I'm struggling to formulate a supabase db query from multiple tables, whilst using a value from a URL.
I have 3 tables (simplified)...
series > id, series
authors > id, name
books > id, title, series_id(fk), authors_id(fk)
I want to get a list of books in a series, along with the author and series name from the following URL...
app.com/series. i.e. app.com/harrypotter
I can get the series name using getServerSideProps, but struggling how to write my query to supabase. Every way I write it either gives me a NULL object or a 500 error.
I feel like I should be querying the books table and then be able to get the series and author names through the foreign keys. But the query that it's centred around is the series name, which is in the series table. So unsure of the db query to do it, or whether I should structure my db table's in a different way?
export async function getServerSideProps( context ) {
const { series } = context.query;
return {
props: {
Thanks for any help in advance!
Please ensure you have foreign keys set up, and then you can use Supabase to query foreign table examples (SQL join).
There needs to be more data to give an exact answer, but here are the relevant docs.
Supabase get a single record
Supabase select - not super obvious, but you need to click the button Query foreign tables
Supabase filters
I also included logs and a try/catch so you can see your exact errors and where your code is failing.
const Page = (props) => {
console.log(props)// logged to browser's console
return <>Your page<>;
export async function getServerSideProps( context ) {
try {
const { series } = context.query;
console.log("series", series); // ensure series is present and check if is an object
const { data, error } = await supabase.from('series')
book (
title // you can also use `*` check out select all docs
author (
.eq('id', series)
console.log("error", error);
console.log("data", data);
return {
props: {
series: data
} catch (e) {
export default Page;
Note: getServerSideProps logs will show up in your server's console (where you run npm dev) - not the browser's console. You should remove the console logs once you figure out what's happening.
I am new to flutter and I am sure there is a simple way of doing this. Let me first give you a background. I have 2 tables(collections). The first one store a mapping. Therefore it returns a key based on an id which will be used to query the second table and retrieve the data from firebase.
I have written 2 data models and 2 functions which return Future<> data. They are as follows-
Future<SpecificDevice> getSpecificDevice(String deviceId) {
Future<SpecificDevice> obj =_database.reference().child("deviceMapping").orderByChild("deviceId").equalTo(deviceId).once().then((snapshot) {
SpecificDevice specificDevice = new SpecificDevice(deviceId, "XXXX", new List<String> ());
snapshot.value.forEach((key,values) {
if(values["deviceId"] == deviceId) {
specificDevice.deviceKey = values["deviceDesc"];
specificDevice.vendorList = List.from(values["vendorList"]);
return specificDevice;
return obj;
This function gets the mapping deviceId -> deviceKey.
This is the key of record stored in another table. Following is the function for it.
Future<Device> getDeviceDescription(String deviceKey) {
Future<Device> device = _database.reference().child("deviceDescription").once().then((snapshot) {
Device deviceObj = new Device("YYYY", "YYYY", "YYY", "YYYY", "YYYY");
//Future<SpecificDevice> obj = getSpecificDevice(deviceId);
//obj.then((value) {
snapshot.value.forEach((key,values) {
if(key == deviceKey) { // compare with value.deviceKey instead
print(values["deviceDescription"]); // I get the correct data here.
deviceObj.manual = values["deviceManual"];
deviceObj.deviceType = values["deviceType"];
deviceObj.description = values["deviceDescription"];
deviceObj.brand = values["deviceBrand"];
deviceObj.picture = values["devicePicture"];
// });
return deviceObj;
return device;
Now both of these functions work. I want to make it work one after the other. In the above function, if I uncomment the lines of code, the data is retrieved properly in the inner function but it returns initial default values set because the values get returned before setting the obj of SpecificDevice.
Here is where I am getting the error. I am calling the second function in FutureBuilder<> code with the above lines uncommented and taking input param as deviceId.
return FutureBuilder<Device>(
future: getDeviceDescription(deviceId),
builder:(BuildContext context,AsyncSnapshot snapshot){... // using snapshot.data in its child.
Here in snapshot.data. would give me YYYY. But it should get me the value from the database.
I am stuck with this for a while. Any help in fixing this? or if what I am trying to do is clear then please suggest me a better way to approach this. Thanks in advance!
The answer is rather simple:
first and foremost - you forgot to use async / await keywords, which will guarantee synchronous data retrieval from the database. Always use them, if you are connecting to any network service
to make one command work after another - use .then((value) {}). It will get data from the first function (which you pass using return) and use it in the second function.
Solved the problem by changing the calling function to -
return FutureBuilder<Device>(
future: getSpecificDevice(deviceId).then((value){
return getDeviceDescription(value.deviceKey);
builder:(BuildContext context,AsyncSnapshot snapshot){
I have a large Firestore collection with 10,000 documents.
I want to show these documents in a table by paging and filtering the results at 25 at a time.
My idea, to limit the "reads" (and therefore the costs), was to request only 25 documents at a time (using the 'limit' method), and to load the next 25 documents at the page change.
But there's a problem. In order to show the number of pages I have to know the total number of documents and I would be forced to query all the documents to find that number.
I could opt for an infinite scroll, but even in this case I would never know the total number of results that my filter has found.
Another option would be to request all documents at the beginning and then paging and filtering using the client.
so, what is the best way to show data in this type of situation by optimizing performance and costs?
You will find in the Firestore documentation a page dedicated to Paginating data with query cursors.
I paste here the example which "combines query cursors with the limit() method".
var first = db.collection("cities")
return first.get().then(function (documentSnapshots) {
// Get the last visible document
var lastVisible = documentSnapshots.docs[documentSnapshots.docs.length-1];
console.log("last", lastVisible);
// Construct a new query starting at this document,
// get the next 25 cities.
var next = db.collection("cities")
If you opt for an infinite scroll, you can easily know if you have reached the end of the collection by looking at the value of documentSnapshots.size. If it is under 25 (the value used in the example), you know that you have reached the end of the collection.
If you want to show the total number of documents in the collection, the best is to use a distributed counter which holds the number of documents, as explained in this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/61250956/3371862
Firestore does not provide a way to know how many results would be returned by a query without actually executing the query and reading each document. If you need a total count, you will have to somehow track that yourself in another document. There are plenty of suggestions on Stack Overflow about counting documents in collections.
Cloud Firestore collection count
How to get a count of number of documents in a collection with Cloud Firestore
However, the paging API itself will not help you. You need to track it on your own, which is just not very easy, especially for flexible queries that could have any number of filters.
My guess is you would be using Mat-Paginator and the next button is disabled because you cannot specify the exact length? In that case or not, a simple workaround for this is to get (pageSize +1) documents each time from the Firestore sorted by a field (such as createdAt), so that after a new page is loaded, you will always have one document in the next page which will enable the "next" button on the paginator.
What worked best for me:
Create a simple query
Create a simple pagination query
Combine both (after validating each one works separately)
Simple Pagination Query
const queryHandler = query(
const result = await getDocs(queryHandler)
which will return the first 50 results (ordered by your criteria)
Simple Query
const queryHandler = query(
const result = await getDocs(queryHandler)
Note that the result object has both query field (with relevant query) and docs field (to populate actual data)
So... combining both will result with:
const queryHandler = query(
const result = await getDocs(queryHandler)
Please note that the field in the where clause and in orderBy must be the same one! Also, it is worth mentioning that you may be required to create an index (for some use cases) or that this operation will fail while using equality operators and so on.
My tip: inspect the error itself where you will find a detailed description describing why the operation failed and what should be done in order to fix it (see an example output using js client in image below)
Firebase V9 functional approach. Don't forget to enable persistence so you won't get huge bills. Don't forget to use where() function if some documents have restrictions in rules. Firestore will throw error if even one document is not allowed to read by user. In case bellow documents has to have isPublic = true.
function paginatedCollection(collectionPath: string, initDocumentsLimit: number, initQueryConstraint: QueryConstraint[]) {
const data = vueRef<any[]>([]) // Vue 3 Ref<T> object You can change it to even simple array.
let snapshot: QuerySnapshot<DocumentData>
let firstDoc: QueryDocumentSnapshot<DocumentData>
let unSubSnap: Unsubscribe
let docsLimit: number = initDocumentsLimit
let queryConst: QueryConstraint[] = initQueryConstraint
const onPagination = (option?: "endBefore" | "startAfter" | "startAt") => {
if (option && !snapshot) throw new Error("Your first onPagination invoked function has to have no arguments.")
let que = queryConst
option === "endBefore" ? que = [...que, limitToLast(docsLimit), endBefore(snapshot.docs[0])] : que = [...que, limit(docsLimit)]
if (option === "startAfter") que = [...que, startAfter(snapshot.docs[snapshot.docs.length - 1])]
if (option === "startAt") que = [...que, startAt(snapshot.docs[0])]
const q = query(collection(db, collectionPath), ...que)
const unSubscribtion = onSnapshot(q, snap => {
if (!snap.empty && !option) { firstDoc = snap.docs[0] }
if (option === "endBefore") {
const firstDocInSnap = JSON.stringify(snap.docs[0])
const firstSaved = JSON.stringify(firstDoc)
if (firstDocInSnap === firstSaved || snap.empty || snap.docs.length < docsLimit) {
return onPagination()
if (option === "startAfter" && snap.empty) {
if (!snap.empty) {
snapshot = snap
data.value = []
snap.forEach(docSnap => {
const doc = docSnap.data()
doc.id = docSnap.id
data.value = [...data.value, doc]
if (unSubSnap) unSubSnap()
unSubSnap = unSubscribtion
function setLimit(documentsLimit: number) {
docsLimit = documentsLimit
function setQueryConstraint(queryConstraint: QueryConstraint[]) {
queryConst = queryConstraint
function unSub() {
if (unSubSnap) unSubSnap()
return { data, onPagination, unSub, setLimit, setQueryConstraint }
export { paginatedCollection }
How to use example in Vue 3 in TypeScript
const { data, onPagination, unSub } = paginatedCollection("posts", 8, [where("isPublic", "==", true), where("category", "==", "Blog"), orderBy("createdAt", "desc")])
onMounted(() => onPagination()) // Lifecycle function
onUnmounted(() => unSub()) // Lifecycle function
function next() {
window.scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: 'smooth' })
function prev() {
window.scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: 'smooth' })
You might have problem with knowing which document is last one for example to disable button.
I have website written in plain javascript to keep daily to-do tasks and the app crashed lately because different tasks of the same date was created on accident. My question is...
how can i write an if statement that checks if a document from a collection has a property (in my case the date) that is equal to the one in the input field of my form. i guess it should check after i click submit? if it exists, creation should be denyed, if not, ok to proceed.
i am using cloud firestore by the way... many thanks in advance for the help!
First, make a query to get a document that has same date:
var query = db.collection("yourCollectionName").where("date", "==", dateInInputfield);
query.get().then(function(querySnapshot) {
if (querySnapshot.empty) {
} else {
// not empty
If empty{you can proceed}, if notEmpty{some other task already exist on same date}
If you are making an app like this, a cleaner approach will be to name the id of a document as it's date, for eg. if a task is created at timestamp of 1234567, create a document named 1234567 and inside it, store all the necessary information.
By following this approach, if you create a new task, simply fetch a document by the name in inputfield,
var docRef = db.collection("yourCollectionName").doc("date");
docRef.get().then(function(doc) {
if (doc.exists) {
//this means some other document already exists
} else {
//safe to create a new document by this date.
}).catch(function(error) {
console.log("Error:", error);
I try to download and show only specific data from the Realtime Database. I have the following code:
getUserPlatformIos() {
this.dataRef = this.afDatabase.list('data/users', ref => ref.orderByChild('meta/platform').equalTo('ios'));
this.data = this.dataRef.snapshotChanges().map(changes => {
return changes.map(c => ({ key: c.payload.key, ...c.payload.val() }));
return this.data;
My firebase database structure
Firebase rules
Why firebase does download the whole database if I query before? This causes very long loading times and a lot of downloaded data....
Indexes need to be defined at the place where you the query. Since you run the query on data/users, that's where you need to define your index:
"users": {
".indexOn": "meta/platform"
This defines an index on users, which has the value of the meta/platform property of each user.
Note that the log output of your app should be showing an error message with precisely this information. I highly recommend checking log output whenever something doesn't work the way you expect it to work.
I am using the boto DynamoDBV2 interface for a script to create and populate a table in the DynamoDB. My code for it looks something like this -
my_table = Table.create(table_name, schema=[HashKey('key', data_type=STRING)], connection = self.connection)
'key': 'somekey',
'value': value
I have created the connection, and when I run it, the table is created properly and I can see it in the AWS console. But I am getting the error "Requested Resource not found" when trying to put values in the table.
I also tried reading table separately and then insert values like this -
Table.create(table_name, schema=[HashKey('key', data_type=STRING)], connection = self.connection)
my_table = Table(table_name, self.connection)
'key': 'somekey',
'value': value
but still getting the same error on the second line. What am I missing ?
The problem is that you need to wait a little bit after the table is created before inserting items. You can use the waitFor() event to find when the table finishes to be created.
Example with AWS Node SDK:
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB();
const createTableParams = {
// parameters...
dynamodb.createTable(createTableParams, (err, data) => {
if (err) return console.log(err, err.stack);
const params = {
TableName: 'MY_TABLE'
dynamodb.waitFor('tableExists', params, (err, data) => {
if (err) console.log(err, err.stack);
else insertData();
Your table will not be immediately ready on creation, you have to wait for it to become active before writing to it. I found a Java code sample that illustrates how to do this, but the problem is not language-specific, it applies to any DynamoDB client.
You can see this in the AWS Management Console as the "Status" of the table, to confirm or deny this theory.