R: Loop through all unique values and count them - r

I have a dataset with staff information. I have a column that lists their current age and a column that lists their salary. I want to create an R data frame that has 3 columns: one to show all the unique ages, one to count the number of people who are that age and one to give me the median salary for each particular age. On top of this, I would like to group those who are under 21 and over 65. Ideally it would look like this:
number of people
median salary
Under 21
The current dataset has hundreds of columns and thousands of rows but the columns that are of interest are like this:
I'm a bit lost on the best way to do this but assume some sort of loop would work best? Thanks so much for any direction or help.

sample_data <- tibble(
age = sample(17:70, 100, replace = TRUE) %>% as.character(),
salary = sample(20000:90000, 100, replace = TRUE)
# A tibble: 100 × 2
age salary
<chr> <int>
1 56 35130
2 56 44203
3 20 28701
4 47 66564
5 66 60823
6 54 36755
7 66 30731
8 68 21338
9 19 80875
10 61 44547
# … with 90 more rows
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows
sample_data %>%
mutate(age = case_when(age <= 21 ~ "Under 21",
age >= 65 ~ "Over 65",
TRUE ~ age)) %>%
group_by(age) %>%
summarise(count = n(),
median_salary = median(salary))
# A tibble: 38 × 3
age count median_salary
<chr> <int> <dbl>
1 22 4 46284.
2 23 3 55171
3 25 3 74545
4 27 1 37052
5 28 3 66006
6 29 1 82877
7 30 2 40342.
8 31 2 27815
9 32 1 32282
10 33 3 64523
# … with 28 more rows
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows


Joining two data frames using range of values

I have two data sets I would like to join. The income_range data is the master dataset and I would like to join data_occ to the income_range data based on what band the income falls inside. Where there are more than two observations(incomes) that are within the range I would like to take the lower income.
I was attempting to use data.table but was having trouble. I was would also like to keep all columns from both data.frames if possible.
The output dataset should only have 7 observations.
income_range <- data.frame(id = "France"
,inc_lower = c(10, 21, 31, 41,51,61,71)
,inc_high = c(20, 30, 40, 50,60,70,80)
,perct = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7))
data_occ <- data.frame(id = rep(c("France","Belgium"), each=50)
,income = sample(10:80, 50)
,occ = rep(c("manager","clerk","manual","skilled","office"), each=20))
First attempt.
df2 <- income_range [data_occ ,
on = .(id, inc_lower <= income, inc_high >= income),
.(id, income, inc_lower,inc_high,perct,occ)]
Thank you in advance.
Since you tagged dplyr, here's one possible solution using that library:
# join dataframes on id == id, inc_lower <= income, inc_high >= income
joined <- income_range %>%
by = c('id' = 'id', 'inc_lower' = 'income', 'inc_high' = 'income'),
match_fun = list(`==`, `<=`, `>=`)) %>%
rename(id = id.x) %>%
# sort by income, and keep only the first row of every unique perct
result <- joined %>%
arrange(income) %>%
group_by(perct) %>%
And the (intermediate) results:
> head(joined)
id inc_lower inc_high perct income occ
1 France 10 20 1 10 manager
2 France 10 20 1 19 manager
3 France 10 20 1 14 manager
4 France 10 20 1 11 manager
5 France 10 20 1 17 manager
6 France 10 20 1 12 manager
> result
# A tibble: 7 x 6
# Groups: perct [7]
id inc_lower inc_high perct income occ
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <chr>
1 France 10 20 1 10 manager
2 France 21 30 2 21 manual
3 France 31 40 3 31 manual
4 France 41 50 4 43 manager
5 France 51 60 5 51 clerk
6 France 61 70 6 61 manager
7 France 71 80 7 71 manager
I've added the intermediate dataframe joined for easy of understanding. You can omit it and just chain the two command chains together with %>%.
Here is one data.table approach:
cols = c("inc_lower", "inc_high")
data_occ[, (cols) := income]
result = data_occ[order(income)
on = .(id, inc_lower>=inc_lower, inc_high<=inc_high),
data_occ[, (cols) := NULL]
# id income occ inc_lower inc_high perct
# 1: France 10 clerk 10 20 1
# 2: France 21 manager 21 30 2
# 3: France 31 clerk 31 40 3
# 4: France 41 clerk 41 50 4
# 5: France 51 clerk 51 60 5
# 6: France 62 manager 61 70 6
# 7: France 71 manager 71 80 7

Match and replace row values across two dataframes

I am trying to replace entrezgene_accession names with entrezgene_id, but I am not able to figure it out.
The idea is to replace the gene names such as cd37, and catb in df1, with their entrezgene_id that is in df2.
I have been trying to combine datasets using dplyr, but that has not worked.
# df1: 2,002 × 1
1 106590043
2 cd37
3 106577144
4 106561987
5 106569503
6 106571198
7 106573872
8 106601676
9 106612275
10 catb
# … with 1,992 more rows
# df2: 426 × 2
entrezgene_accession entrezgene_id
<chr> <chr>
37 catb 100195493
38 catk 100195370
39 catl1 100286607
40 cats 100196462
41 cav2 106573118
42 cav2 100196537
43 cb055 100306867
44 cbx6 106591466
45 ccdc178 106569132
46 ccdc84 106603745
47 ccm2 106571003
48 ccnb1 106563318
49 ccnd1 100306852
50 ccr3 100380477
51 ccr6 100194943
52 cd164 106607963
53 cd37 100195746
# … with 416 more rows
left_join from dplyr can help do the trick
~entrezgene_accession, ~entrezgene_id,
"catb", "100286607",
"catk", "100195370",
"catl1", "100286607",
"cd37", "100195746"
df_combined<-df1 %>%
left_join(df2, by=c("id"="entrezgene_accession")) %>%
#> # A tibble: 3 × 3
#> id entrezgene_id complete_id
#> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 106590043 <NA> 106590043
#> 2 cd37 100195746 100195746
#> 3 catb 100286607 100286607
Created on 2022-01-09 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

Using str_split to fill rows down data frame with number ranges and multiple numbers

I have a dataframe with crop names and their respective FAO codes. Unfortunately, some crop categories, such as 'other cereals', have multiple FAO codes, ranges of FAO codes or even worse - multiple ranges of FAO codes.
Snippet of the dataframe with the different formats for FAO codes.
> FAOCODE_crops
SPAM_full_name FAOCODE
1 wheat 15
2 rice 27
8 other cereals 68,71,75,89,92,94,97,101,103,108
27 other oil crops 260:310,312:339
31 other fibre crops 773:821
Using the following code successfully breaks down these numbers,
unlist(lapply(unlist(strsplit(FAOCODE_crops$FAOCODE, ",")), function(x) eval(parse(text = x))))
[1] 15 27 56 44 79 79 83 68 71 75 89 92 94 97 101 103 108
... but I fail to merge these numbers back into the dataframe, where every FAOCODE gets its own row.
> FAOCODE_crops$FAOCODE <- unlist(lapply(unlist(strsplit(MAPSPAM_crops$FAOCODE, ",")), function(x) eval(parse(text = x))))
Error in `$<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, FAOCODE, value = c(15, 27, 56, 44, :
replacement has 571 rows, data has 42
I fully understand why it doesn't merge successfully, but I can't figure out a way to fill the table with a new row for each FAOCODE as idealized below:
SPAM_full_name FAOCODE
1 wheat 15
2 rice 27
8 other cereals 68
8 other cereals 71
8 other cereals 75
8 other cereals 89
And so on...
Any help is greatly appreciated!
We can use separate_rows to separate the ,. After that, we can loop through the FAOCODE using map and ~eval(parse(text = .x)) to evaluate the number range. Finnaly, we can use unnest to expand the data frame.
dat2 <- dat %>%
separate_rows(FAOCODE, sep = ",") %>%
mutate(FAOCODE = map(FAOCODE, ~eval(parse(text = .x)))) %>%
unnest(cols = FAOCODE)
# # A tibble: 140 x 2
# SPAM_full_name FAOCODE
# <chr> <dbl>
# 1 wheat 15
# 2 rice 27
# 3 other cereals 68
# 4 other cereals 71
# 5 other cereals 75
# 6 other cereals 89
# 7 other cereals 92
# 8 other cereals 94
# 9 other cereals 97
# 10 other cereals 101
# # ... with 130 more rows
dat <- read.table(text = " SPAM_full_name FAOCODE
1 wheat 15
2 rice 27
8 'other cereals' '68,71,75,89,92,94,97,101,103,108'
27 'other oil crops' '260:310,312:339'
31 'other fibre crops' '773:821'",
header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

Aggregating by subsets in dplyr

I have a dataset with a million records that I need to aggregate after first subsetting the data. It is difficult to provide a good reproducible sample because in this case, the sample size would be rather large - but I will try anyway.
A random sample of the data that I am working with looks like this:
> df
auto_id user_id month
164537 7124 240249 10
151635 7358 226423 9
117288 7376 172463 9
177119 6085 199194 11
128904 7110 141608 9
157194 7143 241964 9
71303 6090 141646 7
72480 6808 175910 7
108705 6602 213098 8
97889 7379 185516 8
184906 6405 212580 12
37242 6057 197905 8
157284 6548 162928 9
17910 6885 194180 10
70660 7162 161827 7
8593 7375 207061 8
28712 6311 176373 10
144194 7324 142715 9
73106 7196 176153 7
67065 7392 171039 7
77954 7116 161489 7
59842 7107 162637 7
101819 5994 182973 9
183546 6427 142029 12
102881 6477 188129 8
In every month, there many users who are the same, and first we should subset by month and make a frequency table of the users and the amount of trips taken (unfortunately, in the random sample above there is only one trip per user, but in the larger dataset, this is not the case):
full_data <- full_data[full_data$month == 7,]
users <- as.data.frame(table(full_data$user_id))
Var1 Freq
1 100231 10
2 100744 17
3 111281 1
4 111814 2
5 113716 3
6 117493 3
As we can see, in the full data set, in month of July (month = 7), users have taken multiple trips. Now the important part - which is to subset only the top 10% of these users (the top 10% in terms of Freq)
tenPercent = round(nrow(users)/10)
users <- users[order(-users$Freq),]
topten <- head(users, n = tenPercent)
Now the new dataframe - topten - can be summed and we get the amount of trips taken by the top ten percent of users
[1] 12147
In the end the output should look like this
> output
month trips
1 7 12147
2 8 ...
3 9 ...
4 10 ...
5 11 ...
6 12 ...
Is there a way to automate this process using dplyr - I mean specifically the subsetting by the top ten percent ? I have tried
output <- full_data %>%
+ group_by(month) %>%
+ summarise(n = n())
But this only aggregates total trips by month. Could someone suggest a way to integrate this part into the query in dplyr ? :
tenPercent = round(nrow(users)/10)
users <- users[order(-users$Freq),]
topten <- head(users, n = tenPercent)
The code below counts the number of rows for each user_id in each month, and then selects the 10% of users with the most rows in each month and sums them. Let me know if it solves your problem.
full_data %>% group_by(month, user_id) %>%
tally %>%
group_by(month) %>%
filter(percent_rank(n) >= 0.9) %>%
summarise(n_trips = sum(n))
UPDATE: Following up on your comment, let's do a check with some fake data. Below we have 30 different values of user_id and 10,000 total rows. I've also used the prob argument so that the probability of a user_id being selected is proportional to its value (i.e., user_id 1 is the least likely to be chosen and user_id 30 is the most likely to be chosen).
full_data = data.frame(user_id=sample(1:30,10000, replace=TRUE, prob=1:30),
month=sample(1:12, 10000, replace=TRUE))
Let's look as the number of rows for each user_id for month==1. The code below counts the number of rows for each user_id and sorts from most to least common. Note that the three most common values of user_id (28,29,26) comprise 171 rows (60+57+54). Since there are 30 different values of user_id the top three users represent the top 10% of users:
full_data %>% filter(month==1) %>%
group_by(month, user_id) %>%
tally %>%
arrange(desc(n)) %>% as.data.frame
month user_id n
1 1 28 60
2 1 29 57
3 1 26 54
4 1 30 53
5 1 27 49
6 1 22 43
7 1 21 41
8 1 20 40
9 1 23 40
10 1 24 38
11 1 25 38
12 1 19 37
13 1 18 33
14 1 16 28
15 1 15 27
16 1 17 27
17 1 14 26
18 1 9 20
19 1 12 20
20 1 13 20
21 1 10 17
22 1 11 17
23 1 6 15
24 1 7 13
25 1 8 13
26 1 4 9
27 1 5 7
28 1 2 3
29 1 3 2
30 1 1 1
So now let's take the next step and select the top 10% of users. To answer the question in your comment, filter(percent_rank(n) >= 0.9) keeps only the top 10% of user_id, based on the value of n (which is the number of rows for each user_id). percent_rank is on of several ranking functions in dplyr that have different ways of dealing with ties (which may be the reason you're not getting the results you expect). See ?percent_rank for details:
full_data %>% filter(month==1) %>%
group_by(month, user_id) %>%
tally %>%
group_by(month) %>%
filter(percent_rank(n) >= 0.9)
month user_id n
1 1 26 54
2 1 28 60
3 1 29 57
And the sum of n (the total number of trips for the top 10%) is:
full_data %>% filter(month==1) %>%
group_by(month, user_id) %>%
tally %>%
group_by(month) %>%
filter(percent_rank(n) >= 0.9) %>%
summarise(n_trips = sum(n))
month n_trips
1 1 171
So it looks like the code does what we'd naively expect, but maybe the issue is related to how ties are dealt with. Let me know if you're still getting anomalous results in your real data or if I've misunderstood what you're trying to accomplish.

Percentile for multiple groups of values in R

I'm using R to do my data analysis.
I'm looking for the code to achieve the below mentioned output.
I need a single piece of code to do this as I have over 500 groups & 24 months in my actual data. The below sample has only 2 groups & 2 months.
This is a sample of my data.
Date Group Value
1-Jan-16 A 10
2-Jan-16 A 12
3-Jan-16 A 17
4-Jan-16 A 20
5-Jan-16 A 12
5-Jan-16 B 56
1-Jan-16 B 78
15-Jan-16 B 97
20-Jan-16 B 77
21-Jan-16 B 86
2-Feb-16 A 91
2-Feb-16 A 44
3-Feb-16 A 93
4-Feb-16 A 87
5-Feb-16 A 52
5-Feb-16 B 68
1-Feb-16 B 45
15-Feb-16 B 100
20-Feb-16 B 81
21-Feb-16 B 74
And this is the output I'm looking for.
Month Year Group Minimum Value 5th Percentile 10th Percentile 50th Percentile 90th Percentile Max Value
Jan 2016 A
Jan 2016 B
Feb 2016 A
Feb 2016 B
considering dft as your input, you can try:
dft %>%
mutate(Date = as.Date(Date, format = "%d-%b-%y")) %>%
mutate(mon = month(Date),
yr = year(Date)) %>%
group_by(mon,yr,Group) %>%
mutate(minimum = min(Value),
maximum = max(Value),
q95 = quantile(Value, 0.95)) %>%
select(minimum, maximum, q95) %>%
which gives:
mon yr Group minimum maximum q95
<int> <int> <chr> <int> <int> <dbl>
1 1 2016 A 10 20 19.4
2 1 2016 B 56 97 94.8
3 2 2016 A 44 93 92.6
4 2 2016 B 45 100 96.2
and add more variables as per your need.
