Bug with backdrop-filter in firefox? - css

I'm having issues with backdrop-filter in firefox, but only when one of the parent elements has a border-radius and an overflow style on it. has anyone seen this before? any workarounds?
heres a codepen i made that shows the issue: https://codepen.io/dbillings16/pen/WNKEBMg
thanks in advance
tried adding backdrop-filter: blur(10px); to a div, expecting it to blur the background. it is blurred in chrome, but not in firefox


Does Safari have a CSS position animation bug?

In Safari, I'd like to use CSS to animate between position: relative and position: fixed. Yes, I know this is a discrete animation. That's what I need.
This works as expected in Firefox and Chrome, but not Safari. Is this a bug? Is there a way to make this work?

Transition on transform with border radius and overflow hidden doesn't work in Safari

This might be a common issue, but I couldn't find the answer. Best way to understand the problem is to look at this fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/sxvjejvk/
Basically I have a div with a border-radius and overflow:hidden. Inside the div is an image. When I hover over the div, I want the image to scale, using a transition. However, the border-radius of the div breaks (it doesn't have rounded corners anymore) for the duration of the animation.
Adding -webkit-transform:translateZ(0) to the div fixes this in Chrome, but it doesn't work in Safari. Does anyone know if there's a fix for this?
You can fix it by adding webkit-mask-image for the parent element which has overflow:hidden
-webkit-mask-image: -webkit-radial-gradient(white, black);
Adding will-change: transform; to the overfow: hidden item works better for me on mobile Safari.
Adding border-radius to parent element while hovering works for me.

CSS3 transition (background-color) refusing to work in Firefox

This is odd and I may be missing something blatant by my main navigation buttons on build.advocatedaily.com have a CSS background color transition associated with them on hover.
It works in Chrome, but in FX it's just refusing to comply. Interestingly, when I open a submenu and hover off the element, the background color reverts to normal using a transition.
position: relative;
from .mainnav li, worked here
firefox can be funny sometimes.

Weird space at the top in firefox

I'm working on a ticket system for my website and I have this unusual space at the top of the page for some reason in firefox, but not in chrome, opera, safari, or IE. Just firefox. Anyone know why?
Check images below:
The h1 element is pushing the header down. Try adding clear: both; to the h1 element's css.
Try clearing your floats. (ul, li)
<h1 style='clear:both'></h1>

Style overflow:hidden and SVG Firefox 3.6

I would like to display an svg that flows over the screen but I don't want to see scroll bars. setting overflow:hidden in the body works for chromium and opera but not for Firefox 3.6. Anyone know a fix? Thanks.
html, body { overflow:hidden }
Works for me: http://phrogz.net/tmp/wide_svg.xhtml
