R GSIF package buffer.dist(): 'subscript out of bounds' - r

I which to use the buffer.dist() function of the GSIF package developed by Tomislav Hengl et al. (2018). It has not been updated since 2019 and was taken down from CRAN.
I downloaded the latest version of GSIF (v0.5-5 - 2019-01-04) from the CRAN repository and loaded the functions manually into the R workspace. All functions can be found in the folder "R".
> sessionInfo()
R version 4.2.1 (2022-06-23)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Big Sur 11.6
# Manually load GSIF environment (manually download from CRAN repository)
source("AAAA.R") # needs to be loaded first
# Manually load function buffer.dist()
# Load library
## Follow the workflow in the tutorial: https://peerj.com/articles/5518/GeoMLA_README_thengl.pdf
# Load example data from gstat package
data(meuse, echo = FALSE)
# transform into SpatialPoints objects (input data requirement for buffer.dist() )
meuse.sp <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(meuse[1:2], meuse[3:14], proj4string = CRS('+init=epsg:4326'))
meuse.grid.spdf <- SpatialPixelsDataFrame(meuse.grid[1:2], meuse.grid[6], proj4string = CRS('+init=epsg:4326'))
# derive buffer distances for each individual point, using the buffer function in the raster package which derives a gridded map for each observation point ()
grid.dist0 <- buffer.dist(meuse.sp["zinc"],
This gives me the following error message:
Error in x#coords[i, , drop = FALSE] : subscript out of bounds
Here is the buffer.dist() function (Hengl et al., 2018):
setMethod("buffer.dist", signature(observations = "SpatialPointsDataFrame", predictionDomain = "SpatialPixelsDataFrame"), function(observations, predictionDomain, classes, width, ...){
if(missing(width)){ width <- sqrt(areaSpatialGrid(predictionDomain)) }
if(!length(classes)==length(observations)){ stop("Length of 'observations' and 'classes' does not match.") }
## remove classes without any points:
xg = summary(classes, maxsum=length(levels(classes)))
selg.levs = attr(xg, "names")[xg > 0]
fclasses <- as.factor(classes)
fclasses[which(!fclasses %in% selg.levs)] <- NA
classes <- droplevels(fclasses)
## derive buffer distances
s <- list(NULL)
for(i in 1:length(levels(classes))){
s[[i]] <- raster::distance(rasterize(observations[which(classes==levels(classes)[i]),1]#coords, y=raster(predictionDomain)), width=width, ...)
s <- s[sapply(s, function(x){!is.null(x)})]
s <- brick(s)
s <- as(s, "SpatialPixelsDataFrame")
s <- s[predictionDomain#grid.index,]
I went through all steps of the function manually. It is in the second last row where the bug seems to occur:
s <- s[predictionDomain#grid.index,]
Error in x#coords[i, , drop = FALSE] : subscript out of bounds
Do you have any suggestion how to fix the issue?

You do not describe what that method does, but it seems that it does something like this:
bufdist <- function(obs, r, classes, width) {
s <- list()
cls <- sort(unique(classes))
for (i in 1:length(cls)) {
obsi <- obs[classes==cls[i], ]
x <- rasterize(obsi, r)
s[[i]] <- buffer(x, width, background=NA)
names(s) <- cls
f <- system.file("ex/elev.tif", package="terra")
r <- rast(f)
v <- spatSample(r, 50, as.points=TRUE)
cls <- sample(LETTERS[1:4], 50, replace=TRUE)
b <- bufdist(v, r, cls, 7500)
plot(b, col="red")


R package vegan stepacross function error

I am trying to use the stepacross function in the vegan package of R.
When I do, it throws an error and fails to run the code
Error in stepacross(distance.dat, path = "extended") :
object 'C_stepacross' not found
Anybody know the cause of this or what to do to fix it?
I'm using R (64-bit) 4.0.2 and vegan 2.5-6 (old version use is intentional).
It worked a few weeks ago, and I have made no changes since.
The C_stepacross object in question shows up in the stepacross() function code:
function (dis, path = "shortest", toolong = 1, trace = TRUE,
path <- match.arg(path, c("shortest", "extended"))
if (!inherits(dis, "dist"))
dis <- as.dist(dis)
oldatt <- attributes(dis)
n <- attr(dis, "Size")
if (path == "shortest")
dis <- .C(dykstrapath, dist = as.double(dis), n = as.integer(n),
as.double(toolong), as.integer(trace), out = double(length(dis)),
NAOK = TRUE)$out
else dis <- .C(C_stepacross, dis = as.double(dis), as.integer(n),
as.double(toolong), as.integer(trace), NAOK = TRUE)$dis
attributes(dis) <- oldatt
attr(dis, "method") <- paste(attr(dis, "method"),
You don't provide a reproducible example, but I can reproduce this problem if I don't use vegan::stepacross, but a different copy of the function. Check your workspace – it probably has a copy of this function. The C function is registred for use in vegan functions, but not for functions in other namespaces. This example will reproduce your problem:
d <- vegdist(dune)
stepacross <- vegan::stepacross
environment(stepacross) <- environment() ## set to working environment
dd <- stepacross(d, "ext")
## Error in stepacross(d, "ext") : object 'C_stepacross' not found
dd <- vegan::stepacross(d, "ext") ### this will be OK
rm(stepacross) ## removes the local copy
dd <- stepacross(d, "ext") ## this will be OK: vegan copy was untouched
If getAnyewhere finds first a vegan version of stepacross, the last line of its output will be
<environment: namespace:vegan>
In your example this line was missing suggesting that your copy of stepacross was not in namespace:vegan. Moreover, getAnywhere should give package:vegan as the first place where this function was found.

R error in fPortfolio package: could not find function "tclVar"

I load fPortfolio with a pre-installed data frame attached:
rets <- edhec
# compute the tangency portfolio
tp <- tangencyPortfolio(as.timeSeries(edhec))
frontier <- portfolioFrontier(as.timeSeries(edhec))
#plot(frontier) # Plots frontier, don't need this
# The problem is when I run this code:
weightsSlider(object = frontier, control = list())
When I run the last line, weightsSlider I get an Error:
Error in tclVar(starts[i]) : could not find function "tclVar"
A separate window opens up that says 'window slider'.
If I run:
I get the error:
And when I run:
I get the error:
function (init = "")
n <- .TkRoot$env$TclVarCount <- .TkRoot$env$TclVarCount +
name <- paste0("::RTcl", n)
l <- list(env = new.env())
assign(name, NULL, envir = l$env)
reg.finalizer(l$env, function(env) tcl("unset", names(env)))
class(l) <- "tclVar"
tclvalue(l) <- init
<bytecode: 0x000001b271b9ddd0>
<environment: namespace:tcltk>
I installed both the tcl and the tcltk2 packages.
fPortfolio rdocumentation
fPortfolio github

pheatmap - cytokine_annotation

I tried to develope cytokine_annotation in pheatmap and get error message
Error in seq.int(rx[1L], rx[2L], length.out = nb) : 'from' must be
R version 3.3.3
Reproducible example:
#Using cytokine annotations
On my R 3.3.3 with pheatmap_1.0.8 the following code works:
M <- matrix(rnorm(8*20),ncol=8)
row_annotation <- data.frame(A=gl(4,nrow(M)/4),B=gl(4,nrow(M)/4))
eg <- expand.grid(factor(c(0,1)),factor(c(0,1)),factor(c(0,1)))
colnames(eg) <- c("IFNg","TNFa","IL2")
rownames(eg) <- apply(eg,1,function(x)paste0(x,collapse=""))
rownames(M) <- 1:nrow(M)
colnames(M) <- rownames(eg)
cytokine_annotation <- eg
pheatmap(M, annotation=cytokine_annotation, row_annotation=row_annotation,
annotation_legend=TRUE, row_annotation_legend=TRUE, cluster_rows=FALSE,
cytokine_annotation=cytokine_annotation, cluster_cols=FALSE)
I also had this problem and found that simply restarting R solved this issue.

Parallel proccessing in R doParallel foreach save data

Progress has been made on getting the parallel processing part working but saving the vector with the fetch distances is not working properly. The error I get is
df_Test_Fetch <- data.frame(x_lake_length)
Error in data.frame(x_lake_length) : object 'x_lake_length' not found
write.table(df_Test_Fetch,file="C:/tempTest_Fetch.csv",row.names=TRUE,col.names=TRUE, sep=",")
Error in is.data.frame(x) : object 'df_Test_Fetch' not found
I have tried altering the code below so that the foreach step is output to x_lake_length. But that did not output the vector as I hoped. How can I get the actually results to be saved to a csv file. I am running a windows 8 computer with R x64 3.3.0.
Thanks you in advance
Here is the full code.
# make sure there is no prexisting data
# Libraries ---------------------------------------------------------------
if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
# HPC ---------------------------------------------------------------------
cores_2_use <- detectCores() - 2
cl <- makeCluster(cores_2_use, useXDR = F)
clusterSetRNGStream(cl, 9956)
registerDoParallel(cl, cores_2_use)
# Data --------------------------------------------------------------------
dsn <- system.file("vectors", package = "rgdal")[1]
# the line below is commented out but when I run the script on my data the line below is what I use instead of the one above
# then making the name changes as needed
# dsn<-setwd("J:\\Elodea\\ByHUC6\\")
ogrInfo(dsn=dsn, layer="trin_inca_pl03")
owd <- getwd()
ogrInfo(dsn="trin_inca_pl03.shp", layer="trin_inca_pl03")
x <- readOGR(dsn=dsn, layer="trin_inca_pl03")
# Analysis ----------------------------------------------------------------
myfun <- function(x,i){tmp<-lakeMorphoClass(x[i,],NULL,NULL,NULL)
x_lake_length<-vector("numeric",length = nrow(x))
foreach(i = 1:nrow(x),.combine=cbind,.packages=c("lakemorpho","rgdal")) %dopar% (
df_Test_Fetch <- data.frame(x_lake_length)
write.table(df_Test_Fetch,file="C:/temp/Test_Fetch.csv",row.names=TRUE,col.names=TRUE, sep=",")
I think this is what you want, though without understanding the subject matter I can't be 100% sure.
What I did was add a return() to your parallelized function and assigned the value of that returned object to x_lake_length when you call the foreach. But I'm only guessing that that's what you were trying to do, so please correct me if I'm wrong.
# make sure there is no prexisting data
# Libraries ---------------------------------------------------------------
if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
# HPC ---------------------------------------------------------------------
cores_2_use <- detectCores() - 2
cl <- makeCluster(cores_2_use, useXDR = F)
clusterSetRNGStream(cl, 9956)
registerDoParallel(cl, cores_2_use)
# Data --------------------------------------------------------------------
dsn <- system.file("vectors", package = "rgdal")[1]
# the line below is commented out but when I run the script on my data the line below is what I use instead of the one above
# then making the name changes as needed
# dsn<-setwd("J:\\Elodea\\ByHUC6\\")
ogrInfo(dsn=dsn, layer="trin_inca_pl03")
owd <- getwd()
ogrInfo(dsn="trin_inca_pl03.shp", layer="trin_inca_pl03")
x <- readOGR(dsn=dsn, layer="trin_inca_pl03")
# Analysis ----------------------------------------------------------------
myfun <- function(x,i){tmp<-lakeMorphoClass(x[i,],NULL,NULL,NULL)
x_lake_length<-vector("numeric",length = nrow(x))
x_lake_length <- foreach(i = 1:nrow(x),.combine=cbind,.packages=c("lakemorpho","rgdal")) %dopar% (
df_Test_Fetch <- data.frame(x_lake_length)
write.table(df_Test_Fetch,file="C:/temp/Test_Fetch.csv",row.names=TRUE,col.names=TRUE, sep=",")

Mosaic fails when reading rasters from disc but not from memory

I ran into a weird issue when trying to make a mosaic from several hundred rasters. The satellite imagery I'm using is not perfectly aligned or shares the exact same resolution, so I followed the steps found here to resample my rasters and then mosaic them.
I started off testing on a subset of only four images and had no problem doing this (had to manually calculate the full extent since unionExtent and the newer union only allows two extent arguments):
# Reading raster files
rst <- lapply(list.files(), FUN = stack)
# Extracting individual extents
rst_ext <- lapply(rst, FUN = extent)
# Calculating full extent
xmin_rst <- c(); xmax_rst <- c(); ymin_rst <- c(); ymax_rst <- c();
for (i in 1:length(rst_ext)) {
xmin_rst <- c(xmin_rst, rst_ext[[i]]#xmin)
ymin_rst <- c(ymin_rst, rst_ext[[i]]#ymin)
xmax_rst <- c(xmax_rst, rst_ext[[i]]#xmax)
ymax_rst <- c(ymax_rst, rst_ext[[i]]#ymax)
full_extent <- extent(min(xmin_rst), max(xmax_rst),
min(ymin_rst), max(ymax_rst))
# Creating raster from full extent and first rasters' CRS and resolution
bounding_rst <- raster(full_extent,
crs = crs(rst[[1]]),
res = res(rst[[1]]))
# Resampling rasters to match attributes of the bounding raster
rst_resampled <- lapply(X = rst, fun = function(x) {
target_rst <- crop(bounding_rst, x)
resample(x, target_rst, method="bilinear")
# Creating mosaic
rst_mosaic <- do.call("mosaic", c(rst_resampled, fun = mean))
That worked out OK, but of course, I didn't want to save all those rasters in my memory since I'd run out of it. I decided to save them in a new folder and re-read them as a stack, then make the mosaic.
# Function to crop, resample and write to a new GeoTIFF
resample_write <- function(x) {
target_rst <- crop(bounding_rst, x)
x <- resample(x, target_rst, method="bilinear")
save_name <- gsub("\\.1",
names(x)[1]) # Modifying name of 1st band
filename = paste("../testing_resampling/",
save_name, sep = ""),
format = "GTiff")
# Running the function
lapply(rst, FUN = resample_write)
# Reading resampled images
rst_resampled2 <- lapply(list.files(), FUN = stack)
## Making the mosaic
rst_mosaic2 <- do.call("mosaic", c(rst_resampled2, fun = mean))
This gives the following error:
> rst_mosaic2 <- do.call("mosaic", c(rst_resampled2, fun = mean))
Error in compareRaster(x, extent = FALSE, rowcol = FALSE, orig = TRUE, :
different origin
I was able to get around it by setting the increasing the tolerance argument of mosaic to 0.4 but still don't understand why rst_resampled1 and rst_resampled2 yield different mosaic results.
Comparing them both with compareRaster and cellStats tells me that they're exactly the same.
