Is HID Omnikey 5321 CL workig with M1 chip? - apple-m1

I' m developing passport reader sw but HID Omnikey 5321 CL is not recognizing by Mac. Anybody facing that issue before? Is there any solutions about this issue?
I tried to install MACOS X driver but result is same


github actions 'SSL connect error' on R package check on ubuntu but not macOS or windows

I'm hitting an SSL error in a ubuntu session of GitHub actions that I'm not sure I understand. these are the three lines of R code in the GitHub action that works on windows and macOS but fail on Ubuntu:
tf <- tempfile()
this_url <- ""
download.file( this_url , tf , mode = 'wb' )
You can see the windows/macOS successes and ubuntu failures at:
From what I've found elsewhere, it looks like I need to use OpenSSL on the Linux runner of the GitHub Actions.
I found some examples of how to use OpenSSL within an r.yml file here:
But my attempt to modify the r.yml file didn't seem to solve the issue:
i've also attempted three alternatives to download.file() -- ubuntu still fails where windows and macOS succeeds. the error here shows up as unsafe legacy renegotiation disabled even when i use ssl.verifypeer=FALSE
Any advice about how to work around this issue would be appreciated. Thanks!

makeClusterPSOCK ERROR workers failed to connect

I encounter this error when running Seurat on R.
Error in makeClusterPSOCK(workers, ...) :
Cluster setup failed. 4 of 4 workers failed to connect.
Never happened before installing R 4.1.
I have tried to no avail
parallel:::setDefaultClusterOptions(setup_strategy = "sequential")
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(2, setup_strategy = "sequential")
Any suggestions (and maybe a little explanation because I am relatively new to R still)? My computer overheats and I believe the command below is not working
**options(future.globals.maxSize = 8000 * 1024^2)
plan("multiprocess", workers = 4)**
4.1 R/RStudio has all sorts of issues with parallel right now. I experienced similar issues with the CB2 package on R 4.1 which also uses parallel for multicore support. This is probably related to an as of yet unpatched bug in R 4.1 (mentioned here and here), though there is now a specific fix in R-devel 80472. If your issues are unresolved with the advice from those threads, I suggest rolling back to a previous R version that doesn't present the issue.

Intel MKL/Xeon Phi Offload Runtime Issue - Auto Offload not working

I have set up my Xeon phi 3120A in Windows 10 Pro, with MPSS 3.8.4 and Parallel XE 2017 (Initial Release). I have chosen this Parallel XE as this was the last supported XE for the x100 series. I have installed the MKL version that is packaged with the Parallel XE 2017 (Initial Release).
What have I done / setup:
After setting up MPSS 3.8.4, and following the steps such as flashing and pinging, I have checked that micctrl -s shows “mic0 ready” (with linux image containing the appropriate KNC name), miccheck produces all "passes" and micinfo gives me a reading for all the key stats that the co-processor is providing.
Hence to me it looks like the co-processor is certainly installed and being recognised by my computer. I can also see that mic0 is up and running in the micsmc gui.
I have then set up my environment variables to enable automatic offload, namely, MKL_MIC_ENABLE=1, OFFLOAD_DEVICES= 0, MKL_MIC_MAX_MEMORY= 2GB, MIC_ENV_PREFIX= MIC, MIC_OMP_NUM_THREADS= 228, MIC_KMP_AFFINITY= balanced.
The Problem - Auto Offload is not working
When I go to run some simple code in R-3.4.3 (copied below, designed specifically for automatic offload), it keeps running the code through my host computer rather than running anything through the Xeon phi.
To support this, I cannot see any activity on the Xeon Phis when I look at the micsmc gui.
Hence, auto offload is not working.
The R code:
N <- 16000
a <- matrix(runif(N*N), ncol=N, nrow=N);
b <- matrix(runif(N*N), ncol=N, nrow=N);
cat("Matrix-matrix multiplication of size ", N, "x", N, ":\n")
for (i in 1:5) {
dt=system.time( c <- a %*% b )
gflops = 2*N*N*N*1e-9/dt[3]
cat("Trial: ", i, ", time: ", dt[3], " sec, performance: ", gflops, " GFLOP/s\n")
Other steps I have tried:
I then proceeded to set up the MKL_MIC_DISABLE_HOST_FALLBACK=1 environmental variable, and as expected, when I ran the above code, R terminated.
In Using Intel® MKL Automatic Offload on Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessors it says that if the HOST_FALLBACK flag is active and offload is attempted but fails (due to “offload runtime cannot find a coprocessor or cannot initialize it properly”), it will terminate the program – this is happening in that R is terminating completely. For completeness, this problem is happening on R-3.5.1, Microsoft R Open 3.5.0 and R-3.2.1 as well.
So my questions are:
What am I missing to make the R code run on the Xeon phi? Can you
please advise me on what I need to do to make this work?
(linked to
1) is there a way to check if the MKL offload runtime can see the
Xeon phi? Or that it is correctly set up, or what (if any) problem
that MKL is having initialising the Xeon phi?
Will sincerely appreciate if someone out there can help me – I believe that I am missing a fundamental/simple step, and have been tearing my hair out trying to make this work.
Many thanks in advance,

Parallel detectCores() giving incorrect output on a Virtual machine

I'm just doing some performance testing on a new laptop. My problem starts when I tried to test it on parallel computing.
So, when I run the function detectCores() from parallel the result is 1. The problem is that the laptop has an i7- 4800MQ processor which as 4 cores.
As a result when I run my code it thinks that it has only one core and the time to execute the code is exactly the same as without the parallelization.
I’ve tested the code in a different machine with an i5 processor also with 4 cores using the same R version (R 3.0.2 64 bits) and the code runs perfectly. The only difference is that the new computer as installed windows 8.1 while the old one has windows 7
Also, when I run Sys.getenv(“NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS”) I also get 1 as an answer.
I've search the internet looking for an answer with no joy. As anyone came across this problem before?
Manny thanks
Make sure you are loading the parallel package before running detectCores(). I also have an i-7 processor (Windows 8.1, 64 Bit) and I am able to see as 8 cores when I run detectCores(logical = TRUE) and I get 4 when I run detectCores(logical = FALSE). For more, kindly refer this link. HTH

LLVM ERROR: Cannot yet select: error

Hello i am getting the following error when I am running my app in the simulator.
LLVM ERROR: Cannot yet select: ...
It seems that other have reported similar issues for the same combo:
* New sandy bridge MBP
* Iphone 4.3 Simulator
* opengl
Anyone have some clue?
Here is a short excerpt from the log:
LLVM ERROR: Cannot yet select: 0xa0237d8: v16i8 = bit_convert 0xa02aa48 [ORD=259] [ID=170]
0xa02aa48: v8i16 = X86ISD::PSHUFLW 0xa02a828, 0xa02a608 [ID=166]
0xa02a828: v8i16 = X86ISD::PSHUFHW 0xa0235b8, 0xa02a608 [ID=162]
0xa0235b8: v8i16 = llvm.x86.sse2.packssdw.128 0xa023530, 0xa0234a8, 0xa023420 [ORD=256] [ID=158]
0xa023530: i32 = Constant<647> [ORD=256] [ID=21]
0xa0234a8: v4i32 = bit_convert 0xa023310 [ORD=255] [ID=139]
0xa023310: v4f32 = 0xa023200, 0xa028d70, 0xb03c4e8, 0xa023288 [ORD=252] [ID=130]
0xa023200: i32 = Constant<784> [ORD=252] [ID=19]
I'm getting this same error. I just got the new sandy bridge MBP today, and on my previous computer, I do not have this problem.
Changing the target to iPad 4.2 instead of iPad 4.3 resolves the issue.
Here's how to change the target in the new version of Xcode:
I had the same Error on my MacBook Pro Intel Core i7 in the 4.3 simulator. I updated to Xcode 4.0.2 and now its working again.
This means that LLVM cannot do the instruction selection for some code. Usually this happens when you request some target-specific stuff in the code and disable the features via cmdline.
For example, if you'll use sse2 gcc intrinsics, but will compile for, say, i486, the same sort of message might occur (if not caught earlier by a frontend).
It's hard to say anything more definite without the full error line.
I had the same situation. It looks like a bug of LLVM 2.8 for the new sandy bridge. The work around is to use 4.2 simulator as NoEvilPeople said.
OpenGL apps exit in 4.3 Sim but work...
MacRuby build issues with LLVM
Attempt to force LLVM to treat sandy bridge as core2
In case this helps anyone, I was having the same problem too, but don't have the older SDK for the other fix here. Kazuki posted a link to a discussion over at Apple, and it looks like its a bug that a few people have reported, but that it has something to do with the simulator. That being said, the app I was having a problem with runs fine on-device for me, so that's another potential workaround while this is looked at more.
