How is the frontend served in JHipster Production? - jar

I am writing a small thesis about a project where we used JHipster. I am currently trying to explain how the deployment with JHipster works. I already found some great info how the Backend is deployed with Spring Boot as a JAR file.(The JHipster Mini-Book, page 135) But I am not able to find any mentions on how the Frontend is served inside this JAR file, shouldn't there be some embedded Web Server or something similar? Where can I find this info? Thanks for any help in advance.
I have already looked in books like The JHipster Mini-Book and Full Stack Development with JHipster, but they only mention how to deploy, not how the deployment works.


Deploy/publish more than one .NET core console application

We have a number of .NET core console applications all sharing some small internal libraries. We would like to publish them as a single bundle with all internal libraries to a single XCOPYable folder. Microsoft currently has no solution for this (see I am wondering if someone has a pointer to how we might be able achieve this until there is a solution from Microsoft.
I ended up writing a PowerShell script that
built the apps
recursively copied all the publishable contents to a temporary staging folder
compressed the staging folder for deployment
deleted the staging folder
cleaned up build
Solves my problem. But if there is a better way out there, please let me know.

My CSS settings from my ASP.Net Core 1.1 project won't appear after publishing to Azure.

I'm developing a very simple website in ASP.Net Core 1.1, and all of the changes that I had made to the CSS settings are loaded correctly when I run the site in IIS Express. So I decided I needed a hosting environment so that I can show my client the site, and purchased an Azure account. Now, after publishing the site to Azure, the site looks like this. It's apparent that the CSS styles are not loading and I cannot figure out why.
I've tried the suggestions from here, and here and haven't had any success. Deleting the _.min.css files hasn't helped and my project doesn't even have a BundleConfig.cs file so I'm not sure where to put the BundleTable.EnableOptimizations code. Any help would be appreciated.
P.S.: The Azure hosting was primarily for me to send the link to my client for him to see the site and also for a few other test purposes. It will not be the production environment. Is this an issue specific to Azure? If so, then is it safe to say that I won't have this issue with another web host?
So, I was told that Azure and IISE were referencing two different things. Sure enough, Azure was pulling from site.min.css while IISE was pulling from site.css. After searching for the reason behind this I stumbled upon this article on bundling and Minification, and followed the instructions starting at “using bundling and minification in a project.
After the build, I redeployed to Azure and the site worked fine. Azure is still pulling from site.min.css, so I’m still not sure whether or not that’s part of the problem. But the bundling extension seemed to fix everything up.

Frontend deployment ASP.NET to Azure

I'm working with a frontend developer on a Mac ATM.
We do have a working setup where he can commit changes to CSS / cshtml files and so on to github and its automatically deployed to a deployment slot on Azure.
The major issue we are having is that everything is so slow. I could of course setup so that my frontend guy could upload files via FTP but the issue i have then is that my gulp task aren't running if he would make any changes to a CSS / LESS file or a JS file.
Is there any smart setup for this? For example that gulp could behave like it does locally and compile stuff when a file is changed. Or that you could do some sort of custom deployment where we do not build the project if there are only changes to none compiled files or something. Can i for example execute gulp task manually in Azure? I only find loads of articles on how to do it during deployment.
Or is there any ways to speed up the local -> github -> azure deployment process in general?
Sorry for so may questions in one post :)

gruntfile.js issues or minification issues

We are working on developing a website using different APIs naming Firebase, Filepicker etc. Technologies used are Node.js and AngularJS. The project is based on a tool called yeoman, which is a scaffolding tool for web apps. We keep our modules updated through bower and NPM. The website is developed and running fine locally. We are inclined to host the app on Heroku's server and whenever we push the production code the application breaks without any message and the server crashes. I believe there are some issues with Gruntfile.js or minification issues with angular when used with grunt. Please connect me with someone who could guide me to setup the website on Heroku's server. We use heroku toolbelt for windows to push the changes.
There are some known issues with minifying AngularJS app, some of the declarations need to be written in particular way. See this SO answer.
Also, read the docs, scroll down to the part "A note on minification".
I've found this when looking for Heroku + AngularJS issues.
Please also verify compression server settings you are using.

Create ear file in Jdeveloper from jpr and jws project

I am currently working on Jdeveloper IDE, a project already is being setup by someone else and he is no longer with organization.
When start embeded server it start the server with the application which ejb 2.0 application. I am strugling to creating an ear file from the source code in Jdeveloper.
I have google a lot but not able to find the solution. Please suggest me solution. I will appriciate if someone provide me alternate solution as well.
You need to create a deployment profile for your project (file->new->Deployment profile).
The exact steps depend on the version of JDeveloper you are using - you can try posting this on the JDeveloper discussion forum on OTN.
