How to increase row height in vaadin grid accordingly to data in the cell - css

I am consuming data from the list and some list may contain multiple line data, so how that can be reflected in the vaadin grid at runtime.
This is the code
public Grid GridBasic() {
grid.addColumn(TopicConsumedDetails::getPartitionNumber).setHeader("PARTITION ");
grid.getColumns().forEach( col -> col.setAutoWidth(true));
return grid;
This just displays all the data in a single line and it requires scrolling left to right.
Vaadin Version :23.3.1

Use the built-in "wrap cell content" variant:

As per the previous answer, I think that using this is the correct approach:
However, you are overriding this setting by calling
grid.getColumns().forEach( col -> col.setAutoWidth(true));
According to the documentation, this automatically sets the column width based on the contents, leading to the right scroll problem.
If you remove this call, you should get the proper wrapping behavior. I was able to reproduce the problem and then see a result like this once I removed the auto width setting:
Alternatively, if you have sensible line breaks in the content you want to wrap, you can do that--but it won't happen automatically, as mentioned by #Rolf in a comment above. That is because the line breaks in the text are basically just whitespace and aren't respected as such by the HTML. So in order to do that, one option is to add an "Html" component column. You can then replace your text's line breaks with <br/> tags, which you could do with a regular expression. It would look like this:
String myColumnText = colText.replaceAll(....); //Some regex to match on your particular line breaks
grid.addComponentColumn(item -> new Html("<p>" + myColumnText +"</p>");
The <p> tags (or some wrapper tags) are required as the Html component requires a wrapper tag.
Note that (1) using this approach means that you won't get the automatic wrapping behavior any more so the line breaks in your source need to be sensible and (2) you have to be certain you trust the incoming content or it is otherwise sanitized, as this kind of rendering-text-as-html opens up some security holes with untrusted content.


How to preserve white space at the start of a line in .Rd documentation?

I need to indent some math stuff in the \details section of my .Rd documentation to enhance its readability. I am using mathjaxr. Is there any way to indent without installing roxygen2 or similar?
The math stuff is inline, so simply setting to display using \mjdeqn won't solve this.
I seem to have a reasonable "cheating" work around for indenting the first line using mathjaxr, at least for the PDF and HTML output.
We need to do two things:
Use the mathjax/LaTeX phantom command. phantom works by making a box of the size necessary to type-set whatever its argument is, but without actually type-setting anything in the box. For my purposes, if I want to indent, say, about 2 characters wide, I would start the line with a \mjeqn{\phantom{22}}{ } and following with my actual text, possibly including actual mathy bits. If I want an indent of, say, roughly 4 characters wide, I might use \mjeqn{\phantom{2222}}{ }.
Because mathjaxr has a problem with tacking on unsolicited new lines when starting a line with mjeqn, we need to prefix the use of phantom in 1 above with an empty bit of something non-mathjaxr-ish like \emph{}.
Putting it all together, I can indent by about 2 characters using something like this:
\emph{}\mjeqn{\phantom{22}}Here beginneth mine indented lineā€¦
I need to explore whether the { } business actually indents for ASCII output, or whether I might accomplish that using or some such.

How to add a line in the pdf generated pdf by `exams` using the `exams2nops`?

We are generating a pdf through exams2nops using the items in blocks of choice, we would like to delimitate the blocks in the PDF adding a horizontal line after the last exercise of each block. Having that in mind we added a ***, ---, <hr/> however the behavior was always the same:
I would like a single line without adding the exercise number that's next in the exam:
It is not so easy to solve this by putting the horizontal line into the exercise file. The reason is that the line is needed after the answerlist but the answerlist is not formatted in the exercise but by exams2nops.
A workaround is to tweak the definition of the {question} environment in the LaTeX template used by exams2nops. By default this is simply:
Where \item is executed at the beginning of the {question} and nothing at the end of it. Changing this by
would insert a horizontal line after every question. If you just want it after selected questions you need to insert if/else statements for certain enumerated items. For example, for inserting the horizontal rule after the second item only, you can redefine:
\renewenvironment{question}{\item}{\ifnum\value{enumi}=2 {\hrulefill} \else {} \fi}
Thus, you get the enumi counter from the {enumerate} environment that you use and compare it with 2. If true, you insert the horizontal line, and otherwise you do nothing.
Adding escapes for the backslashes you can pass this re-definition to exams2nops through the header argument:
exams2nops(c("swisscapital", "switzerland", "tstat2", "deriv2"),
header = "\\renewenvironment{question}{\\item}{\\ifnum\\value{enumi}=2 {\\hrulefill} \\else {} \\fi}")
The resulting output is:

Implementing syntax highlighting for markdown titles in PySide/PyQt

I am trying to implement a syntax highlighter for markdown for my project in PySide. The current code covers the basic, with bold, italic, code blocks, and some custom tags. Below is an extract of the relevant part of the current code.
What is blocking me right now is how to implement the highlighting for titles (underlined with ===, for the main title, or --- for sub-titles). The method that is used by Qt/PySide to highlight the text is highlightBlock, which processes only one line at a time.
class MySyntaxHighlighter(QtGui.QSyntaxHighlighter):
def highlightBlock(self, text):
# do something with this line of text
startIndex = 0
if self.previousBlockState() != 1:
startIndex = self.blockStartExpression.indexIn(text)
while startIndex >= 0:
endIndex = self.blockEndExpression.indexIn(
text, startIndex)
There is a way to recover the previousBlockState, which is useful when a block has a defined start (for instance, the ~~~ syntax at the beginning of a code-block). Unfortunately, there is nothing that defines the start of a title, except for the underlining with === or --- that take place on the next line. All the examples I found only handle cases where there is a defined start of the expression, and so that the previousBlockState gives you an information (as in the example above).
The question is then: is there a way to recover the text of the next line, inside the highlightBlock? To perform a look-ahead, in some sense.
I though about recovering the document currently being worked on, and find the current block in the document, then find the next line and make the regular expression check on this. This would however break if there is a line in the document that has the exact same wording as the title. Plus, it would become quite slow to systematically do this for all lines in the document. Thanks in advance for any suggestion.
If self.currentBlock() gives you the block being highlighted, then:
should give you the text of the following block.

Multiline title on a JavaFx Chart

Is there some means - short of extending the JavaFX charting base class(es) - to specify a multi-line title string?
As seen in the screenshot the title is the only element 'wanting' more space.
I had seen some references to using a newline '\n' and even a pipe character '|' in the string but they apparently do not work for the title.
I just threw this in a sample I had and it worked.
chart.setTitle("really long title...........\n.............and some more ");
Label l = (Label)chart.lookup(".chart-title");
The \n sets the break point if I don't want it at the limit.
As you can see it's just a Label, the hard part is getting it.
You can also use a css file with the selector. I think it's already centered.
-fx-wrap-text : true;
-fx-alignment : center;

Fine-Uploader filename ellipsis, where is length specified?

I have the Fine-Uploader working great, however I am trying to shoe-horn the entire interface into a very narrow dialog, and need to adjust the length at which the file names have ellipsis added to their middle, in order to truncate them so they fit.
Currently the file names are being truncated, but only after they become very long. I cannot see where the length for the file name is being determined, and what mechanism is being used. Does not appear to be using the text-overflow: ellipsis css tag.
This has changed in newer versions of fine-uploader since the earlier answer here by #ray-nicholus. The CSS does now specify a text-overflow: ellipsis on the 'qq-upload-file' class, and the default formatFileName handling does not truncate or otherwise modify the filename.
So to prevent ellipse now, you need to modify width of qq-upload-file and/or override the CSS text-overflow: ellipsis attribute.
This is true for v5.11.9. I don't know when it changed exactly.
You are correct, text-overflow: ellipsis; is not used. Why? Because this, in my opinion, is not the correct solution for this problem . Using text-overflow: ellipsis; would result in a loss of the last n characters in the file name, which includes the extension. To many, or at least some users, the extensions may be important/useful. So, Fine Uploader uses some simple JavaScript to limit the length of the filename, still preserving the last bits of the name. The default behavior is provided as a function value to the formatFileName option. By default, it limits the filename to 33 chars, plus 3 ellipses separating the halves of the file name. You can override this option with your own logic.
