rscopus package on R in MacBook - Invalid API key error - r

I am trying to use the Scopus API for the first time. I have the API key and the institution token. However, I am still getting an error, when I try to use it in R on my Mac. Here is my code:
print(rscopus::get_api_key(), reveal=TRUE)
auth_info = process_author_name(last_name="Muschelli", first_name="John", verbose=FALSE)
The error message is:
> library(rscopus)
> set_api_key(MY_KEY)
> hdr=inst_token_header(MY_TOKEN)
> key=get_api_key()
> print(rscopus::get_api_key(), reveal=TRUE)
[1] "MY_KEY"
> have_api_key()
[1] TRUE
> if (have_api_key()) {
+ auth = elsevier_authenticate(api_key=key)
+ }
HTTP specified is:
Warning message:
In elsevier_authenticate(api_key = key) : Forbidden (HTTP 403).
> auth_info = process_author_name(last_name="Muschelli", first_name="John", verbose=FALSE)
[1] "Invalid API Key: valid apikey credentials required."
Error in get_complete_author_info(...) : Service Error
I tried
if (have_api_key()) {
auth = elsevier_authenticate(api_key=key)
but I get the error:
HTTP specified is:
Warning message:
In elsevier_authenticate(api_key = key) : Forbidden (HTTP 403).
I have tried using auth_token_header(MY_TOKEN) instead of inst_token_header(MY_TOKEN) but the code is still not working.
I have also taken the following step in my terminal:
export Elsevier_API=MY_KEY > ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
I am still getting the error. However, the combination of key and institution token work here:
Can anyone please help me debug this issue?
Thank You!

I figured out the issue. So, the correct way to query would be to pass the headers argument as well:
auth_info = process_author_name(last_name="Muschelli", first_name="John", verbose=FALSE, headers=hdr)
And now the code will work! :)


Error when trying to prase a HTTP-Request in R

im using R package httr to get a HTTP-Response for a specific link.
When trying to parse the content of the response im getting the Error:
Fehler in parse(text = script_content) : <text>:1:10: Unerwartete(s) '['
1: {"lines":[
Translated to enlgish it says something like this (sorry for my error messages being in German):
Error in parsing(text = script_content) : <text>1:10: Unexpected '['
1: {"lines":[
It seems as there is a problem with the format/encoding of the text. Here is my code:
script <-
url = "https://my_url.which_origin_is_not_important/my_script.R",
authenticate(username, pass)
script_content <- content(script, as = "text", encoding = "ISO-8859-1")
parsed_condent <- parse(text = script_content )
The value of script_content looks like this:
"{\"lines\":[{\"text\":\"################## FUNCTION ##################\"},{\"text\":\"\"},{\"text\":\"library(log4r)\"}],\"start\":0,\"size\":32,\"isLastPage\":true,\"limit\":500,\"nextPageStart\":null}"
Some more background to this operation: Im trying to source a code, which is currently inside of a private repository. I wrote the code myself i'm trying to source. I made sure, that the issue is not coming from within th code.
I got the solution from: Sourcing R files in a private github folder
Thanks for any advice!!

Use R Selenium to deal with pop-ups

How can I navigate to a link, click a link, and scrape data from there?
I tried this code, without success.
mybrowser <- remoteDriver()
# click 'Quarterly' button...
Something that is kind of close, is this.
Testing updated code now; results below.
> rm(list=ls())
> library("RSelenium")
> startServer()
Error: startServer is now defunct. Users in future can find the function in
file.path(find.package("RSelenium"), "examples/serverUtils"). The
recommended way to run a selenium server is via Docker. Alternatively
see the RSelenium::rsDriver function.
> mybrowser <- remoteDriver()
> mybrowser$open()
[1] "Connecting to remote server"
Error in checkError(res) :
Undefined error in httr call. httr output: Failed to connect to localhost port 4444: Connection refused
> mybrowser$navigate("")
Error in checkError(res) :
Undefined error in httr call. httr output: length(url) == 1 is not TRUE
> mybrowser$findElement("xpath", "//button[text() = '
+ OK
+ ']")$clickElement()
Error in checkError(res) :
Undefined error in httr call. httr output: length(url) == 1 is not TRUE
> mybrowser$findElement("xpath", "//span[text() = 'Quarterly']")$clickElement()
Error in checkError(res) :
Undefined error in httr call. httr output: length(url) == 1 is not TRUE
I think it might be the case you run into this on the website.
You can just "click" the OK button via:
mybrowser$findElement("xpath", "//button[text() = '
And then you can click "quarterly" via:
mybrowser$findElement("xpath", "//span[text() = 'Quarterly']")$clickElement()
(Hint: To identify these kind of errors it can be helpful to check the current state of the browser via: remDr$screenshot(TRUE).)
I am not sure it is up to date, but certain data is also available via the API, you could check the quantmod package to get an easier access.
Full example:
mybrowser <- remoteDriver()
mybrowser$findElement("xpath", "//button[text() = '
mybrowser$findElement("xpath", "//span[text() = 'Quarterly']")$clickElement()

Connecting using RAdwords library and using doAuth gives error

I have been trying to connect to Adwords Account using RAdwords, but I get the following error on doAuth():
Error in
: STRING_ELT() can only be applied to a 'character vector', not a
I have the correct credentials and Developer's token, but I am still unable to resolve the problem. I am using windows 7. The traceback is as follows:
> traceback()
4: .Call("fromJSON", json_str, unexpected.escape, simplify, PACKAGE = "rjson")
3: rjson::fromJSON(RCurl::postForm("",
.opts = opts, code = credlist$c.token, client_id = credlist$,
client_secret = credlist$c.secret, redirect_uri = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob",
grant_type = "authorization_code", style = "POST"))
2: loadToken(credentials)
1: doAuth()
Looked and tried all options from other similar questions, e.g.: using suggestions), I have also installed this version of RAdwords.
install_github('jburkhardt/RAdwords', ref = "refresh_token_raw_data")
Install the RAdwords package from the following GitHub branch containing a bug fix for your issue:
install_github('jburkhardt/RAdwords', ref = "bugfix_char_to_raw")

Suppress but capture warnings in R

I am building a function to connect to a specific password-protected ODBC data source that will be used many members of a team - it may be used in multiple environments. In the event that the connection is rejected, I would like to display the warning messages but mask the password that's displayed. If I use suppressWarnings() nothing gets captured as far as I can tell, and if I don't, then the message is displayed in the standard output with the password. Here's the function so far:
connectToData <- function(uid, pswd, dsn='myDSN') {
# Function to connect to myDSN data
# Args:
# uid: The user's ID for connecting to the database
# pswd: The user's password for connecting to the database.
# dsn: The DSN for the (already existing) ODBC connection to the 5G
# data. It must be set up on an individual Windows user's machine,
# and they could use any name for it. The default is 'myDSN'
# Returns:
# The 'RODBC' class object returned by the RODBC:odbcConnect() function.
# TODO: 1) See if you can specify the connection using odbcDriverConnect()
# so as to not rely on user's ODBC connections
# 2) Capture warnings from odbcConnect() and print them while
# disguising password using gsub, as I've attempted to do below.
db.conn <- odbcConnect(dsn,
if(class(db.conn) != 'RODBC') { # Error handling for connections that don't make it
print(gsub(pswd,'******',warnings())) # This doesn't work like I want it to
stop("ODBC connection could not be opened. See warnings()")
} else {
When I run it with the right username/password, I get the right result but when I run it with a bad password, I get this:
> db.conn <- connectTo5G(uid='myID',pswd='badpassword', dsn='myDSN')
[1] "RODBC::odbcDriverConnect(\"DSN=myDSN;UID=myID;PWD=******\")"
[2] "RODBC::odbcDriverConnect(\"DSN=myDSN;UID=myID;PWD=******\")"
Error in connectTo5G(uid = "myID", pswd = "badpassword", dsn = "myDSN") :
ODBC connection could not be opened. See warnings()
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In RODBC::odbcDriverConnect("DSN=myDSN;UID=myID;PWD=badpassword") :
[RODBC] ERROR: state 28000, code 1017, message [Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
2: In RODBC::odbcDriverConnect("DSN=myDSN;UID=myID;PWD=badpassword") :
ODBC connection failed
The print(gsub(...)) appears to work on the most recent warnings from before the function was invoked, and it also only prints the function call that produced the warning, not the text of the warning.
What I would like to do is capture everything after "In addition: Warning messages:" so that I can use gsub() on it, but avoid printing it before the gsub() gets a chance to work on it. I think I need to use withCallingHandlers() but I've looked through the documentation and examples and I cannot figure it out.
Some extra background: This is an Oracle database that locks users out after three attempts to connect so I want to use stop() in case someone writes code that calls this function multiple times. Different users in my group work in both Windows and Linux (sometimes going back and forth) so any solution needs to be flexible.
Catching error messages
I do not fully understand what you want to accomplish with ODBC but in terms of converting the error message, you can use tryCatch as #joran suggested
pswd = 'badpassword'
# Just as a reproducable example, a function which fails and outputs badpassword
failing <- function(){
badpassword == 1
# This would be the error handling part
error = function(e) gsub(pswd, '******', e))
[1] "Error in failing(): object '******' not found\n"
e in this case is the error message and you could think of other ways to manipulate what is put to your screen, so it would not be as easy to guess passwords based on what was replaced. Note for example that 'object' would have been replaced as well if the password had been 'object' for some reason. Or even parts of words, which get replaced as well. At the very least, it would make sense to include word boundaries in the gsub command:
pswd = 'ling'
failing <- function(){
ling == 1
error = function(e) gsub(paste0("\\b", pswd, "\\b"), '******', e))
[1] "Error in failing(): object '******' not found\n"
For other improvements you should look closely at the specific error messages.
trycatch can also manipulate warning:
pswd = 'ling'
failing <- function(){
ling == 1
warning = function(w) gsub(paste0("\\b", pswd, "\\b"), '******', w),
error = function(e) gsub(paste0("\\b", pswd, "\\b"), '******', e))
[1] "simpleWarning in failing(): ******\n"
This will not show the error then, however.
If you really want to catch all output from errors and warnings, you do indeed need withCallingHandlers, which works mostly in the same way, except that it does not terminate the rest of the evaluation.
pswd = 'ling'
failing <- function(pswd){
warning = function(w) {
w <- gsub(paste0("\\b", pswd, "\\b"), '******', w)
error = function(e){
e <- gsub(paste0("\\b", pswd, "\\b"), '******', e)

Error in connect() function in R?

While using elastic package in R, I'm getting an message while using connect("").
Message details :
Found http or https on es_host, stripping off, see the docs .
After this when I am running the command :
res <- Search(index = 'abc_20*', fields = c("Seq_Num"),scroll="5m",search_type = "scan")
It gives me error message :
Error: 404 - IndexMissingException[[abc_20%2A] missing]
This error is only shown in my laptop.
How to resolve this issue?
Is that exactly what you did? I get no issues running that command.
#> transport: http
#> host:
#> port: 9200
#> path: NULL
#> username: NULL
#> password: <secret>
#> errors: simple
#> headers (names): NULL
Looking at the source for elastic::connect(), assuming you've tried updating the package (this block traces back to April 2016)
# strip off transport if found
if (grepl("^http[s]?://", es_host)) {
message("Found http or https on es_host, stripping off, see the docs")
es_host <- sub("^http[s]?://", "", es_host)
(note: this is a message not an Error as you have in your question) suggests you're passing in something that regex matches to ^http[s]?://
