change form based on sected option input Vue 3 - vuejs3

enter image description here
I would like to change the dispay of form based on Selected option selected ...So if user selects E.As6 , Than an E.As6 form shows and if user selects E.As7 than the form changes to a E.As7 form. please see picture attached


How to add and edit record directly on the table widget Google AppMaker?

I have something like this to enter staff details list. Above is the table list. User click button below the table to add new list record. Then fill in the list details on the form beneath it.
My question is how can I just allow user to enter/fill in the list details directly on the table itself. Not only that, also user able edit record whenever the user clicks the records and wanted to change them.
The example I am providing is specifically for a datasource in autosave mode, so you will need to make some adjustments since it appears that your datasource is in manualsave mode. First you will either want to recreate your table and in the table creator choose 'Editable' which will automatically place inputs in your table row vs labels. Alternatively you can just replace all your labels with Textboxes, Dropdowns, or whatever your input should be. See the image of the table creator below:
Since in my example I used a 'Insert Only' form I moved my 'Create Button' and my 'Clear Changes' button inside the formbody, then set the flow direction of the formbody to horizontal and then matched the spacing of the form fields to the same as my table row and dragged the formbody to be between the tableheader and the tablebody(list) element. See the image below:
Again you will want to make adjustments to fit your needs such as rearranging where your 'Save' and 'Reset' buttons appear and in manualsave mode you may be able to skip the formbody entirely since your 'Add Details' button should automatically create a new table row anyways which you will then be able to edit directly in the table, you may just need to find it first but generally new rows should just be added on the bottom of your current datasource page.

Want to re-instantiate a component when navigating to same aux route

I have a list of items with Actions drop-down for each item in the left-section of page. I also have a right rail which displays a different component based on action type selected. I'm using aux-route to accomplish this.
One of the Action the user can take is "edit" where in a form is displayed to edit the metadata of the list item. While editing, user can click on + button next to some of the input field to add another input field dynamically.
Now my problem is, when the edit-form is open for a list item and I click edit on another item in the list, I wanted my edit-component to be re-instantiated.
Because the aux-route is same for all the list items for edit-action, edit-view is not instantiated once again. Is there a way to achieve it?
Right now fixed it with RouteReuseStrategy

New field not visible in field group on form

I have added an extra field to a field group, which already contained 4 fields, this field group is used on the form: smmBusRelTable.
The 4 existings fields are appearing without problems, the new field isn't showing up in the form.
The field is visible.
The field exists in the field group on the form.
I have resetted my personalise screen on that form.
I can add the field through personalise, but it won't show up.
It has no CountryCode filled in.
Any ideas?
Some things to try:
Right clicking on the form and click restore.
Go to the control (group, grid, etc) you're expecting to see the fields in, and verify the DataGroup property has the correct Field Group selected. Try clearing this property, saving, then adding it back again.
The init method on the form, set the visible parameter of the field on false. That is why the field showed when i added the field group on a new form.

How to dynamically change default value of the drop down field of the gravity forms depending on the selection before landing on the form page

I have a page with a pricing table:
plan A
plan B
plan C
I want to use only one gravity form with a drop down default value filled depending on what the user have selected.
For example, if the user selected 'plan B' from the pricing table, the form will show the drop down 'plan B' selected by default.
Can someone help me with this?
In Gravity Forms for your dropdown you will have a value. I found that as long as the value was one word it was easy to get it to be the default.
For you I would name each of your three things PlanA, PlanB, PlanC
Make sure show values is checked if you want it to be required.
Go over to the Advanced tab check the "Allow field to be populated dynamically" box and then for the parameter name enter a variable. I used default_value. Then on your different Plan names in your table you will need to add this. Plan A
where "planForm" is obviously the link of your page and the default_value is equal to the value of the dropdown item you wish to be default.

Specifying Other Amount on Initial Web Page

I have a form that contains a drop-down selector for someone to choose from one of three items to make a payment. I am trying to add a fourth item so that someone can specify their amount on the initial web page before clicking the "pay with paypal" button I created.
The ID of my text input box for the "other amount" is: amount1
Is it possible to use the advanced variables section of the Paypal button generator to have the value for the amount be set to the value from this text input box.
option_amount3 is the variable name that refers to the fourth option in the drop-down selector, so can I do something like: option_amount3 = [some way to grab the value typed into the text input box]
Here's a link to the page:
Please advise.....
