Unable to run deno task start with invalid source code error - deno

I have a deno repository of my own. I have recently switched to a new machine, and I have git clone'd that repository to my new machine.
Now when I run deno task start, it fails with this error
❯ deno task start
Task start deno run -A --watch=static/,routes/ dev.ts
Watcher Process started.
The manifest has been generated for 3 routes and 2 islands.
error: The source code is invalid, as it does not match the expected hash in the lock file.
Specifier: https://esm.sh/*preact-render-to-string#5.2.4
Lock file: /Users/john/my-project/deno.lock
I have read this page, but it is not telling me exactly what to do for my error

Based off of what that page says, the contents of one of your dependencies has changed since your original computer downloaded it for the first time, so the hash of the contents are different.
If you just want to ignore this, it says to use the flags
--lock=deno.lock --lock-write
which I assume means to run
deno task start --lock=deno.lock --lock-write
This will overwrite the current lock file with the new version of the code.
While this will work, the better option for the future is to specify the version in your dependency url.
For example, instead of
import { z } from "https://deno.land/x/zod/mod.ts";
you should say
import { z } from "https://deno.land/x/zod#v3.20.2/mod.ts";
(the #v3.20.2 specfies the exact dependency version)


Deno 500 error from dev.jspm.io installing dependencies

I'm trying to run my first deno script which is pretty much from the denoDB docs, it just tries to connect to a database with a SQLite3 connector (I'm on a Macbook pro so it should be installed):
import { Database, SQLite3Connector } from 'https://deno.land/x/denodb/mod.ts';
const connector = new SQLite3Connector({
filepath: './db.sqlite',
export const db = new Database(connector);
I'm running deno run api/db.ts and I get this error after a few successful downloads:
Download https://deno.land/std#0.149.0/encoding/hex.ts
Download https://deno.land/std#0.149.0/hash/_wasm/lib/deno_hash.generated.mjs
error: Import 'https://dev.jspm.io/inherits#2.0' failed: 500 Internal Server Error
at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Zhomart/dex/930253915093e1e08d48ec0409b4aee800d8bd0c/lib-dyn/deps.ts:4:26
I've deleted my /Users/<me>/Library/Caches/deno/deps/https and reran the script a few times but I still can't get past this. In my browser trying to follow the URL https://dev.jspm.io/inherits#2.0 does give me an error. What is going on here? There's not much code and I imagine it's not broken for everybody. What do I need to do to get this script to run without issues?
EDIT: it seems to be a library error https://github.com/eveningkid/denodb/issues/348
This is an error caused by a nested depedency, from a project that is not maintained.
See this for more info: [https://jspm.org/jspm-dev-release]
The point is dev.jspm.io is now jspm.dev
A way to fix this is to fork and update depedencies.
Another thing, if you're not using deno deploy, you can just use this as a replacement for your denodb: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/joeldesante/denodb/master/mod.ts
Just note that this script is no more maintained either, but it will fix your problem
I just made a dirty quick fix for deno deploy use this as a depedency isntead of denodb: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ninjinskii/denodb/master/mod.ts
Again, i may not maintain this script forever.
The best thing that can happen is an update from these libs maintainers

How to extract the maps via AC Dashboard?

I ran into the problem that everything went well with the compilation and the database. But when I start the worldserver, I get an error
Loading world information...
> RealmID: 1
> Version DB world: ACDB 335.6-dev
Will clear `logs` table of entries older than 1209600 seconds every 10 minutes.
Using DataDir /azerothcore-wotlk/data/
WORLD: VMap support included. LineOfSight:true, getHeight:true, indoorCheck:true PetLOS:true
Map file '/azerothcore-wotlk/data/maps/0004331.map': does not exist!
exit code: 1
worldserver terminated, restarting...
worldserver Terminated after 1 seconds, termination count: : 6
worldserver Restarter exited. Infinite crash loop prevented. Please check your system
What could be the problem? I rechecked the permissions to the directory including the owner and everything is fine. Tried different paths DataDir, now it set to **DataDir = "/home/azcore/azerothcore-wotlk/data". I get an error, how to fix that?
First of all, if you only need to get latest maps compatible with AzerothCore you can download them from here.
Otherwise, change in your config.sh file CTOOLS_BUILD='all', afterwards, run again the build using
./acore.sh compiler build
This will generate the binaries to extract the data inside azerothcore-wotlk/env/dist/bin/.
Having the binaries you can follow the guide here to extract them manually, you only need to move the binaries into the WoW directory and run the binaries in the right order.

Robotframework, AutoIt: Error message "No keyword with name 'Send' found"

I'm trying to get familiar with the robotframework using autoitlibrary to test Windows applications. I found some examples which use the Send command to type text into a notpad window.
That's what I've done so far:
*** Settings ***
Library AutoItLibrary
*** Variables ***
${app} C:/Program Files/Notepad++/notepad++.exe
*** Test Cases ***
Enter text
Run ${app}
Win Wait Active new 1 - Notepad++
Send This is just a test.
So, the Notepad++ window is opened, but then it failed with the No keyword with name 'Send' found. message. I suppose there is no Send command in the AutoItLibrary, but I also cannot find any other command which may do this job.
AutoIt is installed, and so is the wrapper by pip install robotframework-autoitlibrary.
There really exists a Send keyword in AutoIt, but supposedly not in the wrapper for robotframework.
And ideas to fix this?
UPDATE: Windows 10 (64bit in a VirtualBox), Python v3.7.6 (32bit), RF v3.1.2, RF-AutoItLibrary v1.2.4, AutoIt v3.3.14.5
The "Search Keywords" dialog in RIDE provides AutoItLibrary as a Source, but then list only a few commands. So I suppose the library is accessible, but incomplete.
import os, re, subprocess, sys
# Set path to Python directories.
programfiles = os.environ['programfiles']
if not programfiles:
exit('Failed to get programfiles')
python_dirs = [os.path.join(programfiles, 'Python35'),
os.path.join(programfiles, 'Python36'),
os.path.join(programfiles, 'Python37'),
os.path.join(programfiles, 'Python38')]
# Process each python directory.
for python_dir in python_dirs:
# Set path to AutoItX3.dll.
autoitx_dll = os.path.join(python_dir, r'Lib\site-packages\AutoItLibrary\lib\AutoItX3.dll')
if not os.path.isfile(autoitx_dll):
print('File not found: "' + autoitx_dll + '"')
# Set path to the makepy module.
makepy = os.path.join(python_dir, r'Lib\site-packages\win32com\client\makepy.py')
if not os.path.isfile(makepy):
print('File not found: "' + makepy + '"')
# Generate cache using make.py.
command = [os.path.join(python_dir, 'python.exe'), makepy, autoitx_dll]
with subprocess.Popen(command, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=python_dir, universal_newlines=True) as p:
stderr = p.communicate()[1]
parameters = re.findall(r'^Generating to .+\\([A-F0-9\-]+)x(\d+)x(\d+)x(\d+)\.py$', stderr, re.M)
if len(parameters) == 1:
parameters = parameters[0]
print('Insert the next line into AutoItLibrary.__init__.py if not exist.\n'
' win32com.client.gencache.EnsureModule("{{{guid}}}", {major}, {minor}, {lcid})'
# Pause so the user can view the subprocess output.
input('Press the return key to continue...')
The generated cache done by win32com\client\makepy.py for AutoItLibrary from the setup.py is saved in the %temp%\gen_py folder. This is done only when setup.py is executed. If the %temp% directory is cleaned later, which removes the cache, then I notice keywords like Send may fail to be recognized by the robotframework.
One solution appears to be regenerating the cache. The code above will generate the cache by use of makepy.py. It may also print a message about inserting win32com.client.gencache.EnsureModule(...) into AutoItLibrary\__init__.py for any of the Python versions as needed. This will ensure the cache is available when AutoItLibrary
is imported.
Change paths in the code to suit your environment.
With further research:
AutoItLibrary currently has AutoItX and latest AutoIt has AutoItX Important to know as one version registered can overwrite the registration of the previous registration.
AutoItLibrary currently registers AutoIt3X.dll without the _x64 suffix on the name on x64 systems. I may reference AutoIt3_x64.dll to define difference between x86 and x64.
Any version of AutoIt3X.dll and AutoIt3_x64.dll uses the same ID codes and the last registered wins (based on bitness as both x86 and x64 registrations can co-exist).
The TypeLib class key registered ID is {F8937E53-D444-4E71-9275-35B64210CC3B} and is where win32com may search.
If AutoIt3X.dll and AutoIt3_x64.dll are registered, unregister any 1 of those 2 will remove the AutoItX3.Control class key. Without this key, AutoIt3X will fail as AutoItLibrary needs this key. To fix, register again e.g. regsvr32.exe AutoIt3X.dll as admin in the working directory of AutoIt3X.dll.
The methods of any same version of AutoItX will match i.e. AutoIt3X.dll and AutoIt3X_x64.dll only changes in bitness, not methods.
Inserting win32com.client.gencache.EnsureModule("{F8937E53-D444-4E71-9275-35B64210CC3B}", 0, 1, 0) into AutoItLibrary\__init__.py should ensure the cache is always available for any AutoItX version. The initial code can be used to generate the cache, though the suggested change in AutoItLibrary\__init__.py makes it obsolete as the cache is generated on import of AutoItLibrary. If the ID was not constant, then the initial code may inform you of the ID to use.
The cache is important as it has generated .py files with methods like e.g.:
def Send(self, strSendText=defaultNamedNotOptArg, nMode=0):
'method Send'
# etc...
which if missing, makes Send and many others, an invalid keyword in AutoItLibrary.
If AutoItX is registered, the - leading methods are removed and the + leading methods are added as compared to AutoItX
So if any of those methods causes error, then you may want AutoItX registered instead. In the AutoItX history, release is when those method changes happened.
Check your python architecture ( is it 32 or 64 bit)
For 32:
Open cmd in "Run as administrator" mode
run the command pip install robotframework-autoitlibrary
Now clone the autoit library source code:
in the root directory run the below command: python setup.py install using cmd in admin mode
to navigate to root directory use the command pushd <filepath>' instead ofcd ` if cd doesn't work in cmd opened in admin mode.
For 64:
Open cmd in "Run as administrator" mode
Now clone the autoit library source code:
in the root directory run the below command: python setup.py install using cmd in admin mode
to navigate to root directory use the command pushd <filepath>' instead ofcd ` if cd doesn't work in cmd opened in admin mode.

virsh restore with modified xml "Error: xml modification unsupported"

I'm trying to restore an a Xen VM (domain) from state file which I create previously. At the restore I need to modify the XML of this VM with the following command:
virsh restore domU.state --xml newconfig.xml
This command triggers an error with the following text:
error: Failed to restore domain from domU.state
error: argument unsupported: xml modification unsupported
What I already try:
restore without XML, which works perfectly.
run the command with the original xml the domain was created from
run the command with a totally different file which is not even an XML
At step 2. & 3. the error output was always the same.
Used versions:
xen 4.11.1
libvirt 5.1.0
os fedora 30
As the error message suggests, the ability to pass in custom XML when restoring a guest from a snapshot, is unfortunately not supported by the libvirt Xen (libxl) driver. This feature only works with QEMU/KVM at this time.

Use qjson in my Qt symbain app

I'm using Qt to develop a Symbian app.
I downloaded qjson from the link. I followed the instructions in that link and yes, I have the qjson.sis file. Now I need to use it in my app. When I tried, I got this error.
Launch failed: Command answer [command error], 1 values(s) to request: 'C|101|Processes|start|""|"MyProject.exe"|[""]|[]|true'
{"Code":-46,Format="Failed to create the process (verify that the executable and all required DLLs have been transferred) (permission denied)"}
Error: 'Failed to create the process (verify that the executable and all required DLLs have been transferred) (permission denied)' Code: -46
And when I press the launch icon, it shows, "Unable to execute file for security reasons".
Then I install the qjson.sis in my mobile and then tried to install my app, I got this error.
:-1: error: Installation failed: 'Failed to overwrite file owned by another package: c:\sys\bin\qjson.dll in ' Code: 131073; see http://wiki.forum.nokia.com/index.php/Symbian_OS_Error_Codes for descriptions of the error codes
In my .pro file I have this.
symbian: {
addFiles.sources = qjson.dll
addFiles.path = /sys/bin
DEPLOYMENT += addFiles
symbian: {
LIBS += -lqjson
Any ideas...?
Ok, I've just resolved a similar issue: it seems that your current build of QJson's library has different UID3 than the previous one that you installed on the phone.
Each .SIS file that is installed on the device has an identifier. The phone OS tracks which file was installed by which packacge, and if some new package wants to overwrite an existing file, the OS checks whether the new package has the same 'identity' than the previous owner of the file to be overwritten.
If the identity does not match, this error pops up.
There are number of reasons why this could have happened. For example, you could have simply changed the UID3 of the QJson before the build. Or, maybe you have forgot to set the library's UID3? Check the "src.pro' in the QJson project and go to the half of the file, you'd see lines:
TARGET.CAPABILITY = ReadDeviceData WriteDeviceData
If there's #, then you have forgot to set it and the build process assumed, well, letssay 'a random value'. So, now, set it to something, ie. TARGET.UID3 = 0xE0123456. Remember to correct that once you are ready to publish the application.
If a package with broken UID3 gets onto your phone and is blocking something - simply: uninstall it. Go to Settings/Installations/Installed, then find "qjson" and uninstall it. Afterwards, next installtion of qjson should succeed with no problems.
