I'm having trouble with the AfterInstall hook for CodeDeploy. My code appears to be deploying, however I the AfterInstall script doesn't appear to be running. I have create a file in data/afterinstall.sh and I set the appspec.yml to execute it
- location: data/afterinstall.sh
timeout: 500
My afterinstall script is basic:
cd /final_path
touch test.txt
No file is being created. CodeDeploy succeeds. If I make the script return false, the step still succeeds and if I provide a location that doesn't exist, it still succeeds.
Where can I get more detailed output or logs for the afterinstall step?
This doesn't appear to contain any useful logs: /opt/codedeploy-agent/deployment-root/deployment-logs/codedeploy-agent-deployments.log.
/opt/codedeploy-agent/deployment-root/deployment-logs/codedeploy-agent-deployments.log appears to be empty
I am new to blogdown/hugo themes and want to build a webpage using the Ezhil theme with RStudio. I am following the instructions of blogdown.
In particular, after creating the project on RStudio, I am not able to build/serve the site. If I run serve_site(), I obtain
> blogdown::serve_site()
Launching the server via the command:
/Users/brunoconteleite/Library/Application Support/Hugo/0.84.2/hugo server --bind -p 4321 --themesDir themes -t ezhil -D -F --navigateToChanged
Error: Error building site: logged 1 error(s)
Instead, if I run hugo_build(), I obtain
> blogdown::hugo_build()
Start building sites …
hugo v0.84.2-E0C67958+extended darwin/amd64 BuildDate=2021-06-28T10:59:21Z VendorInfo=gohugoio
ERROR 2021/06/29 13:20:37 instagram shortcode: Missing config value for services.instagram.accessToken. This can be set in config.toml, but it is recommended to configure this via the HUGO_SERVICES_INSTAGRAM_ACCESSTOKEN OS environment variable. If you are using a Client Access Token, remember that you must combine it with your App ID using a pipe symbol (<APPID>|<CLIENTTOKEN>) otherwise the request will fail.
If you feel that this should not be logged as an ERROR, you can ignore it by adding this to your site config:
ignoreErrors = ["error-missing-instagram-accesstoken"]
Total in 40 ms
Error: Error building site: logged 1 error(s)
I tried to add the suggested ignoreErrors = ["error-missing-instagram-accesstoken"] line of code to the config.yalm file but could not address this issue.
You need to turn the TOML code into YAML if your config file has yaml or yml extension.
So, rather than ignoreErrors = ["error-missing-instagram-accesstoken"], add ignoreErrors: "error-missing-instagram-accesstoken" line to your config.yaml file. It should work.
I'm trying to use Concourse to grab a dockerfile defintion from a git repository, do some work, build the docker image, and push the new image to Artifactory. See below for the pipeline definition. At this time I have all stages up to the artifactory stage (the one that pushes to Artifactory) working. The artifactory stage exits with error with the following output:
waiting for docker to come up...
The push refers to repository [artifactory.server.com:2077/base/golang/alpine]
a4ab5bf94afd: Preparing
unauthorized: The client does not have permission to push to the repository.
This would seem straight-forward as an Artifactory permissions issue, except that I've tested locally with the docker cli and am able to push using the same user/pass as specified within destination_username and destination_password. I double checked the credentials to make sure I'm using the same ones and find that I am.
Question #1: is there any other known cause for getting this error? I've scoured the resource github page without finding anything. Any ideas why I may be getting the permissions error?
Without having an answer to the above question, I'd really like to dig deeper into troubleshooting the problem. To do so I use fly hijack to get a shell in the corresponding container. I notice that docker is installed on the container, so next step I think would be to do a docker import on the tarball for the image I'm trying to push and then perform a docker push to push it to the repo. When attempting to run the import I get the error:
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is
the docker daemon running?
Question #2: Why can't I use docker commands from within the container? Perhaps this has something to do with the issue I'm seeing with pushing to repo when running the pipeline (I don't think so)? Is it because the container isn't running with privilege? I thought that the privileged argument would be supplied in the resource type definition, but if not, how can I run with privilege?
- name: image-repo
type: git
branch: master
private_key: ((private_key))
uri: ssh://git#git-server/repo.git
- name: artifactory
type: docker-image
repository: artifactory.server.com:2077/((repo))
tag: latest
username: ((destination_username))
password: ((destination_password))
- name: update-image
- get: image-repo
- task: do-stuff
file: image-repo/scripts/do-stuff.yml
repository-directory: ((repo))
- task: build-image
privileged: true
file: image-repo/scripts/build-image.yml
- put: artifactory
import_file: image/image.tar
Arghhhh. Found after much troubleshooting that the destination_password wasn't being picked up properly due to special characters and a lack of quotes. Fixed the issue by properly setting the password within yaml file being included with the --load-vars flag.
I am writing a build process for a WordPress installation using Ansible. It doesn't have a application-level build system at the moment, and I've chosen Ansible so that it can cleanly integrate with server build scripts, so I can bring up a working server at the touch of a button.
Most of my WordPress plugins are being installed with the unarchive feature, pointing to versioned plugin builds on the official wordpress.org installation server. I've encountered a problem with just one of these, which is that it is always being marked as "changed" even though the files are exactly the same.
Having examined the state of ls -Rl before and after, I noticed that this plugin (WordPress HTTPS) is the only one to use internal sub-directories, and upon each decompression, the modification time of folders is getting bumped.
It may be useful to know that this is a project build script, with a connection of local. I guess therefore that means that SSH is not being used.
Here is a snippet of my playbook:
- name: Install the W3 Total Cache plugin
unarchive: >
- name: Install the WP DB Manager plugin
unarchive: >
# #todo Since this has internal sub-folders, need to work out
# how to preserve timestamps of the original folders rather than
# re-writing them, which forces Ansible to record a change of
# server state.
- name: Install the WordPress HTTPS plugin
unarchive: >
One hacky way of fixing this is to use ls -R before and after, using options to include file sizes but not timestamps, and then md5sum that output. I could then mark it as changed if there is a change in checksum. It'd work but it's not very elegant (and I'd want to do that for all plugins, for consistency).
Another approach is to abandon the task if a plugin file already exists, but that would cause problems when I bump the plugin version number to the latest copy.
Thus, ideally, I am looking for a switch to present to unarchive to say that I want the folder modification times from the zip file, not from playbook runtime. Is it possible?
Update: a commenter asked if the file contents could have changed in any way. To determine whether they have, I wrote this script, which creates a checksum for (1) all file contents and (2) all file/directory timestamps:
# Save pwd and then change dir to root location
cd `dirname $0`/../..
# Clear collation file
echo > /tmp/wp-checksum
# List all files recursively
find wp-content/plugins/wordpress-https/ -type f | while read file
#echo $file
cat $file >> /tmp/wp-checksum
# Get checksum of file contents
sha1sum /tmp/wp-checksum
# Get checksum of file sizes
ls -Rl wp-content/plugins/wordpress-https/ | sha1sum
# Go back to original dir
I ran this as part of my playbook (running it in isolation using tags) and received this:
PLAY [Set this playbook to run locally] ****************************************
TASK [setup] *******************************************************************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [jonblog : Run checksum command] ******************************************
changed: [localhost]
TASK [jonblog : debug] *********************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"checksum_before.stdout_lines": [
"374fadc4df1578f78fd60b1be6758477c2c533fa /tmp/wp-checksum",
"10d66f7bdbbdd3af531d1b11a3db3059a5868838 -"
TASK [jonblog : Install the WordPress HTTPS plugin] ***************
changed: [localhost]
TASK [jonblog : Run checksum command] ******************************************
changed: [localhost]
TASK [jonblog : debug] *********************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"checksum_after.stdout_lines": [
"374fadc4df1578f78fd60b1be6758477c2c533fa /tmp/wp-checksum",
"719c9da94b525e723b1abe188ee9f5bbaf121f3f -"
PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
localhost : ok=6 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=0
The debug lines reflect the checksum hash of the contents of the files (this is identical) and then the checksum hash of ls -Rl of the file structure (this has changed). This is in keeping with my prior manual finding that directory checksums are changing.
So, what can I do next to track down why folder modification times are incorrectly flagging this operation as changed?
Rather than overwriting all files each time and find a way to keep the same modification datetime, you may want to use the creates option of the unarchive module.
As you maybe already know, this tells Ansible that a specific file/folder will be created as a result of the task. Thus, next time the task will not be run again if that file/folder already exists.
See http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/unarchive_module.html#options
My solution is to modify the checksum script and to make that a permanent feature of the Ansible process. It feels a bit hacky to do my own checksumming, when Ansible should do it for me, but it works.
New answers that explain that I am doing something wrong, or that a new version of Ansible fixes the problem, would be most welcome.
If I get a moment, I will raise this as a possible bug with the Ansible team. However I do sometimes wonder about the effort/reward ratio when raising bugs on a busy tracker - I already have one item outstanding, it has been waiting a while, and I've chosen to work around that too.
Update (18 months later)
This Ansible build system never made it into live. It felt like I was always working around something. Recently, when I decided I needed to move my blog to another server, I finally Dockerised it. This took several weeks (since there is a surprising amount of things to think about in a real WordPress installation) but in general I found the process much nicer than using orchestration tools.
I want to write a grunt task, which will start a server, and run some tests based on that server:
shell: {
sbtRun: {
options: {
stdout: true
command: './sbt run'
grunt.registerTask('run-test-only', ...);
grunt.registerTask('start-server-and-test', ['shell:sbtRun', 'run-test-only']);
But the problem is, the task ./sbt run is not running in daemon. When I run:
grunt start-server-and-test
It will blocking in the shell:sbtRun task forever.
Is there any way to start it in a child process? So the second task run-test-only will be called, and the server will be destroyed automatically after testing?
I was facing a similar issue. I wanted to connect to a database and store the result of a query in a .csv. I created a separate file to do all that work and I was successful in running that file through the command line using:
node filename.js
I used grunt-shell and grunt-exec to run this command but everytime I saw the same error:
const child = require('child_process').exec;
Then, I found another grunt plugin i.e grunt-execute which was able to create a child process and the task was completed successfully. You could find more about grunt-execute here, https://www.npmjs.com/package/grunt-execute.
Hope this helps.
I am trying to create an OpenShift application using the --from-code option to grab the application code from GitHub. I've created two different OpenShift QuickStarts -- with one, the --from-code option works, and with the other, it doesn't work.
So clearly I'm doing something wrong in the QuickStart that isn't working. But I can't see what I'm doing wrong. I either get error 504 or an error occurred, neither of which tells me what the problem is, and there doesn't seem to be a verbose flag to get more details on the error.
Tests-Mac:~ testuser$ rhc app create sonr diy-0.1 http://cartreflect-claytondev.rhcloud.com/reflect?github=smarterclayton/openshift-redis-cart --from-code https://github.com/citrusbyte/SONR.git
The cartridge 'http://cartreflect-claytondev.rhcloud.com/reflect?github=smarterclayton/openshift-redis-cart' will be downloaded and installed
Application Options
Domain: schof
Cartridges: diy-0.1, http://cartreflect-claytondev.rhcloud.com/reflect?github=smarterclayton/openshift-redis-cart
Source Code: https://github.com/citrusbyte/SONR.git
Gear Size: default
Scaling: no
Creating application 'sonr' ... Server returned an unexpected error code: 504
Tests-Mac:~ testuser$ rhc app create sonr diy-0.1 http://cartreflect-claytondev.rhcloud.com/reflect?github=smarterclayton/openshift-redis-cart --from-code https://github.com/citrusbyte/SONR.git
The cartridge 'http://cartreflect-claytondev.rhcloud.com/reflect?github=smarterclayton/openshift-redis-cart' will be downloaded and installed
Application Options
Domain: schof
Cartridges: diy-0.1, http://cartreflect-claytondev.rhcloud.com/reflect?github=smarterclayton/openshift-redis-cart
Source Code: https://github.com/citrusbyte/SONR.git
Gear Size: default
Scaling: no
Creating application 'sonr' ...
An error occurred while communicating with the server. This problem may only be temporary. Check that you have correctly specified your
OpenShift server 'https://openshift.redhat.com/broker/rest/domain/schof/applications'.
Tests-Mac:~ testuser$
That's creating an application with --from-code using this repo: https://github.com/citrusbyte/SONR . If I use this repo it works flawlessly: https://github.com/citrusbyte/openshift-sinatra-redis
The code itself seems to be good, as I can create an empty new application, merge the SONR code in, and it works flawlessly.
What am I doing wrong?
UPDATE: I've worked around this issue by creating the app in two stages instead of doing it in one stage:
rhc app create APPNAME diy-0.1 http://cartreflect-claytondev.rhcloud.com/reflect?github=smarterclayton/openshift-redis-cart
git remote add github -f https://github.com/citrusbyte/SONR.git
git merge github/master -s recursive -X theirs
git push origin master
I'd still love to know why doing it in one step was failing, though.
#developercorey had the right idea.
I tried with a ridiculous timeout of 99999, and then got a different timeout error that I don't think I can change:
$ rhc app create APPNAME diy-0.1 http://cartreflect-claytondev.rhcloud.com/reflect?github=smarterclayton/openshift-redis-cart --from-code https://github.com/citrusbyte/SONR.git --timeout 99999
Creating application 'APPNAME' ...
The initial build for the application failed: Shell command '/sbin/runuser -s /bin/sh 5328a9385973ca70150002af -c "exec /usr/bin/runcon 'unconfined_u:system_r:openshift_t:s0:c5,c974' /bin/sh -c \"gear postreceive --init >> /tmp/initial-build.log 2>&1\""' exceeded timeout of 229
The fix I mentioned in my earlier update is working perfectly, and that's what I recommend anyone with a similar problem try -- I'm creating the app as empty without the --from-code option, and then merging in the code I wanted to use in a separate step:
rhc app create APPNAME diy-0.1 http://cartreflect-claytondev.rhcloud.com/reflect?github=smarterclayton/openshift-redis-cart
git remote add github -f https://github.com/citrusbyte/SONR.git
git merge github/master -s recursive -X theirs
git push origin master
It could be that the application takes to long to clone/setup, and the creation is timing out. Something you can try is to create the application without the --from-code, then clone it locally, and merge in your code from github, then do a git push. This operation has a much longer timeout period, and will also let you see what, if any, errors that you get since the application won't disappear if it doesn't succeed, unlike an app create.