vue3 vuetifyjs v-color-picker - How to use input event - vuejs3

I'm new in vue3 and using v-color-picker provided by vuetify.js. My goal is that a method is executed when an input event ("new color selected") happens:
methods: {
handleChangedColor() {
console.log("New color selected")
However, the method handleChangedColor is never triggered. I would be very happy if someone could give me a hint about what I'm doing wrong!
Storing the selectedColor in the variable background_color is working correctly.
The input event is described here
Thanks for your help.

You've linked the Vuetify 2 documentation, but since you're using Vue 3 I assume you're also using Vuetify 3. Since Vuetify 3.0 the latest documentation is now at
You'll find the new v-color-picker event to listen to is update:modelValue
handleChangedColor(color) {
console.log("New color selected: ", color);


When I use button to show sheet, after the sheet is pulled down, it is automatically displayed again

When I use button to show sheet, after the sheet is pulled down, it is automatically displayed again.
Add argument ondismiss
.navigationBarItems(trailing: Button(action: {self.showEditorInfo.toggle()}) {
Image(systemName: "paperplane")
}.sheet(isPresented: $showEditorInfo, onDismiss: {self.showEditorInfo.toggle()}) {
When the sheet gets pulled down your view gets redrawn and because showEditorInfo is true the sheet gets presented again. Make sure you reset the value in onDismiss:
.sheet(isPresented: $showEditorInfo,
onDismiss: { self.showEditorInfo = false }) {
You may want to pass showEditorInfo as a binding into the next view so that you can dismiss it programatically. That's why it is important to set the value to false in onDismiss and not toggle it.
There are two unrelated issues here: the first is the toggle() in your onDismiss handler, the second appears to be a Simulator bug with an easy workaround.
isPresenting takes a binding as an argument, which tells you the sheet will react to changes in showEditorInfo's value but also that it'll modify that value to reflect the state of the UI. When you drag down on the sheet to dismiss it, showEditorInfo is automatically set to false. In your code, you were toggling it back to true.
After addressing #1, your issue is fixed on devices but still occurs in the Simulator. The cause seems to be that your sheet is attached to the Button in your navigationBarItems. If you put the sheet on the NavigationView itself, or literally anywhere except the Button, it behaves as expected in the Simulator.
struct ContentView: View {
#State var showEditorInfo = false
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
Button(action: {
}) {
Image(systemName: "square.and.pencil")
.sheet(isPresented: $showEditorInfo) {

In created:, my method doesn't work perfectly

I'm trying to make a simple vue.js & d3.js code. In the code, I want to plot some charts. For that, I'm trying to make some spaces for charts, by defining a method('add_svg') and run the method in created.
But, the method('add_svg') doesn't work what i intended. I had checked that the method was working, by inserting console.log('Running') for the first part of the method.
I could saw the message, 'Running', but the svg_space, i wanted to insert, wasn't inserted.
But when I UPDATE charts with same method in computed: part, it works.
In the computed: part, it generates some spaces several times, which means that it's working and the method has no problem.
Why is that?
Below is my code:
created () {
this.add_svg() // append svg for chart
this.plot([0, 0]) // basic plot with value = [0, 0]
// BUT TO INITIALIZE, I WANT TO RUN THE METHOD IN created: part, not in computed
computed () {
this.plot( datum )
methods: {
add_svg: function () {
console.log("Adding some space for chart")'.chart_test2')
.attr('class', 'svg_chart_test2')
.attr('width', '10px')
.attr('height', '10px')
other methods...
In Vue, you have to draw d3 charts on the mounted hook, rather than the created hook. You can't draw the chart if the page is not rendered - which is what happens when you use the created hook.
mounted () {
this.add_svg() // append svg for chart
this.plot([0, 0]) // basic plot with value = [0, 0]

How to fix hover conflict and enter event in ReactJS autocomplete?

As a means to learn, I am trying to build an autocomplete feature. I am following this example:
I see two issues with this solution:
1.) Conflict with mouse hover and keydown. If I use the keypad to navigate the list the active item gets highlighted and if I use my mouse at the same time another item will get highlighted. This results in 2 highlighted fields.
2.) If i select an item by pressing enter it will fill the input field with the selected text but if I press enter again it will change that text to the index 0 item I believe.
Can someone please help me in understanding how to resolve these issues. I have tried hover and focus for css but it still doesn't achieve the expected outcome.
My approach (not sure if this is the correct one):
If keyboard is being used then the mouse event should be disabled and vice versa.
I've also tried removing this.setState({activeSuggestion: 0}) for the enter event.
Thanks for your help - it's taking me some time to grasp the concepts of state with React.
The onKeyDown function updates correctly the value ofactiveSuggestion. I sugest you to add a scroll in the select when activeSuggestion is not vissible.
In my opinion, you need to update the value of activeSuggestion with theonMouseEnter function.
When you do that, remember to remove the line 32 from styles.css: .suggestions li:hover.
Only the element with .suggestion-active must have the active styles. Not the hovered ones. The idea is that onMouseEnter must update the value of activeSuggestion.
Here is the code:
// Autocomplete.jsx
//in line 84, after function onKeyDown, add:
onMouseEnter = e => {
try {
const currentIndex = parseInt(, 10);
this.setState({ activeSuggestion: currentIndex });
} catch (reason) {
// then, create const onMouseEnter after the render() method:
render() {
const {
state: {
} = this;
// In the li nodes (line 123), add props onMouseEnter and data-index:
Remember to remove the line 32 from styles.css: .suggestions li:hover.
Hope it helps.

Pulling a style from a TinyMCE selection

I'm trying to implement a TinyMCE button that will apply the style of the selection to the entire box. I'm having trouble, though, reading the style of the selection when the selection is buried in a span in a span in a paragraph. Let's consider 'color' for example. Below I have a box with some text and I've selected "here" in the paragraph and made it red.
The HTML for the paragraph is now:
The code behind my button to apply the style of the selection to the box is
var selected_color = $(ed.selection.getNode()).css('color');
console.log("color pulled is ", selected_color);
$(ed.bodyElement).css('color', selected_color);
It doesn't work because the color pulled is black, not red, so the third line just re-applies the black that's already there. (If I replace selected_color in the third line with 'blue' everything goes blue.) So the problem is pulling the color of the current selection.
Does anyone know how I can do this reliably, no matter how buried the selection is?
Thanks for any help.
I also noticed somewhat a strange behavior up and there, with selections of nested span's and div's, but honestly i'm not able to recognize if this is a bug of TinyMCE, a browser issue or a combination of both (most probably).
So, waiting for some more information from you (maybe also your plugin code) in the meanwhile i realized two proposal to achieve what you want: the first plugin behaves like the format painter in word, the second is simply applying the current detected foreground color to the whole paragraph.
As you move throug the editor with the keyboard or mouse, you will see the current detected foreground color highlighted and applied as background to the second plugin button.
Key point here are two functions to get the styles back from the cursor position:
function findStyle(el, attr) {
var styles, style, color;
try {
styles = $(el).attr('style');
if(typeof styles !== typeof undefined && styles !== false) {
styles.split(";").forEach(function(e) {
style = e.split(":");
if($.trim(style[0]) === attr) {
color = $(el).css(attr);
} catch (err) {}
return color;
function findForeColor(node) {
var $el = $(node), color;
while ($el.prop("tagName").toUpperCase() != "BODY") {
color = findStyle($el, "color");
if (color) break;
$el = $el.parent();
return color;
The try...catch block is needed to avoid some occasional errors when a selected text is restyled. If you look at the TinyMCE sorce code you will notice a plenty of timing events, this is a unavoidable and common practice when dealing with styles and css, even more with user interaction. There was a great job done by the authors of TinyMCE to make the editor cross-browser.
You can try out the first plugin in the Fiddle below. The second plugin is simpler as the first one. lastForeColor is determined in ed.on('NodeChange'), so the code in button click is very easy.
tinymce.PluginManager.add('example2', function(ed, url) {
// Add a button that opens a window
ed.addButton('example2', {
text: '',
icon: "apply-forecolor",
onclick: function() {
if(lastForeColor) {
var applyColor = lastForeColor;
ed.execCommand('forecolor', false, applyColor);
return false;
Moreover: i think there is a potential issue with your piece of code here:
$(ed.bodyElement).css('color', selected_color);
i guess the style should be applied in a different way, so in my example i'm using standard TinyMCE commands to apply the foreground color to all, as i wasn't able to exactly convert your screenshot to code. Please share your thoughts in a comment.
Fiddle with both plugins:
Amazing work! Thank you!
Your jsfiddle did the trick. I replaced the HTML with what was in my example and changed the selector in tinymce.init from a textarea to a div and it pulls the color out perfectly from my example. The modified jsfiddle is at . I'll be studying and learning from your code for a long time.
Regarding your question about
$(ed.bodyElement).css('color', selected_color);
the divs I attach tinymce to all have ids and the one the editor is currently attached to is reported in ed.bodyElement. I haven't had any trouble using this but I have no problem using your
ed.execCommand('forecolor', false, applyColor);
Thanks again! Great job!

Dojo Datagrid: How to change the style of the first row?

I am new to DoJo development so this could be basic.
I have created an EnhancedDatagrid and it shows the data fine.
The data comes from an JSON store in a different page.
I have a button which causes that one new entry is created in the datastore and then my datagrid is 'refreshed'. This works fine.
But now i want only as the last step to change the style of the first row in my datagrid.
(I need to make the newly added row more visible.)
But i simply can't figure out how to get a handle on the first row in a datagrid.
grid = new dojox.grid.EnhancedGrid({
id: strId,
store: store,
structure: layout,
}, document.createElement('div'));
var row = grid.getItem(0); // ---get the first row. How ? And how to apply new style ?
Thank you in advance.
Solved the problem like this:
dojo.connect(grid, 'onStyleRow', this, function (row) {
var item = grid.getItem(row.index);
if (row.index == 0) {
row.customClasses = "highlightRow";
row.customStyles += 'background-color:#FFB93F;';
I use the 'Claro' theme and it prevented me to set the background color of the row-cells.
The solution was to set the customClasses to a style like this:
.highlightRow tr
background-color: #FF6A00 !important;
Found part of the solution here:
