I trying to build a measure that will count the number of work types from the day before and have the below Dax Measure.
The Dax returns no errors, but when I try to attach to a visual, I am presented with the below error.
Any help on this or alternative solutions would be greatly appreciated.
Try counting instead of summing(which only works with number data types)
My task is to get total inbound leads for a group of customers, leads by month for the same group of customers and conversion rate of those leads.
The dataset I'm pulling from is 20 million records so I can't query the whole thing. I have successfully done the first step (getting total lead count for each org with this:
inbound_leads <- domo_get_query('6d969e8b-fe3e-46ca-9ba2-21106452eee2',
auto_limit = TRUE,
query = "select org_id,
from table
GROUP BY org_id
ORDER BY org_id"
DOMO is the bi tool I'm pulling from and domo_get_query is an internal function from a custom library my company built. It takes a query argument which is a mysql query)and various others which aren't important right now.
sample data looks like this:
org_id, inserted_at, lead_converted_at
1 10/17/2021 2021-01-27T03:39:03
2 10/18/2021 2021-01-28T03:39:03
1 10/17/2021 2021-01-28T03:39:03
3 10/19/2021 2021-01-29T03:39:03
2 10/18/2021 2021-01-29T03:39:03
I have looked through many aggregation online tutorials but none of them seem to go over how to get data needed pre-aggregation (such as number of leads per month per org, which isn't possible once the aggregation has occurred because in the above sample the aggregation would remove the ability to see more than one instance of org_id 1 for example) from a dataset that needs to be aggregated in order to be accessed in the first place. Maybe I just don't understand this enough to know the right questions to ask. Any direction appreciated.
If you're unable to fit your data in memory, you have a few options. You could process the data in batches (i.e. one year at a time) so that it fits in memory. You could use a package like chunked to help.
But in this case I would bet the easiest way to handle your problem is to solve it entirely in your SQL query. To get leads by month, you'll need to truncate your date column and group by org_id, month.
To get conversion rate for leads in those months, you could add a column (in addition to your count column) that is something like:
sum(case when conversion_date is not null then 1 else 0) as convert_count
deadcheck<-function(a,t){ #function to check if dead for specific age at a time age sending to function
roe<-which( birthmort$age[i]==fertmortc$min & fertmortc$max) #checks row in fertmortc(hart) to pick an age that meets min and max age requirements I think this could be wrong...
prob<-1-(((1-fertmortc$mortality[roe])^(1/365))^t) #finds the prob for the row that meets the above requirements
if(runif(1,0,1)<=prob) {d<-TRUE} else {d<-FALSE} #I have a row that has the probability of death every 7 days.
return(d) #outputs if dead
Background: I am creating an agent based model that is a population in a dataframe that is simulating how Tuberculosis spreads in a population. ( I know that there are probably 10000 better ways of having done this). I have thus far created a loop that populates my dataframe with people ages etc. I am now trying to create a function that will go to a chart that lists the probability of death per year, based on a age bracket. 0-5,5-10,10-15 etc. (I have math in there b/c I want it to check who lives, dies, makes babies every 7 days). I have a function similar to this that check who is pregnant and it works. However I for the life of me can't figure out why this function is not working. I keep getting the following error.
Error in if (runif(1, 0, 1) <= prob) { : argument is of length zero
I am unsure how to fix this.
I apologize in advanced it this is a dumb question, I have been trying to teach myself to code over the last 4-5 months. If I asked this question in the wrong format or incorrectly then please let me know how to do so correctly.
Value of prob is of length zero. It means
prob = NULL
in this case. Try to print alter your code and add
so you can check partial result.
As you suspected in your comments, the expression
birthmort$age[i]==fertmortc$min & fertmortc$max
is problematic. What this does is evaluate the comparison birthmort$age[i]==fertmortc$min, and then takes the result of that comparison and combines it with fertmortc$max using the and operator. This involves forming the and of a Boolean value and an integer, which is unlikely to make much sense.
Just guessing, you perhaps want:
birthmort$age[i] >= fertmortc$min & birthmort$age[i] <= fertmortc$max
I don't know if this will fix your problem -- you haven't given enough to test it. For optimal help, you should give a reproducible example. See this for how to do so in R
I am using a method similar to the Swift example in Get total step count for every date in HealthKit to acquire the number of steps from HealthKit. That works great.
My preference would be to get the number of steps per minute or per hour though instead of the per day that that code does -- While the sum of hourly steps perfectly matches the daily step count reported by HealthKit, the sum of minutely steps does not match hourly or daily sums.
Is there a way to get per-minute step summaries work? Or is there a logical answer as to why they are vastly different?
The only differences from the code above and my code is the following for Per Hour calculations (works the same):
interval.hour = 1
var anchorComponents = calendar.dateComponents([.hour, .day, .month, .year], from: NSDate() as Date)
and the following per minute calculations (usually over counts):
interval.minute = 1
var anchorComponents = calendar.dateComponents([.minute, .hour, .day, .month, .year], from: NSDate() as Date)
Clearly I am missing something. Thanks for any insight.
There are options (.strictStartDate, .strictEndDate) for the query predicate that determine whether the query finds all samples that are strictly within the interval (strict stop and start date), or whether it will include samples that stop or start outside of the interval.
My suspicion is that your step samples may cross minute boundaries, and depending on how you define the interval, this will make a significant difference.
I work with daily summaries and have defined the interval to be (strict, not-strict) so that a sample that spans two days is only counted in the one that it starts in. (Swift 4)
let predicate = HKQuery.predicateForSamples(withStart: start, end: end, options: .strictStartDate)
I note that the final answer in the SO question you linked to defines a (strict, not-strict) interval as well.
I have a column in my data that is split by poor, Average and Good. I'm looking to find the Max and the Min number in a different column when one of those categories is selected.
This is what I have for the code:
aggregate(as.numeric(data_gt$Category), list(exptCount=data_gt$Employment_Rate),max)
Is there an easier way to do this, even if it takes more commands to individually get the max min for each category?
Thanks for your help, I'm new to R so still learning the basics.
You can get this error message if you specified incorrect variable name (data_gt$Category instead of data_gt$category).
I'm trying to get LINQ SQL to grab and total this data, I'm having a heck of a time trying to do it too.
Here is my code, that doesn't error out, but it doesnt total the data.
' Get Store Record Data
Dim MyStoreNumbers = (From tnumbers In db.Table_Numbers
Where tnumbers.Date > FirstOfTheMonth
Select tnumbers)
I'm trying to create a loop that will group the data by DATE and give me the totals so I can graph it.
As you can see, I'd like to set totals for Internet, TV, Phone, ect... Any help would be great, thank you!
You can group and total the numbers one by one, like this:
From tnumbers In db.Table_Numbers
Where tnumbers.Date > FirstOfTheMonth
Group by tnumbers.Date
Into TotalPhone = sum(tnumbers.Phone)
Select Date, TotalPhone
Here is a link with explanations of this subject from Microsoft.
Edit: added grouping