Woocommerce Subscriptions pay without logging in - woocommerce

I'd like to allow anyone to pay for their initial subscription order without having to log in.
I've tried adding this snipet to my website but it doesn't work:
It works for orders but not for parent orders of a subscription.

After exploring WooCommerce Subscriptions Core code I'm convinced that this it not possible. The plugin enforces that the user needs to be logged in to pay for the parent order of a subscription.
See wcs-cart-initial-payment

The solution mentioned in the article you linked to only works for regular WooCommerce orders and not for subscriptions, which are a separate product type in WooCommerce and have different payment requirements.
You may find this guide on guest checkout for WooCommerce subscriptions helpful:
Or, if you are more of a visual learner, follow along with this video tutorial that outlines everything described in the article:


WooCommerce Hide Products

Out of the box, WooCommerce will create a shop page featuring a catalog of products and the products are accessible through the REST API at /wc/store/products. For my use case this is precisely what I want to avoid: users should not be able to browse the products by any means. Instead I'll use application logic to programmatically add products to the user's cart when appropriate.
My solution would be to
Disable the /wc/store/products REST API
Make sure there's no shop page set under settings
My questions are (1) is this solution is adequate (2) will disabling /wc/store/products have unforeseen consequences?
I found that it's possible to set the catalog visibility of a product as 'hidden' which is an adequate solution for my use case.

Payments - Place order on WooCommerce and in Mollie or both via rest api?

I found out that you can place an order via WooCommerce but also in Mollie. See links below:
Mollie: https://docs.mollie.com/reference/v2/orders-api/create-order
WooCommerce: https://woocommerce.github.io/woocommerce-rest-api-docs/#create-an-order
What is best practice when using an API call? Create an order in Mollie, or WooCommerce, or both? I am not sure what happens if you place an order via the website... I also cannot test that.
Edit: I could test in on the website. The Wordpress WooCommerce website makes an order on both platforms, Mollie and WooCommerce.

Implementing a custom donation amount with Stripe Checkout

I have a simple WordPress setup which has a donations page. I have used some basic Stripe Checkout buttons which will allow for set amounts to be donated. I have set these up as products in the Stripe Dashboard. However, I am looking into the option of including a custom amount option, where users can type the amount they wish to donate. But from what I have read, this requires a more advanced setup. I'm not entirely clued up on server side interactions but I believe there has to be some kind of server involvement to achieve a custom donation amount.
I have seen code that would be implemented on the front end ( The form fields, for example) but where would I need to implement the server code?
Can anybody give me a little guidance on this. Any help much appreciated,
This question is very broad, I'm not sure what your technical background is so I cannot advise you on how you would go about it. You might have to hire a developer or ask a friend to help you build your Stripe integration out, or use a Stripe Partner from their Partner Program that can act as a plugin/platform for your Wordpress site: https://stripe.com/partners/apps-and-extensions
Ultimately Stripe's docs mostly cover how you would go about integrating Stripe into a backend: https://stripe.com/docs/payments/accept-a-payment
Your webpage would have to send a request with the custom donation amount, to your server, to create a CheckoutSession for a custom Price of that amount: https://stripe.com/docs/payments/accept-a-payment#add-an-event-handler-to-the-checkout-button
If you're using Stripe Checkout, then there's really no need to do any server-side development. Since you've set up Products and Prices in Stripe dashboard, then all you need is to use Stripe Checkout client-only integration, and pass in the respective items ID https://stripe.com/docs/js/checkout/redirect_to_checkout?type=cardNumber#stripe_checkout_redirect_to_checkout-options-lineItems

Wordpress Woocommerce option plugin

I make a e-commerce website with wordpress woocommerce. my client want subscription option like this page option a link.
is it already exist simlilar with this plugin?
There are plugins out there that can provide that functionality, Woocommerce Subscriptions is one of them
WC Subscriptions makes it easy to create and manage products with recurring payments. Create a subscription product just like any other WooCommerce product, and you’re ready to start selling subscriptions.
WooCommerce doesn't have this feature in its original WooCommerce plugin, however you do have two options. You can add a custom function in your child's theme to implement and organize subscriptions, or you can add WooCommerce Subscriptions (among many other plugins, but I would recommend using WooCommerce's own plugins as they work well together).
If you need any help with either of these feel free to ask and I can help.
I would also recommend using MailChimp along with MailChimp for WooCommerce
(By MailChimp). This allows you to add all your subscribed email addresses to a campaign and send a mass email to all your customers with a newsletter, advert, updates etc. With MailChimp you also get some Analytics showing you the amount of emails that were successfully sent, how many bounced, how many were opened, how many clicked a button in the emails to take a look at your site, and how many purchased directly from your email. Which allows you to keep track of your email success!
Hope this helps!
You can use this link to create woocommerce campaign without plugin
Woocommerce Campaign List

CreditCart payment for 1 fixed product (no PayPal, no Google Checkout, no Ubercart)

I'm about to start a new Drupal website. My client needs CreditCart payment (in-site with authorize.net). So he doesn't want PayPal or Google Checkout through Credit Cart payment. As I know Ubercart is well working solution. but i have 1 fixed product. I don't need any shopping basket, etc. so Ubercart is too big for my need. I just need simply CC payment. Is there any smaller alternative to Ubercart for this purpose? what would you recommend?
Thanks a lot!!
Take a look at this module list on Drupal.org. Drupal.org has advanced searching, which allows you to easily find the modules you need.
I found a few modules on the list, that looks like they could fit your need, but I'll give you the whole list and let you check them out and decide for yourself.
