Why all HTTPS communications are visible to other apps on a device? HTTP Toolkit - http

I noticed that using HTTP Toolkit, you can sniff all HTTPS communications in an unencrypted form, from browsers on Windows and Android OS, plus all applications on a rooted Android device or an emulator or via some workaround on a PC. All fields and data from headers, request bodies, and responses are intercepted without encryption.
I find this to be a significant security flaw as a hacker can easily analyze how an app communicates, thus gaining more knowledge on how the server communicates, plus seeing API keys in the headers.
In addition, installing some spyware to record entered credentials on his PC or a public PC, same way as HTTP Toolkit does.
Is there a reason this is allowed to happen in the first place? Is there a way to prevent this from happening?

It's explicitly allowed because it's extremely useful. It's how all kinds of debugging, testing, and profiling tools are implemented, as well as some kinds of ad blockers and other traffic modifiers.
It's possible because it cannot be prevented in the most general way. A user who fully controls a device can inspect all behavior and traffic on that device. That is what it means to control a device. Traffic is encrypted to protect the user, not to protect apps from their user. If seeing the API would significantly impact the security of the system, the system is already insecure.
Your concern that an attacker may take over a user's machine and observe them is valid, but is far deeper than this. An attacker who has administrative access to the system can observe all kinds of things; mostly commonly by installing a keylogger to watch what they type. There is no way to secure a device that an attacker has complete physical access to.
You can limit TLS sniffing using certificate pinning. Google does not recommend this because it's hard to manage. However, for some situations, it's worth the trouble. See also HTTP Toolkit's discussion on the topic.
You've found a good thing to study. I recommend digging into how HTTP Toolkit works. It will give you a much better understanding of what TLS does and doesn't provide.

I don't think that is too serious.
HTTP Toolkit can not intercept the your normal browser.
It only creates a guest profile of browser, open and intercept it.
This browser does not have related to your own browser and does not share between them.
The same thing happen in Selenium.
Selenium is used widely for automated testing and can be integrated with python, C# and so on.
This also opens their own browser with separated profile and communicate with it from your test code.
Anyway, they can not intercept your normal browser.
If you are serious about the security, then you must not explore the websites with sensitive data via browser that is opened by the HTTP Toolkit or Selenium.
Just use your normal browser.


How do I use a server hosting a web application to set two users up to communicate with each other without a server?

I want two users of my web application to agree to communicate with each other, and then my server would no longer be relied on for the communication. What are my options to have two computers communicate over the internet without relying on my server? How would I set this up--specifically, what API or protocol could I use?
I want to allow the users to run various secure computations, and I don't want my server to act as a trusted third party.
This previous question discusses the problem, but the answer is very vague. I know very little about doing web anything, and I'm having trouble finding where to look. Someone pointed me to the xmlhttprequest API, but I don't see how that is helpful.
It is possible with pretty new WebRTC technology. You should look at
data channels between clients. RTCDataChannel API provides secure (DTLS based) peer-to-peer communication. Not all browsers have support of the WebRTC and among them not all supports RTCDataChannel API. So beware browser compatibility problems.

Web browser as web server

Sorry if this is a dumb question that's already been asked, but I don't even know what terms to best search for.
I have a situation where a cloud app would deliver a SPA (single page app) to a client web browser. Multiple clients would connect at once and would all work within the same network. An example would be an app a business uses to work together - all within the same physical space (all on the same network).
A concern is that the internet connection could be spotty. I know I can store the client changes locally and then push them all to the server once the connection is restored. The problem, however, is that some of the clients (display systems) will need to show up-to-date data from other clients (mobile input systems). If the internet goes down for a minute or two it would be unacceptable.
My current line of thinking is that the local network would need some kind of "ThinServer" that all the clients would connect to. This ThinServer would then work as a proxy for the main cloud server. If the internet breaks then the ThinServer would take over the job of syncing data. Since all the clients would be full SPAs the only thing moving around would be the data - so the ThinServer would really just need to sync DB info (it probably wouldn't need to host the full SPA - though, that wouldn't be a bad thing).
However, a full dedicated server is obviously a big hurdle for most companies to setup.
So the question is, is there any kind of tech that would allow a web page to act as a web server? Could a business be instructed to go to thinserver.coolapp.com in a browser on any one of their machines? This "webpage" would then say, "All clients in this network should connect to" (which would be the IP:port of the machine running this page). All the clients would then connect to this new "server" and that server would act as a data coordinator if the internet ever went down.
In other words, I really don't like the idea of a complicated server setup. A simple URL to start the service would be all that is needed.
I suppose the only option might have to be a binary program that would need to be installed? It's not an ideal solution - but perhaps the only one? If so, are their any programs out there that are single click web servers? I've tried MAMP, LAMP, etc, but all of them are designed for the developer. Any others that are more streamlined?
Thanks for any ideas!
There are a couple of fundamental ways you can approach this. The first is to host a server in a browser as you suggest. Some example projects:
Another is to use WebRTC peer to peer communication to allow the browsers share information between each other (you could have them all share date or have one act as a 'master' etc deepening not he architecture you wanted). Its likely not going to be that different under the skin, but your application design may be better suited to a more 'peer to peer' model or a more 'client server' one depending on what you need. An example 'peer to peer' project:
I have not used any of the above personally but I would say, from using similar browser extension mechanisms in the past, that you need to check the browser requirements before you decide if they can do what you want. The top one above is Chrome based (I believe) and the second one is Firefox. The peer to peer one contains a list of compatible browser functions, but is effectively Firefox and Chrome based also (see the table in the link). If you are in an environment where you can dictate the browser type and plugins etc then this may be ok for you.
The concept is definitely very interesting (peer to peer web servers) and it is great if you have the time to explore it. However, if you have an immediate business requirement, it might be that a simple on site server based approach may actually be more reliable, support a wider variety of browser and actually be easier to maintain (as the skills required are quite commonly available).
BTW, I should have said - 'WebRTC' is probably a good search term for you, in answer to the first line of your question.
httprelay.io v.s. WebRTC
Simple to use
Supported by all browsers and HTTP clients
Can be used with the not stable network
Opensource and cross-platform
Need to run a server instance
No data streaming is supported (yet)

asp.net peer to peer chat application

I want to create an asp.net chat application and now I have two choices:
Using TCP/IP connection and creating peer to peer connection between chatters.
Using Database to store the chats text and use Ajax to create communication between the chatters.
Which one look like good solution or do have any solution?
I am assuming you intend to have your chat used in a browser, since that has different requirements than if you wanted to supply a webview to embed in a native application you are developing.
Solution 1 is not really an option. You can't establish direct p2p-connections in a browser, at least not without java/flash/plugins.
Solution 2 could work, although you don't necessarily need a database. Unless you want to save a chatlog or supply offline messages, you can simply cache recent messages on the server. When a message is more than a few minutes old, you can likely assume it to be of no interest any more. Depending on your needs ofc.
Another very interesting solution is websockets. Websockets basically provide an interface for live communication with the browser, so that clients do not need to poll for messages using ajax, but can simply hold open a connection to your server, wich supplies updates (=new messages) as they become available.
Since WebSockets are not universally supported yet (although firefox, chrome and mobile devices in general offer very good support nowadays) you should probably set up an ajax interface as a fallback for older browsers. Other than that, I think WebSockets are your best option.

Looking for a good method to transfer critical real time data over internet

I am searching for a good method to transfer data over internet, and I work in C++/windows environment. The data is binary, a compressed blob of an extracted image. Input and requirements are as follows:
6kB/packet # 10 packets/sec (60kBytes per second)
Reliable data transfer
I am new to network programming and so far I could figure out that one of the following methods will be suitable.
MSMQ (MS Message Queuing)
The Client runs on a browser (Shows realtime images on browser). While server runs native C++ code. Please let me know if there are any other methods for achieving the same? Which one should I go for and why?
If the server determines the pace at which images are sent, which is what it looks like, a server push style solution would make sense. What most browsers (and even non-browsers) are settling for these days are WebSockets.
The main advantage WebSockets have over most proprietary protocols, apart from becoming a widely adopted standard, is that they run on top of HTTP and can thus permeate (most) proxies and firewalls etc.
On the server side, you could potentially integrate node.js, which allows you to easily implement WebSockets, and comes with a lot of other libraries. It's written in C++, and extensible via C++ and JavaScript, which node.js hosts a VM for. node.js's main feature is being asynchronous at every level, making that style of programming the default.
But of course there are other ways to implement WebSockets on the server side, maybe node.js is more than you need. I have implemented a C++ extension for node.js on Windows and use socket.io to do WebSockets and non-WebSocket transports for older browsers, and that has worked out fine for me.
But that was textual data. In your binary data case, socket.io wouldn't do it, so you could check out other libraries that do binary over WebSockets.
Is there any specific reason why you cannot run a server on your windows machine? 60kb/seconds, looks like some kind of an embedded device?
Based on our description, you ned to show image information, in realtime on a browser. You can possibly use HTTP. but its stateless, meaning once the information is transferred, you lose the connection. You client needs to poll the C++/Windows machine. If you are prety confident the information generated is periodic, you can use this approach. This requires a server, so only if a yes to my first question
A chat protocol. Something like a Jabber client running on your client, and a Jabber server on your C++/Windows machine. Chat protocols allow almost realtime
While it may seem to make sense, I wouldn't use MSMQ in this scenario. You may not run into a problem now, but MSMQ messages are limited in size and you may eventually hit a wall because of this.
I would use TCP for this application, TCP is built with reliability in mind and you can simply feed data through a socket. You may have to figure out a very simple protocol yourself but it should be the best choice.
Unless you are using an embedded device that understands MSMQ out of the box, your best bet to use MSMQ would be to use a proxy and you are then still forced to play with TCP and possibly HTTP.
I do home automation that includes security cameras on my personal time and I use the .net micro framework and even if it did have MSMQ capabilities I still wouldn't use it.
I recommend that you look into MJPEG (Motion JPEG) which sounds exactly like what you would like to do.

HTTP Tools for analysis and capture of requests/response

I am looking for tools that can be used for debugging web applications.I have narrowed my search to the following tools:
It would be great if some of you having experience with these tools could discuss their pros and cons (features that you like or you think are missing in some of the tools but present in others).I am majorly confused between HTTPWatch and Fiddler, I would prefer Fiddler (being free) if it could fullfill all or most of HTTPWatch's features (however I am ready to pay for HTTPWatch if it's worth it).
P.S. - I know HTTPWatch and Fiddler are far more powerful than the other two tools (let me know if you disagree).
I am sure most of you would want more details as to what I would exactly like to do with these tools however I would like if you could compare these tools taking a broader perspective in mind comparing them as tools in general.
** Disclaimer: Posted by Simtec Limited **
Here's a list of the main advantages of HttpWatch (our product) and Fiddler. Of course we're biased, but we've tried to be objective:
HttpWatch Advantages
Shows requests that were read from
the browser cache without going onto network
Shows page level events, e.g. Render Start, DOM Load, etc
Handles SSL traffic without certificate warnings or requiring changes to trusted root CAs
Reduces 'observer effect' by not requiring HTTP proxy at network level
Groups requests by page
Fiddler Advantages
Works with almost any HTTP client not just Firefox and IE
Can intercept traffic from clients on non-Windows platforms, e.g. mobile devices
Requests can be intercepted and modified on the fly, e.g. change cookie value
Supports plugins to add extra functionality
Wireshark works at the network layer and of course gives you more information that the other tools you have mentioned here, however, if you want to debug web applications by breaking on requests/responses, modifying them and replaying - Fiddler is the tool for you!
Fiddler cannot however show TCP level information however and in such cases you will need Network Monitor or Wireshark.
If you specify what exactly you want to do with the 'debugger', one can suggest what's more appropriate for the job.
Fidler is good and simple to use. Wireshark is also worth considering since it gives a lot of extra information
You could also use Wireshark which allows you to analyze many protocols including TCP/IP.
A lab exercise from a University lecture on using Wireshark to analyze HTTP can be found here: Wireshark Lab: HTTP
take a look at HTTP Debugger Pro
It works with all browsers and custom software and doesn't change proxy settings.
