Import dependency in Colab - jupyter-notebook

What is the best way to import a library in Google Colab when it's not published in pip?
For example what is the best way to use saliency function in sunnynevarekar/pytorch-saliency-maps repository without:
Copy/Past the code
Download the library as a zip file and extract it and then import it
Clone it in a subdirectory and import it


How to setting up right "plugins" folder in airflow?

I'm using airflow, and I want to import some plugins for my dags
The problem get into the play: when I'm trying to use them, follow by:
from dags_folder.plugins import fetchingData
I get this error
Module name "dags_folder" not found!
(here is my layout)
I've setting up with the airflow.cfg, but it doesn't work!
notes: I'm using conda-env
You need to add the folder dags_folder to python path:
export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:/path/to/dags_folder
then you could import fetchingData from plugins:
from plugins import fetchingData
(if you want to import it from dags_folder.plugins, you need to add the parent folder of dags_folder to the python path).
If you need this plugin in one module, you can add the plugins package to python path pragmatically:
import sys
from plugins import fetchingData

Using node_modules in Symfony 6

I want to use some node_modules in my Symfony 6 project. For example, Feather icons. But I can't figure out how to include these files without copying them to the public folder or using a CDN.
I have attempted to import the files into app.js using:
import './feather';
Sadly, this does not appear to work. Can anyone help me figure this out because I can also not find any relevant google search results.
This is what my app.js currently looks like:
import './styles/app.css';
// start the Stimulus application
import './bootstrap';
import feather from 'feather-icons'; // <-- added line from comment

Should I be importing specific functions to make PyInstaller file smaller?

When using PyInstaller --onefile, it can be slow to open the .exe file created and the file can be quite large. I think this is due to all the files included, such as all the imports in the python script. Is it advisable to only import the specific functions or classes from a module that I'm actually using, or does this not actually decrease what is packaged with PyInstaller? For example, would it be better to do
from numpy import array
instead of simply
import numpy
Or will PyInstaller still package all of numpy in both cases?

How to include materialize-css npm package with webpack

I'm writing a client-side app that is using Webpack, and I cannot figure out how to require the materialize-css package. I'm using Henrik Joreteg's hjs-webpack package, and with this the yeticss npm package is included by doing an import in a sass file (e.g. #import 'yeticss'), but this doesn't work for materialize. Requiring it straight up in the code (e.g. import 'materialize-css' in a JS file) like any other package also doesn't work.
In this case, unlike with yeticss, you need to go in and require the specific files, rather than just the package name, thus:
import 'materialize-css/dist/css/materialize.min.css';
import 'materialize-css/dist/js/materialize.min';
In my case I'm using create-react-app, and I was able to execute:
yarn add materialize-css
And then in my index.js (top level react file):
import '../node_modules/materialize-css/dist/css/materialize.min.css';
import '../node_modules/materialize-css/dist/js/materialize.min';

How to import more than 1 file at once into the svn repository

As far as I know the import command needs the destination file name everytime when we try to import the files.
svn import file1.txt https:\\server\path\file1.txt
My question is is there a way similar to Linux where we can copy/import multiple files at once,something like
svn import *.* https:\\server\path\
Is this possible? I don't want to use a looping process to achieve this.
The description of the command should give you a clue: "svn import — Commit an unversioned file or tree into the repository".
Give svn import a directory instead of a single file, and all files inside will be imported, recursively by default. svn:ignore and related properties and settings apply, for filtering out files you don't want added.
