Export the ipynb with webimage/local image(in markdown cell) as pdf - jupyter-notebook

I was trying to export the ipynb with webimage as pdf in vscode, but it can be exported as pdf unless I deleted the webimage link in my ipynb. Is there any method to export the ipynb with webimage/local image(in markdown cell) as pdf?


Knitting R to pdf form, keeping the text on the page

I have just knitted my .rmd file to pdf but the writing goes off the page,
How do I fix this?

How to insert an image in markdown in jupyter and export as PDF

I'm trying to export a notebook to pdf via latex, but doesn't work.
If I upload an image in markdown cell,
I can see the image in notebook, but when I export to pdf
the final file doesn't open, it says that the file can be danified and can't be open.
But if I put the image via cell code
PATH = "C:/Users/my_folder/"
Image(filename = PATH + "image.png", width=800)
the pdf works well, but I don't like the style, with the grey box on the cell code...
Could someone help me? How to export notebooks with markdown images or how to change the style of exported files in jupyter notebook to something more similar to an article.

How can I knit a Rmarkdown file into a html file which embeds plots?

In a Rmd file, there are several places which generate plots, for example
```{r outliers}
influencePlot (model1)
I knit the file into a html file and several image files under directory ./figure/, by running in a R session
> library(knitr)
> knit("my.Rmd")
and then running in a bash session
$ pandoc my.md -f markdown -t html -s -o my.html
but the html file doesn't embed the plots from the image files, for example:
<img src="figure/outliers-1.png" alt="plot of chunk outliers" />
I was wondering how I could make the html file embed the plots from the image files and become self contained?
In RStudio, when I click "knit to html" button, it embeds the plot images in html file, for example
<p><img src="...
What is the equivalent commands to RStudio's "knit to html" button?
What is the equivalent commands to RStudio's "knit to html" button?
Submit your output in a YAML header and then use
Or see the documentation for the render function and their arguments.

Jupyter notebook: images embedded in markdown do not show up in pdf

I am embedding some images in my markdown notebook cells by way of:
<img src=" C:\my\path\Pics\basic_coupled_inductors.png" height="20" width="550">
This renders OK in the notebook itself, and also gets properly translated when I save it to static HTML.
Thinks do not work if I try to convert to pdf:
jupyter nbconvert --to pdf my_notebook.ipynb
The result is just text, no images.
How should I include my images in the notebook so that they both show when I am working on it, and when I create a PDF from it?

How to sync .Rmd file and pdf output in Rstudio?

I have a .rmd file that I compile into a pdf using Knitr. I want to able to click on the pdf and have rstudio show me where in the source code that text or paragraph is. I am using Sumatra as the Rstudio PDF viewer.
