Godot PGSGP Why can't I connect a function to the signal - google-signin

extends Node
var client : NakamaClient
var session : NakamaSession
var socket : NakamaSocket
var username = "example"
var play_service
func _ready():
if Engine.has_singleton("GodotPlayGamesServices"):
play_service = Engine.get_singleton("GodotPlayGamesServices")
play_service.init(true, true, true, "id")
play_service.connect("_on_sign_in_success", self, "ConnectToNakama")
play_service.connect("_on_sign_in_failed", self, "_on_sign_in_failed")
func _on_sign_in_failed():
func ConnectToNakama(profile):
client = Nakama.create_client('defaultkey', "ip", 7351,
'http', 3, NakamaLogger.LOG_LEVEL.ERROR)
var split = profile.split('"')
var id = split[11]
session = yield(client.authenticate_device_async(id, username), 'completed')
if session.is_exception():
print("connection has failed " + session.exception.message)
socket = Nakama.create_socket_from(client)
yield(socket.connect_async(session), "completed")
play_service.connect("_on_sign_in_success", self, "ConnectToNakama")
play_service.connect("_on_sign_in_failed", self, "_on_sign_in_failed")
altough I do succesfully sign in, the ConnectToNakama function is not running also when i write play_service.connect("_on_sign_in_success",self,(suggestions appear)) if i remove the
the ConnectToNakama suggestion appears but the
func _on_sign_in_failed
suggestion still doesn't appear
and I can't sign in if i put the
in another function what can I do? :c
Godot 3.5.1 Stable

The few things I can identify:
singIn should be inside the if statement, here:
func _ready():
if Engine.has_singleton("GodotPlayGamesServices"):
play_service = Engine.get_singleton("GodotPlayGamesServices")
play_service.init(true, true, true, "id")
play_service.connect("_on_sign_in_success", self, "ConnectToNakama")
play_service.connect("_on_sign_in_failed", self, "_on_sign_in_failed")
play_service.signIn() # <-
That is because play_service would only be initialized if the execution entered the if statement.
On a similar note: make sure the indentation is correct. You could not be getting the suggestions because of a syntax error, such as wrong indentation.
The "_on_sign_in_failed" signal passes an int. I claim this based on the source code at PGSGP. Thus you should declare the _on_sign_in_failed method with a parameter:
func _on_sign_in_failed(status):
I'm guessing that ConnectToNakama is not running because it is trying to call _on_sign_in_failed instead, but that is also failing because it is missing the parameter.
They should not be necessary, but these are the types for "_on_sign_in_failed":
func _on_sign_in_failed(status:int) -> void:
And for "_on_sign_in_success":
func ConnectToNakama(profile:String) -> void:
# …


sendMessage in functional style

Suppose I have 2 messenger objects that can send and receive messages. When message is received it is appended to some file:
class Messenger:
def sendMessage(anotherMessenger, message):
def receiveMessage(msg):
# appending msg to file
a = Messenger()
b = Messenger()
a.sendMessage(b, "Hello b!")
b.sendMessage(a, "Hi a!")
What would be a functional programming equivalent of the program above?
In FP your 'objects' tend to be functions. In this case, instead of multiple objects, each with two member functions you would have multiple functions to handle different scenarios.
In this case you have:
receiveMessage: string -> ()
That is, receiveMessage is a function that takes a string and returns nothing - unit. Likewise:
sendMessage: (f: string -> ()) -> (msg: string) -> ()
I.e. sendMessage takes a receiveMessage implementation and a string and returns unit.
So, using a language like F# we can have the following:
let sendMessage (f: string -> ()) (msg: string) = f(msg)
let aRecv (msg: string) = // Do something with msg
let bRecv (msg: string) = // Do something else with msg
sendMessage bRecv "Hello b!"
sendMessage aRecv "Hi a!"
Since your question is kind of generic I will leave this as a kind of generic answer. If you have something more specific in mind this answer can be expanded on.

Railway oriented programming with Async operations

Previously asked similar question but somehow I'm not finding my way out, attempting again with another example.
The code as a starting point (a bit trimmed) is available at https://ideone.com/zkQcIU.
(it has some issue recognizing Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Result type, not sure why)
Essentially all operations have to be pipelined with the previous function feeding the result to the next one. The operations have to be async and they should return error to the caller in case an exception occurred.
The requirement is to give the caller either result or fault. All functions return a Tuple populated with either Success type Article or Failure with type Error object having descriptive code and message returned from the server.
Will appreciate a working example around my code both for the callee and the caller in an answer.
Callee Code
type Article = {
name: string
type Error = {
code: string
message: string
let create (article: Article) : Result<Article, Error> =
let request = WebRequest.Create("http://example.com") :?> HttpWebRequest
request.Method <- "GET"
use response = request.GetResponse() :?> HttpWebResponse
use reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())
use memoryStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(reader.ReadToEnd()))
Ok ((new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof<Article>)).ReadObject(memoryStream) :?> Article)
| :? WebException as e ->
use reader = new StreamReader(e.Response.GetResponseStream())
use memoryStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(reader.ReadToEnd()))
Error ((new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof<Error>)).ReadObject(memoryStream) :?> Error)
Rest of the chained methods - Same signature and similar bodies. You can actually reuse the body of create for update, upload, and publish to be able to test and compile code.
let update (article: Article) : Result<Article, Error>
// body (same as create, method <- PUT)
let upload (article: Article) : Result<Article, Error>
// body (same as create, method <- PUT)
let publish (article: Article) : Result<Article, Error>
// body (same as create, method < POST)
Caller Code
let chain = create >> Result.bind update >> Result.bind upload >> Result.bind publish
match chain(schemaObject) with
| Ok article -> Debug.WriteLine(article.name)
| Error error -> Debug.WriteLine(error.code + ":" + error.message)
Based on the answer and matching it with Scott's implementation (https://i.stack.imgur.com/bIxpD.png), to help in comparison and in better understanding.
let bind2 (switchFunction : 'a -> Async<Result<'b, 'c>>) =
fun (asyncTwoTrackInput : Async<Result<'a, 'c>>) -> async {
let! twoTrackInput = asyncTwoTrackInput
match twoTrackInput with
| Ok s -> return! switchFunction s
| Error err -> return Error err
Edit 2 Based on F# implementation of bind
let bind3 (binder : 'a -> Async<Result<'b, 'c>>) (asyncResult : Async<Result<'a, 'c>>) = async {
let! result = asyncResult
match result with
| Error e -> return Error e
| Ok x -> return! binder x
Take a look at the Suave source code, and specifically the WebPart.bind function. In Suave, a WebPart is a function that takes a context (a "context" is the current request and the response so far) and returns a result of type Async<context option>. The semantics of chaining these together are that if the async returns None, the next step is skipped; if it returns Some value, the next step is called with value as the input. This is pretty much the same semantics as the Result type, so you could almost copy the Suave code and adjust it for Result instead of Option. E.g., something like this:
module AsyncResult
let bind (f : 'a -> Async<Result<'b, 'c>>) (a : Async<Result<'a, 'c>>) : Async<Result<'b, 'c>> = async {
let! r = a
match r with
| Ok value ->
let next : Async<Result<'b, 'c>> = f value
return! next
| Error err -> return (Error err)
let compose (f : 'a -> Async<Result<'b, 'e>>) (g : 'b -> Async<Result<'c, 'e>>) : 'a -> Async<Result<'c, 'e>> =
fun x -> bind g (f x)
let (>>=) a f = bind f a
let (>=>) f g = compose f g
Now you can write your chain as follows:
let chain = create >=> update >=> upload >=> publish
let result = chain(schemaObject) |> Async.RunSynchronously
match result with
| Ok article -> Debug.WriteLine(article.name)
| Error error -> Debug.WriteLine(error.code + ":" + error.message)
Caution: I haven't been able to verify this code by running it in F# Interactive, since I don't have any examples of your create/update/etc. functions. It should work, in principle — the types all fit together like Lego building blocks, which is how you can tell that F# code is probably correct — but if I've made a typo that the compiler would have caught, I don't yet know about it. Let me know if that works for you.
Update: In a comment, you asked whether you need to have both the >>= and >=> operators defined, and mentioned that you didn't see them used in the chain code. I defined both because they serve different purposes, just like the |> and >> operators serve different purposes. >>= is like |>: it passes a value into a function. While >=> is like >>: it takes two functions and combines them. If you would write the following in a non-AsyncResult context:
let chain = step1 >> step2 >> step3
Then that translates to:
let asyncResultChain = step1AR >=> step2AR >=> step3AR
Where I'm using the "AR" suffix to indicate versions of those functions that return an Async<Result<whatever>> type. On the other hand, if you had written that in a pass-the-data-through-the-pipeline style:
let result = input |> step1 |> step2 |> step3
Then that would translate to:
let asyncResult = input >>= step1AR >>= step2AR >>= step3AR
So that's why you need both the bind and compose functions, and the operators that correspond to them: so that you can have the equivalent of either the |> or the >> operators for your AsyncResult values.
BTW, the operator "names" that I picked (>>= and >=>), I did not pick randomly. These are the standard operators that are used all over the place for the "bind" and "compose" operations on values like Async, or Result, or AsyncResult. So if you're defining your own, stick with the "standard" operator names and other people reading your code won't be confused.
Update 2: Here's how to read those type signatures:
'a -> Async<Result<'b, 'c>>
This is a function that takes type A, and returns an Async wrapped around a Result. The Result has type B as its success case, and type C as its failure case.
Async<Result<'a, 'c>>
This is a value, not a function. It's an Async wrapped around a Result where type A is the success case, and type C is the failure case.
So the bind function takes two parameters:
a function from A to an async of (either B or C)).
a value that's an async of (either A or C)).
And it returns:
a value that's an async of (either B or C).
Looking at those type signatures, you can already start to get an idea of what the bind function will do. It will take that value that's either A or C, and "unwrap" it. If it's C, it will produce an "either B or C" value that's C (and the function won't need to be called). If it's A, then in order to convert it to an "either B or C" value, it will call the f function (which takes an A).
All this happens within an async context, which adds an extra layer of complexity to the types. It might be easier to grasp all this if you look at the basic version of Result.bind, with no async involved:
let bind (f : 'a -> Result<'b, 'c>) (a : Result<'a, 'c>) =
match a with
| Ok val -> f val
| Error err -> Error err
In this snippet, the type of val is 'a, and the type of err is 'c.
Final update: There was one comment from the chat session that I thought was worth preserving in the answer (since people almost never follow chat links). Developer11 asked,
... if I were to ask you what Result.bind in my example code maps to your approach, can we rewrite it as create >> AsyncResult.bind update? It worked though. Just wondering i liked the short form and as you said they have a standard meaning? (in haskell community?)
My reply was:
Yes. If the >=> operator is properly written, then f >=> g will always be equivalent to f >> bind g. In fact, that's precisely the definition of the compose function, though that might not be immediately obvious to you because compose is written as fun x -> bind g (f x) rather than as f >> bind g. But those two ways of writing the compose function would be exactly equivalent. It would probably be very instructive for you to sit down with a piece of paper and draw out the function "shapes" (inputs & outputs) of both ways of writing compose.
Why do you want to use Railway Oriented Programming here? If you just want to run a sequence of operations and return information about the first exception that occurs, then F# already provides a language support for this using exceptions. You do not need Railway Oriented Programming for this. Just define your Error as an exception:
exception Error of code:string * message:string
Modify the code to throw the exception (also note that your create function takes article but does not use it, so I deleted that):
let create () = async {
let ds = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof<Error>)
let request = WebRequest.Create("http://example.com") :?> HttpWebRequest
request.Method <- "GET"
use response = request.GetResponse() :?> HttpWebResponse
use reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())
use memoryStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(reader.ReadToEnd()))
return ds.ReadObject(memoryStream) :?> Article
| :? WebException as e ->
use reader = new StreamReader(e.Response.GetResponseStream())
use memoryStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(reader.ReadToEnd()))
return raise (Error (ds.ReadObject(memoryStream) :?> Error)) }
And then you can compose functions just by sequencing them in async block using let! and add exception handling:
let main () = async {
let! created = create ()
let! updated = update created
let! uploaded = upload updated
with Error(code, message) ->
Debug.WriteLine(code + ":" + message) }
If you wanted more sophisticated exception handling, then Railway Oriented Programming might be useful and there is certainly a way of integrating it with async, but if you just want to do what you described in your question, then you can do that much more easily with just standard F#.

Beego raw sql - Type conversion issue

Here is the code used inside the Beego MVC architecture.
var maps []orm.Params
//Pallets Completed already.
o.Raw("Select SUM(Things) as AllTheThings FROM SomeTable").Values(&maps)
numThings := strconv.Atoi(maps[0]["AllTheThings"].(string))
c.Data["Stuff"] = maps[0]["AllTheThings"]
multiple-value strconv.Atoi() in single-value context
Trying to figure out how I can get data out with our ORM and type cast it so arithmetic can be done on it.
Any more details please let me know.
strconv.Atoi has a signature of:
func Atoi(s string) (int, error)
you should check the error before using the result, like so:
var maps []orm.Params
//Pallets Completed already.
o.Raw("Select SUM(Things) as AllTheThings FROM SomeTable").Values(&maps)
numThings, err := strconv.Atoi(maps[0]["AllTheThings"].(string))
if err != nil {
// couldn't convert
c.Data["Stuff"] = maps[0]["AllTheThings"]

Is it possible to have a dictionary with a mutable array as the value in Swift

I am trying to do this:
var dictArray = [String:[String]]()
dictArray["test"] = [String]()
dictArray["test"]! += "hello"
But I am getting the weird error NSString is not a subtype of 'DictionaryIndex<String, [(String)]>'.
I just want to be able to add objects to an array inside a dictionary.
Update: Looks like Apple considers this a "known issue" in Swift, implying it will work as expected eventually. From the Xcode 6 Beta 4 release notes:
...Similarly, you cannot modify the underlying value of a mutable
optional value, either conditionally or within a force-unwrap:
tableView.sortDescriptors! += NSSortDescriptor(key: "creditName", ascending: true)
Workaround: Test the optional value explicitly and then assign the
result back:
if let window = NSApplication.sharedApplication.mainWindow {
window.title = "Currently experiencing problems"
tableView.sortDescriptors = tableView.sortDescriptors!
You can only do this
var dictArray = [String:[String]]()
dictArray["test"] = [String]()
var arr = dictArray["test"]!;
arr += "hello"
dictArray["test"] = arr
because dictArray["test"] give you Optional<[String]> which is immutable
6> var test : [String]? = [String]()
test: [String]? = 0 values
7> test += "hello"
<REPL>:7:1: error: '[String]?' is not identical to 'UInt8'
append also won't work due to the same reason, Optional is immutable
3> dictArray["test"]!.append("hello")
<REPL>:3:18: error: '(String, [(String)])' does not have a member named 'append'
^ ~~~~~~
BTW the error message is horrible...
You may use NSMutableArray instead of [String] as a value type for your dictionary:
var dictArray: [String: NSMutableArray] = [:]
dictArray["test"] = NSMutableArray()
This is still an issue in Swift 3. At least I was able to create method that can handle it for you.
func appendOrCreate(newValue: Any, toArrayAt key: String, in existingDictionary: inout [AnyHashable:Any]) {
var mutableArray = [Any]()
if let array = existingDictionary[key] as? [Any]{
//include existing values in mutableArray before adding new value
for existingValue in array {
//append new value
//save updated array in original dictionary
existingDictionary[key] = mutableArray
The problem is that we want class semantics here but have to use structs. If you put class objects into the dictionary, you get what you want!
So, if you have¹ to have mutable values, you can wrap them in a class and perform updates with a closure:
class MutableWrapper<T> {
var rawValue: T
init(_ val: T) {
self.rawValue = val
func update(_ with: (inout T) -> Void) {
func foo() {
var dict = [String: MutableWrapper<[String]>]()
dict["bar"] = MutableWrapper(["rum"])
// > ["rum", "gin"]
For what it's worth, I do not see a way to keep caller and wrapper in sync. Even if we declare init(_ val: inout T) we will end up with a copy in rawValue.
Performance is not necessarily an issue since the compiler optimizes structs heavily. I'd benchmark any mutable solution against what looks like lots of copy-updates in the code.
Since Swift 4.1 you can provide a default value to the subscript which allows you to solve this quite naturally now:
dictArray["test", default: []].append("hello")

Monadic Retry logic w/ F# and async?

I've found this snippet:
But I'm working not only with retriable functions, but also with asynchronous such, and I was wondering how I make this type properly. I have a tiny piece of retryAsync monad that I'd like to use as a replacement for async computations, but that contains retry logic, and I'm wondering how I combine them?
type AsyncRetryBuilder(retries) =
member x.Return a = a // Enable 'return'
member x.ReturnFrom a = x.Run a
member x.Delay f = f // Gets wrapped body and returns it (as it is)
// so that the body is passed to 'Run'
member x.Bind expr f = async {
let! tmp = expr
return tmp
member x.Zero = failwith "Zero"
member x.Run (f : unit -> Async<_>) : _ =
let rec loop = function
| 0, Some(ex) -> raise ex
| n, _ ->
async { let! v = f()
return v }
with ex -> loop (n-1, Some(ex))
loop(retries, None)
let asyncRetry = AsyncRetryBuilder(4)
Consuming code is like this:
module Queue =
let desc (nm : NamespaceManager) name = asyncRetry {
let! exists = Async.FromBeginEnd(name, nm.BeginQueueExists, nm.EndQueueExists)
let beginCreate = nm.BeginCreateQueue : string * AsyncCallback * obj -> IAsyncResult
return! if exists then Async.FromBeginEnd(name, nm.BeginGetQueue, nm.EndGetQueue)
else Async.FromBeginEnd(name, beginCreate, nm.EndCreateQueue)
let recv (client : MessageReceiver) timeout =
let bRecv = client.BeginReceive : TimeSpan * AsyncCallback * obj -> IAsyncResult
asyncRetry {
let! res = Async.FromBeginEnd(timeout, bRecv, client.EndReceive)
return res }
Error is:
This expression was expected to have type Async<'a> but here has type 'b -> Async<'c>
Your Bind operation behaves like a normal Bind operation of async, so your code is mostly a re-implementation (or wrapper) over async. However, your Return does not have the right type (it should be 'T -> Async<'T>) and your Delay is also different than normal Delay of async. In general, you should start with Bind and Return - using Run is a bit tricky, because Run is used to wrap the entire foo { .. } block and so it does not give you the usual nice composability.
The F# specification and a free chapter 12 from Real-World Functional Programming both show the usual types that you should follow when implementing these operations, so I won't repeat that here.
The main issue with your approach is that you're trying to retry the computation only in Run, but the retry builder that you're referring to attempts to retry each individual operation called using let!. Your approach may be sufficient, but if that's the case, you can just implement a function that tries to run normal Async<'T> and retries:
let RetryRun count (work:Async<'T>) = async {
// Try to run the work
return! work
with e ->
// Retry if the count is larger than 0, otherwise fail
if count > 0 then return! RetryRun (count - 1) work
else return raise e }
If you actually want to implement a computation builder that will implicitly try to retry every single asynchronous operation, then you can write something like the following (it is just a sketch, but it should point you in the right direction):
// We're working with normal Async<'T> and
// attempt to retry it until it succeeds, so
// the computation has type Async<'T>
type RetryAsyncBuilder() =
member x.ReturnFrom(comp) = comp // Just return the computation
member x.Return(v) = async { return v } // Return value inside async
member x.Delay(f) = async { return! f() } // Wrap function inside async
member x.Bind(work, f) =
async {
// Try to call the input workflow
let! v = work
// If it succeeds, try to do the rest of the work
return! f v
with e ->
// In case of exception, call Bind to try again
return! x.Bind(work, f) }
