How to request LinkedIn to enable webhooks for my app? - linkedin

I'm trying to enable webhook support for my Linkedin app (in the developer portal) and I can see in the docs:
Official docs
The Webhooks tab is only enabled for applications with a use case for webhooks.
I haven't found a way to request access for this specific functionality.
There is no Webhooks tab in my app settings (in the developer portal) and I cannot find a way to enable/configure anything related to webhooks.

$social_links = array ('facebook', 'twitter', 'linkedin');
you can use wp_options for that
to update option use
update_option('linkedin', $social_links);


How to get access to LinkedIn Live Video API?

We are building streaming application and need access to LinkedIn Live API.
According to the docs we need to request one of the scopes w_organization_live or w_member_live but they are not authorized and there does not seem to be a way to add those to the linkedin app:
Any ideas how to make it work? Should we talk to someone?

Cannot add custom domain to firebase

The custom domain wizard in firebase cannot go in the "verify ownership" stage. When I look at the web dev console I see a lot of 503 errors.
Is the spark plan not enough to have a custom domain ? Is the system broken ? Have I skip a step ?
For anyone else who ends up here, I did forward this on to Firebase Support.
They responded with 'That error appears when developers have a GSuite account. To solve the issue, reach out to your GSuite organization admin/owner to get the Search Console enabled. The following Google support article will provide the steps to enable the Search Console.'
Indeed, after enabling the Google Search Console, it did proceed to the Verify Domain step.

Google API javascript

I am doing a custom google map with API
I put the URL link :,New+York,NY&zoom=13&size=600x300&maptype=roadmap&markers=color:blue|label:S|40.702147,-74.015794&markers=color:green|label:G|40.711614,-74.012318&markers=color:red|label:C|40.718217,-73.998284&key=AIzaSyCTFUKmdIRSSod5v1oqhIXJOmkOPMsdFp0
I received this error:
The Google Maps Platform server rejected your request. This API project is not authorized to use this API. Please ensure this API is activated in the Google Developers Console:
I enabled API AND THE error still exist
Can you please help me find the solituion for my problem
In order to use the Google maps api your going to have to first off enable the maps api in the Google developer console for that project. Then you will need to enable billing for the project as there is no longer a free tear for maps api.
Once you have done that you can create an api key and use it in your code.
The Google Maps Platform server rejected your request. This API project is not authorized to use this API. Please ensure this API is activated in the Google Developers Console:
This message means that you have not enabled the maps api for your project. It can take a few minutes before it kicks in if you just enabled it. Make sure you have done it for the cogrect project as well by clicking on the link that it showed you.
You are going to need maps javascript API for a real map and embed it in a div
Here is a basic example on how to achieve that.
In the script tag in the html section you need to replace YOUR_API_KEY for the real one from google.
jsbin example,css,js,output

Use of google Analytics SDK 3.09 needs to check Advertising Identifier(IDFA) in iTunes Connect?

I used Google Analytics SDK 3.09 in my app and wants to submit the app to appstore but am bit confused whether i need to check Advertising Identifier(IDFA) and its subsequent options for serving ads and more. Am not showing any ads in app just using GAITracker to track the home screen do i still need to check IDFA? Please guide me more on this i googled but did not get great help on this.
IDFA is disabled by default. If you need IDFA (for example for campaign tracking of installs), you need to link appropriate files and then enable it explicitly, like so:
// Enable IDFA collection.
tracker.allowIDFACollection = YES;
See GA documentation for more details
So, by default, there's no need to mention that your app uses IDFA.
You are using Google Analytics to track conversions for your app.IDFA (Identifier for Advertisers) requires for 'libAdIdAccess.a' and 'AdSupport.framework. So check the 2nd & 3rd option in IDFA -> "Attribute this app installation to a previously served ad". AND "Attribute an action taken within this app to a previously served advertisement".

UrbanAirship - Where is a setting for 'Allow Push From Device' in the admin page?

I read the urbanairship documentation about how to 'Allow Push [notificaition] From Device' and in the document, it said there should be an option to do so. However, when I am in the admin page of my app. I cannot see that option. I saw that I can edit: Application name, Application Icon, Category, Rich Push Enabled, Push Notification Support, Apple push certificate, Certificate password, Push debug mode, BlackBerry stuff...,Android stuff.
Where is an option to 'Allow Push From Device'? Am I looking at the right Admin page? Is the doc out-of-date?
Thank you very much for any helps or guidances!
Found this answer on their support pages:
Thank you for contacting us. We made a change to the system that for any new apps created, that option would no longer be available. If you send us an email to with your app key and original request, we can turn this on for you.
