Loading libraries for use in an specific environment in R - r

I have written some functions to facilitate repeated tasks among my R projects. I am trying to use an environment to load them easily but also prevent them from appearing when I use ls() or delete them with rm(list=ls()).
As a dummy example I have an environment loader function in a file that I can just source from my current project and an additional file for each specialized environment I want to have.
.environmentLoader <- function(env_file, env_name='my_env') {
sys.source(env_file, envir=attach(NULL, name=env_name))
path <- dirname(sys.frame(1)$ofile) # this script's path
# Automatically load
.environmentLoader(paste(path, 'colors_env.R', sep='/'), env_name='my_colors')
library(RColorBrewer) # this doesn't work
# Return a list of colors
dummyColors <- function(n) {
require(RColorBrewer) # This doesn't work
return(brewer.pal(n, 'Blues'))
# Get a list of 5 colors
This works great except when my functions require me to load a library. In my example, I need to load the RColorBrewer library to use the brewer.pal function in colors_env.R, but the way is now I just get an error Error in brewer.pal(n, "Blues") : could not find function "brewer.pal".
I tried just using library(RColorBrewer) or using require inside my dummyColors function or adding stuff like evalq(library("RColorBrewer"), envir=parent.env(environment())) to the colors_env.R file but it doesn't work. Any suggestions?

If you are using similar functions across projects, I would recommend creating an R package. It's essentially what you're doing in many ways, but you don't have reinvent a lot of the loading mechanisms, etc. Hadley Wickham's book R Packages is very good for this topic. It doesn't need to be a completely fully built out, CRAN ready sort of thing. You can just create a personal package with misc. functions you frequently use.
That being said, the solution for your specific question would be to explicitly use the namespace to call the function.
dummyColors <- function(n) {
require(RColorBrewer) # This doesn't work
return(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n, 'Blues'))

Create a package and then run it. Use kitten to build the boilerplate, copy your file to it, optionally build it if you want a .tar.gz file or omit that step if you don't need it and finally install it. Then test it out. We have assumed colors_env.R, shown in the question, is in current directory.
(Note that require should always be within an if so that if it does not load then the error is caught. If not within an if use library which will guarantee an error message in that case.)
# create package
file.copy("colors_env.R", "./colors/R")
build("colors") # optional = will create colors_1.0.tar.gz
# test
## Loading required package: RColorBrewer
## [1] "#EFF3FF" "#BDD7E7" "#6BAED6" "#3182BD" "#08519C"


What's the most simple approach to name-spacing R files with `file::function`

Criteria for answer to this question
Given the following function (within its own script)
# something.R
hello <- function(x){
paste0("hello ", x)
What is the most minimal amount of setup which will enable the following
x <- something::hello('Sue')
# x now has value: "hello Sue"
In python it's very simple to have a directory containing some code, and utilise it as
# here foo is a directory
from foo import bar
bar( ... )
I'm not sure how to do something similar in R though.
I'm aware there's source(file.R), but this puts everything into the global namespace. I'm also aware that there's library(package) which provides package::function. What I'm not sure about is whether there's a simple approach to using this namespacing within R. The packaging tutorials that I've searched for seem to be quite involved (in comparison to Python).
I don't know if there is a real benefit in creating a namespace just for one quick function. It is just not the way it is supposed to be (I think).
But anyway here is a rather minimalistic solution:
First install once: install.packages("namespace")
The function you wanted to call in the namespace:
hello <- function(x){
paste0("hello ", x)
Creating your namespace, assigning the function and exporting
ns <- namespace::makeNamespace("newspace")
assign("hello",hello ,env = ns)
base::namespaceExport(ns, ls(ns))
Now you can call your function with your new namespace
Here's the quickest workflow I know to produce a package, using RStudio. The default package already contains a hello function, that I overwrote with your code.
Notice there was also a box "create package based on source files", which I didn't use but you might.
A package done this way will contain exported undocumented untested functions.
If you want to learn how to document, export or not, write tests and run checks, include other objects than functions, include compiled code, share on github, share on CRAN.. This book describes the workflow used by thousands of users, and is designed so you can usually read sections independently.
If you don't want to do it from GUI you can useutils::package.skeleton() to build a package folder, and remotes::install_local() to install it :
Reproducible setup
# create a file containing function definition
# where your current function is located
function_path <- tempfile(fileext = ".R")
hello <- function(x){
paste0("hello ", x)
', file = function_path)
# where you store your package code
package_path <- tempdir()
Solution :
# create package directory at given location
package.skeleton("something", code_file = file_path, path = package_path)
# remove sample doc to make remotes::install_local happy
unlink(file.path(package_path, "something", "man/"), TRUE)
# install package
remotes::install_local(file.path(package_path, "something"))

Run a script (or set stringsAsFactors = FALSE) while loading a package in R

I previously used Rprofile.site to set options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE). However, numerous sources state using Rprofile.site for this purpose makes code less portable. My solution has been to run source('C:/...startup.script.R') every time I load R. This startup script sets stringsAsFactors = FALSE (along with accomplishing other tasks). This works, but in order to share my scripts with others I would have to share the script of interest and my startup.script.R script.
I am creating a custom package that will allow me to share my custom functions. I plan to put require(MyCustomFunctionsPackage) (or something to that effect) at the beginning of all of my scripts in order to load my custom functions. I want to embed source('C:/...startup.script.R') (or something to that effect) and the startup.script.R file in the MyCustomFunctionsPackage package such that, when I share my scripts, I will only need to share the script of interest with a call to devtools::install_github('MyCustomFunctionsPackage','github_username') and all of my custom functions and settings will be loaded. Is there a way to do this? I'm sure the answer is in Hadley's book or the CRAN literature somewhere, but I'm not sure what keywords to search.
You can supply a function named .onLoad() that will be called whenever the package is loaded. Here's a simple reproducible example showing how it can be used:
## Create and install a package containing a function `.onLoad()`
".onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
", file = "myopts/R/zzz.R")
## Confirm that loading the package sets stringsAsFactors
## $stringsAsFactors
## [1] TRUE
## $stringsAsFactors
## [1] FALSE

R: How to check if the libraries that I am loading, I use them for my code in R?

I have used several packages of R libraries for my study. All libraries charge together at the beginning of my code. And here is the problem. It turns out that I have done several tests with different functions that were already in the packages of R. However, in the final code I have not implemented all the functions I have tried. Therefore, I am loading libraries that I do not use.
Would there be any way to check the libraries to know if they really are necessary for my code?
Start by restarting R with a fresh environment, no libraries loaded. For this demonstration, I'm going to define two functions:
zoo1 <- function() na.locf(1:10)
zoo2 <- function() zoo::na.locf(1:10)
With no libraries loaded, let's try something:
# <anonymous>: no visible global function definition for 'na.locf'
# Attaching package: 'zoo'
# The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
# as.Date, as.Date.numeric
Okay, so we know we can check a single function to see if it is abusing scope and/or using non-base functions. Let's assume that you've loaded your script full of functions (but not the calls to require or library), so let's do this process for all of them. Let's first unload zoo, so that we'll see a complaint again about our zoo1 function:
detach("package:zoo", unload=TRUE)
Now let's iterate over all functions:
allfuncs <- Filter(function(a) is.function(get(a)), ls())
str(sapply(allfuncs, function(fn) capture.output(codetools::checkUsage(get(fn))), simplify=FALSE))
# List of 2
# $ zoo1: chr "<anonymous>: no visible global function definition for 'na.locf'"
# $ zoo2: chr(0)
Now you know to look in the function named zoo1 for a call to na.locf. It'll be up to you to find in which not-yet-loaded package this function resides, but that might be more more reasonable, depending on the number of packages you are loading.
Some side-thoughts:
If you have a script file that does not have everything comfortably ensconced in functions, then just wrap all of the global R code into a single function, say bigfunctionfortest <- function() { as the first line and } as the last. Then source the file and run codetools::checkUsage(bigfunctionfortest).
Package developers have to go through a process that uses this, so that the Imports: and Depends: sections of NAMESPACE (another ref: http://r-pkgs.had.co.nz/namespace.html) will be correct. One good trick to do that will prevent "namespace pollution" is loading the namespace but not the package ... and though that may sound confusing, it often results in using zoo::na.locf for all non-base functions. This gets old quickly (especially if you are using dplyr and such, where most of your daily functions are non-base), suggesting those oft-used functions should be directly imported instead of just referenced wholly. If you're familiar with python, then:
# R
is analagous to
# fake-python
from zoo import *
(if that package/function exists). Then the non-polluting variant looks like:
# R
# fake-python
import zoo
where the function's package (and/or subdir packaging) must be used explicitly. There is no ambiguity. It is explicit. This is by some/many considered "A Good Thing (tm)".
(Language-philes will likely say that library(zoo) and from zoo import * are not exactly the same ... a better way to describe what is happening is that they bring everything from zoo into the search path of functions, potentially causing masking as we saw in a console message earlier; while the :: functionality only loads the namespace but does not add it to the search path. Lots of things going on in the background.)

R: Patching a package function and reloading base libraries

Occasionally one wants to patch a function in a package, without recompiling the whole package.
For example, in Emacs ESS, the function install.packages() might get stuck if tcltk is not loaded. One might want to patch install.packages() in order to require tcltk before installation and unload it after the package setup.
A temp() patched version of install.packages() might be:
## Get original args without ending NULL
temp=paste(paste(temp, collapse="\n"),
## Add code to load tcltk
" wasloaded= 'package:tcltk' %in% search()",
" require(tcltk)",
## Add orginal body without braces
paste(rev(rev(deparse(body(install.packages))[-1])[-1]), collapse="\n"),
## Unload tcltk if it was not loaded before by user
" if(!wasloaded) detach('package:tcltk', unload=TRUE)",
## Eval patched function
# temp
Now we want to replace the original install.packages() and perhaps insert the code in Rprofile.
To this end it is worth nothing that:
# A single object matching 'install.packages' was found
# It was found in the following places
# package:utils
# namespace:utils
# with value
# ... install.packages() source follows (quite lengthy)
That is, the function is stored inside the package/namespace of utils. This environment is sealed and therefore install.packages() should be unlocked before being replaced:
## Override original function
unlockBinding("install.packages", as.environment("package:utils"))
assign("install.packages", temp, envir=as.environment("package:utils"))
unlockBinding("install.packages", asNamespace("utils"))
assign("install.packages", temp, envir=asNamespace("utils"))
Using getAnywhere() again, we get:
# A single object matching 'install.packages' was found
# It was found in the following places
# package:utils
# namespace:utils
# with value
# ... the *new* install.packages() source follows
It seems that the patched function is placed in the right place.
Unfortunately, running it gives:
Error in install.packages(xxxxx) :
could not find function "getDependencies"
getDependencies() is a function inside the same utils package, but not exported; therefore it is not accessible outside its namespace.
Despite the output of getAnywhere("install.packages"), the patched install.packages() is still misplaced.
The problem is that we need to reload the utils library to obtain the desired effect, which also requires unloading other libraries importing it.
detach("package:stats", unload=TRUE)
detach("package:graphics", unload=TRUE)
detach("package:grDevices", unload=TRUE)
detach("package:utils", unload=TRUE)
install.packages() works now.
Of course, we need to reload the other libraries too. Given the dependencies, using
should reload everything. But there is a problem when reloading the graphics library, at least on Windows:
# Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) :
# no such symbol C_contour in package path/to/library/graphics/libs/x64/graphics.dll
Which is the correct way of (re)loading the graphics library?
Patching functions in packages is a low-level operation that should be avoided, because it may break internal assumptions of the execution environment and lead to unpredictable behavior/crashes. If there is a problem with tck/ESS (I didn't try to repeat that) perhaps it should be fixed or there may be a workaround. Particularly changing locked bindings is something to avoid.
If you really wanted to run some code at the start/end of say install.packages, you can use trace. It will do some of the low-level operations mentioned in the question, but the good part is you don't have to worry about fixing this whenever some new internals of R change.
tracer=quote(cat("Starting install.packages\n")),
exit=quote(cat("Ending install packages.\n"))
Replace tracer and exit accordingly - maybe exit is not needed anyway, maybe you don't need to unload the package. Still, trace is a very useful tool for debugging.
I am not sure if that will solve your problem - if it would work with ESS - but in general you can also wrap install.packages in a function you define say in your workspace:
install.packages <- function(...) {
This is the cleanest option indeed.

Search all existing functions for package dependencies?

I have a package that I wrote while learning R and its dependency list is quite long. I'm trying to trim it down, for two cases:
I switched to other approaches, and packages listed in Suggests simply aren't used at all.
Only one function out of my whole package relies on a given dependency, and I'd like to switch to an approach where it is loaded only when needed.
Is there an automated way to track down these two cases? I can think of two crude approaches (download the list of functions in all the dependent packages and automate a text search for them through my package's code, or load the package functions without loading the required packages and execute until there's an error), but neither seems particularly elegant or foolproof....
One way to check dependancies in all functions is to use the byte compiler because that will check for functions being available in the global workspace and issue a notice if it does not find said function.
So if you as an example use the na.locf function from the zoo package in any of your functions and then byte compile your function you will get a message like this:
Note: no visible global function definition for 'na.locf'
To correctly address it for byte compiling you would have to write it as zoo::na.locf
So a quick way to test all R functions in a library/package you could do something like this (assuming you didn't write the calls to other functions with the namespace):
Assuming your R files with the functions are in C:\SomeLibrary\ or subfolders there of and then you define a sourceing file as C:\SomeLibrary.r or similar containing:
if (!(as.numeric(R.Version()$major) >=2 && as.numeric(R.Version()$minor) >= 14.0)) {
stop("SomeLibrary needs version 2.14.0 or greater.")
if ("SomeLibrary" %in% search()) {
currentlyInWorkspace <- ls()
SomeLibrary <- new.env(parent=globalenv())
pathToLoad <- "C:/SomeLibraryFiles"
filesToSource <- file.path(pathToLoad,dir(pathToLoad,recursive=TRUE)[grepl(".*[\\.R|\\.r].*",dir(pathToLoad,recursive=TRUE))])
for (filename in filesToSource) {
suppressWarnings(sys.source(filename, envir=SomeLibrary))
},error=function(ex) {
cat("Failed to source: ",filename,"\n")
for(SomeLibraryFunction in ls(SomeLibrary)) {
if (class(get(SomeLibraryFunction,envir=SomeLibrary))=="function") {
outText <- capture.output(with(SomeLibrary,assign(SomeLibraryFunction,cmpfun(get(SomeLibraryFunction)))))
cat("The function ",SomeLibraryFunction," produced the following compile note(s):\n")
rm(list=ls()[!ls() %in% currentlyInWorkspace])
Then start up R with no preloaded packages and source in C:\SomeLibrary.r
And then you should get notes from cmpfun for any call to a function in a package that's not part of the base packages and doesn't have a fully qualified namespace defined.
