I am trying to create a for loop where it calculates the mean of an already existing variable. The data frames are titled "mali2013", "mali2014", "mali2015", "mali2016", and "mali2017" and the variable is prop_AFR. I am trying to calculate the mean of variable per data frame.
I tried
for (i in 2014:2017) {
variable = paste0("mali", Year, "$prop_AFR")
M_mean_AFR_data <- mean(as.numeric(variable), na.rm = TRUE)
assign(paste0("Mali_prop_AFR_", i), M_mean_AFR_data)
but it kept yielding NaN. Is there any way to put this in a loop, or should I just do it manually?
It looks like Stata style code to me. In R, there might be several simpler ways to do it without looping. I would try this:
df <- bind_rows(mali2013, mali2014, mali2015, mali2016, mali2017)
df %>% group_by(Year) %>%
summarize(prop_AFR = mean(prop_AFR, na.rm = TRUE)
At the moment I am trying to apply GLM predict on a dataframe. The dataframe is quite large therefore I want to apply predict by chunks.
I have found a solution but it is quite unhandy. I first create an empty dataframe and then use rbind. Is there a more efficient way of doing this?
for (x in split(data, factor(sort(rank(row.names(data))%%10)))) {
x["prediction"]=predict(model, x, type="response")
As the comments mention, an example of what you want your output dataframe to look like would be very helpful.
But I think you can achieve what you want by making a grouping variable first then using 'group_by', something like this:
df <- data %>%
mutate(group = rep(1:10, times = nrow(.)/10)) %>% # make an arbitrary grouping factor for this example
group_by(group) %>% # group by whatever your grouping factor is
summarise(predictions = predict(model, x, type = 'response')) # summarise could be replaced by mutate
In the code below, I'm trying to find the mean correct score for each item in the "category" column of the "regular season" dataset I'm working with.
rs_category <- list2env(split(regular_season, regular_season$category),
unique_categories <- unique(regular_season$category)
for (i in unique_categories)
Mean_[i] <- mean(regular_season$correct[regular_season$category == i], na.rm = TRUE, .groups = 'drop')
eapply(rs_category, Mean_[i])
I'm having trouble getting this to work though. I have created a list of the items in the category as sub-datasets and separately, (I think) I have created a vector of the unique items in the category in order to run the for loop with. I have a feeling the problem may be with how I defined the mean function because an error occurs at the "eapply()" line and tells me "Mean_[i]" is not a function, but I can't think of how else to define the function. If someone could help, I would greatly appreciate it.
The issue would be that Mean_ wouldn't have an i name. In the below code, we initiaize the object 'Mean_' as type numeric with length as the same as length of 'unique_categories', then loop over the sequence of 'unique_categories', get the subset of 'correct', apply the mean function and store that as ith value of 'Mean_'
Mean_ <- numeric(length(unique_categories))
for(i in seq_along(unique_categories)) {
Mean_[i] <- mean(regular_season$correct[regular_season$category
== unique_categories[i]], na.rm = TRUE)
If we need to use a faster execution, use data.table
setDT(regular_season[, .(Mean_ = mean(correct, na.rm = TRUE)), category]
Or using collapse
fmean(slt(regular_season, category, correct), g = category)
Instead of splitting the dataset and using for loop R has functions for such grouping operations which I think can be used here. You can apply a function for each unique group (value).
regular_season %>%
group_by(category) %>%
summarise(Mean_ = mean(correct, na.rm = TRUE)) -> result
This gives you average value of correct for each category, where result$Mean_ is the vector that you are looking for.
In base R, this can be solved with aggregate.
result <- aggregate(correct~category, regular_season, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
I have a list of statcast data, per day dating back to 2016. I am attempting to aggregate this data for finding the mean for each pitching ID.
I have the following code:
aggpitch <- aggregate(pitchingstat, by=list(pitchingstat$PitcherID),
FUN=mean, na.rm = TRUE)
This function aggregates every single column. I am looking to only aggregate a certain amount of columns.
How would I include only certain columns?
If you have more than one column that you'd like to summarize, you can use QAsena's approach and add summarise_at function like so:
pitchingstat %>%
group_by(PitcherID) %>%
summarise_at(vars(col1:coln), mean, na.rm = TRUE)
Check out link below for more examples:
Replace the first argument (pitchingstat) with the name of the column you want to aggregate (or a vector thereof)
How about?:
aggpitch <- pitchingstat %>%
group_by(PitcherID) %>%
summarise(pitcher_mean = mean(variable)) #replace 'variable' with your variable of interest here
aggpitch <- pitchingstat %>%
select(var_1, var_2)
group_by(PitcherID) %>%
summarise(pitcher_mean = mean(var_1),
pitcher_mean2 = mean(var_2))
I think this works but could use a dummy example of your data to play with.
So I have created a program that runs a summary and anova as well as plots some graphs for me. The problem is that for each new data frame I use I need to change the variables inside the formulas. What I want to do is create a variable at the beginning of the script that I assign to the column I'm interested in and then the program does the work:
mydata <- Leaves.data.csv
var <- Leaves
avgVaL <- group_by(mydata, Treatment, Medium, Treatment:Medium) %>%
summarise(count=sum(!is.na(var)), mean = mean(var, na.rm = T), sd = sd(var, na.rm=T), se = sd/sqrt(count))
The only thing I wish to change is Leaves. The problem with this code is summarise takes var as 1 single variable and returns the count, mean, sd and se of the all the data points instead of each group.
In the end I needed to use the quo() function as this function quotes my input rather than evaluation, thus (if I understand correctly) quoting would be similar to calling in other programming languages, which means you invoke directly that variable from the original data frame rather than creating a new one altogether.
At the same time you have to use !! behind every call inside the function of interest as this tells the function to evaluate the already quoted variable (rather than quoting again).
Much better explained: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/dplyr/vignettes/programming.html
The code:
var <- quo(Root.growth)
avgVar <- group_by(mydata, Treatment, Medium)
%>% summarise(count=sum(!is.na(!!var)), mean = mean(!!var, na.rm = T), sd = sd(!!var, na.rm=T), se = sd/sqrt(count))
This is my first stackoverflow question.
I'm trying to use dplyr to process and output a summary of data grouped by a categorical variable (inj_length_cat3) in my dataset. Actually, I generate this variable (from inj_length) on the fly using mutate(). I also want to output the same summary of the data without grouping. The only way I figured out how to do that is to do the analysis twice over, once with, once without grouping, and then combine the outputs. Ugh.
I'm sure there is a more elegant solution than this and it bugs me. I wonder if anyone would be able to help.
tmp <- df %>%
mutate(inj_length_cat3 = cut(inj_length, breaks=c(0,3,100), labels = c('<3 years','>3 years')))%>%
) %>%
filter(inj_length_cat3%in%c('<3 years','>3 years'))
tmp_all <- df %>%
I'm not sure you consider this more elegant, but you can get a solution to work if you first create a dataframe that has all your data twice: once so that you can get the subgroups and once to get the overall summary:
df1 <- rbind(df,df)
df1$inj_length_cat3 <- cut(df$inj_length, breaks=c(0,3,100,Inf),
labels = c('<3 years','>3 years','All'))
df1$inj_length_cat3[-(1:nrow(df))] <- "All"
Now you just need to run your first analysis without mutate():
tmp <- df1 %>%
) %>%
filter(inj_length_cat3%in%c('<3 years','>3 years','All'))