The legends is going outside of the plot. How to avoid it - julia

Drawing using code below
p = scatter(; title = "a", titlefont=font(12), xlabel = "message size",
xscale = :log10, xlims, xticks, ylabel = "time [sec]",
ylims, yscale = :log10, legend=:outertopright,,,
guidefont=font(8), xtickfont=font(5), width=2000,height=2000, legend_margin=5, legendfont=font(5))
scatter!( p, data1[:, 1], data2[:, 5], color=colors[index], ma=0.9 )
The legends is going outside of the plot. How to avoid it or increase the size of whole graph.
data1 = [0,4,8,16, ,32 ,64 ,128 ,256 ,512 ,1024 ,2048 ,4096 ,8192 ,16384 ,32768 ,65536 ,131072 ,262144 ,524288 ,1048576 ,2097152 ,4194304]
data2=[3.08E-06 ,6.20E-06 ,6.26E-06 ,3.75E-05 ,4.36E-05 ,4.37E-05 ,4.52E-05 ,4.70E-05 ,5.58E-05 ,5.83E-05 ,6.67E-05 ,8.77E-05 ,0.000134397 ,0.000229329 ,0.000424682 ,0.000868432 ,0.00035778 ,0.000452593 ,0.000561347 ,0.000750234 ,0.001281027 ,0.002102504]


How to display multiple custom colour palettes in a single figure with R

To expand upon visualize a list of colors/palette in R I am trying to display a series of custom colour palettes in R in a single figure. Is there a way that I can expand on one of the methods listed in the link to display the list of palettes below:
convert_coolers <- function(coolers_string){
strsplit(coolers_string, split = ", ")[[1]]
# diverging
storm_panels <- convert_coolers("#001219, #005f73, #0a9396, #94d2bd, #e9d8a6, #ee9b00, #ca6702, #bb3e03, #ae2012, #9b2226")
harry_tipper <- convert_coolers("#f72585, #b5179e, #7209b7, #560bad, #480ca8, #3a0ca3, #3f37c9, #4361ee, #4895ef, #4cc9f0")
firepit <- convert_coolers("#03071e, #370617, #6a040f, #9d0208, #d00000, #dc2f02, #e85d04, #f48c06, #faa307, #ffba08")
# sequences
the_deep <- convert_coolers("#03045e, #023e8a, #0077b6, #0096c7, #00b4d8, #48cae4, #90e0ef, #ade8f4, #caf0f8")
earth <- convert_coolers("#ede0d4, #e6ccb2, #ddb892, #b08968, #7f5539, #9c6644")
# categorical
pastal_rainbow <- convert_coolers("#ff595e, #ffca3a, #8ac926, #1982c4, #6a4c93")
fisherman <- convert_coolers("#353535, #3c6e71, #ffffff, #d9d9d9, #284b63")
in a figure resembling that displayed by RColorBrewer::display.brewer.all()? i.e. with palettes stacked as horizontal bars labelled to the left with the palette title.
I have been trying to dissect the method out from the RColorBrewer function but am finding that it depends too much on internal variables for me to understand what is going on.
I achieved what I set out to do by modifying RColorBrewer::display.brewer.all
Following directly on from the code in the question:
display_custom_palettes <- function(palette_list, palette_names){
nr <- length(palette_list)
nc <- max(lengths(palette_list))
ylim <- c(0, nr)
oldpar <- par(mgp = c(2, 0.25, 0))
plot(1, 1, xlim = c(0, nc), ylim = ylim, type = "n", axes = FALSE,
bty = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "")
for (i in 1:nr) {
nj <- length(palette_list[[i]])
shadi <- palette_list[[i]]
rect(xleft = 0:(nj - 1), ybottom = i - 1, xright = 1:nj,
ytop = i - 0.2, col = shadi, border = "light grey")
text(rep(-0.1, nr), (1:nr) - 0.6, labels = palette_names, xpd = TRUE,
adj = 1)
palette_list <- list(storm_panels, harry_tipper, firepit, the_deep, earth, pastal_rainbow, fisherman)
palette_names <- c("storm panels", "harry tipper", "firepit", "the deep", "earth", "rainbow", "fisherman")
display_custom_palettes(palette_list, palette_names)

R scatterplot3d plotting points with incorrect coordinates

The scatterplot3D function seems to be plotting incorrectly and I am unsure about why. For example, the following commands should yield identical plots but they do not. I also providing reproducible code to create the data structures below. I guess it is not correctly processing my input?
cent = array(dim=c(4,3))
cll = c("Factor1", "Factor2", "Factor3")
colnames(cent) = cll
cent[1,] = c(-0.25320707, -0.5878291, -0.4522262)
cent[2,] = c(2.49368231, 0.5911989, -0.3728652)
cent[3,] = c(-0.02927063, -0.2627355, 1.6147719)
cent[4,] = c(-0.63391974, 1.0109955, -0.1542808)
new.cent = array(dim=c(4,3))
colnames(new.cent) = cll
new.cent[1,] = c(2.1572533, 0.4985594, -0.1989068)
new.cent[2,] = c(-0.1362396, -0.4134629, 1.2677813)
new.cent[3,] = c(-0.2566698, -0.6602819, -0.5245323)
new.cent[4,] = c(-0.5847768, 0.7672588, -0.1918044)
Now I try to plot
scatterplot3d(new.cent, pch = 10)
points(cent, pch = 3)
plot of new.cent with cent added as points in different format
scatterplot3d(cent, pch = 3)
points(new.cent, pch = 10)
plot of cent with new.cent added as points in different format
The above points don't seem correct in any case... Moreover, if I try to add a single point as in "points(cent[1,])" it adds three points which is also indicative of the malfunction.
Please refer to linked manual, how to add points3d to the plot. Also, to compare plots, please make sure they axes limits are the same.
cent = array(dim=c(4,3))
cll = c("Factor1", "Factor2", "Factor3")
colnames(cent) = cll
cent[1,] = c(-0.25320707, -0.5878291, -0.4522262)
cent[2,] = c(2.49368231, 0.5911989, -0.3728652)
cent[3,] = c(-0.02927063, -0.2627355, 1.6147719)
cent[4,] = c(-0.63391974, 1.0109955, -0.1542808)
new.cent = array(dim=c(4,3))
colnames(new.cent) = cll
new.cent[1,] = c(2.1572533, 0.4985594, -0.1989068)
new.cent[2,] = c(-0.1362396, -0.4134629, 1.2677813)
new.cent[3,] = c(-0.2566698, -0.6602819, -0.5245323)
new.cent[4,] = c(-0.5847768, 0.7672588, -0.1918044)
a <- scatterplot3d(new.cent, pch = 10, xlim = c(-1,2.5), ylim = c(-1,1.5), zlim = c(-1,2))
a$points3d(cent, pch = 3)
b <- scatterplot3d(cent, pch = 3, xlim = c(-1,2.5), ylim = c(-1,1.5), zlim = c(-1,2))
b$points3d(new.cent, pch = 10)
Created on 2022-01-27 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

Add Space Between Panels of Openair windRose Plots

I created some windrose plots using the openair package and I'm pretty happy with how they turned out but aesthetically it would be nice to have some space between panels. Here's an example:
# windrose plot----
windRose(mydata[1:144,], ws="ws", wd="wd",
paddle = F,
type = 'weekday',
key.header = 'Wind Speed (m/s)',
key.footer = "",
annotate = F,
angle = 30, # angle of "spokes"...sort of bins for wind direction
cols = 'jet',
key.position = 'right',
dig.lab = 2,
statistic = 'prop.count', #“prop.count” sizes bins according to the
# proportion of the frequency of measurements
fontsize = 20,
grid.line = 100,
max.freq = 105, # maximum value for the radial limits
key = list(header = "Wind Speed (m/s)",
footer = '',
labels = c('0 to 2', '2 to 4',
'4 to 6','6 or more'),
breaks = c(0,2,4,6)),
layout = c(6,1)
Anyone have any ideas of how to add space between the panels?
After some digging I found that this plot function utilizes trellis plots, here is a good rundown on them:
Specifically the xyplot function is used to create the trellis plot. The help documentation for ?xyplot shows that you can adjust the argument between to achieve spacing between panels. The between argument is a list containing x and y values that represent space between panels. Therefore we can adjust the above code simply by adding the argument between = list(x=0.25, y = 0.25) and can adjust x and y to our preference like this:
windRose(mydata[1:144,], ws="ws", wd="wd",
paddle = F,
type = 'weekday',
key.header = 'Wind Speed (m/s)',
key.footer = "",
annotate = F,
angle = 30, # angle of "spokes"...sort of bins for wind direction
cols = 'jet',
key.position = 'right',
dig.lab = 2,
statistic = 'prop.count', #“prop.count” sizes bins according to the
# proportion of the frequency of measurements
fontsize = 20,
grid.line = 100,
max.freq = 105, # maximum value for the radial limits
key = list(header = "Wind Speed (m/s)",
footer = '',
labels = c('0 to 2', '2 to 4',
'4 to 6','6 or more'),
breaks = c(0,2,4,6)),
layout = c(6,1),
between = list(x=0.25, y=0.25)

Assigning type to xyplot

Complete beginner at R here trying to perform nonmetric multidimensional scaling on a 95x95 matrix of similarities where 8 corresponds to very similar and 1 corresponds to very dissimilar. I also have an additional column (96th) signifying type and ranging from 0 to 1.
First I load the data:
dsimilarity <- read.table("d95x95matrix.txt",
header = T,
row.names = c("Y1", "Y2", "Y3", "Y4", "Y5", "Y6", "Y7", "Y8", "Y9", "Y10", "Y11", "Y12", "Y13", "Y14", "Y15", "Y16", "Y17", "Y18", "Y19", "Y20",
"Y21", "Y22", "Y23", "Y24", "Y25", "Y26", "Y27", "Y28", "Y29", "Y30", "Y31", "Y32", "Y33", "Y34", "Y35", "Y36", "Y37", "Y38", "Y39", "Y40",
"Y41", "Y42", "Y43", "Y44", "Y45", "Y46", "Y47", "Y48", "Y49", "Y50", "Y51", "Y52", "Y53", "Y54", "Y55", "Y56", "Y57", "Y58", "Y59", "Y60",
"Y61", "Y62", "Y63", "Y64", "Y65", "Y66", "Y67", "Y68", "Y69", "Y70", "Y71", "Y72", "Y73", "Y74", "Y75", "Y76", "Y77", "Y78", "Y79", "Y80",
"Y81", "Y82", "Y83", "Y84", "Y85", "Y86", "Y87", "Y88", "Y89", "Y90", "Y91", "Y92", "Y93", "Y94", "Y95"))
I convert the matrix of similarities into a matrix of dissimilarities, and exclude the 96th column:
ddissimilarity <- dsimilarity; ddissimilarity[1:95, 1:95] = 8 - ddissimilarity[1:95, 1:95]
Then I perform the nonmetric MDS using the Smacof function:
ordinal.mds.results <- smacofSym(ddissimilarity[1:95, 1:95],
type = c("ordinal"),
ndim = 2,
ties = "primary",
verbose = T )
I create a new data frame (I'm following a guide and don't really know what's going on here):
mds.config <-$conf)
All well and good thus far (to my knowledge). However at this point I will try to create an xyplot of the data and get a good result using this code:
xyplot(D2 ~ D1, data = mds.config,
aspect = 1,
main = "Figure 1. MDS solution",
panel = function (x, y) {
panel.xyplot(x, y, col = "black")
panel.text(x, y-.03, labels = rownames(mds.config),
cex = .75)
xlab = "MDS Axis 1",
ylab = "MDS Axis 2",
xlim = c(-1.1, 1.1),
ylim = c(-1.1, 1.1))
Now I want to create a figure that incorporates the type in column 96th and assigns different colors to observations of the two different types. However, can't quite figure out how to do so. Does anyone have any ideas of where I'm going wrong here?
xyplot(D2 ~ D1, data = mds.config ~ ddissimilarity[96:96, 96:96],
aspect = 1,
main = "Figure 1. MDS solution",
panel = function (x, y) {
panel.xyplot(x, y, col = "black")
panel.text(x, y-.03, labels = rownames(mds.config),
cex = .75)
xlab = "MDS Axis 1",
ylab = "MDS Axis 2",
xlim = c(-1.1, 1.1),
ylim = c(-1.1, 1.1),
group = "Type")

how to write text inside a rectangle in R

I want each rectangle to contain a number, so that the first plotted rectangle would contain : rect 1 the second rect 2 and so on, but i don't know how to insert text inside rectangles.
## set up the plot region:
plot(c(0, 250), c(0, 250), type = "n",
main = "Exercise 1: R-Tree Index Question C")
rect(0.0,0.0,40.0,35.0, , text= "transparent")
Like the other answers mention, you can use the coordinates that you give to rect to place the text somewhere relative.
plot(c(0, 250), c(0, 250), type = "n",
main = "Exercise 1: R-Tree Index Question C")
center <- c(mean(c(0, 40)), mean(c(0, 35)))
text(center[1], center[2], labels = 'hi')
You can easily put this into a function to save yourself some typing/errors
recttext <- function(xl, yb, xr, yt, text, rectArgs = NULL, textArgs = NULL) {
center <- c(mean(c(xl, xr)), mean(c(yb, yt)))'rect', c(list(xleft = xl, ybottom = yb, xright = xr, ytop = yt), rectArgs))'text', c(list(x = center[1], y = center[2], labels = text), textArgs))
Use it like this
recttext(50, 0, 100, 35, 'hello',
rectArgs = list(col = 'red', lty = 'dashed'),
textArgs = list(col = 'blue', cex = 1.5))
You need to use text() as a separate graphics call.
coords <- matrix(
plot(c(0, 250), c(0, 250), type = "n",
main = "Exercise 1: R-Tree Index Question C")
rfun <- function(x,i) {,as.list(x))
text( (0.0+40.0)/2, (0.0+35.0)/2 , 'transparent')
where we chose x,y to be the centroid of your rectangle. You could define a function to draw the rect then place the text at its centroid.
Note: these coords are large; this will display outside your normal view. So you'll either need to zoom to see it, or scale coords to the range 0.0..1.0
By the way, read 12.2 Low-level plotting commands
