I saw this answer in the forum.
To rename the folder
to become
with the code
#echo off
FOR /D %%D IN ("C:\test\*") DO CALL :RENAME %%D
FOR /D %%R IN (%1%CRITERIA%) DO RENAME %%R "new"
It is working.
For me I want to add more
The above code is not working for my above example with one more subfolder. Any help please.
i have 1000 photos with extension .jpg and every name of photo is a code like this 12345.jpg.
And i have 1000 folders with names like this: text_text_text_code(000000)
the job is put every photo in every single folder, i can solve this, but not working very well.
I found the problem, but i don't know how to solve.
in name folder i have text_text_text_code(000000), i need the code to stop when it arrives at character (.
#echo off
chcp 1250
cd "C:\Users\folderexample\Desktop\123"
for /r "C:\Users\folderexample\Desktop\imagem" %%a in (*.jpg) do (
for /f %%b in ('dir /b *"%%~na"*') do copy "%%a" "%%~fb"
I would like the search to go to the character ( and go to next search up until finish photos.
I am trying to create a folder using batch file. The folder name should be in a format - yyyymmdd-hhmm .I got started with the below code but I get yyyymmdd- as one folder and hhmm as another folder. But when I tried it after 13.00 hrs I get yyyymmdd-hhmm format. Why is there a different behaviour during 9:45 in the morning. I don't know. Any help appreciated.
For /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /t') do (set mydate=%%c%%a%%b)
For /f "tokens=1-2 delims=/:" %%a in ("%TIME%") do (set mytime=%%a%%b)
mkdir %mydate%-%mytime%
I get 1 folder -> 20160810- and another folder -> 945.
"I get 1 folder -> 20160810- and another folder -> 945."
That's because of the space, so mkdir sees two parameters and so creates two folders.
Either put qoutes around the new foldername
mkdir "%mydate%-%mytime%"`
or (maybe better) replace the space with a zero:
mkdir %mydate%-%mytime: =0%
putting qoutes around anyway doesn't harm:
mkdir "%mydate%-%mytime: =0%"
(btw: there is a way to get a date-time-string independent of local settings)
I often find myself editing the file names in a directory
I used to use vi a lot, and I always liked it
Has anyone adapted vi to facilitate editing filenames?
My thought is it would look like a regular file, but each line would be a file name, and various mv commands would run to change the filenames when saving
Is this crazy? Has anyone done it?
Thanks, Jim
You can invoke vim on a directory to start the explorer view which allows you to edit filenames.
Example for a directory named dir containing files file1 and file2: Running vim dir creates the interactive view as shown below.
" ============================================================================
" Netrw Directory Listing (netrw v153)
" /home/username/dir
" Sorted by name
" Sort sequence: [\/]$,\<core\%(\.\d\+\)\=\>,\.h$,\.c$,\.cpp$,\~\=\*$,*,\.o$,\
" Quick Help: <F1>:help -:go up dir D:delete R:rename s:sort-by x:special
" ==============================================================================
Using vim should be feasible for you because you asked for a vi-like editor.
check the vidir utility, here's the man page https://linux.die.net/man/1/vidir
My zip file has my folders inside. After unzipping my zip file, I want to iterate a loop for available folders inside the zip.
Inside loop condition is like below:
If my folder has index file (This is a file contains some data), then only I want to run some process (I know what this process is..). Otherwise we can ignore that folder.
Then loop will continue with other folder if there are anything
Thanks advance..
something like this?
(note: I assume $destdir will only contain the zipfile and its extraction!)
indexfile="index.txt" #name of the index files
mkdir -p "$destdir" 2>/dev/null #make "sure" it exists.. but ignore errors in case it already exists
cd "$destdir" || { echo "Can not go into destdir=$destdir" ; Exit 1 ; }
#at that point, we are inside $destdir : we can start to work:
unzip "$zipfile"
for i in ./*/ ; do # you could change ./*/ to ./*/*/ if the zip contains a master directory too
cd "$i" && { #the && is important: you want to be sure you could enter that subdir!
if [ -e ./"$indexfile" ]; then
dosomething # you can define the function dosomething and use it here..
# or just place commands here
cd - #we can safely this works, as we started there...
note: I iterate on ./*/ instead of */ as the dirname could contain a leding -, and therefore make cd -something not work (it would say it can't recognise some options!) ! this goes away with ./, cd ./-something will work !
I have a list of files with their full path in a single text file. I would like to open them all at once in Windows. The file extension will tell Windows what programme to use. Can I do this straight from the command line or would I need to make a batch file? Tips on how to write the batch file appreciated.
My text file looks like the following:
The .WAV extension is associated with Adobe Audition, which is a sound editing programme. When each path is hyperlinked in an Excel column, they can be opened with one click. Clicking on the first link will open both Audition and the hyperlinked file in it. Clicking another hyperlink will open the next file in the same instance of the programme. But this is too slow for hundreds of paths. If I open many files straight from R, e.g.
shell("J:/630/630A/SZ299_2013-04-19_19_36_52_M01240.WAV", intern=TRUE)
shell("J:/630/630A/SZ299_2013-04-19_20_15_39_M02312.WAV", intern=TRUE)
each file will be opened in a new instance of the programme, which is nasty. So batch seems preferable.
for /f "delims=" %%a in (yourtextflename) do "%%a"
should do this as a batch line.
You could run this directly from the prompt if you like, but you'd need to replace each %% with % to do so.
It's a lot easier to put the code into a batch:
#echo off
for /f "delims=" %%a in (%1) do "%%a"
then you'd just need to enter
thisbatchfilename yourtextfilename
and yourtextfilename will be substituted for %1. MUSCH easier to type - and that's what batch is all about - repetitive tasks.
Following on from this post, which uses the identify function in R to create a subset selection of rows (from a larger dataset called "testfile") by clicking on coordinates in a scatterplot. One of the columns contains the list of Windows paths to original acoustic datafiles. The last line below will open all files in the listed paths in only one instance of the programme linked to the Windows file extension.
selected_rows = with(testfile, identify(xvalue, yvalue))
SEL <-testfile[selected_rows,]
for (f in 1:nrow(SEL)){system2("open",toString(SEL[f,]$path))}