CosmosDb search datetime with millisecond precision not working when ms is .0000000Z - datetime

Have the following test data in CosmosDB.
"LastSuccessfulDeployment": "2022-10-08T01:30:30.0000000Z",
"LastSuccessfulDeployment": "2022-10-08T01:30:30.3816486Z",
Searching '2022-10-08T01:30:30.0000000Z' returns no records whereas when searching for '2022-10-08T01:30:30.3816486Z' records are being returned.
protected override IQueryable<Component> ApplyFiltersOnQueryInternal(IQueryable<Component> query, IFilter<Component> filter)
if (filter == null)
return query;
var componentFilter = (filter as ComponentFilter)!;
if (componentFilter.LastSuccessfulDeployment.HasValue)
query = query.Where(x => x.LastSuccessfulDeployment == componentFilter.LastSuccessfulDeployment);
return query
.Skip((componentFilter.CurrentPage - 1) * componentFilter.PageSize)
EntityQueryable DebugView:
-- #__componentFilter_LastSuccessfulDeployment_0='08/10/2022 01:30:30'
FROM root c
WHERE ((c["Discriminator"] = "Component") AND (c["LastSuccessfulDeployment"] = #__componentFilter_LastSuccessfulDeployment_0))
-- #__componentFilter_LastSuccessfulDeployment_0='12/10/2022 15:18:14'
FROM root c
WHERE ((c["Discriminator"] = "Component") AND (c["LastSuccessfulDeployment"] = #__componentFilter_LastSuccessfulDeployment_0))


Pagination on DevExtreme dxDataGrid with Skip / Take loadOptions

We have a table with a large amount of data and I do not want to load it at once for my dxDataGrid.
I want to implement paging with Skip / Take which is supplied from the dxDataGrid's DataSourceLoadOptions.
This is my controller:
public async Task<Object> GetSalesOrdersWithTotals(DataSourceLoadOptions loadOptions)
var results = await SalesOrderService.GetSalesOrdersWithTotals(loadOptions.Skip, loadOptions.Take, 40);
loadOptions.Skip = 0;
loadOptions.Take = 0;
return DataSourceLoader.Load(results, loadOptions);
catch (Exception ex)
return Json(new { code = "422", success = false, message = "Unable to fetch sales orders with totals - " + ex.ToString() });
This is the service that returns the data:
public async Task<IEnumerable<SalesOrderWithTotals>> GetSalesOrdersWithTotals(int skip, int take, int defaultPageSize)
if (take == 0)
//Fix for passing a 0 take
take = defaultPageSize;
var salesOrderWithTotals =
from o in _context.SalesOrder
select new SalesOrderWithTotals
SalesOrderId = o.SalesOrderId,
Net = _context.SalesOrderItem.Where(it => it.SalesOrderId == o.SalesOrderId).Select(it => it.Qty == null ? 0 : it.Qty.Value * it.UnitPrice == null ? 0 : it.UnitPrice.Value).Sum(),
Tax = _context.SalesOrderItem.Where(it => it.SalesOrderId == o.SalesOrderId).Select(it => it.Qty == null ? 0 : it.Qty.Value * it.UnitPrice == null ? 0 : it.UnitPrice.Value).Sum() * (o.Tax.Percentage /100),
Gross = _context.SalesOrderItem.Where(it => it.SalesOrderId == o.SalesOrderId).Select(it => it.Qty == null ? 0 : it.Qty.Value * it.UnitPrice == null ? 0 : it.UnitPrice.Value).Sum() + _context.SalesOrderItem.Where(it => it.SalesOrderId == o.SalesOrderId).Select(it => it.Qty == null ? 0 : it.Qty.Value * it.UnitPrice == null ? 0 : it.UnitPrice.Value).Sum() * (o.Tax.Percentage / 100),
Name = o.Customer.Name,
CustomerOrderNumber = o.CustomerOrderNumber,
Contact = o.Contact,
OrderDate = o.OrderDate
return await salesOrderWithTotals.Skip(skip).Take(take).ToListAsync();
Looking at SQL profiler, this takes the first 40 records but of course the dxDataGrid is not aware of the total count of records so pagination is not available.
What would be the best method to achieve what I want in this case?
Many thanks
You must do an extra query to get the count of your SalesOrder and keep it in for example salesOrderCount. Then keep the Load method return data as bellow.
LoadResult result = DataSourceLoader.Load(results, loadOptions);
LoadResult has a parameter called totalCount so set it with the real count of your data:
result.totalCount = salesOrderCount;
and then
return result;
Now the dxDataGrid is aware of the total count of records.

Core EF Outer Join,Count & Group

I'm trying to convert this SQL Query into Core EF:
SELECT w.IdShippingBatch, w.BookingNumber, COUNT(c.IdShippingOrder) AS ShippingOrders, w.CreatedOn, w.ModifiedOn
FROM dbo.Shipping`enter code here`Batch AS w LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.ShippingOrders AS c ON w.IdShippingBatch = c.IdShippingBatch
WHERE (w.IdCompany = 2) AND (w.IdDealer = 1)
GROUP BY w.IdShippingBatch, w.BookingNumber, w.CreatedOn, w.ModifiedOn
I have tried multiple solutions, including several here. My latest attempt looks like:
var data = (from w in _context.ShippingBatch
join c in _context.ShippingOrders on w.IdShippingBatch equals c.IdShippingBatch into t1
where w.IdCompany == idCompany && w.IdDealer == idDealer
from t2 in t1.DefaultIfEmpty()
group t2 by new { w.IdShippingBatch, w.BookingNumber, w.CreatedOn, w.ModifiedOn } into t3
select new ShippingBatchDTO
IdShippingBatch = t3.Key.IdShippingBatch,
BookingNumber = t3.Key.BookingNumber,
ShippingOrders = t3.Count(),
CreatedOn = t3.Key.CreatedOn,
ModifiedOn = t3.Key.ModifiedOn
I have also tried adding t3.count(m => m.something != null), but that throws an error.
One major point of EF is to map the relationship between entities so that you can leverage LINQ and let EF compose an SQL query rather than trying to replace SQL with LINQ-QL.
If your ShippingBatch is mapped with a collection of ShippingOrders...
var batches = _context.ShippingBatch
.Where(x => x.IdCompany == idCompany && x.IdDealer == idDealer)
.Select(x => new ShippingBatchDTO
IdShippingBatch = x.IdShippingBatch,
BookingNumber = x.BookingNumber,
ShippingOrders = x.ShippingOrders.Count(),
CreatedOn = x.CreatedOn,
ModifiedOn = x.ModifiedOn
If your ShippingBatch does not have a collection of ShippingOrders, but your ShippingOrder reference an optional ShippingBatch.
var batches = _context.ShippingOrder
.Where(x => x.ShippingBatch != null
&& x.ShippingBatch.IdCompany == idCompany
&& x.ShippingBatch.IdDealer == idDealer)
.GroupBy(x => x.ShippingBatch)
.Select(x => new ShippingBatchDTO
IdShippingBatch = x.Key.IdShippingBatch,
BookingNumber = x.Key.BookingNumber,
ShippingOrders = x.Count(),
CreatedOn = x.Key.CreatedOn,
ModifiedOn = x.Key.ModifiedOn
That should hopefully get you moving in the right direction. If not, expand your question to include details of what you are seeing, and what you expect to see along with definitions for the applicable entities.

C# how to return multiple query in foreach

Because currently im like unable to retrieve the issue that
public IQueryable<Issue> commodityMatch_GetData(){
string userName = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
Context db = new Context();
IQueryable<Issue> query = db.Issues;
//currently is filter by commodity and product line
//looking on how to only filter by commodity
var x = from r in db.Records
where r.Username1 == userName
select r.CommodityID;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Im fucking here");
foreach(int s in x)
//s got 17 and 18
query = query.Where(p => p.CommodityID == s);
//how to run mutiple time and return multiple times?
//return mean end
return query;
For example in var x i have 2 int which is 17 and 18 but in above code i unable to retrieve the issue where the commodity = 17 and 18.
foreach(int s in x)
//s got 17 and 18
query = query.Where(p => p.CommodityID == s);
return query;
if return query here it only show me issue with commodity 17 and then it didnt show for issue with commodity 18.
Trying joining the issues to the records for a single LINQ query:
var x = from r in db.Records
join i in db.Issues
on r.CommodityID == iCommodityID
where r.Username1 == userName
select i;
return x;

Conditional to limit .Net webservice results

I'm not sure if this is the right way but I have a web service that returns json. Now I wanted to set a conditional to omit rows returned that have a value of false in cell appearInShowcase. Most of the code is pretty straight forward what it does but the cell that has a true false value is appearInShowcase which is in a table photo. In the ms sql database the appearInShowcase is of type ntext.
public List<wsGalleryPhotos> GetGalleryPhotos(int collectionID)
photoDataContext dc = new photoDataContext();
List<wsGalleryPhotos> results = new List<wsGalleryPhotos>();
System.Globalization.CultureInfo ci = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US");
foreach (photo photo in => s.collectionID == collectionID))
if(photo.appearInShowcase == "true")
results.Add(new wsGalleryPhotos()
photoID = photo.photoID,
collectionID = Convert.ToInt32(photo.collectionID),
name =,
description = photo.description,
filepath = photo.filepath,
thumbnail = photo.thumbnail
return results;
if you want to add a condition, you should do it like this:
public List<wsGalleryPhotos> GetGalleryPhotos(int collectionID)
photoDataContext dc = new photoDataContext();
List<wsGalleryPhotos> results = new List<wsGalleryPhotos>();
System.Globalization.CultureInfo ci = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US");
results = => s.collectionID == collectionID && s.appearInShowcase == "true")
.Select(s => new wsGalleryPhotos
photoID = s.photoID,
collectionID = collectionID,
name =,
description = s.description,
filepath = s.filepath,
thumbnail = s.thumbnail
return results;

Trying to get Distinct() and/or GroupBy(...) in returned ToList

The code is working and returning a good list with (6) items.
However, we are seeing duplicates productSKU. We want to do a
DISTINCt productSKU.
pM = (from oo in ctx.option1
where mArray.Contains(oo.option1Code)
select oo)
.Select(o => new ProductMatch
productSKU = o.option1Code,
productPrice = o.price,
option1Desc = o.option1Desc
I have tried to add Distinct() after the Lambda but I still get (6) items.
I am also getting error when I add GroupBy(...) "Cannot convert lambda expression to type 'string' because it is not a delegate type"
Try this syntax:
pM = (from o in ctx.option1
where mArray.Contains(o.option1Code)
let t = new
productSKU = o.option1Code,
productPrice = o.price,
option1Desc = o.option1Desc
group o by t into grp
select new ProductMatch
productSKU = grp.Key.option1Code,
productPrice = grp.Key.price,
option1Desc = grp.Key.option1Desc
When you use a Distinct on a lamba expression, the Distinct only looks at the EntityKey for the distinct comparision. You will need to implement your own IEqualityComparer for your select.
internal class UniqueProductComparer : IEqualityComparer<ProductMatch>
public bool Equals(ProductMatch x, ProductMatch y)
if(Object.ReferenceEquals(x,y)) return true;
if(Object.ReferenceEquals(x, null) || Object.ReferenceEquals(y,null))
return false;
return x.productSKU == y.ProductSKU && x.productPrice == y.productPrice && x.option1Desc == y.option1Desc;
public int GetHashCode(ProductMatch match)
if (Object.ReferenceEquals(match,null)) return 0;
return match.productSKU.GetHashChode() + match.productPrice.GetHashCode() + match.option1Desc.GetHashCode();
Then in your lamba, change it to this:
pM = (from oo in ctx.option1
where mArray.Contains(oo.option1Code)
select oo)
.Select(o => new ProductMatch
productSKU = o.option1Code,
productPrice = o.price,
option1Desc = o.option1Desc
}).Distinct(new UniqueProductComparer()).ToList();
A slight variation of IAbstractDownvoteFactor's answer
pM = (from oo in ctx.option1
where mArray.Contains(oo.option1Code)
select oo)
.GroupBy(o => o.option1Code)
.Select(g => g.First())
.Select(o => new ProductMatch
productSKU = o.option1Code,
productPrice = o.price,
option1Desc = o.option1Desc
Alternatively, if you use linq heavily and are open to using libraries, there is morelinq that gives you DistinctBy() extension and several other useful extensions.
