How can I disable multitouch gestures on Ubuntu 22.04 - gesture

I was using a GNOME extension to disable multitouch gestures on ubuntu 20.04 but it doesn't work with ubuntu 22.04
Does anybody know how to disable this on Ubuntu 22.04?

I have found this extension that works to me:
wget ""
gnome-extensions install


Rstudio Installation on Ubuntu App windows 11 I get Black screen

I installed Rstudio from terminal of Ubuntu App of windows 11 (Windows subsystem for linux)
R version is R version 4.2.0 (2022-04-22)
R studio after installation
sudo dpkg -i rstudio-2022.02.2-485-amd64.deb
sudo apt install -f
Then started rstudio (the menu above also flickers)
But I get like this
I am new to linux and R but I need to learn it for my course please if someone can help as i need to use R in linux
If I have to change any please help with steps i did all search in google everywhere didnt get solution please help

Install kaa single-node 0.10.0 or 0.11.0 on Ubuntu 18.10

is Kaa single-node compatible with Ubuntu 18.10?
If i install on Ubuntu 16.04 it works, on Ubuntu 18.10 everything seems starting right but when i try connecting to http://localhost:8080/kaaAdmin it shows that "it couldn't connect to the page" (in Ubuntu 16.04 works). Is it a firewall problem?
I followed kaa installation guide (configuring zookeeper, mongodb etc)
Kaa's logs are empty (no errors, no warnings)...
I also tried compiling kaa 0.11.0 from source and this situation persists.
EDIT: It's a Zookeeper problem! Kaa works only on Zookeeper v3.4.8. If I install this version on Ubuntu 18.10, it works!
It's a Zookeeper problem! Kaa works only on Zookeeper v3.4.8. If I install this version on Ubuntu 18.10, it works!

How to install the full Qt 5.5 to default location
Follow the installation guide from the readme file in qgroundcontrol, I still have problem of missing package in QT. I have downloaded QT installer ( and installed it to "home/user/QT".
It this problem because...
I installed to the wrong location which is not default location of QT then QT cannot find new installed-packages. Where is the default location to install?
or I have to do some more configuration?
OS : Ubuntu 16.04
On Ubuntu 16.04 there is Qt 5.5.1 in the standard OS repositories.
sudo apt install qtbase5-dev libqt5location5 qtdeclarative5-controls-plugin

How to install erpnext on Windows

I have installed ERPNext on Ubuntu, now I have a specific requirement where I want to install it on Windows OS.
I have download the following Pre requisites.
1. Python 2.7
2. MariaDB
What is the correct procedure to install erpnext on windows. ?
ERPNext isn't compatible with Windows.
How ever you can install it in Windows using Virtual Machine
Install a Virtual Machine on Microsoft Windows
By following these instruction
After that follow these steps
Installation Steps:
Install WAMPserver from here
Install Python from here
Install Setup tools from here
Configure httpd.conf
Replace shebang lines to your python directory.
Good Luck
ERPNext isn't compatible with windows yet, as it uses some unix utilities.
You can do it using windows subsystem for linux and carry the steps of installing on linux in commandline of linux.

Glassfish updatetool linux 64 bit issue

I am trying to run glassfish updatetool my in Ubuntu 12.04 x64. When I run the program it gives me following error.
There was an error running
You are running on a 64 bit Linux distribution and the 32 bit Linux
compatibility libraries do not appear to be installed. In order to use
the Update Center tools you must install the 32 bit compatibility libraries.
On Ubuntu (and possibly other Debian based systems) please install the
ia32-libs package. On RedHat 4 (and other RPM based systems), you may
need to add multiple 'compat' runtime library packages. Please see the
Update Center Release Notes for more information
I already install this package still it doesn't work. What can I do?
You also need to install 32 bit version of .
You can do so by running this command
sudo apt-get install libjpeg62:i386
Source :
For glassfish4 on ubuntu 12.04 x64 make sure you have the recommended updates for precise ticked in Settings of Update Manager, then
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
This is not quite enough though because the pkg command looks for those libs in the wrong directories for the ubuntu installation. Help it find them with this command
sudo ln -s /lib/i386-linux-gnu /usr/lib32
Then the pkg command should work fine.
