Class 'PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\Matcher\InvokedCount' not found' in phpUNIT 9 version - phpunit

Failed asserting that exception message 'Class 'PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\Matcher\InvokedCount' not found' contains.

I tried to figure it out solution in multiple places. Couldn't found proper solution to this. Posting answer to make our dev's life easier.
PHP unit 9 version don't have InvokedCount.php under Matcher directory. It is actually replaced under Rule directory.
So if you face any issues , Do please replace Matcher with Rule
Example :
public function finalizeAssertions() {
$expectedNumberOfExecutions = new \PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\Matcher\InvokedCount(
Replace with :
public function finalizeAssertions() {
$expectedNumberOfExecutions = new \PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\Rule\InvokedCount(


Trying to add social media links to Drupal website

I'm trying to add social media icons to my drupal website and followed this guide to try and install them. The module seems to install fine, however when I try to configure it to add different links on clicking save it brings me to a webpage that simply says The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.
I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling the plugin and that didn't seem to do anything. Are there some permissions I'm missing in my set up? I'm pretty much brand new to drupal
Edit: The url of the error is admin/structure/block/manage/socialmedialinks?destination=/node
and some of the error log:
TypeError: Argument 2 passed to Egulias\EmailValidator\EmailValidator::isValid() must implement interface Egulias\EmailValidator\Validation\EmailValidation, bool given,
It seems the social_media_links drupal module version 8.x-2.6 has a bug when it checks the validity of email addresses.
There is an issue in the module's issue queue for it HERE.
There is a patch attached to the issue (attached below):
diff --git a/src/Plugin/SocialMediaLinks/Platform/Email.php b/src/Plugin/SocialMediaLinks/Platform/Email.php
index 007e59f..2926d47 100755
--- a/src/Plugin/SocialMediaLinks/Platform/Email.php
+++ b/src/Plugin/SocialMediaLinks/Platform/Email.php
## -4,7 +4,6 ## namespace Drupal\social_media_links\Plugin\SocialMediaLinks\Platform;
use Drupal\social_media_links\PlatformBase;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
-use Egulias\EmailValidator\EmailValidator;
use Drupal\Core\Url;
## -29,9 +28,9 ## class Email extends PlatformBase {
public static function validateValue(array &$element, FormStateInterface $form_state, array $form) {
if (!empty($element['#value'])) {
- $validator = new EmailValidator();
+ $validator = \Drupal::service('email.validator');
- if (!$validator->isValid($element['#value'], TRUE)) {
+ if (!$validator->isValid($element['#value'])) {
$form_state->setError($element, t('The entered email address is not valid.'));

Error 500 Call to undefined function thrive_get_theme_options() when trying to get to customize in WP

My site uninstalled all plugins so I reactivated and since then I have been greeted by Error 500 everytime I try to get to Customise (WP).
I checked out error_log and it's pointing to the funtions.php line 659 (starts 3rd line down):
function thrive_exclude_category($query)
$hide_cat_option = thrive_get_theme_options('hide_cats_from_blog');
if (!is_string($hide_cat_option)) {
$hide_cat_option = "";
$hide_categories = is_array(json_decode($hide_cat_option)) ? json_decode($hide_cat_option) : array();
$temp_query_string_part = "";
foreach ($hide_categories as $temp_cat_id) {
$temp_query_string_part .= "-" . $temp_cat_id . " ";
This is probably simple stuff, however, I suck. I have been lumbered with maintaining the sites and really have no say in the matter. Thanks in advance
In one of the projects I found this problem too. After study logs and debug project I find this function don't know about another function which used in theme PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function thrive_get_theme_options(). The main problem here in filter which running before all files will be included in theme. So function thrive_exclude_category don't find where declared thrive_get_theme_options because pre_get_posts running before we included files:
add_filter('pre_get_posts', 'thrive_exclude_category')
We need run this filter after use after_setup_theme
function run_func(){
add_filter('pre_get_posts', 'thrive_exclude_category', 999);
add_action('after_setup_theme', 'run_func`);
After this you not get any error and you can use your filter.
Try reactivate all plugins required by Thrive theme because of Fatal: Call to undefined function thrive_get_theme_options()

Symfony2 error : Case mismatch between loaded and declared class names:

I'm working on Symfony2 and i updated my project with composer.phar update
Now, when i check my site with app_dev.php i always have this error :
Case mismatch between loaded and declared class names: Blu\ProjectBun
dle\Entity\AccountRepository vs Blu\ProjectBundle\Entity\AccountRepos
It's the same when i clear the dev cache, manually or not. I have nothing special in AccountRepository.php..
Any ideas ?
Edit : I already tried to add if ($name !== $class && 0 === strcasecmp($name, $class)) { in DebugClassLoader.php and no effect
Intent to var_dump($name) and var_dump($class) and strcasecmp($name, $class) to see why you enter in the condition.
though the answer was a typo in the class namespace, this errors occurs also if your entity is defined via xml, i.e. User.orm.xml, and you accidentally name the file lower-case, this will drive nuts the xml loader
create FooNamespace\BarBundle\Resources\config\User.orm.xml
create FooNamespace\BarBundle\Entity\User.php (class User { ... })
I had this problem and after trying all the solutions I found, no one of them worked for me. I am working with Symfony 2.8, Doctrine ORM and Sonata Admin Bundle and this exception appeared when I added an admin class (for a class related with the class showed in the exception message) and I tried to open it.
My mistake was I wrote the name of the database tables in lowercase in Doctrine annotations in the class related, check if you have it in uppercase:
This is a known bug in Symfony2 :
It has been merged in 2.5 but not tagged yet (source)
To check if this is really the case for you, you might want to try modifying the src/Symfony/Component/Debug/DebugClassLoader.php file manually :
// Line 178
if ($name !== $class && 0 === strcasecmp($name, $class)) {
... and check if you still have the problem after clearing your cache
Please Add this if condition in DebugClassLoader.php File at line 177
if ($name === $class) {
if ($name !== $class && 0 === strcasecmp($name, $class)) {
throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Case mismatch between loaded and declared class names: %s vs %s', $class, $name));
It will solve your problem
Location: root\Projectname\Symfony\vendor\symfony\symfony\src\Symfony\Component\Debug
Your controller name first word is lowercase in your routing.yml
path: /new
defaults: { _controller: CoreUserBundle:teacher:newteacher }
like teacher..
will be Teacher

Implementing GeocodableBehavior in Symfony 1.4 (using Propel)

I'm trying to implement the GeocodableBehavior on a Symfony 1.4 (with Propel 1.6) project i'm working on, but until now it's a complete failure. I've tried to search if other people but I didn't found anything, like if I was the only one having troubles with this.
So, maybe I'm missing something very very easy, but following the instructions given on the GeocodableBehavior leads to nothing but errors, and I can't figure out where's the problem.
I followed instructions for the GeocodableBehavior (here ->
This seems to work as i'm getting the latitude/longitude columns created on my model. Until then, it works fine.
Where things get a little more complicated is when trying to save an object with the GeocodableBehavior, there's problems with the Geocoder class.
(Documentation here ->
My class is Point, referring to a geolocated point, an address. When creating a Point using sf admin generator, the behavior which is supposed to use some fields (street, postal_code, country, etc) to query the GoogleMaps api, just fails to use the Geocoder class.
Fatal error: Class 'Geocoder\Geocoder' not found in /var/www/vhosts/www._________.local/lib/model/om/BasePoint.php on line 3717
I put the Geocoder class in a lib/vendor/geocoder folder, I tried to use the autoload.yml file to load it, but nothing changes...
name: geocoder
path: %SF_LIB_DIR%/vendor/geocoder
recursive: on
There's something i'm missing in how to load those classes in my sf project, and i can't find what. Geocoder package has an autoload.php file but i didn't manage to "load" it successfully...
Thanks in advance.
I know it's kinda giving up on the autoloader, but you could establish a register function in /config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php. The only downside is that you will need to add a call to the function before any block that uses Geocoder.
class ProjectConfiguration extends sfProjectConfiguration
static protected $geocoderLoaded = false;
static public function registerGeocoder()
if (self::$geocoderLoaded) {
require_once sfConfig::get('sf_lib_dir') . '/vendor/geocoder/autoload.php';
self::$geocoderLoaded = true;
Then just execute ProjectConfiguration::registerGeocoder(); anywhere you'd need the class. It's more annoying than getting the autoloader to work, but it's at least dependable.
Did you check your autoload cache to see it there is something related to Geocoder?
Maybe, manually add the autoload in the /config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php:
class ProjectConfiguration extends sfProjectConfiguration
public function setup()
require_once sfConfig::get('sf_lib_dir').'/vendor/geocoder/src/autoload.php';
Using the built-in autoloader should be a working option, but you can also combine symfony's autoloader with a "PSR-0 enabled" one. Basically, this boils down to the following implementation:
public function setup()
// plugin stuff here
// register the new autoloader
spl_autoload_register(array($this, 'autoloadNamespace'));
public function autoloadNamespace($className)
$className = ltrim($className, '\\');
$fileName = '';
$namespace = '';
if ($lastNsPos = strripos($className, '\\'))
$namespace = substr($className, 0, $lastNsPos);
$className = substr($className, $lastNsPos + 1);
$fileName = str_replace('\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $namespace) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
// make sure that the path to Geocoder is correct
sfConfig::get('sf_lib_dir').'/vendor/Geocoder/src' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileName . $className . '.php',
) as $fileName)
if (file_exists($fileName))
require $fileName;
return true;
return false;
With this additional autoloader, your application should be able to use Geocoder.

webdriver-test is unusable

On a virtual machine (clean, fresh Ubuntu server 11.04) I created a test website as described in Creating Your First Yii Application and now I want to create simple test using webdriver-test.
I set up proper TEST_BASE_URL in protected/tests/WebTestCase.php and created protected/tests/functional/MySimpleTest.php
Yii::import( 'ext.webdriver-bindings.CWebDriverTestCase' );
class MySimpleTest extends CWebDriverTestCase {
protected function setUp() {
parent::setUp( '', 4444, 'firefox' );
public function testMySite() {
$this->get( TEST_BASE_URL );
$qElem = $this->findElementBy( LocatorStrategy::linkText, 'Users' );
$this->assertNotNull( $qElem, 'There is no "Users" link!' );
$this->assertTrue( $this->isTextPresent( '' ), 'The is no "" text on result page!' );
Running it looks like this:
etam#ubuntu:/var/www/test/protected/tests$ phpunit functional/MySimpleDbTest.php
PHPUnit 3.5.15 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Time: 5 seconds, Memory: 5.25Mb
There was 1 error:
1) MySimpleTest::testMySite
PHPUnit_Framework_Exception: setBrowserUrl() needs to be called before start().
Tests: 1, Assertions: 0, Errors: 1.
Notice that it's complaining about setBrowserUrl() from PHPUnit_Extensions_SeleniumTestCase_Driver, which is not the same as one from CWebDriverTestCase.
I tried to find out what's going on, but it's too complicated to me. It looks like problems with old and new selenium API existing together, but I'm not sure about it.
I'm using:
Ubuntu server 11.04
yii 1.1.8.r3324
webdriver-test 1.1b
phpunit 3.5.15 (repaired as described in
Please help!
You need to call the setBrowseUrl() method right after the parent::setup() method because selenium requires this url to resolve relative paths on your test cases. So this way you could call open('') or just open('/someAction') and both would go to the same page.
