How Can I Run A Test on Cypress, and Simultaneously Use The Cypress Inspector Tool To Build Other Tests? - automated-tests

I've got Cypress open running an e2e test that takes about 4 minutes. I've used the command in the CLI npx cypress open.
Whilst that is open and running, I would like to use the inspector tool
from Cypress to build another test.
Whilst building e2e tests, the gui does not allow for me to open another browser and start.
What would be a viable and repeatable option to run one test, whilst using the gui to build out another test with the inspector tool components?

you can just use npx cypress open a second time and have 2 instances of cypress working, one for the inspector tool and one for testing in the background.


Is there a Test Explorer for Playwright?

I am looking for a tests explorer for Playwright that has a GUI, similar to what Cypress has (as shown in the screenshot). That is, an interface that allows you to visualize and run your tests, but I find that in Playwright you can only run the tests from the command line or IDE. Any leads?
I don't think that Playwright has that option yet. But the closest thing that you can get is the Playwright Inspector.
To open the test in the Playwright Inspector UI, you have to run the command
Debugging all Tests: npx playwright test --debug
Debugging one test: npx playwright test example --debug
You will get a screen like this where you can visually see the test execution with test steps:
Another Option would be the Playwright Test extension for VS Code. You can visualize the test execution like this:
Another option would be the Playwright Cloud by LambdaTest. It is a paid tool but has a free tier. But it is exactly what you are looking for:

how to run my all test cases on every developer build automatically?

I just want to know something about Katalon Studio. I have not worked in automation testing before but now I have some assignment about testing in Katalon.
My client wants to test in Katalon but his requirement is that he wants to run test cases on every build automatically and he also doesn't want to install Katalon IDE or any library he just want reference so that he just added that reference on every build so that all the test cases run automatically on every Dev build.
Is this possible using Katalon? Kindly help me, please. Thanks.
You have to establish full CI Pipeline for your requirements. My advice is, to use Katalon with Jenkins and your developers code repository (perhaps GIT or SVN). Than you are able to implement a server/slave pipeline, where you can execute your Katalon scripts on slave, every time DEV builds.
Katalon/Jenkins Tutorial

Test meteor packages with jasmine without using CLI

I know i can test meteor packages using jasmine command line interface as is described here. But to do that i need to spawn another instance of application on another port where the results are shown. However, while testing test on application level the results of this test are shown directly in application, i can view them by click the velocity icon in the top right corner of screen. I want the same behaviour to apply to testing packages - so i can view the results of these test directly in my app.
Why? My application is all divided into packages, so all the code is in packages. So my application test screen shows no test, and my packages test screen shows a lot of test - but in another window. I don't want it that way.

Protractor implicit waiting not working when using grunt-protractor-runner

I am writing e2e Tests for some JS application at the moment. Since I am not a JS developer I was investigating on this theme for a while and ended up with the following setup:
Jasmine2 as testing framework
grunt as "build-tool"
protractor as test runner
jenkins as CI server (already in use for plenty java projects)
Although the application under tests is not written in angular I decided to go for protractor, following a nice guide on howto make protractor run nicely even without angular.
Writing some simple tests and running them locally worked like a charm. In order to implicitly wait for some elements to show up in den DOM I used the following code in my conf.js:
onPrepare: function() {
All my tests were running as expected and so I decided to go to the next step, i.e. installation in the CI server.
The development team of the aplication I want to tests was already using grunt to build their application so I decided to just hook myself into that. The goal of my new grunt task is to:
assemble the application
start a local webserver running the application
run my protractor test
write some test reports
Finally I accomplished all of the above steps, but I am dealing with a problem now I cannot solve and did not find any help googling it. In order to run the protractor test from grunt I installed the grunt-protractor-runner.
The tests are running, BUT the implicit wait is not working, causing some tests to fail. When I added some explicit waits (browser.sleep(...)) everything is ok again but that is not what I want.
Is there any chance to get implicitly waiting to work when using the grunt-protractor-runner?
The problem does not have anything to do with the grunt-protractor-runner. When using a different webserver I start up during my taks its working again. To be more precisley: Using the plugin "grunt-contrib-connect" the tests is working using the plugin "grunt-php" the test fails. So I am looking for another php server for grunt now. I will be updating this question.
While looking for some alternatives I considered and finally decided to mock the PHP part of the app.

Monodevelop+WebApp+Selenium+NUnit: How to approach?

I am starting an ASP.Net application in MonoDevelop (blank slate, hobby). I recently used Selenium on a Java based project for a client so thought I would start implementing some testing right from the get go in this project.
I have a solution with two projects: "Website", and "Website Tests". Unfortunately, I can only run one project at a time. The Website Tests always fail because the website is not running.
Is there a way around this, or am I going in the wrong direction?
Updated Details:
Confirmed WebsiteTests is set as a "Library"
Project Options -> General -> Build -> Compile Target == Library
Exact steps taken
Select: "Website" Project
Select: Run with Debugging
Verify site is running
Select: View -> Pads -> Unit Tests
Select: Login -> TestTest (just a blank test, no contents)
RESULT: pop-up "An application is already running and will have to be stopped. Do you wish to continue?"
EXPECTED: ability to run tests
Running in separate MonoDevelop instances also has the same problem. This is unfortunate as it makes it impossible to step through your tests and site (have to choose one).
Selenium+Mono is a non-viable solution.
Also, MonoDevelop (on Ubuntu) does not appear to have the ability to run multiple processes. This appears to extend to multiple instances of MonoDevelop.
As a work around, you can run the NUnit-Gui separately. Keep the NUnit GUI open as you develop the tests. This is a little old-school, but it works.
Open Test Project
Make changes to project
Switch to NUnit GUI window
Run Tests
This still doesn't work as the current Mono+Selenium stack can only run one test at a time. The test project needs to be shutdown and restarted between test runs.
