In Flow, what does Missing an annotation on implicit `this` parameter of function. [missing-this-annot] mean? - flowtype

I have a Javascript file that looks like this:
// #flow
* My database module.
* Interact with the database.
'use strict';
module.exports = {
/** Mockable wrapper around mongoose. */
mongoose: function() /*:: : Object */ {
// $FlowExpectedError
return require('mongoose');
/** Mockable wrapper around env. */
env: function() /*:: : Object */ {
// $FlowExpectedError
return require('./env.js');
/** Initialize the connection to Mongoose. */
init: function(
callbackOK /*:: : () => number */,
callbackInitError /*:: : (x: string) => null */,
callbackError /*:: : (x: string) => null */) {
try {
// See
this.mongoose().connect(this.uri(), {}).then(
() => callbackOK(),
err => callbackInitError(err),
err => callbackError(err),
catch (err) {
/** Get the connection URI for the Mongoose database. */
uri: function() /*:: : string */ {
const user = String(this.env().required('MONGO_USER'));
const pass = String(this.env().required('MONGO_PASS'));
const host = String(this.env().required('MONGO_HOST'));
const port = String(this.env().required('MONGO_PORT'));
const db = String(this.env().required('MONGO_DB'));
return 'mongodb://' + user + ':' + pass + '#' + host + ':' + port + '/' + db + '?authSource=admin';
When I check it with Flow, it gives me this error:
Missing an annotation on implicit `this` parameter of function. [missing-this-annot]
24| init: function(
25| callbackOK /*:: : () => number */,
26| callbackInitError /*:: : (x: string) => null */,
27| callbackError /*:: : (x: string) => null */) {
How would I modify this code to fix this error?


Mixing Either and TaskEither in a pipe in fp-ts

I have the following program that works fine when none of the functions is async.
interface Product {
count: number
pricePerItem: number
interface Tax {
tax: number
interface Delivery {
delivery: number
interface PTD { //ProductTaxDelivery
p: Product
t: number
d: number
function getProduct(): Either<Error, Product> {
return E.right({ count: 10, pricePerItem: 5 })
function getTax(p: Product): Either<Error, number> {
return E.right(p.pricePerItem * p.count * 0.085)
function getDelivery(p: Product): Either<Error, number> {
return E.right(p.count * 0.05)
//or maybe return E.left(Error('some error in delivery happened'))
function run(): Either<Error, PTD> {
return pipe(
E.bind('p', getProduct),
E.bind('tax', ({p}) => getTax(p)),
E.bind('delivery', ({p}) => getDelivery(p)),{ p, tax, delivery }) => ({ p, t: tax, d: delivery }))
function main() {
(e) => {
console.log(`error: ${e}`)
(it) => {
console.log(`ok ${it.p.count} ${it.p.pricePerItem} ${it.t} ${it.d}`)
The question I'm having is if one of my functions, for example getDelivery() is async, then I'm not sure how to solve it.
Here's what I have tried:
function getDelivery(p: Product): TaskEither<Error, number> {
return TE.right(p.count * 0.05)
TE.bind('delivery', ({p}) => getDelivery(p)),
and many other variations, but all ended up in compiler errors.
The equivalent in imperative style is something like:
const getDelivery = async (p: Product) => {
return await something()
const run = async (): PTD => {
const product = getProduct()
const tax = getTax(product)
const delivery = await getDelivery(product)
return {
p: product, t: tax, d: delivery
What is the correct functional way (that I think involves both Either and TaskEither) using fp-ts?
Update: I also tried to replace Either with TaskEither, E with TE everywhere, but the problem is now a compiler error when I tried to fold in main(). Here's the code that replaces:
function getProduct(): TaskEither<Error, Product> {
return TE.right({ count: 10, pricePerItem: 5 })
function getTax(p: Product): TaskEither<Error, number> {
return TE.right(p.pricePerItem * p.count * 0.085)
function getDelivery(p: Product): TaskEither<Error, number> {
return TE.right(p.count * 0.05)
function run(): TaskEither<Error, PTD> {
return pipe(
TE.bind('p', getProduct),
TE.bind('tax', ({ p }) => getTax(p)),
TE.bind('delivery', ({ p }) => getDelivery(p)),{ p, tax, delivery }) => ({ p, t: tax, d: delivery }))
function main() {
(e) => {
console.log(`error: ${e}`)
(it) => {
console.log(`ok ${it.p.count} ${it.p.pricePerItem} ${it.t} ${it.d}`)
On line with (e) => {, the compiler error says:
error TS2345: Argument of type '(e: Error) => void' is not assignable to parameter of type '(e: Error) => Task<unknown>'.
Type 'void' is not assignable to type 'Task<unknown>'.
Update 2
OK, so I get the code to compile but no output when the program runs
const printError = (e: Error): T.Task<unknown> => {
console.log(`error: ${e}`)
return () => Promise.resolve()
const printPTD = (ptd: PTD): T.Task<unknown> => {
console.log(`ok ${ptd.p.count} ${ptd.p.pricePerItem} ${ptd.t} ${ptd.d}`)
return () => Promise.resolve()
function run(): TaskEither<Error, PTD> {
return pipe(
TE.bind('p', getProduct),
TE.bind('tax', ({ p }) => getTax(p)),
TE.bind('delivery', ({ p }) => getDelivery(p)),{ p, tax, delivery }) => ({ p, t: tax, d: delivery }))
function main() {
(e) => printError(e),
(ptd) => printPTD(ptd)
The issue is when you create a Task in main with pipe, you are not actually running anything.
This is how Task is defined:
interface Task<A> {
(): Promise<A>
// same as type Task<A> = () => Promise<A>
Because Task is a thunk, you need to call it to actually execute the code.
async function main(): Promise<void> {
await pipe(
// ...
// vv note the call here
However, I would do it like this:
const main: T.Task<void> = pipe(/* ... */)
Similarly, run doesn't need to be a function; it can be const run = pipe(/* ... */).
Also, there's a Console module that provides log functions that return an IO (a type for side-effectful actions).
Your code could be written as
import * as Console from 'fp-ts/Console'
import * as E from 'fp-ts/Either'
import * as T from 'fp-ts/Task'
import * as TE from 'fp-ts/TaskEither'
import {pipe} from 'fp-ts/function'
// <A>(a: A) => Task<void>
const taskLog = T.fromIOK(Console.log)
// You can still keep getProduct and getTask synchronous
function getProduct(): E.Either<Error, Product> { /* ... */ }
function getTax(p: Product): E.Either<Error, number> { /* ... */ }
function getDelivery(p: Product): TE.TaskEither<Error, number> { /* ... */ }
const run: TE.TaskEither<Error, PTD> = pipe(
// See below for what TE.fromEither(K) does
TE.bind('p', TE.fromEitherK(getProduct)),
TE.bind('tax', ({p}) => TE.fromEither(getTax(p))),
TE.bind('delivery', ({p}) => getDelivery(p)),{p, tax, delivery}) => ({p, t: tax, d: delivery}))
const main: T.Task<void> = pipe(
e => taskLog(`error: ${e}`),
it => taskLog(`ok ${it.p.count} ${it.p.pricePerItem} ${it.t} ${it.d}`)
TE.fromEither converts an Either into a TaskEither:
export declare const fromEither: NaturalTransformation22<'Either', 'TaskEither'>
// same as
export declare const fromEither: <E, A>(fa: Either<E, A>) => TaskEither<E, A>
TE.fromEitherK is the same as fromEither but for functions:
export declare const fromEitherK: <E, A extends readonly unknown[], B>(f: (...a: A) => Either<E, B>) => (...a: A) => TaskEither<E, B>
You can probably guess by now what T.fromIOK (used for taskLog) does:
export declare const fromIOK: <A, B>(f: (...a: A) => IO<B>) => (...a: A) => Task<B>
Here's a CodeSandbox with the full code.

Sending data to an imported module in React Native

I have a module called Chat.js that imports Fire.js in order to send data (message comes into Chat.js, and Fire.js handles storage).
I have a recipient's user ID that is only currently available in Chat.js, but it is important to get to Fire.js in order to store appropriately.
I removed some info for brevity, this is my current Chat.js:
import Fire from './Fire';
class Chat extends React.Component<Props> {
state = {
messages: [],
get user() {
return {
_id: Fire.shared.uid,
render() {
return (
componentDidMount() {
Fire.shared.on(message =>
this.setState(previousState => ({
messages: GiftedChat.append(previousState.messages, message),
componentWillUnmount() {;
export default Chat;
And this is my current Fire.js:
import firebase from 'react-native-firebase';
class Fire {
constructor() {
get ref() {
var recipient = 'recipientId'
return firebase.database().ref('messages/' + this.uid + '/' + recipient);
parse = snapshot => {
const { timestamp: numberStamp, text, user } = snapshot.val();
const { key: _id } = snapshot;
const timestamp = new Date(numberStamp);
const message = {
return message;
on = callback =>
.on('child_added', snapshot => callback(this.parse(snapshot)));
// send the message to the Backend
send = messages => {
for (let i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) {
const { text, user } = messages[i];
const message = {
timestamp: this.timestamp,
append = message => this.ref.push(message);
// close the connection to the Backend
off() {;
Fire.shared = new Fire();
export default Fire;
I currently need to get the recipient ID, which is available in chat.js under
Into the Fire.js lines:
get ref()
var recipient = 'recipientId'
I can't seem to get this uid into get ref()
Use getter and setters in Fire.js.
In Fire.js
setRecipient (id){
this.recipientId = id;
get getRecipientId () {
return this.recipientId;
And then call Fire.setRecipient(yourId) in Chat.js.

Window object in nativescript

I need to create a window object so that the external file, which is loaded inside iframe, can call nativescript function.
I, specifically need window object because the file I am loading can be any file that follows conformant (SCORM) related to LMS.
Edit :
The file I have loaded is a SCORM conformant file. They search for window.API object/window.parent.API and so on, for starting communication with the container in which they have been loaded. I can't alter that file.
Tell me if more details needed.
We are successfully handling SCORM content in our NativeScript application, but it does require a little bit of hackery to accomplish.
I authored a utility class that will inject into the main entry file (index) of the SCORM content an override for the window API.
In our app we decompress the zip courses to the devices: documents/courses/UUID (that's what identity is referencing)
You can change the path as needed for your implementation
Example usage of the utility class:
const documents = fs.knownFolders.documents();
const destination = fs.path.join(documents.path, 'courses',;
this._readAccessUrl = destination;
const src = `file://${destination}`;
if (fs.File.exists(destination)) {
SCORMUtils.readSCORMManifest( => {
this._src = `${src}/${fileName}`;
SCORMUtils.makeOfflineCompatible(fs.path.join(destination, fileName))
.then(() => {
this._loading = false;
this._loading = false;
Utility Class:
import { File, knownFolders } from 'tns-core-modules/file-system';
const SCORM_API = `
<script type="text/javascript">
(function () {
window.parent.API = (function() {
return {
LMSInitialize: function () {
if (window && window.webkit) {
return "true";
LMSCommit: function () {
if (window && window.webkit) {
return "true";
LMSFinish: function () {
if (window && window.webkit) {
return "true";
LMSGetValue: function (key) {
if (window && window.webkit) {
return "";
LMSSetValue: function (key, value) {
if (window && window.webkit) {
return "true";
LMSGetLastError: function () {
if (window && window.webkit) {
return "0";
LMSGetErrorString: function (errorCode) {
if (window && window.webkit) {
return "No error";
LMSGetDiagnostic: function (errorCode) {
if (window && window.webkit) {
return "No error";
export class SCORMUtils {
* Converts a SCORM course to be opened offline
* #param entryFile The main entry point determined by imsmanifest.xml
static makeOfflineCompatible(entryFile: string) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Rewrite the entry file first
.then(() => {
.then(() => {
}, () => {
console.error('Unable to rewrite alternative HTML entry');
}, () => {
console.error(`Unable to rewrite primary entry point: ${entryFile}`);
* Digests a SCORM Manifest file to determine the main point of entry
* for the course viewer. Normally this is a index.html file.
static readSCORMManifest(identity: string): Promise<string> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const manifestFile = knownFolders.documents()
if (!File.exists(manifestFile.path)) {
title: 'Error',
message: 'Course is missing imsmanifest.xml file',
okButtonText: 'Ok'
return reject();
const data = manifestFile.readTextSync(() => {
title: 'Error',
message: 'Cannot open course.',
okButtonText: 'Ok'
return reject();
const matches = data.match(/type="webcontent"+.+?href="(.*?)"/);
if (matches === null || matches.length < 1) {
title: 'Error',
message: 'Invalid imsmanifest.xml file',
okButtonText: 'Ok'
else {
* Rewrites a file to be SCORM offline-compliant
* #param path The path of the file to re-write
private static _rewriteFile(path: string) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const entryFile = File.fromPath(path);
.then(htmlText => {
.then(updatedHtml => {
entryFile.writeText(updatedHtml).then(() => {
}, () => {
console.error(`Error writing to file: ${path}`);
}, () => {
console.error(`There was an entry reading the entry file at: ${path}`);
* Attempts to find another SCORM entry point for re-write
* #param mainEntry The main entry point to branch from
private static _discoverHTMLEntry(mainEntry: string): Promise<any> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const entryFile = File.fromPath(mainEntry);
.then(htmlText => {
let htmlEntry = htmlText.match(/{"type":"html5","url":"(.*?)"}/);
if (htmlEntry === null || htmlEntry.length < 1) {
// Check for Articulate
htmlEntry = htmlText.match(/location\.href\.replace\("index_lms", "(.*?)"/);
if (htmlEntry !== null && htmlEntry.length > 0) {
let fileName = htmlEntry[1];
if (fileName.indexOf('.html') === -1) {
fileName = `${fileName}.html`;
const directory = mainEntry.substr(0, mainEntry.lastIndexOf('/'));
const entryPoint = `${directory}/${fileName}`;
if (File.exists(entryPoint)) {
.then(() => {
}, () => {
console.error('Error discovering main entry point.');
else {
console.error(`Cannot find alternative entry point: ${entryPoint}`);
else {
// This course does not have an alternative entry point
console.error('Course does not have an alternative entry, skipping...');
}, () => {
* Injects the extended SCORM API for offline-compatible viewing
* #param text The unmodified HTML source text
private static _injectOfflineAPI(text: string): Promise<string> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Prevent multiple rewrites of the same file
if (this._isConverted(text)) {
return resolve(text);
// Finds the end of the head tag for script injection
const head = text.match(/<\/head>/gi);
if (head !== null && head.length > 0) {
resolve(text.replace(head.toString(), SCORM_API));
else {
console.error('Unable to parse incoming HTML for head tag.');
message: 'Unable to parse HTML'
* Checks if the HTML has already been converted for offline-viewing
* #param text The incoming HTML source text
private static _isConverted(text: string) {
const match = text.match(/window.parent.API/);
return match !== null && match.length > 0;

Discriminated/disjoint unions in Flow

I'm trying to make Flow happy.
It's not very, giving me this:
117: { state: 'state-retries-timeout',
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ string literal `state-retries-timeout`. Expected string literal `state-initial`, got `state-retries-timeout` instead
60: { state: 'state-initial', touched: boolean }
But I don't see how I'm not following the documentation
Source code:
// #flow
* A server-side validation message. Should contain a globally unique key
* and a message. The key can be used for internationalisation purposes.
export type ValidationMessage =
{ key: string,
message: string }
export function validationMessage(key: string, message: string): ValidationMessage {
return { key, message }
* The field is untouched in this user-session.
export const StateInitial = 'state-initial';
* The edit is not yet persisted anywhere.
export const StatePending = 'state-pending'
* The command is not yet committed on the server, but is committed locally.
export const StatePendingSavedLocally = 'state-pending-saved-locally'
* The command was successfully commited.
export const StateSuccess = 'state-success'
* The command was commited, but there are resulting warnings.
export const StateSuccessWarnings = 'state-success-warnings'
* The command or its data was invalid and the server returned 400 Bad Request;
* it may not be retried without changing it.
export const StateRejected = 'state-rejected'
* Despite numerous retries, the app failed to persist the change to the server.
export const StateRetriesTimeout = 'state-retries-timeout'
export type Initial =
{ state: 'state-initial',
touched: boolean }
export type Pending =
{ state: 'state-pending',
touched: boolean }
export type PendingSavedLocally =
{ state: 'state-pending-saved-locally',
touched: boolean }
export type Success =
{ state: 'state-success',
touched: boolean }
export type SuccessWarnings =
{ state: 'state-success-warnings',
warnings: ValidationMessage[],
touched: boolean }
export type Rejected =
{ state: 'state-rejected',
errors: ValidationMessage[],
touched: boolean }
export type RetriesTimeout =
{ state: 'state-retries-timeout',
touched: boolean }
* The discriminated union of all states we allow fields to be represented as.
export type ValueChangeState =
| Initial
| Pending
| PendingSavedLocally
| Success
| SuccessWarnings
| Rejected
| RetriesTimeout
export const initial: ValueChangeState =
{ state: 'state-initial',
touched: false }
export const pending: ValueChangeState =
{ state: 'state-pending',
touched: true }
export const pendingSavedLocally: ValueChangeState =
{ state: 'state-pending-saved-locally',
touched: true }
export const success: ValueChangeState =
{ state: 'state-success',
touched: true }
export function successWarnings(warnings: ValidationMessage[], touched: boolean = true): ValueChangeState {
return {
state: 'state-success-warnings',
export function rejected(errors: ValidationMessage[], touched: boolean = true): ValueChangeState {
return {
state: 'state-rejected',
export const retriesTimeout: ValueChangeState =
{ state: 'state-retries-timeout',
touched: true }
Sample usage
// #flow
/*eslint no-unused-expressions: 0 */
import { expect } from 'chai';
import { describe, it } from 'mocha';
import { initial, pending } from './types';
import { valueStateReducer } from './reducers';
import { successOf, rejectionOf, timeoutOf, successWarningsOf } from './actions';
describe('(Reducer) components/commands', function() {
describe('valueStateReducer', function() {
const noop = () => ({ type: 'NOOP' });
const testing = () => ({ type: 'commands/TESTING' });
const subject = valueStateReducer('commands/TESTING');
it('other makes no change', function() {
const res = subject(initial, noop());
it('of action makes pending', function() {
const res = subject(initial, testing());
The answer is that flow doesn't properly handle destructive assignment of nullable/undefined discriminated union/sum types when also providing a default value.
In this screenshot I default valueState to initial (one of the DU cases). This triggers the bug.
If I instead default further down, flow doesn't barf:

FLOW: function call (Function cannot be called on empty prototype object)

Can anybody help me with what is causing this Error?
Here is my code. I have changed it a few times to see if I could get the expected coverage.
const NO_QUERY = new Error('You need to enter a Query to hit this endpoint')
const axios = require('axios')
class thirdParty {
headers = {
Authorization: `secret ${this.secretKey}`
apiKey = ''
secretKey = ''
constructor (apiKey: string, secretKey: string) {
if (!secretKey) throw NO_SECRET_KEY
if (!apiKey) throw NO_API_KEY
this.apiKey = apiKey
this.secretKey = secretKey
this.headers = {
Authorization: `secret ${secretKey}`
this._request = axios.create({
headers: {
Authorization: `secret ${secretKey}`
productSearch (
query = ''
}: {
query: string
cb: (error: Error | null, response: ?Object) => void
): Promise.resolve<?{ [key: string]: string }> | Promise.reject<Error> {
if (!cb || typeof cb !== 'function') cb = (error: ?Error | null, response: ?Object) => {}
return new Promise((resolve:
Promise.resolve<?{ [key: string]: string }>, reject:
Promise.resolve<?{ [key: string]: string }> |
Promise.reject<Error> => {
if (!query) return cb(NO_QUERY)
return axios.get(`<URLENDPOINT>?apiKey=${
}`, {
headers: this.headers
}).then(({ data = {} }: { data: { [key: string]: string } }) => {
// [flow] function call (Function cannot be called on empty prototype object)
cb(null, data)
.catch((err: Error) => {
// [flow] function call (Function cannot be called on empty prototype object)
As Commented above I am getting the following error on both the reject and resolve Promise methods
[flow] function call (Function cannot be called on empty prototype object)
There must be something I am missing here that is giving me this error but there is not a very descriptive reason for hitting this error.
Any help will be appreciated
