how to add multiple location blocks for proxy pass in nginx for specific region/URL - nginx

I am trying to setup nginx for reverse proxy. But I have to do it for multiple servers which are basically for different regions. I have three regions APAC, Australia, Japan
location /au/myEndPoint1 {
proxy_pass https://AUSTRALIA_SERVER/myEndPoint1 ;
location /jp/myEndPoint1 {
proxy_pass https://JAPAN_SERVER/myEndPoint1 ;
location /myEndPoint1 {
proxy_pass https://APAC_SERVER/myEndPoint1 ;
location /au/myEndPoint2 {
proxy_pass https://AUSTRALIA_SERVER/myEndPoint2 ;
location /jp/myEndPoint2 {
proxy_pass https://JAPAN_SERVER/myEndPoint2 ;
location /myEndPoint2 {
proxy_pass https://APAC_SERVER/myEndPoint2 ;
But when I test this for /au/myEndPoint1, I received request sometimes on location /myEndPoint1 and sometimes on /au/myEndPoint1.


How to specify correctly Nginx reverse proxy configuration for POST /some_endpoint/<product>/<component>/<key> using Regex

How to write properly configuration for Nginx in order to map incoming POST /some_endpoint/product/component/key to the appropriate node?
Product, component, key are different from request to request.
I have tried some variants, no lack.
location /some_endpoint/([0-9A-Za-z]+)$/([0-9A-Za-z]+)$/([0-9A-Za-z]+)$ {
proxy_pass http://first-node:8080/some_endpoint/$1/$2/$3;
location /some_endpoint/(~*)$/(~*)$/(~*)$ {
proxy_pass http://first-node:8080/some_endpoint/$1/$2/$3;
I have achieved needed behaviour using the following configurations:
location ~/rest-endpoint1/(.*)$ {
proxy_pass http://first-node:8080/rest-endpoint1/$1$is_args$args;
location ~/rest-endpoint2/(.*)$ {
proxy_pass http://first-node:8080/rest-endpoint2/$1$is_args$args;
location ~/rest-endpoint3/(.*)$ {
proxy_pass http://second-node:8081/rest-endpoint3/$1$is_args$args;
location ~/rest-endpoint4/(.*)$ {
proxy_pass http://second-node:8081/rest-endpoint4/$1$is_args$args;

Redirect only if image/webp is present in accept header

So, I want to redirect all my images requests to another server, but I would like to check if image/webp is present on the accept header of the request before doing so, I was planning on doing that verification on the other server, but I think that it would be better to do it in nginx, is it possible to do that?
If the header was not present, I would just like to leave it as it is (serving the static image)
This is what I have rn:
location ~ \.(png|jpg|jpeg)$ {
proxy_pass ...;
You can use the following:
map $http_accept $local {
~image/webp '';
default $uri;
server {
location ~ \.(png|jpe?g)$ {
try_files $local #remote;
location #remote {
proxy_pass ...
However if the requested file is not found on the local server, request will be proxied to your remote server. If it isn't suitable for you, one of the possible ways is to use an evil if:
location ~ \.(png|jpg|jpeg)$ {
if ($http_accept ~ image/webp) {
proxy_pass ...
This should work with the modern nginx versions, and if isn't evil in any situation, but this is exactly the one where I'd better avoid it. As an alternative you can use this one:
map $http_accept $locname {
~image/webp remote;
default local;
server {
location ~ \.(png|jpe?g)$ {
try_files "" #$locname;
location #local {
# serve the file locally
location #remote {
proxy_pass ...

nginx: read response header in njs subrequest

I'm trying to chain two requests together using nginx's njs module and subrequests. I can see that special_value comes back in the response headers but I don't know how to read the value using proxy_set_header. The code below results in a blank value in X-Special-Value
location ~* /step_one {
js_content njs_func;
location ~* /step_two {
proxy_pass http://some_other/api;
proxy_set_header X-Special-Value $http_special_val;
function njs_func(r) {
r.headersOut['special_val'] = '42';
.then(reply => r.return(reply.status, reply.responseBody));
you could do something like this:
set $specialValue "";
location ~* /step_one {
js_content njs_func;
location ~* /step_two {
proxy_pass http://some_other/api;
proxy_set_header X-Special-Value $specialValue;
function njs_func(r) {
r.variables.specialValue = '42';
.then(reply => r.return(reply.status, reply.responseBody));

nginx extract a value from post and get

I need to make a reverse proxy using nginx that proxy clients according to a specific id that they provides inside they post/get:
clientid=<value from the clientid inside the post/get>
if clientid=XXX {
ProxyPass server1
if clientid=YYY {
ProxyPass server2
How can I achieve that with nginx ?
with #workaround comments, i get something like this:
location ~ ^/(api|newapi)/(v2/)?(xxxx|yyyy|zzzz) {
echo $request_body;
if ($request_body ~* (.*)?clientid=2621(.*)?) {
proxy_pass https://apiold;
proxy_pass https://apinew;
include proxy.conf;
According to official nginx documentation try using:
if (($request_body ~* (.*)clientID#1(.*)) )
proxy_pass server1;
if (($request_body ~* (.*)clientID#2(.*)) ) {
proxy_pass server2;

call a location and use the returened header status

I've two locations on my Nginx config:
location /ok {
return 200;
location /check {
# pseudo code
if (call(http://localhost:9090/ok) == 200) do something
I just can use Nginx and think one solution it can be proxy_pass /check to /ok and if everything were OK proxy_pass request again to a new location, Any idea?
