add extra option field on woocommerce quick shop archive page - wordpress

I recently added a plugin to my wordpress woocommerce named "Extra product options For WooCommerce".
I added a url getter field to single product pages as shown as below:
url field on single product page
but I need that it shows on the quick shop archive page too as well. look at the image below:
I need url getter field goes on the red section I draw on image
how can I do that ? is there any hook to solve the problem ?

nevermind..I found the answer:
just add the code below to your function.php:
function thwepof_change_prepare_hook(){
return 'woocommerce_before_add_to_cart_button';


How do I make a tag taxonomy page?

I have woocommerce plugin. I created a custom tag taxonomy under products to pick the product ingredients. ( ). To show them as buttons on the product page ( ).
Now I want the visitor when they click on the ingredient it shows them an ingredient page information. So, if they click on “Beeswax” it shows them Beeswax information like name, function and etc…
Each time I click on “Beeswax it directs me to a filter page .
How can I make a page for each ingredient?
Is it even doable this way? or is there another way to accomplish this?
please advice…
Yes you can have custom templates for your taxonomies. The template hierarchy explains everything.
Custom taxonomies use this template file path:
taxonomy-{taxonomy}-{term}.php – If the taxonomy is sometax, and taxonomy’s term is someterm, WordPress will look for
taxonomy-sometax-someterm.php. In the case of post formats, the
taxonomy is ‘post_format’ and the terms are ‘post-format-{format}.
i.e. taxonomy-post_format-post-format-link.php for the link post
taxonomy-{taxonomy}.php – If the taxonomy were sometax, WordPress would look for taxonomy-sometax.php.
Since you haven't created a taxonomy-ingredients.php WordPress uses the next available option and falls back to the generic template.
You can even create a different template (page) for each of your Ingredient by using the first option above.

Woocomerce - how to add custom HTML widget in admin area? Edit order, edit product views?

I want to add a widget with custom HTML in it, how can I do it?
It has to be placed in 2 places:
woocomerce order edit view
woocomerce product edit view
The order and product are custom post types. You'll want to use
add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'yourfunction' );
and within yourfunction, call wordpress's add_meta_box(); function.
The 3rd parameter to add_meta_box() is the function which outputs HTML. This is where you can output the div mount point for your react app. The admin_enqueue_scripts action is where you can enqueue your javascript into the admin dashboard.
If you google for something along the lines of "add meta box to custom post type" you'll find some blogs with examples.
Got this answer at Facebook group from Brian, sharing it here for future googlers :)

Woocommerce add to cart and redirect to Custom URL - Different for each link

So I am using a link on this page: (yellow button).
The link is supposed to add the product to the cart and then send them to the next step in the sales funnel.
For the link URL I used:
Full link code is:
I found this code here:
If you need to see the cart (we are still redesigning these pages) you can go here in a seperate browser tab to see how it updates:
The problem is that it is adding 2 products to my cart instead of 1.
How can I get this to just add one of my products to the cart and move on?
Here is something new I found out. If I just go directly to the link it only adds one product. If I click on the link in the page ( it adds 2 products. It does the same for a button or a text link.
Use the shortcodes provided by WooCommerce to render the add to cart links.
[add_to_cart_url id="99"]
I found it!
It needs a / before the ?
I was using: which gave two item in the cart.

from where add to cart code works

I am new for the wordpress and I am using woocommerce plugin to create an ecommerce website through it.
I want to know that from where the add to cart functionality is being taking place either by template or by some specific function invloved in attempting the add to cart functionality . I am searching for this as I have to add some custom fields other then provided by the woocommerce.
I have to add the field "material type and description" for the product which is being dynamically generated at the client end.and I have to add that dynamically generated values to the cart and also I have to add this to the Database table as well . so that it will be available through the checkout page.
Please hemp me to solve the Issue.
As I have search to display the cart "cart.php template "is available but it is not showing the code for add to cart.

Wordpress custom post type page

When creating a custom post type and fill it with some posts wordpress generates a page for that custom post type.
But I want to be able to add content to that page so I create a regular page and choose a template where I manually call the custom post type posts and loop them out. And now I can just add content in the wysiwyg editor. But this causes a conflict between these two pages, especially if the CPT has the same name as the page.
And now the question: Is there a way to always show the page where I have chosen the template for the CPT to always show? Even when someone try's to manually enter the url for the CPT generated page?
Here is what I understood from your question. You have custom post type. Then you created a page-template, that loops through your custom post types and output them. Now when you create a new page and assign it the page-template you have created you run into problems, if it has the same name as the custom post type.
Solution: I think what you need to do is change the custom-page slug from the admin menu. Then you would be able to directly reference it by the URL.
