databases
and on Mobile devices it is stored in a similar place --
on android its in a sub folder of:
/data/data/<Program Name>
On *nix it is located:

Howto recognize documents in Alfresco 5.0 and filing them according content?

I have following use case:
Existing scanner scans documents and stores them via WebDAV or a shared network drive to Alfresco
Documents are separated with a barcode to identify the customer and document type (e.g. bill)
If a document arrives in the shared drive, Alfresco should analyse it and move it (according customer and document type) to the suitable internal folder structure.
Example of a folder structure:
What do I need in Alfresco to process step 3) to automatically recognize documents and file them?
P.s. I know there exists applications like Ephesoft/Kofax but I would like to have a module inside Alfresco which does the job for me without external dependencies.
I would suggest the following sequence:
1)Your scanner or other (OCR) software needs to interprete the barcode and save the customer and type somewhere in the document, for example in docx metadata.( I am not aware of an alfresco module doing ocr or barcode reading)
2)After upload via webdav, you have to run alfresco metadata extract action, which will have to extract the customer and type from the documents metadata into alfresco metadata by using an alfresco rule script or behaviour.
Using a rule, you can choose the action "extract common metadata fields"
Using a java behaviour, you can call the same action like this:
Action action = actionService.createAction("extract-metadata");
actionService.executeAction(action, node);
This extract action is described here : . You may have to add custom code for your barcode requirement. ( )
3)an alfresco rule script or behaviour is now able to move your document by reading this alfresco metadata property.
This is a very good howto about custom types and let me deep dive into Alfresco:
Alfresco Developer Tutorials:
