Batch Normalization Vs. Instance Normalization Vs. Adaptive Instance Normalization - generative-adversarial-network

What is the difference between Batch Normalization, Instance Normalization, Adaptive Instance Normalization layers in a CNN?Which one should be used in generative models for image stylization?
I am actually trying to train a GAN model for style transfer and am confused as to what type of normalization layer should be used. Or should I not use it at all?


Smoothing before FPCA

I am trying to use FPCA on my time series and I know that I should do some smoothing before using FPCA. However, I don't know what smoothing method is good?
Any resource is much appreciated!
Smoothing will depend on the data you have. Considering the FDA parametric approach (Ramsay & Silverman, 2005) the basis functions is your choice: in general, it is common to use the “fourier” basis for periodic data, and “bspline” basis for non-recurrent data. B-splines have a very good local behaviour.
You can find more info about the implementation of different basis functions in "Functional data analysis with R and MATLAB" (Ramsay et al. 2009)
There's no specific rule to choose the dimension of the basis as it depends on several factors. I strongly recommend studying the least square error of the process in all possible dimensions, and then to choose it by the region of convenience. Some packages have implemented functions to calculate it; e.g. fda.usc::min.basis() -best minimum number of basis functions- and also by the cross-validation method, e.g. fda.usc::CV.S().
P-splines provide the lowest approximation errors, its computational implementation is easier and are quite insensitive to the choice of knots. You can try to smooth your functional object like:
fdobj <- create.bspline.basis(df,nbasis=k,norder=4)
smooth.fdPar(fdobj, Lfdobj=NULL, lambda=0,
estimate=TRUE, penmat=NULL)

How to retrain model using old model + new data chunk in R?

I'm currently working on trust prediction in social networks - from obvious reasons I model this problem as data stream. What I want to do is to "update" my trained model using old model + new chunk of data stream. Classifiers that I am using are SVM, NB (e1071 implementation), neural network (nnet) and C5.0 decision tree.
Sidenote: I know that this solution is possible using RMOA package by defining "model" argument in trainMOA function, but I don't think I can use it with those classifiers implementations (if I am wrong please correct me).
According to strange SO rules, I can't post it as comment, so be it.
Classifiers that you've listed need full data set at the time you train a model, so whenever new data comes in, you should combine it with previous data and retrain the model. What you are probably looking for is online machine learning. One of the very popular implementations is Vowpal Wabbit, it also has bindings to R.

R Supervised Latent Dirichlet Allocation Package

I'm using this LDA package for R. Specifically I am trying to do supervised latent dirichlet allocation (slda). In the linked package, there's an slda.em function. However what confuses me is that it asks for alpha, eta and variance parameters. As far as I understand, I thought these parameters are unknowns in the model. So my question is, did the author of the package mean to say that these are initial guesses for the parameters? If yes, there doesn't seem to be a way of accessing them from the result of running slda.em.
Aside from coding the extra EM steps in the algorithm, is there a suggested way to guess reasonable values for these parameters?
Since you are trying to generate a supervised model, the typical approach would be to use cross validation to determine the model parameters. So you hold out some of the data as your test set, train the a model on the remaining data, and evaluate the model performance, repeating k times. You then continue to repeat with different model parameters to determine which result in the best model performance.
In the specific case of slda, I would run demo(slda) to see the author's implementation of it. When you run the demo, you'll see that he sets alpha=1.0, eta=0.1, and variance=0.25. I'd suggest using these as your starting point, and then use cross validation to determine better parameters if you need to improve model performance.

How to consider different costs for different types of errors in SVM using R

Let Y be a binary variable.
If we use logistic regression for modeling, then we can use cv.glm for cross validation and there we can specify the cost function in the cost argument. By specifying the cost function, we can assign different unit costs to different types of errors:predicted Yes|reference is No or predicted No|reference is Yes.
I am wondering if I could achieve the same in SVM. In other words, is there a way for me to specify a cost(loss) function instead of using built-in loss function?
Besides the Answer by Yueguoguo, there is also three more solutions, the standard Wrapper approach, hyperplane tuning and the one in e1017.
The Wrapper approach (available out of the box for example in weka) is applicable to almost all classifiers. The idea is to over- or undersample the data in accordance with the misclassification costs. The learned model if trained to optimise accuracy is optimal under the costs.
The second idea is frequently used in textminining. The classification is svm's are derived from distance to the hyperplane. For linear separable problems this distance is {1,-1} for the support vectors. The classification of a new example is then basically, whether the distance is positive or negative. However, one can also shift this distance and not make the decision and 0 but move it for example towards 0.8. That way the classifications are shifted in one or the other direction, while the general shape of the data is not altered.
Finally, some machine learning toolkits have a build in parameter for class specific costs like class.weights in the e1017 implementation. the name is due to the fact that the term cost is pre-occupied.
The loss function for SVM hyperplane parameters is automatically tuned thanks to the beautiful theoretical foundation of the algorithm. SVM applies cross-validation for tuning hyperparameters. Say, an RBF kernel is used, cross validation is to select the optimal combination of C (cost) and gamma (kernel parameter) for the best performance, measured by certain metrics (e.g., mean squared error). In e1071, the performance can be obtained by using tune method, where the range of hyperparameters as well as attribute of cross-validation (i.e., 5-, 10- or more fold cross validation) can be specified.
To obtain comparative cross-validation results by using Area-Under-Curve type of error measurement, one can train different models with different hyperparameter configurations and then validate the model against sets of pre-labelled data.
Hope the answer helps.

When to use test and training sets in Weka?

I've been working with Weka for awhile now, and in my research on it, I find that a lot of code examples use test and training sets. For instance, with Discretization and Bayesian Networks,their examples are almost always shown using test and training sets. I may be missing some fundamental understanding of data processing here, but I don't understand why this seems to always be the case. I am using Discretization and Bayesian Networks in a project and for both of them, I have not used test or training sets, and do not see why I would need to either. I am performing cross validation on the BayesNet, so I am testing its accuracy. Am I misunderstanding what test and training sets are used for??? Oh and please use the simplest of terminology; I'm still not very experienced with the world of data processing.
The idea behind training and test sets is to test the generalization error. That is, if you used just one data set, you could achieve perfect accuracy by simply learning this set (this is what nearest neighbour classifiers do, IBk in Weka). In general, this is not what you want however -- the machine learning algorithm should learn the general concept behind the example data that you give it. A way of testing whether this happens is to use separate data for training and testing.
If you're using cross-validation, you're using separate training and test sets. This is simply a way of coming up with the partition of your entire data set into training and test. If you do 10 fold cross-validation for example, your entire data is partitioned into 10 sets of equal size. Nine of these are combined and used for training, the remaining one for testing. Then the process is repeated with nine different sets combined for training and so on until all the ten individual partitions will have been used for testing.
So training/test sets and cross-validation are conceptually doing the same thing, cross-validation simply takes a more rigorous approach by averaging over the entire data set.
Training data refers to the data used to "build the model".
For example, it you are using the algorithm J48 (a tree classifier) to classify instances, the training data will be used to generate the tree that will represent the "learned concept" that should be a generalization of the concept. It means that the learned rules, generated trees, the adjusted neural network, or whatever; will be able to get new (unseen) instances and classify them correctly (the "learned concept" does not depends on the training data).
The test sets are a percentage of the data that will be used to test whether the model has learned the concept properly (it is independent of the training data).
In WEKA you can run an execution splitting your data set into trainig data (to build the tree in the case of J48) and test data (to test the model in order to determine that the concept has been learned). For example, you can use 60% of the data for training and 40% for testing (determine how much data is needed for training and testing is one of the key problems of data mining).
But I would recommend you to have a quick look to cross-validation, that is a robust testing method that is implemented in WEKA. It has been explained quite well here:
If you have more questions just leave a comment.
