Using nested for loop How to validate the presence of unwanted characters in each data field depending on data type
I want collect Financial historical data from NASDAQ link In this I am spying date element and using "get table" I can get whole table data for date, open, high,... which I am putting in collection but the thing is I am not able to give column name to collection. I made 6 field for each all 6 column you can see in image attched. But when i run the programv I get an error "Internal : Collection fields are defined but cannot be matched to the incoming collection - The collection definition does not contain the field Column1". if I dont add field I get data in collection which has default column name column 1, column 2, ...column 6 . But I want to have their specific column name. I think the problem is with the data type I am using while creating field in collection. I tried different combination for the data type but still...Please help me on that. enter image description hereimage 1image 2
image 3image 4
The error is exactly as it says; the fields cannot be matched; in other words, the fields should match. Since you get default field names from the Read stage, then you should either rename the fields before passing the collection to the process or have the collection receiving the collection at the process level have no fields defined (it will get the headers defined from the object and you can rename the fields after that, or just use the default column names, but that's not practical).
To rename the fields, you can use the default object "Utility - Collection Manipulation", either actions "Rename Collection Fields" or "Rename Field".
Rename Collection Fields
You will have to supply the collection containing the read table (Main Collection) and a collection containing the same headers as the collection containing the read table (New Headers), and in the first row, the new headers (it was designed like that, it's not that intuitive; it took me a good while to figure it out). The collection New Headers should look like the below:
Rename Field
For this one, you will need to loop over each header. Collection In will be the collection containing the read table, and you insert each header to change one at a time. (e.g. first loop iteration will have Column1 as Field Name and date as New Name, second loop iteration will have Column2 and open, etc)
In the Api controller, one action takes a header parameters and for testing this action i'm trying to pass same parameter multiple time..
expected behavior is that this parameter should be overwritten or take the first value.
but the actual result is that i'm receiving a string contains combines all of them (',' separated)..
any help please.
expected behavior is that this parameter should be overwritten or take the first value.
This is not expected behavior defined by the HTTP standard, in which multiple header fields with the same name are allowed:
Multiple message-header fields with the same field-name MAY be present in a message if and only if the entire field-value for that header field is defined as a comma-separated list [i.e., #(values)]. It MUST be possible to combine the multiple header fields into one "field-name: field-value" pair, without changing the semantics of the message, by appending each subsequent field-value to the first, each separated by a comma. The order in which header fields with the same field-name are received is therefore significant to the interpretation of the combined field value, and thus a proxy MUST NOT change the order of these field values when a message is forwarded.
I'm trying to add a field on my form that suggests different ID's in the database. I'm getting the error suggest_field.ID does not support the startsWith function. Is there any way to change this so that I can use the Suggest box with numbers
Since your IDs are integers and not strings they do not have a startsWith function. You can use (#datasource.items..Id).map(String) as your suggest box options and then autocomplete would work. Just be careful with value bindings as the types will not match - you may have to ditch bindings for value and use the onAttach and onValueChange events to convert the type to/from an integer and then set your datasource item's ID value (use parseInt(string) to convert a string to a number type and use number.toString() to convert a number to a string).
I have many date values in CSV which is sent to logic app. In example:
It is possible that there is empty date in the CSV. I need to insert those dates to Dynamics 365. As I insert those values if I insert the empty date it goes as "", which returns an error: "Cannot convert the literal '' to the expected type 'Edm.DateTimeOffset'.". Same happens if I try to pass null when date2 is empty ("").
Is there way to skip inserting anything with logic app? Or is there some other solution to this?
Most likely, you will need to stop sending CRM empty fields.
However, you're transforming the data from the CSV shape to the D356 shape, you need to check the data and not emit the field when the source also does not exist is otherwise invalid.
It seems you're using a Foreach over the input, then creating the D365 message with a Compose Action. The thing is, the Compose Action doesn't give you much control over the output.
Instead, you should use a Liquid Transform where you can test the input before emitting any field.
Liquid - Control Flow
Hello friends i am to add optional parameter to pass these in a method the parameter may vary every time.
And i need to pass these parameter to a method, so my question is how should i add these optional parameter to a collection and what kind of collection object should i use and how should i use that.
i elaborate here, i am having following fields.
1)course field(a drop down list) and on selected index change of course a check box list of corresponding branches are visible now i can select branches of choice by putting check mark on check boxes.(both course and branch are compulsory fields)
2)pass_out year which is a compulsory field.(a text field)
3)education gap which is optional so the text box may be empty as well and may having a digit as well.
4)required first year percent, second year, third year, final year, current degree, high school, senior secondary, gradation, post graduation, diploma percent, birth date which are all optional so these fields may also be empty or having a digit in the text box.
5) current backlog(a drop down list)having choices all, yes , no.
6)number of ATKT text box which may also be empty or can have a digit.
So i want to store all these variables value to some collection of object which will passed to a different method by passing all these variable from here,
But i am unable to figure out how should i store these optional variable to some object and how should i pass them to other method where all variable values will be taken out and an appropriate query will be written to interact with the data base to get the data table.
please elucidate me on this please. I am really not getting a feasible solution, i have thought of few options which i can let you know if you demand but those all seems to be tedious and difficult and redundant so i see help from you.
Don't bother with optional parameters or some collection of parameters, just decide how you will represent each value best, including how to represent empty values.
For a string value you can just use a null reference or an empty string. For a numeric value you can use a nullable int (int?). For a list of checkboxes where none is selected you can send an empty list.
When figuring out how to use this in a query to the database, it's easier if you have the values as parameters that always exist even if the values represent an empty value, rather than to have to parse out parameters from a collection where a parameter might be missing. Also, as you have different data types it's better if you can use an appropriate data type for each parameter, instead of casting everything into the same mold just to fit in a collection.