I am relatively new to Praat and am currently using a Praat script to open all sound files and related textgrids in a directory, make changes on each textgrid and then saving the textgrid in the end.
This worked fine when I ran the script for the first time but I could not run it another time, neither on the same directory (containing files that had been reviewed before + files that had not been reviewed), nor on a different directory (containing files that had not been reviewed with this script previously at any point in time).
I am not getting any error. When I try to run the script now, the Praat information window opens and informs me that all files in the respective directory have been reviewed.
It might be important to note that I interrupted the script in the first run (thinking that I could simply take a note on where I stopped and work on the rest of the files later on).
I would be glad about some help here! Any ideas?
Here is the script I am using:
## text grid reviewer.praat
## Originally created by the excellent Katherine Crosswhite
## Script modified by Mark Antoniou
## MARCS Auditory Laboratories C 2010
## This script opens all the sound files in a given directory, plus
## their associated textgrids so that you can review/change the
## boundaries or labels.
form Enter directory and search string
# Be sure not to forget the slash (Windows: backslash, OSX: forward
# slash) at the end of the directory name.
sentence Directory C:/Users/Hansen/Desktop/annotate_latency/03_1_cond/
# Leaving the "Word" field blank will open all sound files in a
# directory. By specifying a Word, you can open only those files
# that begin with a particular sequence of characters. For example,
# you may wish to only open tokens produced by speaker 02 in context C01
# then you enter 02_C01.
sentence Word
sentence Filetype WAV
Create Strings as file list... list 'directory$'*'filetype$'
number_of_files = Get number of strings
for x from 1 to number_of_files
select Strings list
current_file$ = Get string... x
Read from file... 'directory$''current_file$'
object_name$ = selected$ ("Sound")
Read from file... 'directory$''object_name$'.TextGrid
plus Sound 'object_name$'
pause Make any changes on file 'object_name$' then click Continue.
minus Sound 'object_name$'
Write to text file... 'directory$''object_name$'.TextGrid
select all
minus Strings list
select Strings list
printline TextGrids have been reviewed for 'word$'.'filetype$' files in
printline 'directory$'.
## written by Katherine Crosswhite
## crosswhi#ling.rochester.edu
I first thought that Praat simply cannot re-review files that have been reviewed previously and tried to re-run the script on only those files I had not reviewed before. The issue kept occurring.
Then I tried running the script on an entirely different directory, with the same result.
I tried clearing up the Praat history (assuming that this might be any kind of traceback error).
I also tried including the clearinfo command in the beginning of the script.
Nothing of that made any difference.
To sum up, I played around a bit but could not find out why Praat thinks that all files have been reviewed already.
I'm on RStudio, just wanting to read a csv file:
newdata <- read_csv("Nameofdata.csv",
col_names = TRUE)
But it keeps telling me that the file doesn't exist. It does exist. I'm staring DIRECTLY at it, underneath the file path that RStudio insists is wrong. I can open it in another tab, I can open in in excel, it's EXACTLY where RStudio says it's not existing. Please help.
Looking very closely at your screen shot, commenters are suggesting that you have an extra space at the beginning of your file name.
Also, I see that the working directory appears to be correct (the error message lists it as C:/users/mdavi/Desktop/School/Research/Sc, which appears to match what is listed in the Files pane
A couple of strategies for trouble-shooting file-locating problems:
use getwd() and list.files() to confirm your working directory and what files R can see from there (you can read this introduction to get more background on working directories):
use file.choose() to select a file interactively; it's generally a bad idea to use this in production code, as it will add an interactive step when you usually want to be able to run all of your code start to finish without needing manual steps, but it's quite useful for debugging.
If you wanted R to list files that approximately matched your specified filename, you could use
L <- list.files(pattern="*.csv")
agrep("myfile.csv", L, value=TRUE)
You need to set your working directly correctly, either via setwd("~/Desktop/School/Research/SC") in the R Console (that's what I think I see in your screenshot: ~ stands for your home directory, i.e "Users/Whoever") or via Session > Set Working Directory > To File Pane in the RStudio menus.
You can read a variety of Stack Overflow questions about setting the working directory for more complete context ... web searching on "R 'working directory'" might help too.
I am using RStudio to knit an .Rnw file to .pdf. This .Rnw file is stored in directory that is under git version control. This directory also contains a .RProj file for the project.
I collaborate with colleagues who don't know the first thing about .Rnw files and git. These colleagues want to open a Word file and track change their hearts out. So I give the people what they want.
Everyone needs access, so storing the Word file on a cloud service like Box makes sense. In the past I created a subfolder in my repo that I shared—keeping everything within the root directory—but this time around I needed to store the file in a shared folder that someone else created. So my solution was to copy the Word file from this shared directory to my repository.
Technical Approach
I don't know how to make this a reproducible problem, but hopefully you will give me some latitude since I'm trying to make my work fully reproducible ;)
Let's say that my .Rnw file is stored in repoRoot/subfolder. Since knitr changes the working directory to subfolder where this .Rnw file is located, the first chunk sets the root.dir one level up at the project root.
<<knitr, include=FALSE>>=
opts_knit$set(root.dir=normalizePath('../')) # go up 1 level
The next chunk copies the Word file from the shared folder to my git repo and runs the analysis file. The shared directory path is hard coded to my machine, which is the problem I'm writing for your help solving.
file.copy(from='/Users/ericpgreen/Box Sync/Project/Paper/draft.docx',
to='subfolder/draft.docx', # my repo
source(scripts/analysis.R) # generates objects we reference in the .docx file
After adding \begin{document}, I include a chunk where I convert the .docx file to .txt and then rename it to .Rnw.
# convert docx to txt
system("textutil -convert txt 'subfolder/draft.docx'")
# rename txt to .Rnw
The next child chunk calls this .Rnw file that contains the text of the Word file with references to R objects included through \Sexpr{}:
<<include-draft, child='draft.Rnw', include=FALSE>>=
This works just fine for me. Whenever I knit the .Rnw file it grabs the latest version of the .docx file that my colleagues have edited (complete with track changes and comments) and, in a later step not shown here, returns the .pdf file to the shared folder.
Problem to Solve
This setup meets almost every need for me, except that the initial file.copy() command is hard coded to my machine. So if someone in my group clones my repo (e.g., research assistants who DO use version control), it won't run out of the box. Is there a workaround to hard coding in this type of case?
Ultimately you won’t get around hard-coding paths that are outside your control, such as paths to network shares. What you can and should avoid is hard-coding these paths in your documents.
Instead, relegate them to configuration files and/or environment variables (which, again, will be controlle by configuration files, to with .bashrc and similar). The simplest approach is then to use
network_share_path = Sys.getenv('NETWORK_SHARE_PATH',
stop('no network share path configured'))
file.copy(from = network_share_path, to = 'subfolder/draft.docx', overwrite = TRUE)
So I am having an R nightmare. I've returned to a project I built under the previous iteration (or perhaps one more) of RStudio. I produced a workable report that I was asked to update, and my current bugbear wasn't around then. Here is what happens:
My report file is "ISS Time Series.Rmd". It calls three other files:
"mystyles.sty", which updates the LaTeX preamble to use some additional packages.
"functions.R" and "load.R". The former contains frequently used functions I've written, and the latter loads the data I'm using.
I source the two R functions in the .Rmd file. When I try to Knit the report, whether I get an error or am successful, my two .R files and my one .sty file are deleted. And not just deleted -- gone for good.
I do not know what is up. I have ruined my previous work simply by returning to examine the original file.
Please, somebody has to help me here. My workflow is shot to hell if I have to write every last bit of code over and over again in each report.
UPDATE: Even copying the files to another directory doesn't help.
Here is the code block that calls the "load.R" file:
```{r loaddata}
# ------- Load Data
# This section loads the ISS survey files one at a time and saves them as
# read.SPSS objects within a list. It names these eleven objects as "ISS 2002",
# "ISS 2003", etc... until "ISS 2012". This file may be prohibitively large.
source("load.R") # Loads the ISS Survey files
Rename your file to ISS_Time_Series.Rmd and try again.
It is the spaces in the document name that makes rmarkdown::render() delete the files that have been loaded or sourced.
A an issue has already been filed. See https://github.com/rstudio/rmarkdown/issues/580
I asked this question last week but was looking for how to do it with a batch script. I think it might be possible to do with R, but I'm not very experienced using it. However, after doing some research, I'm pretty sure its impossible to do it with a batch script alone so I think I'll need to use R or VBA script. I don't want someone to just throw the solution at me, if it requires using R or VBA then I'm only interested if you would link some good resources. I've been scouring the interwebs but have found nothing so far.
I need some sort of script that will:
Take the two folders as inputs
Generate a list of all the files in one of them.
For each file:
Read in the data from columns D-G
Find the matching file in the other folder and read in the same data
Compare each cell and verify that the two files match exactly
If they don’t match, report what data doesn’t match
This is what I was asked to do verbatim.
This is what I've done so far.
#echo off
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
rmdir c:\LocalDirectory/s /q
mkdir c:\LocalDirectory
xcopy "\\SERVER\Path\to\the\files" c:\LocalDirectory
cd c:\LocalDirectory
dir /b /a-d
as you can see, its not much. I can make a list of the files but I need something that can compare them. I know that I could manually do this comparison in Excel but I need to be able to do this for several files. So I'm trying to write some kind of script that will take a specific column of data in a specific excel file in a directory and compare all the rows of that column to a specific column in another xlsx file and then once its done that, generate a message that says either pass or fail. Once thats done, it should move on to the next excel file. The files that have the data thats being compared are named the exact same thing.
I'd like to be able to write the contents of a help file in R to a file from within R.
The following works from the command-line:
R --slave -e 'library(MASS); help(survey)' > survey.txt
This command writes the help file for the survey data file
--slave hides both the initial prompt and commands entered from the
resulting output
-e '...' sends the command to R
> survey.txt writes the output of R to the file survey.txt
However, this does not seem to work:
How can I save the contents of a help file to a file from within R?
Looks like the two functions you would need are tools:::Rd2txt and utils:::.getHelpFile. This prints the help file to the console, but you may need to fiddle with the arguments to get it to write to a file in the way you want.
For example:
hs <- help(survey)
Since these functions aren't currently exported, I would not recommend you rely on them for any production code. It would be better to use them as a guide to create your own stable implementation.
While Joshua's instructions work perfectly, I stumbled upon another strategy for saving an R helpfile; So I thought I'd share it. It works on my computer (Ubuntu) where less is the R pager. It essentially just involves saving the file from within less.
Then follow these instructions to save less buffer to file
i.e., type g|$tee survey.txt
g goes to the top of the less buffer if you aren't already there
| pipes text between the range starting at current mark
and ending at $ which indicates the end of the buffer
to the shell command tee which allows standard out to be sent to a file