How to move storage account from one location to another - azure-resource-manager

I accidentally selected the location as east us for my storage account , Now I'm trying to move this particular storage account to my my desired location , but when I'm using Azure resource Mover and select Source location as east us It doesn't show any resources to select

You can't move storage account across regions using Azure Resource Mover as it supports limited resources.
To move storage account across regions, refer this document.


Choosing analytics location in Firebase

when I create a project in firebase, I am offered to choose analytics location
When you click on the question mark, they write: "This represents the country/region of your organization. This does not affect where Google may process and store Customer Data for Firebase."
Question: If I want to upload an application to the appstore for different countries, for example, America, Russia and European countries, then I will have to connect several firebase projects for different countries at once? How can I connect one firebase for all countries?
Not sure but it seems you are mixing up things.
When setting up services on your Google Cloud Project, you may choose their location, this means that the service you are activating will be hosted on a specific place, and thus people from other countries may have bigger latency accessing your services. Example, if you host a service in North America, the latency for users from Asia will be higher.
That will not geographically restrict or limit users to access your service, web app, or API services.
If you want to restrict users from specific countries from downloading your app, on the app store you have settings that will do that for you.
The short answer: no, you don't need multiple projects for multiple countries.

Can I disable data replication in Datastore multi region location?

I want to use Datastore (Firestore in Datastore mode) in europe-west1. Since Datastore is not available as a regional location in europe-west1 I will go with the multi-region location (which consists of europe-west1 and europe-west4 according to this doc).
Do I understand data replication correctly in that if I store data in Datastore, Google automatically stores all the data in both regions europe-west1, europe-west4?
Can I disable data replication in europe-west4 since I just want to use Datastore in europe-west1?
Also just for my understanding: If multi-regional means there is a Data Center in each region why are both not available as single regional location?
Any help is appreciated.
The multi-region in GCP makes all the data replication automatically and this is by design, so that you have higher availability, performance, and resource efficiency and this is out of your control, so you can't disable data replication in a multi-region environment.
To your second question there is nothing that justifies this in the documentation, so I assume unofficially that this happens because Google simply does not allow for individual regions for that particular reason because it's not the focus of that particular region and acts just as a replicated location for that particular product when set to multi-region.

Change Firebase Firestore Server location [duplicate]

I'm working on a product which for legal reasons needs to store user data in a specific region.
I'm using Firebase so I created a project selecting the region it needs to be in however looking at firestore where the user data is kept I can't find anything pinpointing the region the data actually is. The thing which makes me worry the most is the Cloud Functions endpoints start with us-central1 but obviously that could just be that cloud functions don't exist in the specified region.
Given this is an important matter is there a way to confirm the location of data and even force it to be in a specific region?
Cloud Firestore supports the following regional GCP resource locations, in addition to the 2 multi-region (nam5, eur3) locations:
See the documentation for an up-to-date list of locations.
Original Answer
Cloud Firestore is currently only available in our US multi-region (Iowa, Oklahoma, South Carolina). As we approach GA we plan to roll it out to multiple locations across the globe and you'll be able to select which one at creation time. Not something you can do today though.

Cloud Firestore - selecting region to store data?

I'm working on a product which for legal reasons needs to store user data in a specific region.
I'm using Firebase so I created a project selecting the region it needs to be in however looking at firestore where the user data is kept I can't find anything pinpointing the region the data actually is. The thing which makes me worry the most is the Cloud Functions endpoints start with us-central1 but obviously that could just be that cloud functions don't exist in the specified region.
Given this is an important matter is there a way to confirm the location of data and even force it to be in a specific region?
Cloud Firestore supports the following regional GCP resource locations, in addition to the 2 multi-region (nam5, eur3) locations:
See the documentation for an up-to-date list of locations.
Original Answer
Cloud Firestore is currently only available in our US multi-region (Iowa, Oklahoma, South Carolina). As we approach GA we plan to roll it out to multiple locations across the globe and you'll be able to select which one at creation time. Not something you can do today though.

Firebase - EU data laws

We have an application which is using Firebase realtime database.
A potential new client asked us about the data location. In the UK the laws say this: “not transferred outside the European Economic Area without adequate protection” (
But what is that means?
Here is the actual google privacy shield:
Can I store customer data like email address and post address in Firebase realtime database as a UK company?
1.5: Data Storage. Unless otherwise provided for by the Paid Services, Customer Data will be stored in the United States ("Hosting Data Location"), except that the Hosting Data Location may not apply to Customer Data copied by Customer or a Customer's End User to another location or used with other Google products and services.
Please read their terms of service
Other Google cloud platform may have different location, e.g.:
1.4 Data Location. Customer may select where certain Customer Data will be stored (“Data Location Selection”), and Google will store it there in accordance with the Service Specific Terms. If a Data Location Selection is not covered by the Service Specific Terms (or a Data Location Selection is not made by Customer with respect to any Customer Data), Google may process and store the Customer Data anywhere Google or its agents maintain facilities. By using the Services, Customer consents to this processing and storage of Customer Data. Under this Agreement, Google is merely a data processor.
(Refer to their terms of service as well)
