Informatica Admin Console - Clear Started By field when reviewing execution statistics - console

I am using Informatica Developer 10.2. When I run a mapping or workflow, I often monitor it from the administrator console.
However, the mappings/workflows are run by a service account (not my own profile); and the admin console defaults to having my user id in the Started By field. This means I have to constantly clear this field.
Is there a means to default this to be empty?


G-cloud sdk --> problems about firebase projects and permissions

I'm developing a backend microservice app with node.js along with #google-cloud/firestore and i'm trying to access my firebase project locally with gcloud-sdk. I've run gcloud init so i can log in and chose the project i need to connect to in order to access the db.
The problem is that, i keep getting 7 PERMISSION_DENIED: Missing or insufficient permissions when i try to make any type of interaction with the db even though i already have all permissions in the project. At the beginning i thought that maybe i was having that problem because i was using a different account that did not have permissions to access these projects, but that didn't make sense because i do not see that account in my list of accounts in the sdk
But, when i gave permissions to the other account that i thought maybe logged in in my sdk, i could access the db, so it was weird, it is like it's stuck with the other account that maybe i added when i first install the sdk.
So, i've tried everything to correct this, i've deleted all accounts from my gcloud sdk, i've deleted the list of configurations, i've uninstalled (twice) the sdk and installed it again (since people that i work with told me that they did this and worked for them, since they had same issue), i've run g cloud init to log in again and all that stuff, and still, when i try to connect to my firebase db, it still says that i still do not have permissions, it's like the account that i'm logging in is not the one that is being saved/used to access my project.
What can i do to make this work ?
EDIT #1 -> How i'm connecting to firebase and sdk commands to connect to the project
Connecting to my project on firestore
import 'reflect-metadata';
import { Firestore } from '#google-cloud/firestore';
import { GCP_PROJECT } from '#util';
export const firestore = new Firestore({ projectId: GCP_PROJECT });
Commands to connect to my project by sdk
-> gcloud init
Welcome! This command will take you through the configuration of gcloud.
Settings from your current configuration [coordinadora-work] are:
disable_usage_reporting: 'True'
project: cm-reparto-dev
Pick configuration to use:
[1] Re-initialize this configuration [coordinadora-work] with new settings
[2] Create a new configuration
Please enter your numeric choice: 1
Your current configuration has been set to: [coordinadora-work]
You can skip diagnostics next time by using the following flag:
gcloud init --skip-diagnostics
Network diagnostic detects and fixes local network connection issues.
Checking network connection...done.
Reachability Check passed.
Network diagnostic passed (1/1 checks passed).
Choose the account you would like to use to perform operations for this configuration:
[2] Log in with a new account
-> Please enter your numeric choice: 1
You are logged in as: [ account that is having problems...].
Pick cloud project to use:
-> Please enter numeric choice or text value (must exactly match list item): 21
Your current project has been set to: [...project that i'm having problems with...].
-> Do you want to configure a default Compute Region and Zone? (Y/n)? n
Your Google Cloud SDK is configured and ready to use!
The Google Cloud Client libraries use the Application Default Credentials, not the current credentials setup using gcloud auth login.
To setup your Application Default Credentials for local development, simple execute gcloud auth application-default login. This will open a browser window and allow you to select the account to use as default credentials.
Another method is setting the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to point to a service account key file.
Read more here :
When running in GCP, your credentials will get picked up from the environment, i.e. the service account your Cloud Function is running with.

How do I view the contents of my "default" type Cloud SQL database in AppMaker?

I created a new AppMaker app and selected the "default" (as opposed to "custom") Cloud SQL database backend.
While I'm prototyping my app, I'd like to be able to inspect the contents of my database periodically as an admin to debug issues. With a custom Cloud SQL database this is easy because you can acess a custom Cloud SQL database from the cloud console, but I don't see how to manually query a default Cloud SQL database.
I know that I can export my database to a Google Sheet, but that's inconvenient to do frequently.
How do I inspect the contents of my AppMaker default Cloud SQL database for debugging (eg. via a SQL command line, UI tool, etc)?
I believe it would be the same as with the custom one. The documentation explains:
A G Suite administrator can set up a Google Cloud SQL instance that is shared among App Maker apps in an organization. When this is enabled, a new database is automatically created for your app when you add at least one Cloud SQL data model. Choose this option if your app needs a database that is easy to use and requires no set up.
This means that you had set up correctly the instance information in the G Suite Admin console:
So to connect to your SQL instance, you just need to follow the instructions here. Then simply use the instance connection name where required. You will also need the database name and you can get that from the appsettings or deployment settings in appmaker.
For the preview mode it will be in the app settings. For any deployed version, it will be in the deployment settings:

Can't run Firebase Test Lab tests using gcloud and service account: 403, does not have storage.objects.create

I am trying to run instrumented tests using the glcoud CLI as a service account in CircleCi. When I run:
gcloud config set project project-name-12345
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file ${HOME}/client-secret.json
gcloud firebase test android run --type instrumentation --app debug-app.apk --test debug-test.apk --device model=Nexus6P,version=27,locale=en,orientation=portrait --environment-variables coverage=true,coverageFile=/sdcard/tmp/code-coverage/connected/ --directories-to-pull=/sdcard/tmp --timeout 20m
I get:
ERROR: ( Could not copy [debug-app.apk] to [gs://test-lab-xxxxxxxx-yyyyyyyy/2018-01-18_17:14:09.964449_zPAw/] ResponseError 403: does not have storage.objects.create access to bucket test-lab-xxxxxxxx-yyyyyyyy..
Using the API Console ( I've given my service user all the permission I can think would be relevant:
Firebase Crash Symbol Uploader
Firebase Test Lab Admin
Storage Admin
Storage Object Admin
Storage Object Creator
Storage Object Viewer
Firebase Rules System
Any help would be greatly appreciate. Thanks.
You should be able to use a service account created in the Google Cloud Console. Did your service account have the required project Editor role? (as noted in this doc:
After lots of clicking through the Firebase console and the Google Cloud Console, reading SO, asking for help on Slack, and more trial and error than I care to admit, I discovered that the Firebase console has a service account page:
That is different from the service accounts page in the Google Cloud Console
It turns out you want the Firebase service account, you can not create one via the cloud console. Super, super annoying.
The steps I took to create the key is as follow:
1. Firebase Console
2. Project Settings
3. "Service Accounts" tab
4. Inside "Service Accounts" panel, Firebase Admin SDK
5. At the bottom of "Firebase Admin SDK" panel, "Generate new private key"
This is what Etherton answered
Even after that, I still had some errors. So, I added a bunch of roles as follows.
Firebase Test Lab Admin
Firebase Service Management Service Agent
Firebase Admin SDK Administrator Service Agent
Service Account Token Creator
Storage Object Creator
That also didn't fix. So, finally, I applied P. Davis answer by adding Editor role to the service account.
Steps to add Editor role is as follows
1. Go to google cloud console
2. Go into "IAM"
3. Use "client_email" from the json file downloaded from firebase console to find the service account you need to edit
4. Click the "Edit" icon on the right
5. Scroll down and "Add Another Role"
6. Click the input field and type in "Editor" to search
7. Choose the one with subtitle "Edit access to all resource"
8. Save
9. Now you should be able to use it
This is the list of the roles that I put in to my service account :
Firebase - Firebase admin ( I think this is overkill. I might update it later )
Project - Editor
Storage - Storage Object Creator
It does not matter whether you create the service account from Firebase or google cloud console. As long as you have these roles in your service account then you should be able run the Firebase test lab.
For people who stumble upon this and don't want to use the all powerful Project Editor role, here are the roles I'm using for my service account:
Firebase Test Lab Roles
I think the Firebase Analytics Viewer role is not necessary, because it mostly just execute the tests. To view the result we use the developer accounts instead but haven't tried removing it.
We ran into the same permissions issue with storage.objects.create. We have added all the roles that were mentioned here, except for the Editor role which we wanted to avoid, but it still failed. We were using a Service Account and it definitely had the proper permissions.
In the end our workaround was to setup a cloud storage bucket manually and then use it in the --results-bucket argument for gcloud. See the documentation here. That finally fixed it for us.

Firebase Project Invitation

I've a project using Firebase, and I need to add an owner to the project.
This is how I added him:
Opened the project in the Firebase console.
Clicked on the settings wheel next to the project name, and selected permissions.
Firebase launches a new page "IAM & Admin".
Pressed on Add, which shows a popup.
Entered the user gmail address, which auto completes so it could never be a wrong email.
Selected the role as OWNER.
Pressed on ADD button.
Now it shows me the user in the permissions list, with the message:
Invitation sent. Pending acceptance.
I've seen this answer, which says :
The newly added users may sometimes not be getting an email invite. So be certain to let them know that you added them.
I've let the user share his screen with me on Skype, and this is what happens:
The user do get an email invitation, when he presses on accept invitation, the firebase console page is opened with the project name in the url !
But it doesn't show the project which I've shared. it just loads the Firbease console showing different projects that he owns from before !
And I still see this message:
Invitation sent. Pending acceptance.
As #Frank has mentioned this is probably a bug that should be fixed in the firebase console.
I've managed to do a workaround by not using Firebase permissions, but by using Google Cloud service instead.
In Google Cloud Services console I do have access to the same projects in Firebase console, so I opened the project, from the menu selected IAM & ADMIN which looks exactly the same as the IAM & ADMIN in firebase console, I've added the collaborator as an owner exactly as I've mentioned in the details above, and what do you know ! an email invitation was sent, the user accepted the request successfully.
And when he opened his Firebase console again, the project is now available in his projects list.
firebaser here
This is a known issue in the workflow for adding Owners that was introduced recently. It should be fixed soon, but in the meantime you can work around it by first adding the user as an Editor (no invite/accept workflow required), and THEN adding the user as an Owner (accept invitation workflow should be properly displayed).
Tried the GCP approach with same result - nothing! BUT, after an hour the profect appeared in my member's Firebase and GCP dashboards.

Enabling Apple Push Notifications for ad hoc distribution environment

I have successfully implemented APN for development Environment. But i am facing problems while implementing the same for ad-hoc distribution environment.
Can anybody please suggest me do i need to create different App Id , Certificate and Provisioning Profile for that?
And is there any change in Sandbox?
A tutorial of steps will be very much appriciated.
Saleel Karkhanis
For Adhoc distribution, Please follow the instructions below:
In Provisioning Portal, Create a Distribution certificate.
Get the "Device ID" of the iPhone that you intend to use for testing. Open iTunes -> Connect your device -> Select your device -> In Summary Pane, Click on Serial Number label, it will change to identifier (40 Hex characters) -> Choose Edit, Copy.
In Provisioning portal, Go to Devices -> Add new Device -> Enter the copied Device ID and give it a name.
In Provisioning portal, Create a Distribution Provisioning Profile. (Go to Provisioning -> Distribution). For Distibution type , Check "AdHoc". Select the App Id, If you have a distribution certificate, it will automatically be selected here. Select the newly entered device and Submit. Download this Provisioning Profile.
In Xcode, Window -> Organiser. Click on Devices and select Library -> Provisioning Profiles. If you are the admin, then Clicking on Refresh should fetch the newly created provisioning profile. If not, Drag and Drop the Adhoc Provisioning Profile to this list.
In Xcode, in your project Build Settings -> Code Signing Identity -> Release section, Select "iPhone Distribution". For "Any iOS SDK", Select the newly created Provisioning Profile. It will be available in the list.
In Xcode, Product -> Archive. Once it finishes, Archiving, it will open the Archive window automatically. Select the project and click Distribute, In the Distribute window, Select "Save for Enterprise or AdHoc Deployment" -> Select the "Code Signing Identity" which corresponds to the new Provisioning Profile. Continue the process and this will create an ".ipa" file.
Send this .ipa file and the new provisioning profile for testing adHoc distribution.
How to load the adHoc distribution on the test device:
Open iTunes, Connect your test device.
Drag and Drop the new provisioning profile to iTunes.
Drag and Drop the .ipa file iTunes.
Sync ur device. This would load the app.
For Push Notifications to work on Adhoc distribution:
Use the production certificates.
Use production APN Host:
Use production APN Feedback Host:
I had major problems with this as well. I had absolutely no errors in my code. I just never got a push notification on the phone in Ad Hoc.
It turns out that I had some sort of problem with my certificates. I created
I'm not really certain what the problem was, exactly, but I solved it by logging into my developer account as the team agent and recreating everything under that login. I had originally created the certificates as a team admin.
Your development mode may work just fine, since any team member can create development distribution profiles. But only certain team members can create distribution profiles. Have your team agent create everything and try it again.
There is a separate persistent connection to the push service for each environment (Development and Production). The operating system establishes a persistent connection to the sandbox environment for development builds; ad hoc and distribution builds connect to the production environment.
If you are using GCM. Go to your AppDelegate.swift. Find method: didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken and replace
registrationOptions = [kGGLInstanceIDRegisterAPNSOption:deviceToken,
registrationOptions = [kGGLInstanceIDRegisterAPNSOption:deviceToken,
In addition to Sushma Satish's answer ,
When you change certificates from developement to distributon , the device token generated for your phone is different.
So make sure you're changing the device token on the server.
