How to give custom symbol in icomoon? - icons

I need help how to update custom symbol using Icomoon. My requirement is to give custom glyph so that I can get unique unicode to use in html entity like placeholder etc. Please tell if you know how to update this highlight square symbol, custom ones not the Icomoon provided emoji set.
What I have tried -
Install custom font in local system.
Open word.
Use same font file to write something using those custom sysmbol.
tried to copy paste same symbol in Icomoon, but no luck.


Multi language support in Downloaded mbtiles

I've downloaded mbtiles from openmaptiles and Also displayed them in web page. I used this to translate labels from english to other languages. but it doesn't work. Does anybody know how to change languages?
(Should mention that i display it with mapbox gl)
In a similar situation, the styles I got from running the docker setup of tileserver-gl contained many layers such as: "poi_label-en". These label are preventing the new label created by klokantech/openmaptiles-language to display properly (the library will create layers such as "poi_label-de" based on the definition of "poi_label" for German for instance).
I'd suggest the following steps to make openmaptiles-language works properly:
Take the latest style you want, such as:
Update the style to point to your source, glyphs and sprites. (use your current style as a basis)
Potentially change the name of the fonts if they do not match the ones served by your server (I had to update from "Noto Sans Regular" to "Klokantech Noto Sans Regular")
Then if you follow klokantech/openmaptiles-language instructions and example it should work properly.
A quick way to check your javascript implementation would be to use the cloud solution of openmaptiles for the tiles and the style. If it works properly, the javascript part is OK and the problem is in how your style is defined.

Semantically searching in CSS files

Imagine I have a huge CSS file with e.g. more than 40000 lines, like
I want to explore this file and for example search for class definitions containing "hidden" in their name. How can this be done? The word "hidden" can also appear in the definition of the class, so a normal text search is not sufficient. So I am looking for a tool which is able to interpret the CSS file and then allows me to semantically search in it, understanding the difference between "hidden" in a class name and "hidden" in a class definition.
Any tips on this? Thanks!
Update: I am using Visual Studio Code, if there is a matching extension for it, that would be great. A separate tool would also be fine.
I’m not sure which text editor/IDE you are using but most IDE’s allow you to search for classes by name, in which case you could just use “hidden” as the input. In IntelliJ, the command for this is Ctrl+N. You’ll have to check your editor or IDE for the shortcut but a simple Google search should give you the answer.

How to change the CSS font of user's input in SenseDateRangePicker extension

I am using the SenseDateRangePicker extension and I was asked to change the size of the input that gives each time for the user to select. I changed the font of almost everything in the CSS file of this extension but I can't find the styling that corresponds to the input. Does anyone know how this could be achieved?

How do I get a whole list of all available font names on my local computer?

I am creating a local project so all the fonts I used should be just locally existed. I am using a Mac and I can find them in /Library/Fonts. But I guess it's not gonna work if I just put the filename to my CSS property. For example, there is a font named 华文黑体 and if I directly use:
font-family: "华文黑体"
it's not working.
How do I know all the names that can be used in a value of CSS property?
You can probably open the font('s properties) to find an english (Latin script) name that will be recognized by CSS.

Specifying edit paths in Drupal for FCKEditor?

With the FCKEditor, you can specifiy paths where the editor must be included. Eg.
Which works great, until you need to go back and EDIT that node. Which means you end at a path like so:
Now, the fck editor no longer works, because the path isn't valid.
Is there any way that one can get the FCKEditor to work for both the normal path and the edit path of ONE SPECIFIC CONTENT TYPE?
I'm not sure if you can do this with stock the FCKEditor module. However, you can do it by using the WYSIWYG API module, which allows you to specify WYWIWYG editors on a per-input-filter basis, and Better Formats, which allows you to set input filter formats on a per-node-type basis.
